Discuss James 1 Page 2

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Necesary experiental faith (continued)

    There should be; based on comments on my last post a sense of us being new creatures in Christ. In order to share the hope within us a testimony should be something we have "in and out of season." ( 2 Tim. 4:2). At least as important as how we first came to faith is a continuing testimony of our sanctification; and in particular how He has been faithful to us; often through answered prayer and circumstances of trials meant for our good. Let the reader look up the verses on God's chastisement for those He loves. We should if growing in God a healthy respect for that and should be able to testify how we have learned appreciation for such measures because it demonstrates His lovingkindness. (I am still working on finding it all joy to face various trials as James 1:2 exhorts).

    Such "mundane" things related to family and God working things through those relationships is just as important as we find on a foreign mission field as it is part of our mission field. The same can be said; of course of our vocation and even recreation (hopefully where we have opportunities to share with those we hang out with and have similar interests). It is always facinating to me to see how God uses different individuals with different giftings to fulfill His purposes. There tends to be an unhealthy skew towards those with say a teaching gift if and when those with wisdom or discernment should be allowed to contribute helpful things to build up the church. For instance; a Pastor IF they are teaching truth will realize when someone is coming into the camp with doctrine contrary to scripture; but a discerning person can sense evil very fast and can preempt certain damage being done. From a practical viewpoint Pastors need to delegate responsibility much as Moses did after Jethro's good advice.

    In short doctrinal truth needs to accompany the Spirit; lest we be as the Ephesians and lose our first love or preach another gospel to our ruin.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi GiGi,

    Always nice to hear from you. You state "Our obedience does not "save us"..

    But I will say: Our obedience assures us that we are really saved.

    It is through obedience, that we demonstrate our faith in Jesus, so we need to "overcome the world" and accomplish God's purpose.

    What is the world? Secularism: As a philosophy, secularism seeks to interpret life based on principles derived solely from the material world, without recourse to religion. It shifts the focus from religion towards "temporal" and material concerns.

    As we grow closer to God, we need to have a change of heart, and turn our backs on this world, which would mean releasing our attachment to the material world.

    We have to bedoersand not hearers only

    James 1:22

    "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."

  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Oseas,

    We can choose the narrow or wide path! We have to bedoersand not hearers only.

    James 1:22

    "But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves."

    We can see why it is called the narrow way because there are few people/Christians who are willing to actually walk in this narrow way, that Christ requests from us! Why? Because to give up all of our possessions, and worldly life, it actually causes us much suffering in many respects - more than we want to endure for God! Really?

    But, In reality, to walk in the narrow way is not too heavy for us. Giving up worldly things I believe can actually provide us greater freedom from being bound to all of our worldly commitments allowing us to focus on God and the business of His - rather than the business of Ours. Ours is a waste of life and ending in bodily death and spiritual death. If we accept to do things God's way, it will lead to bodily death - but we will receive the ultimate goal - eternal life!

    It's our choice - this worldly life - and weeping and gnashing of teeth as you reminded us.

    Or God's way which is for us to suffer now in this life - but in the end receive the ultimate crown - eternal life. 1Peter 4:1-2

  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jessica

    Here are some Scriptures to point you in the right direction, 1Cor 2:9-13, John 16:13;

    Quietly turn, looking within you & listen to the still small Voice of conscience, the one that corrects you when you done something wrong & admonishes you for it. This is the Spirit of Grace appearing within you, who is Christ Col 1:27,28 who been hidden within us, which God willed to make known unto us. Its 1John 2:27

    What God requires of us is to live according to the Truth that we now know, & as we are faithful in exercising His Truth, by being doers of the Word, James 1:22-25, we grow in Grace & more Light is given unto us, Thus Proverb 4:18

    In my own life journey God lead me to pray for a deeper love for Him, who is the personification of Truth. 2 Thess 2:10,11 so in my understanding of these verses, if I would truly love God more than myself. God would break the deception that I was presently in & keep me from being deceive, all through a devout love for His Truth.

    So wait upon the Lord in quietness & stillness of heart, & in simplicity of soul seek His Face 2 Cor 4:6,7, He is Treasure in our earthen vessels, the excellency of the power to open our understand to received the things of God that been freely given unto us, it is not of ourselves, but of God.

    Your very desire to draw closer to Him, came from the Father John 6:44 by His Spirit within you, continue in His love.

