Humility is one of the qualities the Almighty God expected us His children to have. Even Jesus who is the Son of God exhibited it to us while He was here on earth, therefore let everyone that calls himself a child of God try to do the same. For we have a reward of being elevated by God Himself when we exhibit it in our lives.
Verse 10 As children of God our walk with him should be steadfast and humble. God cannot abide where there is too much pride and self righteousness. He will not walk with the proud nor the scornful. Our God is a jealous God and will withold all good things from us if our hearts are not in tune with his holy words. Our spiritual life that we think is worthy of a blessing will collapse if not justified from heaven. God expects us to be humble and sincere to his word. Be thou not boastful because God is not mocked. Humble yourself and the Lord will draw near you, humble yourself and his spirit will cheer you. He will not walk with the proud nor the scornful. Brethren let us follow Gods word and let our light shine so that others may see the light in us and follow our footstep. Amen .
One of mans main positions that puts us in the way of sin, is when we choose to stand in the way of sinners.A sinner is a person who knows right, but chooses to do wrong. James 4:17 These scriptures are literally teaching us we must be seperated from this group of people. Stay away from those who live in sin.
Comments to Bk VAIPHEL 'S James Chapter 4 u say u cannot love people who hate u well let me say this none of us can we have to be saved to do that the reason we can do it then is We have Jesus helping us and the Holy Spirit leading and guiding us what to do.u see without Jesus in our life and the Holy Ghost in our life we really do not not how to really love.we were born with a natural love but that is base on how other treat u When u have Jesus love he can help u look over and get over some peoples God word said if u cannot Love those u see every day and say u love God U are a lair and the truth not in U.if u are saves u give those peoples to God if u not save u need to give your life to Jesus. Jesus tells us we will reap what we sow out to others its is a blessing to treat other better than thy treat U. RememberJesus is looking down on the earth he knows the hart of man Remember u are making your own movie for when u die it will flash back before u and that what u will be judge off the life u live on this earth so its your movie and your life put what u want to put in it depending on the way u live and treat Jesus and others u will go to Hell or Heaven Jesus will not be the one who sent u there U will have sent your self there by the life u live here on Earth I will be praying for U aAmen
BK VAIPHEI, You stated, "I can not love those who do not love me. I do not want to humble before men who hate me. " ... You have a God-given right to make that decision and no one has the right to take that choice away from you. Just please know your words of "can not " keep you in a helpless state, a state that is not given to you by a loving Heavenly Father and a state that was not given to you by Jesus. I invite you to focus more on what you CAN do "through Christ " who strengthens you. As for your unwillingness to humble yourself before men who hate you....the Scriptures tell us to love our neighbor AS OURSELVES not more than. It is ok to be a potent person standing firmly on grounds you believe worthy to stand on and I do not believe God intended for anyone to be abused. So, not knowing your situation, please know you are as valuable as anyone else and deserve to be treated so.
As i see here Gods resits proud people, those whotry to do things with there own ability not admitting a ned,a helplessness,a weakness, but those who come to the end of self powerless without God is when he gives more grace!!
1 John 5:19 brings whole new light to this scripture. It points out how the world is lying in the power of the wicked one. God 's standards go against much of what is normal to the world today. For example, fornication is a huge problem in the world today. Having sex during high school years, and sleeping with people you are not married to are all to common. Hopefully if we are guided by Bible principles we can see , that that is not acceptable to God, it is not proper. If we lack that viewpoint, but still want to please God then we should deepen our study of the Bible and learn to love what God loves, and hate what he hates.
We must move pride out the way GOD can 't do nothing with us are for us until we summit all of our ways and depart from worldly folks because they are not of GOD and neither are you if you 're holding onto them
Joe, I do so appreciate your prayer for me. Thank you. I 'm determined to keep my faith in our loving Heavenly matter what may befall I do indeed walk by faith and have for many years now. I have asked God to help me discern between the spirits that seem to be bombarding me and I know He will and that I will receive the clarity needed when He deems the time is right.
Motdaugrnds - I don 't know the answer to your question, but I said a prayer for you. I hope you continue to believe and follow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ even throught these difficulties.
"Recognize distortion and excessiveness as signs of satanic attack and based on your position in Christ far above the powers of darkness, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you James 4:7
Verse 3: "Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. " I 'm struggling with this due to my situation. Is asking for what one needs to physically survive asking amiss? I asked for help getting mother on a piece of land and a stranger gave me a trailer house which did, indeed, get us on the land. I asked for help slaughtering goats to put in the freezer for next year 's meat and a stranger came and did the part of all this I was physically unable to do. My trailer is old and the wiring is going bad. I 've no money for this. Is asking for help to get this fixed asking "amiss "? I truly do not know what is ok and what isn 't as I keep telling myself I 'm superwoman and can do .... when at my age I know I cannot. Thus, understanding all this is a spiritual struggle at this time.
Submitting to God entails total submission in every area of your life leaving not one iota of unconfessed sin which in retrospect places an open door for satan to enter our lives and unleash an attack. Totally submitting to God, closes those doors and places our spiritual guards at their posts. Seeing this massive resistance, satan knows he has no choice but to flee. We win the victory by default, satan will not attack when he knows he couldn 't hope to land even one blow.
Prayer is the result of mans call upon God even the righteous ask amiss at times or we ask not. The emphasis of James writing in chapter 4 is directed to the age old problem between man and God. Can He provide all that we need or must we continue to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? We need humility rather to inquire of God , Jesus suffered and died for this cause.
God created us for his own purpose and we are not the one to decide on how to live, to act and behave.So seeking first the kingdom of God is drawing our selves closer to God James 4:8 and he will be closer to us,then we shall know his will and act accordingly.This is the basic issue in christian life.Other things we need will be granted to us as additions. Don 't seek for addition,seek for a basic thing.
it reminds me what is in Heb 12 2 looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God
will never work for man,god will direct my heart like the rutter on a ship, and it pleases me to know, that i am resting confidentialy in christ i have peace. is that being contentious for dying on the cross for me and showing me the way. for showing himself to me and opening me eyes to the truth. the truth thank god
Father! pLease forgive me for all the times i have known to do good and have not done it. Times where i have not been the example i should be and hiding my lamp under my bed. Please assist me as i change. May i lead by example and let your light shine.
If we stand with God he will stand with us forever and when u choose the devil over God. U are fighting a losing battle the devil job is to steal kill and destroy that is what he will do to u when u choose him u cannot win with the devil u have already won if u choose Jesus he will all ways be with u praise God now that is true
Resist the devil with this prayer, In the name of Jesus and his shed blood, I command the devil to leave, and denounce his evil works in my life, in Jesus name, Amen
After reading this word of God all I can say is I repent father God if I have sin against thee help me to live and do better God is a just God and a forgiving one. Amen
It was a joy for the Lord Jesus to humble himself before the Lord and He got highly exalted . So therefore I ought to do the same. It is not easy because I have to crucify my flesh but OH !! the Blessings. The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God cannot keep you. Blessings and Joy ahead and Victory.
Verse 2 says, we ask but we receive not, why because we ask amiss... to me it is saying we dont receive because we ask with the wrong motives, we ask for things we desire and not what is going to give glory to father YAHWEH and so we don 't receive