Another morning starting that God has created for you. I for one will Praise Him for letting me see it. I have to make every day count He chooses to give me. How Precious this day could become if only others look out for the down and out besides ourselves. Think before you react in any situation He puts you in. Thank Him for every blessing He gives you. PRAISE HIS HOLY NAME! He created you!!!
I have friends Ruben who belong to a Cult and I had a Ministery to Ex Cult Members and yes God Loves them but He grieves that they are not listening to Him I would appreciate Ruben you pronouncing Freedomborn correctly this Name was given to me by God for my Blog in America. I will be responding to you again in confirmation of the Reality of Christmas and Easter as we remember them Blessings Anne
For this l have lived all my life with Love-- and doing for others before myself. In Corinthians 13:8- Love never Fails. In John 15:13- Greater Love has no one than this-- to lay down one's Life for one's Friends. So to anyone who reads this, Know "Love"for one another is what GOD'S Word is all about: If you have Love and Compassion for others, than you know God's Love for you! His Son showed you:
Ruben why are sharing Cult teaching? their understanding comes from False Teachers not from Jesus our only Spiritual Teacher or Master Matt 23:8-10 He Tells us if we don't ask or with the wrong motivation we won't receive we ask for His Wisdom with the empowering of The Holy Spirit which we were not Born with than what we share is His Truth as confirmed in Scripture or in Creation. Blessings -Anne.
As we know Raymond God Loves everyone He is Love and can be no other way but He hates evil. Homosexuality like all Sin is evil Rom1:24- 32 but except for the Unforgivable Sin Heart Repentance brings God's Forgiveness and Freedom although if there is no True Repentance as shown by continuing to Sin without guilt or fear of the Consequences it leads to Commiting the Unforgivable Sin - Blessings Anne
Thank you Patty for your Loving Encouragement and your Faithfulness Heb10:24-25 Yes it's all about God's Love shared in His Truth Jesus said how we Treat Others is how we are Treating Him Matt25:31 He never watered down His Truth even though He was rejected many times and than Killed. His Love for us like our Abba Fathers is greater than any Wordly acceptance or riches. God Bless you Greatly -Anne
My God-- l give you this day. Many hurting people am helping. Can't do it myself. Am over burden-- yet calm, as l seek You leading me. Sadness what it might be--is far from me. For l give it all to Thee. Stay close to me...... I need your Strength now!!!
Freeborn-- a correction on your word "Easter". The correct word there is Passover. Easter is not in the Bible--it is a Pagan holiday that has to do with the Pagan Goddess of Fertility. That is a "mans" belief and very contrary to Gods Passover.
Freeborn--The info needed to show Christ's birth starts in1Chr 24:1-19 28:12-13. This is as close as the Bible reads and has to do with the 8th course of Abijah. this will lead to John The Baptist's birth. With haste Mary went to Elizabeth and told her of her conception. Dec 25 . John is 6 months older than Jesus so 9 months later Jesus was born. mid to late Sept.
Anne. People need the Lord. The Lord is your Shepherd. We all should Love each other as He First Loved Us.God gave us His Only Begotten Son to suffer for our Sins thru His Blood-- so we can be with His Father. You have the special gift of understanding the true meaning of being a Christian. The Bible has all your answers. Patty
True Albert No one can prove that Mary Conceived in December. Jesus was Conceived by The Holy Ghost when Mary's Cousin Elisabeth was 6mths Pregnant with John The Baptist and that was in April which means Jesus was Born in December. Pagans carved images of their gods into trees and than adorned them with gold etc and than bowed down to Worship them. I don't Worship Christmas Trees do you Albert?
Thank you Stanjett so True, God Bless you greatly for your Loveing Faithfulness. In Funday School I ask the Children what happens when an egg hatches? they say a Chicken is born, Yes New Life and that is what Jesus came To Give Us His New Life the Old has gone The New Has Come. Without Christmas there would have been no Easter and without Easter there would have been no need for Christ- mas - Anne
Sadly Bruce Pagans have poluted Christmas and Easter but both are a Reality Recorded in Scripture at the time we Christians Remember them and Give Heartfelt Thanks for God's Wonderful Love and Mercy shown to us in Jesus who knows our Hearts regardless of what Pagans do because of evil deception. Many of the Symboles of Christmas are recorded in Scripture too. Christ-mas Blessings all Year -Anne.
Dear Ann I also thought there was no record of Christmas in Scripture but after being confused I asked for and received God's Wisdom which none of us were Born with, James1:5-8 God confirmed His Truth in Scripture including the reality of Jesus being Born at Christmas in December, yes it is recorded at the time we remember and give Heartfelt Thanks for Jesus' Birth. Christian Love Always -Anne.
