Discuss Isaiah 7 Page 6

  • Rev. Autrey on Isaiah 7 - 11 years ago
    (Verse 14) "All right, the Lord (God) himself will choose the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel-'God is with us.'"

    This is the most important statement God can make. It is God speaking of himself as the Immanuel to come (God with us). That is, when he is born on the earth as Jesus, he will be God saving his people from their sins.

    Let's say it this way. Only God can save us. And only God can forgive our sins. In other words, just as God saved his people from the Egyptians, it is the same God now, as Jesus, who saves us from sin.

    I am so thankful that God did not send some lesser figure to try to do a job that only he could do. It would never have been accomplished. But God came himself, as only he could do, and save us from the folly we brought on ourselves!

    God bless you!
  • Rev. Autrey on Psalms 45:6 - 11 years ago
    (Verse 7) "Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever. Your royal power is expressed in justice. You love what is right and hate what is wrong. Therefore God, Your God, has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else." The last half of this verse can te translated, "Therefore God, your God, has made you Christ," because anointed is translated Christ in the Greek.

    But notice that the one anointed as Christ is spoken of as God, as in "Your throne O God." This is God or Jesus talking about himself, as a direct reference to the way he spoke of himself in Isaiah 7:23 where he says of himself, "Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and he will be called Immanuel, meaning God is with us." And we know that when God was on earth he was called Christ.

    The Jewish leaders knew this. They knew that according to the Pslams the Christ was God. This is why they accused Jesus of blasphemy, he was making himself out to be God.

    God bless you!
  • ADENYI on Isaiah 7:7 - 11 years ago
    This is our God in action even in our absent
  • Ar on Isaiah 7 - 11 years ago
    @Michel, you will find this in the Hebrew/English bible (look for it in the internet and write Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 in Hebrew /english.sorry for omitting this in my previous message. God bless u and all of us and thank you kinjames Bible on line for giving us this page of communication
  • Ar on Isaiah 7 - 11 years ago
    To Michel keslacy comment/question of 10/2/2013 10:45 a.m.
    Please search for

    Verse 14.therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign: Behold the young woman shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Emmanuel.15.curd andhoney shall he eat when he knoweth to refuse the evil and choose the good...
    I hope it helped you
  • Wilfreda on Isaiah 7:7 - 11 years ago
    Power verse
  • Valdeta on Isaiah 7 - 11 years ago
    God's commandments are sure!
  • Michel Keslacy on Isaiah 7 - 11 years ago
    Please reed chapter 7 in the hebrew bible , it says that the young women is ALREADY pregnant. and she already has a child name Shear Yashouv. Please proove me wrong.
  • Preston Gordon on Isaiah 7:14 - 11 years ago
    in Isaiah 7:14 it becomes obvious that this is a misstranslation of the name Immanuel as well as the women being a virgin. this is seen in Isaiah 8:1-3 were God tell Isaiah what to name his son as well as whos haveing this son which is Isaiah wife the prophetess. Also in Isiah 8:8-10 it tell you who Immamuel is and it would be God himself. the name Immamuel as we know is in Hebrew means, God is with us as it stated in vs 10. now I've ask my self this question, how come on one has seen this before after all these years and how come this is not fixs is the truth that hard to take, I dont think so. if anyone is going to follow Jesus they want the truth about him not something that isn't true.
  • Dananai Matondo on Isaiah 7 - 12 years ago
    God maintains his covenant to save his people of Israel. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ is also foretold.
  • Frenz on Matthew 28 - 12 years ago
    Jesus said in these verse! Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus did not mention NAMES but name (SINGULAR) (Proper Noun) Father, Son and Holy Spirit is NOT A NAME they are ALL TITLES! It is the name of God (JESUS CHRIST) that we should be baptize and not the TITLE for there is ONLY ONE GOD ( Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 John 5:20; Isaiah 43:10) Jehovah is Jehovah Saviour Jesus Christ revealed in the New Testament that is why there is NOT without this the plan will not be fulfilled, ( Gal 4:3-4) Fullness of time has come God sent forth his Son born of a woman ( Isaiah 7:14) God will give you a "SIGN" ( Isaiah 9:6) This boy will be given a name Emmanuel ( Matthew 1:20-23) That it is the Angel Gabriel who gave the name of this child and his name is Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins. That is why there is power in his name! Jesus will SET YOU FREE ( John 8:32) for Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the father except through ME (Jesus). Because BAPTISM refers to REMISSION OF SINS, without baptism our SINS are not forgiven and our soul is destined to hell, that is why He said in Romans 6:23: ‘’For the wages of Sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ’’. This is God's Plan of salvation. The offering of Bulls and animals is not good in the sight of God that is why He sent his Son born of a woman to redeem those who are under the law ( Galatians 4:3-4). And God is Spirit ( John 4:24), He came into world as a sinful flesh to die on the cross for our sins. That is why that in the name of Jesus there is Remission of Sins ( Acts 2:38); In the name of Jesus there is salvation ( Acts 4:12); in the name of Jesus there is healing. In other words without this process our soul will not be saved. Our faith must have WORKS ( James 2:24) God bless you all.
  • Thomas Saqik Nusunginya on Isaiah 7 - 12 years ago
    Keep to all His commandments and follow closely His directions
  • Susan Dalton on Isaiah 24 - 13 years ago
    "There is crying for wine in the streets..." ( Isaiah 24:ll) Did you notice they are crying for wine? They are not crying for bread, neither are they crying for milk, or water; they are crying for wine. Wine is that symbol of effervesing - intoxication, or banqueting. Isaiah speaking of our Lord said "butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good." ( Isaiah 7:15) Do people cry out for butter and honey, or do they want wine? Do we desire the Bread of Life, and the everlasting water, or does our soul desire the wine of fornication? ( Revelation 17:2)
    I remember a time when I had a pancake for supper. I did not have syrup for it, just the pancake. I sat on my bed eating that pancake from my hand while sitting before the Lord in His word. My soul was feasting. I desired the Lord and His word. The pancake satisfied my hunger, but, the pancake was secondary; it was the Lord who I desired. It did not really matter what I was eating, the pancake was like a full course meal; yet, it was not the physical food I was eating that made the difference, it was the Lord - he spread a table before me. I was once at meal I was disposed to go to( I Corinthians 10:7) and the head there said to me, "get you a beer." I am not judging anyone who desires a beer, but my thought was "I drink wine;" not the wine of fornication, but the Lord is my joy. He has turned my water into wine. We have recently been in a position to enjoy some things that could be received as "wine of the world." We have been places, and have obtained some things, but, in their proper place they are enjoyment, but they do not exceed the Lord. He is the Lord of the wine. And if I had spent my life working to obtain these things as satisfaction for my soul, I know they would be a huge disappointment. I would say, "is this it?" In their proper place, there is an enjoyment; there is a sweetness when a desire of the soul is accomplished; but, there is nothing sweeter than the Lord. There is no food I can eat, that can satisfy like eating with the Lord. There are no clothes that can beautify more than what the Lord can clothe with. I thank God for every good thing I have had, but, I rejoice most in Him. The Lord can provide a table in the wilderness.
  • Frenz Casillan on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    In the book of Genesis wherein God from the beginning created the heaven & the earth, and He even created every thing, God created the fowls of the earth according to its kind, God created the birds according to its kind, God created the trees according to its kind, God created the fish according to its kind and the last God created man according to His image.