    Psalm 51:6

    In love & truth,
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Changing the root cause of society's decay

    As the recent movie the Voice of Freedom shows; there are a few courageous individuals that are truly heroic and an inspiration to us all making a difference by taking action to stem the tide of evil. Clearly; this sort of thing needs to expand to more such individuals and involve a long term systematic effort for any major changes to take place statistically.

    It is encouraging that adults who have for some reason been ignorant of these goings on are waking up; and probably more significant that many pre teens and teenagers are becoming aware of the magnitude of this situation. If they can get a vision for their generation it certainly is a positive change. Also; the simple act of restricting or monitoring time on cell phones and computers and basic common sense will certainly keep more kids safe as well.

    The root cause; of course of any sin is the condition of the human heart. Sin eventually leads to death; whether literal physical death or spiritual; inevitably both. ( James 1:15). The same temptation which the serpent used to beguile Eve is being used by the perpetrators of these heinous acts toward children; whether it is candy; a toy or an online message seducing young girls to meet someone "special". This is how others are caught up in bondage; it is either learned by those who practice such things against them; or we learn it ourselves. Online porn for instance or smoking weed starts someone in a downhill spiral of ever increasing dependancy and control over their minds; bodies and souls. The collateral damage of a whole society eventually results as is so evident today.

    Knowing the right way to live through a viable family structure and being taught the Word of God certainly helps. We are instructed to train a child up in the Lord and when he grows up he will not soon depart from it. ( Prov. 22:6). This is not guaranteed salvation but a needed foundation while they are living at home.
  • Adam - 1 year ago
    "If ye love me, keep my commandments." John 14:15 KJV

    "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:19 KJV

    "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Matthew 5:48 KJV

    Romans 6:15-23 - be servants of righteousness

    Luke 6 - you are known by your "fruit"

    "But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it." Luke 11:28 KJV

    1 John 3:24, John 8:51, James 1:22-25, Romans 6:16

    This scripture posting is intended to shine a light of truth to expose what has been deception sometimes posted here before by a few.

    Some have a problem with what Jesus said about obedience and keeping His commandments. Some may even demean what Jesus said and label these words a "works doctrine" or "legalist". A "Christ follower" attacking Christ. Be careful! End times are near.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    A thought on the resourcefulness of the Amish

    Given the plethora of postings I have planted here today I will attempt to cease and desist for at least the rest of today. My last posting made a few statements on blessings and covenants of God.

    In light of the current economic situation today; we face the very real spectre that our food supply may be in dire jeopardy; and hence may be the best investment to make. Precious metals as of late have taken a hit and we don't find an edible gold bar as an option. Those who are able to sustain their family and perhaps church communities that can do this with arable land will benefit uniquely; and the Amish are one example of "backward" culture that has managed to avoid starvation (as far as I know) by responsible sustainability of their arable land over the centuries. There is the tendancy to view such a mindset as like the cults; no doubt such ventures in the past have been used to entice people from true worship to that of the cult leaders. This should certainly not deter us from the positive lessons sustainability of this sort brings.

    Given the insane state of much of America's youth today (and spreading to other countries no doubt); again we can see many advantages to communities who keep to themselves in this manner. There are unique problems and issues; of course in any community that we must avoid. Nonetheless it is worth considering; as our homes; our stocks; our possessions are of little value if we can't feed ourselves! The state of our power grid is grim; and whether it be an EMP; a terrorist event or a Carrington (solar flare) situation the crap seems like it is going to hit the fan at some point not to far from now unless a complete overhaul is undertaken. I am reminded of Deuteronomy 28:13 where we are told to be the "head and not the tail"; lending and helping others in difficult times. This is a deviation from a purely Biblical subject; but as James 1:5 shows God gives wisdom if we ask
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Hello Pam

    Ok, get in a quiet place, & in sincerity & truth place all the issues of your life before Him, Psalms 145:18 & release them

    Follow the Light of Truth within you conscience, the truth that you presently know practice in your normal everyday life, it the Voice that cautions you not to do wrong, & inspires you to do right. With the receiving of His convictions, also comes the Power, Faith; believe that it is God speaking to you. He's the inspiration force that compel you to seek help, He is who led you to ask for prayer, the Father drawing you by His Holy Spirit to His Son

    John 6:44 John 6:65

    To all that would receive Him in this manner, John 8:32 John 8:36

    Read the book of John & Psalms 119 slowly, attentively, & pausing, listen for the Witness within conscience, when what read capture your attention, Read it again throughout the month, the more you give yourselve to Him in truth, the more He'll show Himself strong on your behalf. For the eyes of the Lord run throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong to those who hearts are perfect towards Him, meaning here in this instance, perfect in repentance & godly sorrow for one wrong doings.

