Discuss Jeremiah 17 Page 2

  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Part 4

    My thoughts on Assurance of Salvation

    Richard, I continue my posts from yesterday.

    In Philippians 2:12 Paul advices believers "Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling".

    Why fear and trembling? Fear what? Although the meaning of the verse is clear, I would like to point out another fear, not about our salvation but about our heart.

    In Jeremiah 17:9, it is written "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" We don't really know our heart, we don't know how we are going to act when a temptation comes infront of us, that is why in the "Our Father in Heaven" we ask God to take temptations away from us.

    In the parable of the Sower the 2nd and 3rd cases are about people who believed and were saved but still later in their lives they fell out,

    Luke 8:13-14, " 13They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away. 14And that which fell among thorns are they, which, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection."

    In the 3rd case it is very evident of where our heart can lead us if we are not careful in our spiritual life. Jesus said that "where our heart is, also our treasure is" and the opposite "where our treasure is also our heart is" is true. Jesus also asked us to love Him more even than our lives ( Matthew 10:37-39). Why? Because a. He deserves that and b. this will give us the assurance that we will follow Him to the end. If in the midtime we love something else more than Jesus then it is that that we are going to follow and not God, so we will leave our christian course. And that will lead us into trouble.
  • Kolloh Nimley on Jeremiah 17 - 1 year ago
    This confirms in John 8:32, we must walk in the truth as it revealed to us by the Holy Spirit of God the Father. Praise God for His Grace.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Predestination: How it fits into ALL scriptures.

    The Lord spoke in parables so that the Pharisees would be blinded lest they see the truth at any time and repent (see Mark 4:11 and following verses). The human being is the only species which deliberately blinds themselves to the truth and hardens their heart. This is given to man to whom God has put "eternity in their hearts." ( Ecclesiastes 3:11). There is a way; a door or opening to heaven by which we MUST go through to enter; there is no other way. That; of course is Christ and being Born Again. After all; only the "sick need a physician". ( Mark 2:17). Consider those who most often rejected Christ. These were all those who had heard the message; and mostly the Jews who knew the law and the commandments and the prophecies thus they were without excuse killing the Lord of Glory. That was made clear by Stephen's speech and subsequent martyrdom in Acts 7 and the beginning of Acts 8. Their history was spelled out as to how they sinned and killed the Prophets before them; Christ Himself also brought out these things.

    In seeing these things we are reminded with a fair and impartial view of scripture in terms of it's literary composition that men by and large were going on with their personal lives and decisions much of the time. We certainly needn't look at "free will" as something that is diametrically opposed to God's predetermination in our lives as though He is holding us to a standard that we as human beings are paralyzed with our everyday life. He points out to David only when He goes after Bathsheeba that he was given much latitude ( 2 Sam. 12:7-8) and even more wives if he asked; but of course murder and adultery was not to be tolerated. God can't look upon sin; therefore had to turn His back on His own Son. However it is our sin NATURE that is the root of all these things; or the heart ( Jeremiah 17:9; etc.) But after this life ends there is no more freedom for the unregenerate to sin.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Charles, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? You didn't specify. This is the first step in your treatment. If you have not done so, please scroll to become a Christian at the bottom of this page. You'll be glad you did.

    Heavenly Father, please heal Charles's pancreas from this cancer. God you're able and i ask You to heal him, please. In Jesus name. Please comfort him and help him to put all of his trust in You. Help him to draw near to You. As close as he can get by reading the Bible daily and standing on Your promises. Repenting of all known and unknown sin. Help him to forgive anyone he has been holding a grudge against , if there be any such person. Help him to eat whole healthy food give him wisdom in that department Lord . Cancer cannot stand in Your presence Lord. Help him not to stress. Let the Holt Spirit comfort him. Give his medical team wisdom and compassion. Bless them and send Angels to work among them. Work it out for his good and let it be his testimony! I ask this in Jesus name. And I thank You Jehovah Rapha, ( The Lord who heals)

    Jeremiah 17:14

    1 Peter 2:24

    Psalm 41:3

    Proverbs 17:22

    James 5:15
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 53 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 53.