Brian, I was a head Atheist for 30 years, as a young girl I was told I came from an Ape and God was not real, at the point of suacide God rescued me and showed me His Love and Reality. After asking for His Wisdom He confirmed His Truth in Scripture, Cult Deception, Man's Translation Error and that Christmas and Easter were not Pagan, God knows our Heart regardless of what they do. Blessings- Anne.
Freedomborn, like you I grew up celebrating them as well. At age 40 God put it on my heart to seek out the TRUTH in His Word. Once He showed it to me I had to decide between following Jesus Christ or my religion. I chose Jesus Christ. It is indisputable those holidays were Pagan and have zero to do with when Christ was born or when He died and rose again. Compare your religion with God's Word...
Brian I would appreciate knowing why you think God was calling evil what the Angles, Sheperds and The Wise Men did at Christmas, they were Praising and Thanking Him for Jesus' Birth. I'm a Christian and like many others I remember and give Thanks for Jesus Birth at Christ-mas so are you calling me and them fools only God knows our Hearts Matt5:22 but in Christ Jesus we show our Love -Anne
Albert please share why you believe with the Confirmation of Scripture that the Angles, Sheperds and The Wise Men were commiting evil by Praising and Thanking God for Jesus' Birth at Christmas. Without Christmas there would have been No Easter and without Easter there would have been No need for Christmas We can know that Jesus was Born in December by the Conception and Birth of John The Baptist
The KJV Bible does not give an actual date when Jesus was born. If Jesus wanted us to remember his birthdate, he would have added it in his word. He wants us to remember his death, burial, and ressurection more than his actual birth. He died on the cross for our sins. Amen.
Ruban will not be able to prove that Mary conceived in December, because it is nowhere in scripture. Jesus was not even born on christmas. Jeremiah 10:2- and following verses, affirms that God, commanded his followers, to not worship the Christmas tree, which obviously means, christmas as well. It is an abomination to him. Do NOT, the way of the heathen.
Carol, it is True Christmas and Easter are when we remember them today as Confirmed in Scripture. God did record these Wonderful Remembrances of His Love for us. Whithout Christmas there would have been no Easter and without Easter there would have been no need for Christmas. To confirm your understanding Carol please share the Scripture that confirms when we should remember them today - Anne.
Ruban, I would appreciate you sharing the Scripture which Confirms that Mary Concieved on December 25th because if this were True it would contradict when John The Baptist was Born as confirmed in Scripture. Christ-Mas Blessings All Year Anne.
Hi Ruban, would you please share the Scripture which Confirms that Mary Concieved on December 25th because if this were True it would contradict when John The Baptist was Born as confirmed in Scripture. Christ-Mas Blessings All Year Anne.
Very True Joe, those who discredit Christmas claim the Christmas Tree is forbidden by God too but the Trees in Jeremiah10 they refer to were used by the Pagans to craft Idols in the images of their gods which they then adorned with their gold and silver and worshiped all year, they were not Celebrating Christmas and it is also confirmed as True when we do Celebrate it. -Christ-mas Blessings -Anne.
Thanks Joe, some do claim the Christmas Tree is Pagan and is forbidden by God but the Trees mentioned in Jeremiah were used by the Pagans to craft Idols in the images of their gods which they then adorned with their gold and silver and worshiped all year.They were not Celebrating Jesus' Birth and the time we do is also confirmed in Scripture, and God knows our Hearts. Christ-mas Blessings - Anne.
Joe--check Hos 14:8--"I am like a green fir tree---Meaning everlasting life. The fir doesn't shed its leaves -it's always there. Christmas is mans idea of Christ's birthday, God with us-- was, is, and will always be. Christ's birth onto Earth is Sept. 29th, Mary conceived on Dec. 25th. Christmas means Christ Man. He is there for us now and forever. A celebration for Jesus is suitable.
Seriously people this has nothing to do with a Christmas Tree. Do you research and please inform me where they are talking about a Christmas tree. Stop running with the ideas of man.
We have a Christmas tree at Christmas. We don't worship the tree. We worship Jesus birth. We don't worship the Easter bunny on Easter, we worship Jesus raising from the dead. We give gifts at Christmas. The three wise men came and gave Jesus gifts when he was born.
OR, True Christians celebrate the holidays and recognize the pagan versions as pre-cursors to their true meaning. Pagans did not have Jesus, but God was trying to let them know in ways they might understand during their time that he was coming. :