    May the Lord Himself strengthen you, for there will be a battles within your heart/conscience in the 1Pet 1:7, for the James 1:3, but let James 1:4-6 1Pet 1:5

    Remember who you have place your hope in Jeremiah 32:27 1John 4:4 release & believe.

    Its important to noted, that this may not be a instant deliverance experience, but a work of deliverance in progress as you show your sincerity & willingness to follow Christ, the Light in your heart by faith in His still small Voice; Line upon line, one step at a time.

    Continue in this good godly exercise, asking Him to lead you in the path to righteousness for His name sake.

    May God bless you

    in love & truth
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    2 of 2

    What they declared in their writing awaken the Witness within me, bearing witness to the truth of their writing with the proof, in their exercises of the Truth that God was please to bring them through for His eternal glory.

    One of God's minister among them was William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania; He wrote a book, No Cross, No Crown, the first 8 chap gave me valuable spiritual insight in what it means to pick up the Cross, & following Jesus. I've started exercising this knowledge by practicing it in everyday ordinary life circumstances & found experientially that it is Truth, the teaching are witness by the Scriptures & sound reasoning. I learned that once light/knowledge is reveal, its not possessed, but is an invitation, to be exercised & possess, mental consent to Truth is not possession, but it must be an operational faith in the Word, Abraham the father of faith clear reveals this. this is engraftment, James 1:21-24 & becomes our inheritance, this is increasing our talent, His Spirit within us.

    I have come to a state where I rarely read there writings, & dare not pick up a concordance, which in this transition from one state to present, God literally rebuke me for during so. He is my Teacher etc; an increasing becoming my all in all, I'm free from my sins that so easily captivated me to Satan will & now on my way to receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that will thoroughly purge the threshing floor of my heart, discarding what chaff is remaining & to be gather to the Gardner, by abiding in the Vine. For I have learned from years of personal experience that without Him I can do nothing. Meaning being led by His precious Spirit, which is the foundation of their teaching. John 3:27

    Seek Him who is within you, No Cross No Crown is a revelation on this very important endeavor in our freedom from sin & to truly know God, the way He desires to be known.

    ps; its important to remember in these conversations, that 2 Cor 10:3-5 Ephesians 6:12
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1 of 2

    Hi Chris

    Quoting you (we can never fulfill the law perfectly,) this is against Scriptures, Rom 8:4; it doesn't state a little or mostly, but fulfill in Christ Jesus! He's the Head, we're His body.

    I've notice you've left the word 'abrogated', out of this conversation, no doubt; after this enlightenment, yet your being shifty to your assertions, as you indirectly assert it again by Hebrews 8:13; deceitfully clever, whether you were mindful of it or not, the Lord know the intent of our hearts. The Law; is only vanish away if we are walking in the Spirit, Gal 5:16; If we sin, than the Law revives & the penalty of death ensues. Sin is not to be continue in, to be repeated over & over again for life, the holy writ says, Rom 6:11; through the exercising of the Word of His Grace/Righteousness, it, the sin nature in purge out as we remain confident, faithful & steadfast unto the end. Hebrews 10:36-39;

    This liberty that you speak of in the NC, from the context of our previous conversation; your stated, to fully know & obey God's will, by the working of Holy Spirit in them, your stating this can be accomplish, now your being evasive in this statement also, Titus 2:7; Friend, your speaking out of both sides of your mouth here, James 1:8; James 3:11,12; this doesn't become godliness, truth in the inward parts & righteousness in either testament.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Sanctification; wisdom and experience

    John 17:17 involves Christ's prayer for us to be sanctified; and involves His Word and the truth. James 1:23 and 24 reminds us that we need to be "doers"; and he compares a man in front of a mirror forgetting what he looks like as an example. I am not sure of the context; but I would also quote the verse from Hebrews 10:25 in this posting. The first passage shows the danger of ignoring our own walk; possibly showing us how we forget what we say; or invoking a memory that we are still with a fallen nature; the second passage also shows how forgetting to do corporate worship can also make us forget the experience.