    This Psalm shows the state of those who would call themselves "atheists" today. Verse 1 addresses them as a "fool." This reiterates the message of Psalm 14. Also; the first 3 verses show the state of "total depravity" among unregenerate man. We see that theme in Psalm 14 as well as in much of the Book of Romans; Jeremiah 17:9; and passages in Isaiah. The question of terminology as to everyone being incapable of doing good and their "totally depraved" state has been debated as to one's response and decision to repent. I would say scripturally God gives the gift of repentance as well as salvation being a free gift ( Eph. 2:8-9).

    As to being saving faith; I have discussed frequently the fact that there must be remorse for offending a Holy God (as seen with Peter's fall) as opposed to Judas falling away where the consequences of his actions were the cause of his grief.

    Verse 4 is rather vague; it could be referring to those without faith that affect the mindset of the Jewish nation or actually are those physically attacking them. More often than not; however it was the foreign gods that caused the most damage from intermarriages; or God's direct judgment that brought about an invasion. Verse 5 alludes to an unnamed event; perhaps something like the angel of God slaying 185,000 Assyrians encamped outside the gates of Jerusalem in one night ( 2 Kings 19:36).

    Verse 6 also is uncertain as to a time frame; there was as far as I know no major diaspora in the time of David. It certainly is relevant to any future ones; especially in the light of the Babylonian captivity to come and in the future Tribulation. God eventually will complete His actions after bringing back Israel in 1948; but that won't be until near the end of the Tribulation for the 1/3 that are refined in that period (see Zech. 13:8).
  • Anonymous - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    The firmament is an enclosure over our earth (dome) and we cannot get out or escape it There are 240 verses in the Word of God pertaining to our fixed earth covered by a firmament. God took waters from the firmament to create the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers but there is still water in the firmament above (divided)

    There are -0- verses in the Word of God pertaining to a round spinning globe at 1000 mph which defies every law of physics when it comes to a thing labeled "gravity".

    The earth is actually massive compared to what we've been told and there's a youtube video that's been deleted and is now on Rumble, where Buzz Aldrin is asked by a young girl what it was like being an "astronaut in space" Buzz Aldrin struggles to answer the question, pauses, and then reveals the truth by saying "he was never really an astronaut, he was a scuba diver"... Buzz Aldrin's mouth peace (handler) is squirming in his chair to contain himself to end the interview.

    NASA = SATAN = anagram backwards NASA minus the T. The NASA logo has a red forked tongue of a snake licking across the logo which anyone can research the truth which is why astronauts get a star on the Hollywood walk of shame.

    So we have two choices on our earth. We can choose to believe God or we can choose to believe man in which case Jeremiah 17:5, God makes perfectly clear, man will deceive you. I choose to believe God's Words over man's words.
  • Duncan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    what God is telling us in this verse is not to be anxious in our time of need

    a lot of Christians (believers) panic immediately problems and pressure the devil our adversary try to insert on us

    See most believers pick up their phone and start calling friends or someone they call man of God or prophets( false teacher and pastors)

    so here the lord is telling us to be still and know he is God and Blessed is the man whos trust is in the lord.

    Jeremiah 17:7

    ("Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD.( Jeremiah 17:7)

    instead of panicking kneel down make your request know to him and God who if faithful our rock and deliverer will renew your strength and mount up like eagles.

    (this is for me as well as for us)

    repent and believe in the lord Jesus Christ
  • S Spencer - 2 years ago
    Hi Moses.

    You asked "Does this mean everyone in Heaven will be tempted one last time and maybe even loose our salvation?" This won't be in heaven, it will be here on earth after the tribulation.

    The Church will be raptured up before the tribulation.

    You have this account here in Revelation 20:7-8 "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

    AND SHALL GO OUT TO DECEIVE "THE NATIONS WHICH ARE IN THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, " Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

    ( The Church is a people called out of the nations.)

    Therefore we are not identified as "THE NATIONS "

    1 Peter 2:11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

    I believe the Millennium is a final test/temptation on the "HEART" of Man. Under a 1000 years of perfect conditions and governing when given the chance man turns his back on God again.

    The heart is deceitful above all things, and Incurably wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9.

    This is not the Church, we're given a new heart.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Fred.

    You stated "The apostles chosen, were favored because of their faith , looking for the Messiah, this is the heart that Jesus wants!"

    I have to disagree.

    The faith they needed was faith in what Christ done on the cross.

