I read this first three verses last night and at morning devotion with my family. I know GOD is speaking loud and clear to me and I take great comfort and assurance in this chapter. I know I would be feeding on this for many days to come.
Going through some great trials and trying to help my son through, this verse came for the word of the day in such great and timely time frame. I had a very sleepless question and answer seeking tearful night and read this word for the day. Oh how wonderful God is. I believe this from God. This gives me great inspiration to keep calling on The Lord and continue praying. The devil is a liar and wants me to believe that God isn't hearing me or wants me to do evil but I will continue to do the right thing and wait on God for he will see me through as he has said he will do. This helps my mind to stay on him and strengthens my faith to know that he will deliver us from the enemy and has great use for us in his kingdom here on earth. As I pray I pray that this word touches more and forward to my son that he may be healed and understand that God has the power and that he is the one who we need to seek and lean on. Oh the shout that's in me is bursting to get out, hallelujah. Oh how God is so worthy to be praised. Tears may fall in the night but joy comes in the morning.
Jeremiah 33:11 What a promise, praise to God will reverse even captivity. I am going to quit nagging God and start praising him for what I have asked for even when I don't know when I will get it. Why didn't I realize that before, no one likes a nag. He heard me the first time. Gives me a new perspective. I have been a faithless nag but that changed today. Pray for me thanking God I am no longer a faithless nag!
Jeremiah 33:3 is a powerful verse that reminds us that God spoke, he is speaking and he is waiting to speak to you and me for as long as we call to him, you may be vying so many questions, of why, how, who etc, let’s call to God, he is waiting to tell you and I things we haven’t even heard before great and mighty things. Amen
i love this chapter.do you know how great god is?take a look at the heavens at night or day and see for yourself that the one who brought us on earth wants to use us for his kingdom.that mean that we are very important and since we are so important it means that we are untouhable because he giveth and taketh life.man was created a little lower than the angels then it means that man can do many great things.look at jesus christ, look at the wonderous works he did and he stated that we can do greater works than him.i remember that in the new testament that someone was demon psesss and the disciples could not of cast out the demon and christ told them that this cometh only by fasting and praying.we as human has great spiritual capabilities but we must yes its compulsory seek god everyday walk and talk with god.be holy and he would showw you great and mighty things that thou knowest not.remember angelica zombrano and mary baxter.
Jeremiah 33 is a answer to my prayers , i was praying and God had me. to read this book, While in pain i began to profess the promises of God for healing. While looking through the internet for healing scriptures i stumbled , on Bible cures i came upon this chapter . I know with out a doubt that in crying out to God He lead me to this book , The Spirit of the Lord had already reveled to me to read Jeremiah,I had no got to chapter 33 yet. One thing i believe Gods word it is the only truth in this world , His word is true and every mans a lie!!! We as believer have to give Him His word back , Because he is a God that can not , and will not lie!!!I know that My God is a healer and a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. I am expecting my healing for it is in HIS WILL, for His children to be healed.THANK U LORD YASHUA FOR MY HEALING!!!! Amen and Amen
this is a powerful verse,because he has said that if we need him he is always there all the time....it shows that he will show you all things unseen by the the flesh but though the our sprit...
jeramiah 33:3 This verse has gotten me through so much. It is just so good to know that God is allways there and that all we have to do is call and He will show us His mighty hand. How many men can you trust to do that? none.
: ) How exciting