    I state this fact first because I find that no matter how long I learn the scriptures; grow in wisdom and understanding; etc. that it is in the fellowship of the saints where I once again recognize God's presence; and witness anew those with different gifts.

    The danger of being prideful as to our own continued growth; particularly when it comes to learning things from other believers is one important reason to continue in regular church attendance as well as; of course witnessing with fellow believers; small groups; corporate prayer; etc.

    The fact is; that as long as we dwell in this mortal flesh; there is potential to fall into sin. This is one reason we need to be careful not to idolize someone who appears to be someone mature in the faith. On the other hand; it is imperative to have others such as Paul with Timothy or Christ with the Disciples for instruction and discipleship; as "iron sharpens iron" ( Prov. 27:17). Proverbs 27:6 states "faithful are the wounds of a friend." Surely this sort of relationship is rare and needed in the church today.

    As a father with a child; instruction in righteousness should bring us to maturity in our own spiritual walk so that we can go out and make Disciples ourselves as Christ instructed ( Matt. 28:19-20). We need to get beyond "decisions" for Christ that way.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Matt 5:16; 2 Pet 1:4-8; 1 Pet 1:6,7; Luke 12:43; James 1:4

    Jesus said, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.

    May the Lord bless you & keep you, may His Light shine upon you & give you peace..

    in Love & Truth

    Frankie J
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    James 1:15 illustrates the process of sin leading eventually to death. Thus; Adam began to die in all ways once he sinned; spiritually immediately as Ezekiel 18:20 indicates it affects the soul and the death in the body continues until eventually we return back to the dust we came from. Hence; there was immediate estrangement from God when Adam and Eve hid; and God pronounced the resulting curse in childbirth; tilling the earth is sweat with thistles and thorns; etc.

    We must also understand that there are those predestined to be in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world ( Ephesians 1:3-6). The opposite is true for the unregenerate as seen in Revelation 17:8. Christ's death was therefore part of a plan from before Creation where all those would hear His voice who were His sheep ( John 10:27). We must remember that His death was effective from what happened in time and space 2000 years ago. It also is retroactive; as it were in order to allow those who were of old to eventually in time and space have access to heaven (see Romans 6:9). Therefore; at the Rapture ( 1 Thess. 4:15) shall involve the Resurrection of all souls of deceased saints; followed by bodily ascension of those alive and remaining. There are some verses which seem to indicate O.T. saints may arise later on in say the Midpoint of the Tribulation or near the end; there is some debate on that question. Some already apparently were resurrected ( Matt. 27:52-56). This would have been a gleaning of the firstfruits; so to speak.

    My point here is predestination and the fact that God initiates repentance ( Acts 11:18); etc. There is such a thing as godly repentance and worldly ( 2 Cor. 7:10); illustrated by that of Peter and Judas Iscariot. Genuine repentance brings life and brings sorrow at offending a Holy God; worldly sorrow only is interested in consequences of our actions; and in Judas' case he only recognized Christ as having "innocent blood"; not as God's Son to be worshipped.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Walking the fence: Biblical doctrine part 2

    Other than lack of understanding; most often it is the case that people turn a blind eye (with Satan's help) to obvious warnings if they have a particular sin they like to indulge in. James 4:17 states that if anyone doesn't do what they know to be right; to them it is sin. That; of course is somewhat subjective to individual situations. This demonstrates sins of omission along with what most think about; those of commission of a particular act or behavior. This could further be demonstrated in the parable of the Good Samaritan; or other exhortations in scripture about helping the orphan and widow ( James 1:27).

    God in His good grace can use a situation for His glory in our lives; for instance He can drive those living together to marry; or break it apart to allow one individual to be removed from the situation and to grow. His will is going to be done ultimately; even in the case of the ungodly in judgment. That will not be perceived as anything good; however for the recipient of God's wrath.