    "It hadn't happened yet". They all looked for their Messiah but didn't understand what was to come. (The Church and salvation by the death and resurrection of Christ )

    Thus was a stumblingblock for them and this is what John the baptist ministry was all about. Baptism of repentance.

    They was still under the old covenant, Christ hadn't died to bring in the new covenant. Hebrews 9:15.

    You stated "this is the heart that Jesus wants!,

    No man's heart is right until the Lord gives him a new heart.

    Jeremiah 17:9

    Ezekiel 36:26.

    The Cornerstone wasn't laid yet, so the foundation couldn't be laid and there was nothing to build on and there was nothing to build with until after Christ rose and they were inpowered.

    What was the duties before the resurrection? They tried following him but couldn't.

    Paul was seeking to kill Christians until he was converted.

    BUT!! When they were filled they had strength and died a mortars death.

    Here's they're duties before the resurrection. John 6:28-29. Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

    Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

    They were chosen to be Apostles but the didn't function as an Apostles until They were filled with the Holyspirit.

    God bless.
  • T. Levis - 2 years ago

    Here are some scriptures on hope, when & if anyone needs it:

    Psalms 31:24, Psalms 33:18, Psalms 38:15, Psalms 71:5, Psalms 78:7, Psalms 119:114, Psalms 130:7, Psalms 146:5, Jeremiah 17:7, Ecclesiastes 9:4, Lamentations 3:21-26, Joel 3:16, Romans 5:5, 2Corinthians 1:7,

    Psalms 147:11, Romans 12:12, 1Timothy 1:1, Psalms 139, Romans 8:14-39

    Romans 15:4, Romans 15:13,

    Hope these are encouraging
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Revelation: Final introduction thoughts

    The heart is deceitful above all things; and desperately wicked; who can understand it? ( Jeremiah 17:9).

    Whenever we attempt to make study of this book in particular; or any other scripture as a purely academic exercise; we are always deficient of understanding at best; and subject to deceiving ourselves. 2 Thessalonians 2:11 warns that they shall believe THE lie; and that not for want of truth; but because they did not LOVE the truth as stated in the previous verse. Isaiah 66:4 warns of God "choosing" their delusions with the horrifying spectacle of hell being seen by all men during the Millennium and perhaps eternity (verse 22-24 of same chapter). ALL will worship the beast; all whose names have not been written in the Book of Life from before the foundation of the world ( Rev. 13:8 loosely translated).

    Given these sober admonitions; we need to test ourselves to see if we are in the faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5-6). This reminds us of Christ's excoriation of the Pharisees as to Satan being their father ( John 8:44 as one example of many). We need to have true repentance; not only for our outward manifestations of sin; but a change of heart. This means the world; flesh and the Devil are all factored in here. Christ needs not only to be the center of our lives; but indeed IS our life if we are truly "crucified with Christ" ( Galatians 2:20). A sign that we have spiritual life is when we are incredulous that we really have died to self; as sin becomes more and more evident during the sanctification process. This likely is part of the verse John 18:37 where He describes those who come to the light. This needs to be an ongoing process; just as is the meaning of John 3:16. We need; therefore to be possessors of He who is faithful; not just confessors of the faith. A lack of understanding this makes one believe the fallacy that "God helps those who help themselves" which was a Ben Franklin adage. We must die daily.
  • Free - In Reply on Jeremiah 17 - 2 years ago
    Beautiful described, love u
  • Nkwuda ifesinachi AKA twins on Jeremiah 17 - 2 years ago
    Church is my college

    Heaven is my University

    Jesus is my principal

    The holy Spirit is my teacher

    Angels are my classmates

    Trial and temptation is my exam

    Bible is my study book

    Prayer is attence

    Praise and worship is my motto

    Crown of life is my degree
  • Prayer for healing. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Heavenly Father, I know that my times are in Your hands and I also believe that You care about everything in my life. In Your sovereignty, You are not surprised by anything that happens to any of Your children. I believe that You make all things work together for the good of us that love You. I believe that You care for each one of us with a perfect and holy love.

    I come to You today because my health has been deteriorating with an evil report of bone cancer. I oppose the spirit of wasting, in Jesus Name. I am not sure what to do, but I know that You understand everything about me. I believe that You know exactly what I need to bring me back to full health and strength and I am trusting You in this time of illness in my life.

