Discuss Isaiah 62 Page 2

  • Alex on Isaiah 62 - 6 years ago
    Jere 3 v 17 At that time they shall call Jerusalem the Throne of God.Meaning the kingdom of God and all nations shall be gathered unto it Only way all nations cd be gathered unto it is if it were within us. As Jesus said the kingdom of God shall be within you which is N. J. the kingdom of GOD.Paul tells us that O. J. is like Hagar and is in bondage with her children, CAST OUT THE BOND WOMAN .ETC
  • Alex on Isaiah 62 - 6 years ago
    NEW JERUSALEM HAS REPLACED OLD JERUSALEM, HEBREWS 12 you are come unto mount Zion the CITY of the LIVING GOD, THAT HEAVENLY JERUSALEM,TO A HUGH HOST OF ANGELS ETC. NOW NEW JERUSALEM is the kingdom of God ( the city of the living God ) Now the kingdom of God is gonna be with in us simply b/c our king is gonna be with in us
    Which is a zillion times greater then old jerusalem which is in bondage.
  • Peter A. Okebukola on Isaiah 62 - 6 years ago
    Today, December 6, 2017, President Donald Trump of the US announced the movement of the Embassy of the US from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The prophecy of Isaiah is getting fulfilled. Great is the Lord.
  • Stephen on Isaiah 62 - 7 years ago
    This chapter ought to make you shout, "Hallelujah"!!
  • Sr on Isaiah 62 - 7 years ago
    This scripture is about God 's lost sheep being redeemed from captivity ( Deuteronomy 28:68) and how he will make them known amongst the Gentiles nations once again. Refer to Jeremiah 33:23-26 to see how his Holy people were despised and not recognized as being his people in today's world.
  • Irene123 on Isaiah 62 - 7 years ago
    Isa. 62; I may be wrong about this; I know it's prophecy; v. 1 mentions the Gentiles, v.2 says 'they' (Jews) shall be called by a new name (Jesus, Lk. 1:31); later the Gentiles will be br'ot in - 'married' to the sons (Jews) in His salvation. This makes sense to me, but I may be wa-a-y off ..... ?.
  • Irene123 on Isaiah 62 - 8 years ago
    To Nicola on v. 6 - also it's a verse for us to witness of Him, His truth, at every opportunity. And HIS truth is - Acts 2:38.
  • Carolyn on Isaiah 62 - 8 years ago
    I Find this Beautiful and it Fills me with Happiness.I am a Gentile Who Waits For Our Lord to Come for HIS PEOPLE and for The Gentiles Who Wait With Awe and HAPPINESS.
  • Helen Nkwor on Isaiah 62 - 8 years ago
    This verse is telling us that God promises to his children is greater future
  • Julius on Isaiah 62 - 8 years ago
    Without faith, it is impossible to please God. Therefore, God requires of us to always trust in Him and be fully persuaded / convinced of His faithfulness and His ability to bring his promises to performance or manifestation. Let's have faith in him.
  • George on Isaiah 62:5 - 8 years ago
    I don't get the connection between Bridegroom Sons where it says ''your sons will marry You' ???
  • Philips on Isaiah 62 - 9 years ago
    Here comes the Believers hidden treasure
  • ADEOYE AKINTAYO AREMU on Isaiah 62 - 9 years ago
    A glorious piece.I pray the God of Mercy allow these PROMISES to manifest in my home for HIS GLORY in JESUS name
  • Nicola on Isaiah 62:6 - 9 years ago
    It is important that prayer be made a life style for us believers day and night Men ought to pray and not faint. Pray without ceasing
  • Nicky on Isaiah 62:7 - 9 years ago
    What God has said will come to pass
  • Marilyn Carrington on Isaiah 62 - 9 years ago
    This scripture Isaiah 62 verse 7. Brought to life again the hope that i have in God and that the promises he has given to me through the years will come to pass, but i also need to remain focused,faithful and continuously reminding God .that i am believing him to fulfill these promises.
  • Philomina on Isaiah 62:3 - 9 years ago
    Powerful verse if christian women would spent time meditating on it they wouldnt need plastic surgery. Royal beauty and power.amen.
  • Shirley on Isaiah 62 - 9 years ago
    I thank God for this verse, I have been going through alot of disappointment and this verse has assured me that God is in control. So am in the mood of Expectations. Amen.
  • Lillian on Isaiah 62 - 10 years ago
    Isaiah chapter 62 is generally on hope and restoration of Jerusalem. God Almighty has assured Jerusalem protection 24 hours 7 days a week and has requested people and supposingly those who love Jerusalem to keep reminding God to uplift Jerusalem until she becomes a praise on earth. Jerusalem has a duty to set moral standards to other nations as well. The people of Jerusalem have to guild others towards living holy lives. Amen.
  • Erica on Isaiah 62:4 - 10 years ago
    Its good to know how the Lord really sees you This is a good scripture for encouragement As we have been taught in our Wednesday bible teaching at the arrival God s word my life changes God knows what you need when you need it Thank you Lord
  • Unekwuojo on Isaiah 62 - 10 years ago
    the door of my new story After being beaten down now a hope to bring me up and rise and shine
  • Anetor on Isaiah 62 - 10 years ago
    Isaiah 62verse 8 God has sworn that i will not labour in vain any power that say i will build n wil not enjoy my effort has been counter by this verse so i wil rather reap from where my enemies has laboured
  • Isosiyaa on Isaiah 62:4 - 10 years ago
    When you feel nothing is working in your life both physically and spiritually.you come to a point of given up because you think the Lord has forsaken you and come açross this verse it rekindle your hope knowing that the lord has a full knowledge of what is happenning to you. Especially for singles this is a daily pràyer verse that you are not forsaken and the lord delights in thee.
  • Adebayo on Isaiah 62:4 - 10 years ago
    Somebody who has passed through a lot of difficulties and tribulations and people have forsaken such person for been faithful in his service before God.God now make him to be somebody in life
  • Warren Gibbs on Isaiah 62:7 - 10 years ago
    The word of the lord herein was for the past, is also for the present, and foreshadows things yet even future. His word like himself is awesome, past finding out.
  • Felister on Isaiah 62 - 10 years ago
    i bless GOD for this verse what a timely ,,,the word of my FATHER WILL ALWAYS BE?it my word,,
  • Andrew on Isaiah 62 - 10 years ago
    This is about Israel's salvation in the last days, entering the Millennium reign of Christ, NOT the Church as some may believe.
  • Mindy schafer on Isaiah 62 - 11 years ago
    i felt like God was talking about myself and my children as well as zion jerusalem,as our family was torn apart n God said my children would come back home,that we should be together again, that he would rebuild us as well as zion jerusalem,and we shall no more be called a city desolate n forsaken and that God surnames us.He has a personal relationship with us.my son is coming home n all will see that God has rebuilt us again also.As revealed to myself by the comforter of God.
  • Olayinka Hembadoon on Isaiah 62:1 - 11 years ago
    The zion/jerusalem of the last days his plan to revive her,restore her and to rebuild her to what she was supposed to be.
  • Priscilla on Isaiah 62:4 - 12 years ago
    I feel its a great promise for someone whom God wants to use,sometimes as humans because of past hurts n mistakes we condem ourselves just as i once did,until i came across this verse n heard the mind of God abt my life i then realised that God loves me no matter wat n he has good plans for my life,what a wonderful God we serve.

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