    There are always those "neutral" things such as buying lottery tickets. As with anything else; such as drinking alcohol it IS sin to engage in an activity when those around you are struggling with sin such as compulsive gamblers or alcoholics. Given a public setting is almost certain to include such individuals; we find quite often that such activities isolate ourselves and at best often are just a distraction. As for the lottery; I can say for a fact that it helps many elderly people become compulsive gamblers themselves; not to mention all the sordid people involved with casinos and other such houses of ill repute. I would say that gambling shows a lack of trust in God's providence and is rather like going to a fortune teller to bring about some more favorable outcome. Someone who can drink with a family member and limit it to one drink is the only situation in my mind that

    MAY be ok; alone is risky.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen GiGi. Just saw this, your very explicit pertinent comment, with that great verse in John 6:68 after posting mine to John. That is so true, we can have no one or nowhere to run to that can give us any assurance of help & deliverance. When we're really trusting & resting in the Lord, we can expect Him to stand by us & help us. It may not always be the sort of help we're expecting, but nevertheless its His Presence with us & in us that will give us the strength, comfort & joy through trials. So James could write, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations" ( James 1:2), knowing God has good reason for allowing them & will help us bear through it, not allowing them to overcome us. 'Faith not only is our victory to overcome the world' but much more so when we can apply it to overcome personal trials & temptations each day. And you dear Sister have been through many physical trials in recent times, where the exercise of your faith & endurance were certainly put to the test. Fully resting in an all-Powerful God & His all-Encompassing Love will surely carry us through the hardships of this life.
  • Saddle-Shop-Ministries - In Reply - 1 year ago
    hi Giannis! I can see where you might think I was saying that epilepsy is a sin. I was not saying that all cases of epilepsy are sin. The main cause for epilepsy is stress on the body. Whether that stress is caused by sin in the life of the body or by something ells. Only the person struggling with it can tell where that stress is coming from. I was trying to say that according to the KJB and some research that I have done, that the words lunatic and epileptic are derivative from the same latin word lunaticus which originally referred mainly to epilepsy and madness, as diseases thought to be caused by the moon. The King James Bible records "lunatic" in the Gospel of Matthew, which has been interpreted as a reference to epilepsy. I have had epileptic symptoms while committing the sin of adultery therefore the stress of knowing that I am committing sin is causing my epilepsy. It's a shame that we have drifted so fare from God that we start putting names for sin so that we can diagnose it as a disease or mental disorder when God just called it sin. The definition for lunatic is "great or wild foolishness" And anyone that would trade Gods love for pornography, adultery, lust, or any of the things in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 or anything that cools our affection for God is a lunatic and sore vexed with sin. I might add that LUST is a sin. Romans 1:21-32 James 1:14-15 Mark 4:19 Matthew 5:27-28 What I am trying to accomplish in this fast is Psalms 51:9-17

    P.S. Yes I am married to a wonderful woman that is supporting me in this fast and is helping through this. She prays for me every day.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Pt 2 Ghris

    2. Spirit Baptism.

    Tongues on Pentecost, in the case of Cornelius, in Ephessus. In Samaria although the text doesn't reveal anything about external signs, Simon the sorcerer must had seen something happening, otherwise he wouldn't try to bribe the apostles. He saw or heard something. ...?...


    1. New Birth

    Going back to that discussion Jesus said that new birth occurs by the "water" and the "Spirit'. Now about the Spirit it is clear it means God's Spirit. Water?

    Ephessians 6:26, "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,"

    Peter 1:23, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever."

    Also James 1:18, "Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures."

    So when one hears the living Word of God, that Word produces repentance in their heart and desire for a new clean life with Jesus, then next the Spirit of God regenerates their heart.

    2. Spirit Baptism.

    On Pentecost during praying.

    In Cornelious' case when hearing the Word of God. This is the only case that matches with the way new birth occurs.

    In Samaria when the apostles laid hands on believers. Similarly in Ephessus. Similarly in Paul himself.

    In Luke 11:11-13, "...if ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?". So when we ask God in prayers to baptize us in His Spirit.


    When Peter preached to Jews on Pentecost He clearly places Spirit Baptism after believing and getting water baptised, Acts 2:38, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." Also verse 41 says that all of them got water baptised afterwards.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Adam, just to add to those great thoughts by others; you have confined the matter of lust to that of a sexual nature. But as Jema as pointed out, lust, even as indicated in the Bible, can be conceived & manifested in all types of situations.

    When we consider such a pointed passage as found in James 1:12-16:

    "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren", we get to understand what lust entails.