    Lord, I ask for Your healing touch on my life, and pray that You would bring to my attention the treatment that is best suited for my condition. Please direct me in the way that I should go at this difficult time in my life. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' name I pray,

    "Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved, for You are my praise." ( Jeremiah 17:14)

    Precious Jesus I ask you to undertake this disease and rebuke the devourer. I ask you to restore the years the cankerworm and locust has robbed this believer of your blessings. I pray you would restore and give him the joy of Your Salvation.

    I pray you would stir the waters of Bethesda and you will help him into the waters of healing. So be it done according to Your Great Love. Amen, Mishael
  • Mae - In Reply on Jeremiah 17:7 - 2 years ago
    Susan, this is really beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I want to think of myself to be like a female version of David. It really takes a lot of effort though.
  • Susan on Jeremiah 17:7 - 2 years ago
    This verse is telling me that the heart is deceitful unless it is trusting in the Lord. It tells me that trusting in oneself is not faith. Without God the nature of mankind is self-serving and leads to wickedness whether the heart feels it or not because of the results and encouragement people receive for their actions and words. King David was a man after God's own heart. He was not perfect and made mistakes but repented and felt grieved in his heart for disobeying the Lord. He loved God deeply and sought him with all his heart. He wanted a relationship with God that was honorable and of love. This may be what the verses meant about God searching the heart and trying the reigns. He wants to know if we really love Him deeply or are just saying the words and carrying out works. This is what this means to me and is a constant reminder of who created me and who I worship and why
  • LOTS MISTAKE REARING HIS DAUGHTERS_Gen.18 - In Reply on Genesis 19 - 2 years ago
    I don't believe it's an oversight that God did not tell us the names of Lot's two daughters. Their story is inextricably linked to their father's actions and has implications not only for young people who find themselves in difficult situations, but a warning to every parent. It's a sad story in many ways, but also reveals God's merciful and redemptive character. We don't know their names because they could be any of us, were we to find ourselves in the similar circumstances.

    [Don't Underestimate the Power of a Sinful Environment to Sear the Conscience]

    In our modern culture, we are quick to judge these two young women and assure ourselves we would never resort to such desperate actions. We would be wise to learn from their experience.

    Lot's daughters had grown up in a city where sexual immorality was commonly accepted. They were engaged to young men who scoffed at God's warning. God told Abraham, "The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave" ( Genesis 18:20). Apparently, there were not even ten righteous people in the city. Being surrounded by such influences had obviously seared the consciences of these two women; their idea to have sexual relations with their father seemed a logical and acceptable solution.

    Left to ourselves, the human heart is deceitful and desperately wicked ( Jeremiah 17:9). Without the restraining and redeeming influence of God's Word and His Holy Spirit, we can't imagine the depths of sin to which we might go. Lot had failed to teach his daughters the truth about who God is; they were simply acting in accordance with the lifestyle and knowledge they had been given.

    Titus 1:14 To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.

    Deuteronomy 30

    [TEACH your children Bible morals]
  • Recognizing Cults - In Reply - 2 years ago
    WHAT IS A CULT- The Dangers of False TeachingsThese groups do not lead to the Christ of the Bible, but to another Jesus and another gospel (2Cor.11:1-4; Gal.1:8,9).

    We must therefore reject these false teachings, and "earnestly contend for the faith which was once and for all delivered to the saints" (Jude3).

    And, of course, remember the Bible also goes on to admonish us that we must do this with gentleness, and with respect. Remember, you must present the message, but you need to recognize that it is only the Holy Spirit that changes the heart.

    WHAT IS A CULT- Psuedo-Christian CultsThese groups deny or distort fundamental Christian doctrines such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, and salvation by grace through faith alone. Some cults that would fall into this category are the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, The Way International, and the Unity School of Christianity.

    Most of these cults claim to be Christian, and even consider the Bible to be authoritative. But they manipulate the Scriptures to fit their own beliefs. Although they may claim to serve Jesus Christ, and may even use the same terminology orthodox Christians use, their definitions are vastly different.

    There are two ways to define a cult. The first way to describe a cult is popular in the secular media. From this perspective, a cult is a religious or semi-religious sect whose members are controlled almost entirely by a single individual or by an organization.