    This are part of God's creation and He even planned of salvation before the creation begun ( 1 Peter 1:19-20) who verily foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times. Because God knows that the man that He created will be disobedient to Him that is why Before creating them, it was already there before foundation of the world, Salvation is already there for the future. Because when Adam & Eve disobeyed the command of God that if you ate the fruit specifically God mentioned that you will surely die! And this is the CURSE the curse of DEATH, A FAR REACHING CONSEQUENCE THAT CAME TO US because of their disobedience to God. ( Romans 5:12) says because of ONE MAN sin enetered into the world, and by SIN, DEATH passeth to ALL, for ALL HAVE SINNED. And God shows us how he's gonna save mankind thru CLOTHING OF SKIN OF ANIMALS TO ADAM & EVE representing forgiveness of their SIN, This SKIN of the LAMB supposed to be key for their forgiveness for disobedience, this are the type & shadow of what GOD WILL DO TO SAVE MANKIND FROM THEIR SINS, BY OFFERING HIS HUMAN BODY IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST, ( 1 Timothy 3:16) God was manifest in the FLESH,( John 1:1-14) In the beginning was a WORD and the WORD was with GOD and the WORD was GOD and in V-14 and the WORD became FLESH. And it was prophesied by God himself ( Isaiah 7:14) A virgin shall conceived and bear a Son and His name shall be called Emannuelle which means God with us. So if there is a prophecy there must be a fulfillment and in ( Matthew 1:21-23)And she (MARY) shall bring forth a SON named Jesus for he shall save his people from their sins, because we are all BORN SINNERS ( Psalms 51:5) That is why God make a way to REACH US, TO SAVE US FROM OUR SINS, because if the plan of salvation does not HAPPENED TO US, does not apply to us we will be perished to eternal damnation from HELL, the CURSE which Adam & Eve we INHERIT IT! So the KEYS for this is to OBEY GOD'S WORD thru the BIBLE, because the Bible is our guide, our salvation because it is the Word of God (2 Timonthy 3:16) That is why if we donot believe in the Bible theres nothing to explain and our sharing will be useless. Its not the version of the Bible but whatever VERSION IT IS, the PLAN OF SALVATION IS STILL THERE, AND WE CANNOT IGNORE THIS...WE CANNOT USE OUR INTELLECTS, WE MUST DEFEND OF GOD AND TO HIS WORD...Godbless your heart If you understand what I am sharing off.
  • Sarah on Isaiah 7 - 15 years ago
    Isaiah really hits a home run in this chapter. Telling of the coming of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Also to remind us that the true vine will cut off every branch that does not bare fruit.

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