    According to James, when one allows that lust (I read it as a prolonged, inordinate desire for anything), to draw (or, tempt) him away from a proper perspective & understanding of the thing in view, then that desire is being allowed to conceive in the heart. Is this sin yet? I don't believe so, but a believer should know the hallmarks of temptation when time, energies, & affections are being diverted on unprofitable things. As to anyone given over to uncontrolled sexual desires, or to lust for money, recognition, gluttony, etc., if he doesn't see himself standing on the threshold of sin & control himself speedily, his desires will draw him further away (entice) towards sin. But I see that he still has a chance to avoid sin & turn the other way - but the longer he waits, the more likely will that lust conceive into sin (both in the heart & eventual outward manifestation). To the child of God, there will be many alerts by the Spirit along this dangerous path - we won't have any excuse before God & our testimony before man.

    Within the context of marriage, I don't see that lust is evident if real love & honor is given to each other.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Pt 1

    Hello Jesse

    I had decided not to participate any more in discussions we have all had before about "secured or not salvation", but at the end it seems I can not avoid it.

    About the grk HUPOMENO and HUPOMEINAS.

    HUPOMENO is a verb of the first person, its complete form is "ego hupomeno", it means "I endure", (as you know in grk when speaking the personal pronoun is ommited since from the ending of the verb it is known to whom it is reffered).

    HUPOMENON is a noun, it means "the one who endures, an endurer".

    HUPOMEINAS is the same as above but it refers to the past, i.e. "the one who endured", I don't think there is a respective single word in Eng.

    [Pronountiation in mod grk (if you are interested), the "h" is not pronounced, and the "u" is pron. as "ee". So it is "ee-poh-meh-noh", stressed at "meh". Always have in mind that syllables in grk usually are of the form conson-vowel, not conson-vowel-conson, neither vowel-conson. as in Eng. Also vowels are clear front mouth vowels. That will help you a lot when pronouncing grk words.]

    So lets go to Mark 13:13, "And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.". I don't really understand how you come to understand that verse the way you do. To me it is obvious that it says exactly how it sounds, that the one who endured those tribulations (Jesus speaks as if He sees those events after they happened, that is why He uses the past tense) he WILL be saved.

    Similarly James 1:12, "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he SHALL receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him". How do you understand this verse? It is like running a road, of say 10 miles, if one finishes then one receives a crown.

    Hebrews 6:15, "And so, after he (Abraham) had patiently endured, he obtained the promise"

    Rom 11:22, "...but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off."
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jesse,

    Good post, Wisdom. Most of the time we do not ask for it and when we ask for wisdom do we know what we are asking for? As you listed in James 1:5, it is a gift from God if we ask for it.

    Wisdom for what? To overcome a problem, we are facing that many times is caused by something we did or did not do that was the cause of the problem we find ourselves in. When we ask, is it for Godly wisdom or earthly wisdom? We must repent and admit we need God's wisdom in faith in God and His only begotten Son, Jesus, and ask for wisdom for the glory of God.

    God gives us wisdom and understanding thru trials and problems we cause; this knowledge builds our faith and patience. 2 Peter 1:1-10 I love these verses to me they are a measure of our growth or lack of. Patience is not a natural trait of mankind; it is a fruit of the Spirit that must grow in us. This is part of the gift of wisdom God gives us, Col. 1:10-11. Our growth of patience hinges on our hope and faith in eternal life with the coming of the Lord not this world.

    Saving this life or lifestyle, clinging to the things in this life hampers the growth of patience, which comes with agitation, discouragement, and a desire for retaliation. God's power and goodness are crucial to the development of our patience. Regardless of what we face without patience a fruit of the Spirit, a gift of God part of the wisdom of God we must ask for. We need it now and the time is coming for those who are here will need it, Rev. 13:10

    Just a few thoughts on wisdom, may others give more.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Living in the Spirit

    If we live in the Spirit we cease to gratify the desires of the flesh. ( Galatians 5:16). We need to realize several things in regard to that subject. First of all the flesh signifies all those things which natural man desires in a self centered manner. God created all things for our enjoyment ( 1 Tim. 6:17); and this includes eating and drinking which Christ Himself did when on earth (but always took the necessary time for fasting and prayer). God created marriage as a covenant between a man and woman when we follow His plan; all other ways of fulfilling such desires are perversions in regard to fulfilling natural desires our own way and leaving God out of the picture.