    Compare everything to the Bible. A true Christian Church will not encourage sinful lifestyles. They will patiently teach the Truth and pray for the Holy Spirit to convict the persons heart.

    Jeremiah 17:9

    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

    Beloveds, for some the bottom line is money, popularity, and converts to their heretical teachings.

    I don't believe it's an oversight that God did not tell us the names of Lot's two daughters. Their story is inextricably linked to their father's actions and has implications not only for young people who find themselves in difficult situations, but a warning to every parent. It's a sad story in many ways, but also reveals God's merciful and redemptive character. We don't know their names because they could be any of us, were we to find ourselves in the similar circumstances.

    [Don't Underestimate the Power of a Sinful Environment to Sear the Conscience]

    In our modern culture, we are quick to judge these two young women and assure ourselves we would never resort to such desperate actions. We would be wise to learn from their experience.

    Lot's daughters had grown up in a city where sexual immorality was commonly accepted. They were engaged to young men who scoffed at God's warning. God told Abraham, "The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave" ( Genesis 18:20). Apparently, there were not even ten righteous people in the city.

    Being surrounded by such influences had obviously seared the consciences of these two women; their idea to have sexual relations with their father seemed a logical and acceptable solution.

    Left to ourselves, the human heart is deceitful and desperately wicked ( Jeremiah 17:9) Without the restraining and redeeming influence of God's Word and His Holy Spirit, we can't imagine the depths of sin to which we might go. Lot had failed to teach his daughters the truth about who God was; they were simply acting in accordance with the lifestyle and knowledge they had been given.

    Titus 1:14 To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.

    Deuteronomy 28

    It is the fathers solemn responsibility to teach Gods Word to the children. All ages. The Bible is wisdom from above. Read it.

  • Ethan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Here are some verses to help you through the journey of God delivering you and your son:

    Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved: for thou art my praise.

    Jeremiah 17:14

    This is what the LORD says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you.

    I am the LORD who heals you.

    Exodus 15:26
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello. I appreciate your desire for 'Godly' men and women to be put into positions of power; but I want to encourage you in something. God says this in His Word about looking to 'flesh' to help us--"This is what the LORD says: "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind, who makes the flesh his strength and turns his heart from the LORD." ( Jeremiah 17:5).

    When we get desperate, we will do 'anything' to find relief or help; it's human nature. Most if not all of us do that.

    But it's dangerous. God also says in His Word, "Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless." Psalm 108:12.

    WORTHLESS is the help of man. One more Scripture: "A song of ascents. Of Solomon. Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain; unless the LORD protects the city, its watchmen stand guard in vain." Psalm 127:1.

    Unless we look to GOD ALONE; then NOTHING we do will prosper; NOTHING will help.

    And politics/politicians can never help; it's a corrupt system which corrupts even those who truly want to do good.

    One more Scripture: "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil.

    This will bring healing to your body and refreshment to your bones." Proverbs 3:5-8.

    I feel for you; we are all struggling with all of the evil we see surrounding us. But Christ and He alone is our source for all things. Yes, God DOES use people; that's true; but we can't count of people to dig us out of trouble. Only repentance for our sins; turning to Christ; preaching The Gospel, only THOSE things will bring any good. "Bad" proliferates when Christians don't live and preach The Gospel; and live according to His Word and His will; otherwise; the wall of protection God has around us comes down and we are open to attacks. Live God's way; and we will be protected and helped by him. I hope this helps you. Take care.
  • Ronnette Part 11 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 16:61 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    Then thou shalt remember thy ways, and be ashamed, when thou shalt receive thy sisters, thine elder and thy younger: and I will give them unto thee for daughters, but not by thy covenant.

    Jeremiah 17:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake thee shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.

    Ezekiel 16:27 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    Behold, therefore I have stretched out my hand over thee, and have diminished thine ordinary food, and delivered thee unto the will of them that hate thee, the daughters of the Philistines, which are ashamed of thy lewd way.

    Jeremiah 12:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    They have sown wheat, but shall reap thorns: they have put themselves to pain, but shall not profit: and they shall be ashamed of your revenues because of the fierce anger of the LORD.

    Isaiah 41:11 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.

