Discuss Jeremiah 1 Page 5

  • BSP on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    Verse 7 shows that no matter how unqualified we feel for an assignment from God, he can make up for any lack and he will be there to help us carry it out if we fully trust in Him.
  • Daryl G Borum on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    i love the comments i agree to all those comments before me AMEN!!!!!
  • Word on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    Moyà God knew you before you were put in the womb just as He knew Jacob whom He loved and Esau whom He hated and you have to live with some one to know those things. In Isaiah 45 vs 18 God created earth to be inhabited and in Job 38 vs 7 all souls sons and stars which are children rejoiced at earth's creation. In Gen. 1 vs 2 the word was is 1961 in Strong's is Became so something happened to earth
  • Gennie Winters on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge. I know I have to put my trust in God I do not fear what man can do to me. I Fear God I know he is my protector and I know he will make a way for me . I put my trust in God only this is a great chapter.
  • Bashon Solomon on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    It's an inspiring chapter meant to encourage those in tribulation and those who don't want to follow God's command of serving Him giving petty excuses.
  • ShilohS on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    As with Isaiah,it's taking me quite awhile to get thru Jeremiah.I want to be careful and distinguish between what prophecies are fulfilled as opposed to those that are for today's time. It's bogging me down in my studies.Some commentaries seem to discount history in favor of most or all prophecies for today.This time through the prophets I don't want to just put things on the shelf. Lot of prayer
  • Stephen F. Zielski on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    PARADOX INDEED ! To my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Yeshua Jesus. Please read this whole book of Jeremiah. We truly have a loving Abba Dad and God Almighty Yahweh in and through His Son our ever living and loving Lord and Savior Christ Yeshua Jesus indeed. HOPE ! SHALOM ISRAEL ZION AMEN INDEED ! COME LORD YESHUA ! Shalom yedda dim {beloved one}.
  • Olga on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
    God loves me and I have that assurance through everything I go through. Nevertheless, I find myself involved in failed marriages ,abuse and evil heart wrenching stuff that when I Jeremiah 1;5 I question and ask myself was my past and future are from repercussions of sin nature, disobedience or to make me experience life for appreciation. I am thankful to God for his mercy.
  • Simbarashe chinouriri on Jeremiah 1 - 8 years ago
  • Marie on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Love the comments,they said it all,I just say amen.
  • Word on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    God sanctified and ordained a Prophet who's name was Jeremiah. God knew us all just as He knew Jacob and Esau and Jacob He love and Esau He hated. The only way you can love or hate someone is if you walked with them and kick the dust up to see what their made of when it comes to Freewill. Isaiah 45 vs 18 millions of years ago God created earth and all the children of God rejoiced. Job 38 vs 7.
  • Lucinda Palestrant on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Chuck, also for money; I read a report back in the 90's that a doctor at a clinic working part time some evenings and weekend can pocket over 1mill. a year. Vengense be mine saith the Lord.
  • Chuck on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
  • MockingBird on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    My God knew me before I was even thought about to my parents : I Thank God for the parents He gave me. Although rough times in growing up from time to time . I Praise God for who I am and what I am : There was a time I was way out of order : but God through His tender mercies brought me out of that miry pit . I am now His child and He is sanctifying me and has ordained me as one of His own.
  • Charles Afful on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Yes what ever we do here on earth God knows it all.He is just showing his grace and mercy in our lives
  • Tilda on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Wow i thank God for creating me for a heavenly purpose on earth,the word of God says he that prophecy eddifies the church of which the church is the body of Christ wow so before even breathed the outside air God had ordained me to function as an eddifier to the body of His son,what an honour.Wow glory be to the king of kings of His unending Love.I LOVE JESUS
  • Mike on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    I like it
  • Gloria Pray on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    My thought for Jeremiah is powerful he's a blessing and highly favored by God" GOD placed his and given him words to speak" o the people he had to face. He was a prophet Bless GOD"
  • Word on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Clarion what most people miss is what God says in this book and He tells us to listen to Him through His words and not what you get from the preachers and religion teaching traditions. We know from the scriptures that antichrist comes first and that he comes as instead of Christ. Looks like the Lamb of God with powers. The churches are feeding false doctrine getting them ready to worship Satan.
  • Word on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Karen Bennett Jeremiah tells us not to trust mans teachings and to read the scriptures for ourselves. Isaiah 45 vs 18 tells us God created a beautiful earth with wisdom in Proverbs 8 vs 20 to 30 and in Job 38 vs 7 we learn all the sons of God and all His stars, stars are His children, all here in the first earth age then Jeremiah 4 destruction of earth. Genesis 1 vs 2 the word was is became.
  • Karen Bennett on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Its amazing that God knew me even before I was born
  • Clarion on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Nothing surprises our Maker. He is the unseen one marking our ways to save us...why don't we just believe and obey?
  • Robin on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
  • Doreen on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    The Lord wants us to acknowledge our sins, stop back sliding and come back to Him. We must have the Heart of God who is our helper. Jeremiah had not one convert in his congregation and yet he had to keep going forward and doing the Lords work. Sometimes we may feel all alone as we look around and see no one but The Lord is with us always and will never leave us or forsake us.
  • I love reading the bibe i have got so much more to learn about it its such a com on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    I love reading. The bible its the best. Book. Ever
  • Devan Sanders on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    The bible is the best book ever
  • Roxanne on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    This is a favorite verse of mine. I love the Lord
  • Abi on Jeremiah 1:5 - 9 years ago
    It's amazing.He is God. He created this amazing universe and everything is good. Much more myself, he created me last and best. Human. He could never have created anything that'd be useless. He is not a God of whims. Everything is carefully planned. Means I have an amazing duty to do here on earth. I have to find out what exactly it is and do it
  • Rev Jarryson Mwendwa on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    God is determined to protect and guide us through out our lives, lets be keep His word always
  • Lilian on Jeremiah 1 - 9 years ago
    Jesus himself is the word of God, blessed are those who keep his commandments for they shall be saved. God 's words is so powerful and God is faithful to his promises that if we meditate his words day and night all things that we need will prosper and will be added. Put God first into your life and we shall see his goodness and mercy. Thanks to Jesus for his precious blood to ransomed us on the cross. amen

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