    What is necessary is to understand that if we seek His Kingdom first then He shall grant us the desires of our heart. ( Matt. 6:33). When we are reborn into Christ then His desires become our desires; although we see through a glass darkly ( 1 Cor. 13:12). All good things come from the father of lights; God above ( James 1:5). We should be growing in our walk in maturity and wisdom understanding the value of trusting in God; obeying His will and giving time for prayer; Bible study and fellowship.

    He certainly doesn't need our help in our worldly accomplishments with the plans He has for us; although we should certainly avail ourselves to utilize all the natural gifts as well as spiritual ones He has given us for His glory. He does have plans for us to prosper ( Jeremiah 29:11). These involve ultimately spiritual treasure in heaven ( Matt. 6:20); but certainly it applies to our faithfulness with earthly wealth as well ( Luke 16:11). We should seek to be able to do all things to build up His Kingdom and minister to the Body of Christ whether with finances or service.

    We should learn to recognize the tug of the Spirit in our interactions whether with the saints or others that may indeed be destined to be His children. Psalm 119:105 shows He illuminates our paths.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago
    Wisdom (Part 2):

    And it (wisdom) shall be given to him. You see, there's a promise there. But it's not the promise that we think. If we isolate Verse 5, it shows that God gives wisdom generously. Well, He does. Except it's through Verses 1 through 4. It's through trials that He gives. The trials come to teach us to place our trust in Christ. That's how we gain wisdom.

    And then James 1:6-8 says "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double-minded man (a double-psyche) is unstable in all his ways.

    So, I can ask the Lord for wisdom and then begin to waver as soon as He starts putting me in tough circumstances. My emotions would be flying all over the place and it could lead to panic and anxiety.

    We have to understand that we ask, and we enter into trials in order to endure through them by trusting the Lord. But we have problems with that sometimes. It's like I know I should be trusting the Lord and I know what the bible says, but look what I'm going through, and it's a big mess! That is an unstable person that can't be ready to ask for wisdom. They've got to learn to endure their trials first.

    It is not wrong to ask for wisdom. James 1:5 tells us to ask. But we have to be careful what we are asking for!
  • Jesse - 1 year ago
    Wisdom (Part 1):

    In James 1:5-8, James gives us the explanation of the prayer of faith. He ended off in Verse 4 saying wanting, or more literally, lacking in nothing. And then he says in James 1:5, but if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    The word lack is the same word as in Verse 4. Most of us have heard Verse 5 before, "if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God," and we take that and tell others to ask God and He'll give you wisdom, as if this magical thing falls out of the sky and all of a sudden, we have wisdom. But wisdom is gained through enduring our trials by faith. And so, when James says if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask from God, we have to be careful.

    If we say, "I would really like to have God's wisdom," okay, but we're going to have to go through a lot of trials. If I had to give a personal definition of wisdom that summarizes its application in the New Testament, I would say that wisdom is seeing life as God sees life. It's like looking through His eyes!

    And 1 Corinthians 2:16 plays a big role in this, in that we have been given the mind of Christ. That's the word NOUS, which means perceptive. By His Spirit, we can perceive God and His working in our circumstances. That's wisdom, seeing life as God sees life. Now how am I going to do that? By experiencing Him, and by enduring my trials and circumstances and totally trusting the Lord Jesus Christ!

    James says God gives to all liberally, and He upbraids not, that is to say He will not chide you. If you lack wisdom and you ask Him, He's not going to say "Are you kidding? I'm not going to give you wisdom!"
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Wisdom for the coming days.

    We have a basic exhortation as a people to be the "head" instead of the "tail" (see Deut. 28:13). As a church; we should be willing to support the brethren especially when we can see trouble coming as we see in Acts 2:45 similar to what was predicted by Agabus in Acts 11:28. Wisdom is something the Lord will give us if we ask ( James 1:5). That may apply currently to extracting finances or money from risky investments or bank accounts to have some on hand; to have emergency food supplies and a generator at hand; precious metals for trade; etc.