    Jeremiah 14:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    And their nobles have sent their little ones to the waters: they came to the pits, and found no water; they returned with their vessels empty; they were ashamed and confounded, and covered their heads.

    Zephaniah 3:11 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee them that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of my holy mountain.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Heavenly Father, please heal JM from every disease. You're able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we think or ask. Impart the wisdom to JM and lead in any direction needed as far as meds, diet, support, and personal relationship with You. I pray for divine and lasting healing. And peace that passes all understanding. I pray this In Jesus name. The name above every other name! Amen. According to they will Lord let it be done.

    James 5:14

    James 5:15

    Jeremiah 17:14

    Jeremiah 33:6
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    God will not place an evil spirit within His servants to prophesy falsehood; but as Baalam did and the the 400 false prophets around Micaiah with the council of heaven had a demon represented who was given permission to not only tell a lie but was guaranteed by God Himself that they would listen. This is what makes so called "prophets" today suspect; especially with so little discernment of spirits evident today. The Spirit of God never states things that are appealing to the flesh; but evil spirits do. Our hearts being deceitful above all things ( Jeremiah 17:9) makes us prone and susceptible. In fact; the many curses were warned of in Deuteronomy; and also to Solomon should he be drawn away with many foreign women to worship their gods. These things happened. The case of Micaiah shows a TRUE prophet who at first mocked the false prophesy then rendered the truth. This involved a patriotic attitude which is a warning today for those who would not accept God's judgment when He determines it comes; likely during the Tribulation in this nation.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The scripture such as Isaiah 66 and of course Rev. 22 along with the gospels make it clear that there is punishment for the wicked.

    And of course Antichrist and the False Prophet are already in torment 1000 years before Satan meets his fate. For the believer; perhaps certain verses such as "if I make my bed in hell you are still with me" ( Psalm 139:8) would be for those who such as Jonah who literally may have been dead and under the earth while simultaneously in the whale as some would surmise. God's presence in some sense is there even with His wrath; but there is no comfort in that.

    What should be considered here is that there is no love of righteousness for the wicked. A house cannot be indwelled with the Holy Spirit as resident unless a transformed heart takes place; and that in this life. Unregenerate man rarely blasphemies the Spirit as the Pharisees did (being the unforgiveable sin); but in the end it likely happens in the Tribulation. As Jeremiah 17:9 states the heart of man is despereately wicked; who can understand it? We are incapable of selfless love for the wicked; or loving Christ in our old nature. We have two alternatives; dying to self and renouncing our own wicked; hopeless state; or choosing to own our own wills and thus forever be stuck in our sin nature which simply means doing things OUR way. It is only an attempt in this life to avoid consequences of sin; not being affected because we have offended a Holy God; or true remorse and realization of our state before a Holy God. The Spirit reminds us of sin; righteousness and judgment to come. Without it; we cannot make sense of the fact that there is no good in us or our works; or that others we know and love apart from Christ are also doomed. We put our hopes in emotional affection for family or friends; alive or dead-oblivious to where they are spending their eternity. And all we see is evil in others and the world but cannot trust God will bring any good out of it.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother S Spencer:

    I know that you and I disagree, but I also know this is of God.

    Christ said I will set brother against brother, etc.

    This has a PURPOSE.

    NOTE: The notion that there is no Hell and no Satan comes from the same Evil source that told Eve she shall not surely die.

    What was that source?

    Who is this Satan?

    In Genesis it says he is the most subtil of all the beast of the field.

    Psalms says man differs not, than a beast of the field.

    Man is the most SUBTIL, of the BEAST.

    Job said Satan came in with man to present himself to God.

    God ask Satan where he had been?

    Satan said walking to and fro on the earth.

    Satan is not a spirit, Satan is flesh.

    Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful (Satan the great deceiver) above all things, and desperately WICKED ...

    2 Thessalonians 2:8 Then shall that WICKED be revealed ......and destroyed by God's words and God's coming, the indwelling of the Holy Ghost.

    Revelation 12:8 And the earth helped the woman, and open her mouth (the Grave) and swallowed up the dragon ...

    Revelation 20:1-2 Satan was bound in the GRAVE (pit) ...