    Our political leaders are not to be worshipped either (I am leaving names out here). There is enough at fault in both sides of the political spectrum. Whether it is possible at this point for anyone of integrity to lead our nation and for that person to win the party nomination (again no names here) is something I am not placing any bets on. Proverbs 16:18 warns us that pride comes before a fall; and certainly there is enough of that to go around. People hear what they want to hear; but those of the house of the living God will hear His voice ( John 10:27). When we hold on to this life too much; we forget that we are "seated in heavenly places" ( Eph. 2:6). That is a present state; but our future hope in glory is brought forth by natural death or martyrdom. I am convinced that we would never see the harvest of innumerable saints ( Rev. 7:9) if the 5th seal event and later killings of the Antichrist for not taking the Mark were not instituted. Apparently; "tribulum" means a threshing board using in harvest for separation purposes. Satan will be used as God's instrument to finally bring the wheat to fruition in the heat of the fires of that trial ( Rev. 3:10). As for now we should heed to the admonition of the very next verse as rewards can and will be lost for those who don't remain patient and are distracted by things of this world today. May we keep our eyes on Him.

  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Heavenly Father and God You who have created all people, also given them faith in which they go out. You who know all thoughts and motives. We pray for Your will to be done in this prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. You understand their situation. Their distress.

    May You fill them with the Holy Spirit who brings the wisdom needed. Fill it with power and strength to face the day and the challenges Lord Jesus. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you and your house will be saved. Hallelujah Amen. Thank you that the Lord allows you to now see opportunities in all areas. We ask for miracles and signs Lord so that "Taris daniel" understand that You are with us/them every day, You are there for a reason that may be difficult to understand/see now. The Lord is with you every day, not just among sometime. All days. What did He say to Joshua 1:5 Johua was given a big task. And he completed it. Stand on God's word and what He has given you. Amen.

    hint: Look around and think a bit like this: Stay a while and see if there is any place that might not be quite normal or put one question mark outside the "box". He will help in a wonderful way. Jesus is with you. The Lord is with you, you shall lack nothing. You are not forgotten. Hallelujah Amen, God will reward one who goes out on the Word. Genesis 15:6-7. We pray in Jesus Christ's Holy Name, Amen. May God Himself bless you in Spirit, Soul and body. Love u in Christ. James 1:21-27
  • Duncan - In Reply on John 1 - 2 years ago
    Part (A)


    Please Pray for understanding which Cames from God.

    Remember its written in James 1:8 a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

    So, when you came to the alter to pray you are communicating with God and God does hear our prayers.

    Remember Cornelius when he was in his room Praying and an angle appeared to him to and said.

    (Your Prayers have been Heard)

    Acts 10:31

    31 and said, 'Cornelius, your prayer has been heard, and your [a]alms are remembered in the sight of God.

    As indicated by the word of God, our Prayers are heard and God takes our prayers seriously, In the book of Hebrews we see that the prophets prayed by faith and God answered their Prayers and Shut heavens and no rain poured for three years.

    So, it's important when one makes a vow before God to be able to perform it by fulfilling what you have told God you will do.

    (For teaching purposes)

    For example, a young man once prayed before God and ask God to help him go to a foreign country and he will preach the Gospel to the world. Within few days or weeks God answered His prayers and opened that chance to happen. Now that young man had received his request and one day God opened the chance for His word to be preached around the world though that young man.

    Now if this young man preaches the gospel, he will perform his vows Before God. but if he fails to do so then he will be a fool who has not kept his word before God, and a double minded man unstable in his way.

    Its also important to note that God is faithful who will also do it.

    So while Praying before God be sure what you request you will do it, or else do ask if you know you will be unable to pay your vows before God.
  • Dave15 on James 1 - 2 years ago
    Amen thank you Jesus
  • Dan Tupper on James 1 - 2 years ago
    God is love. Let's love God together.

    God wants all likeminded churches to come together for time is running out on us. How can we help accomplish this task? Following Gods will in my life, can I get a witness?
  • T Levis - In Reply on Job 2 - 2 years ago
    Job 19:17,19, Job 2:9,10, Job 30:29, Job 31:1,2,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, Job 42:10,11,12,13,15,16,

    James 1:5, Proverbs 25:2,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Adam - In Reply on Matthew 4 - 2 years ago
    Hi Michael, the Bible doesn't say we will never be sick or have hardship or suffering. It guarantees we will have them, and says we will even be persecuted for our faith. I think anyone pushing a health and wealth doctrine is pushing a lie.

    James 1:12

    Romans 5:3-5

    Matthew 10:28 - says to not fear those who can do us harm but fear God.

    It does say if you pray with faith you will basically get what you ask. I think this means you have genuine and pure faith, not praying for selfish things like a new ferrari. That is my opinion.

    God bless

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