    Revelation 20:7 And when the thousand years are expire (the age of grace) Satan shall be loosed out of his PRISON (the grave, the second resurrection). To deceive once more: these resurrected still have a heart of stone, the WICKED and deceived.

    Then Judgement, and creation given a heart of flesh.

    Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth (being raised back up) shall worship him, whose names ARE NOT WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LIFE of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    The question is do you have any desire and love of the Lord in regard to His Holiness and righteousness? It is only when the Spirit is within us that there is a battle of wills; between the flesh and Spirit. It is only His children who He chastises in order to conform them to the image of His Son. I am of the belief that anyone who is involved with someone when their spouse is still alive (despite divorce) is committing adultery; which makes it especially bad when they have sanction from the church and a legal certificate to remarry. I don't know your situation; there are certainly more senior dating sites today even in your age range.

    Adultery is not only sinning outside God's intended covenant marriage; but also infringing against the husband of the woman as well as involving her sin. I would advise you to read in Proverbs in particular about the seductress and her entrappings; with her guests being in hell and other such warnings.

    As believers; if truly saved we are a part of the Body of Christ; and should also love and honor others above our own interests. We should not foresake the assembling of one another; but also have "agape" love; as 1 John warns that he who does not love his brother is a murderer at heart. I am not sure how familiar you are with the scriptures; but again the Spirit brings sin; righteousness and judgment to come and also a hunger and thirst for righeousness. If that does not characterize your heart; I would ask you to seek God to give you a new heart. We need to undertand Jeremiah 17:9 (if I have the right verse) that the heart is desperately wicked; who can know it? We need to look at all our affections and see what we really are apart from Christ; not just try to avoid the consequences of our actions. If we hate God; according to the Word we "love death." The Antichrist and Tribulation are coming; you don't want to be left behind in that judgment if you can avoid it. I pray that the Lord gives you wisdom on this
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jeremiah 17:5 - Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.

    Psalms 118:9 - It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes.

    Our trust should be placed wholly in Christ Jesus and none other. We do have families, there are friends but even some of those I've come across who seem to be the most trustworthy; they'll betray you when you most or least expect. We as humans are not equipped to keep promises, to bestow trust but to learn from Christ's example on how to live. We need to have fellowship with other Christians, we need family and we need to be part of the body (the church). However, how much you give of yourself to man...that's something I'd always do with a certain precaution.

    Ending with again Psalms 118 but verse 8:

    Psalms 118:8 - It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 16:23,25,29, Exodus 20:2,8,9,10,11, Exodus 31:12-18, Exodus 35:1-2, Leviticus 16:29-34, Leviticus 23, Leviticus 24:8, Leviticus 25, Numbers 28:10, Deuteronomy 5:12-15, Exodus 22:22, Deuteronomy 10:17-20, Deuteronomy 14:27-29, Deuteronomy 16, Deuteronomy 16:10-15, Deuteronomy 26:12,13, Isaiah 1:11-24,

    2Chronicles 36:14-21, Nehemiah 9, Nehemiah 13:10-22,

    Isaiah 56, Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 17:7-27, Amos 8:4-10,

    Matthew 12:2-5, reference Ezekiel 46:1,12,

    Matthew 12:8, Matthew 12:1-14, John 5:6-47, John 7:22-23, John 19:31, Matthew 23:23, Matthew 25:31-46
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Starting with: Numbers 14:34,35,36,37,38 then, Ezekiel 4:6,

    Daniel 9:2, searching the prophetic timelines,

    Other years mysteries: Isaiah 61:2, Isaiah 63:4, Jeremiah 11:23, Jeremiah 17:8, Jeremiah 23:12, Jeremiah 48:44, Jeremiah 51:46, Ezekiel 46:17, Luke 4:19, Luke 13:8, Revelation 9:15, Daniel 11:6,

    Sometimes in prophetic dreams things symbolized days & years,

    additional amounts of time described at "times" Daniel 4:23,25,32, Daniel 7:25, Daniel 8:14,17,19,26

    Weeks; Daniel 9:24-27, Daniel 12:1,9,

    Days: Daniel 12:11,12,13, 2Peter 3:7-13,

    Also a Day is like a thousand years unto The LORD: 2Peter 3:8, Psalms 90:4,

    * Daniel 2:20-22, James 1:5,

    Hopefully these are helpful to your study

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