Discuss Jeremiah 51 Page 2

  • Allen Hester - In Reply on Jeremiah 51 - 5 years ago
    You can read in Daniel and Revelations about the different world empires in the end times. As well as other places throughout the Bible. America is unreferenced.
  • Rich on Jeremiah 51 - 5 years ago
    Unless the tribulation is 20 to 100 years from now this is talking about America, I did not want it to be believe me but if you read it their is no other choice, Babylon will be the hinder most of the nations America , she will have a mother that's ashamed Britton no other nation today has a surviving mother she is the major importer exporter of the world, she is the hammer of the whole earth etc etc
  • Stanjett on Jeremiah 51 - 5 years ago
    Babylon was not destroyed. She was abandoned. In the end there is another city or country that is called mystery Babylon. Many guess what city or country this is. I have no thoughts on this city or country.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Jeremiah 51 - 5 years ago
    Most cites are referred to as she.
  • Morgan on Jeremiah 51 - 5 years ago
    Know this God's teachings, from the old testament are teachings that will better each life that hear the word, For God's strength, and mercy for man is shown throughout the word, Man kind has a wondrous tool to learn by, but most don't listen and most do not hear.
  • Nelson on Jeremiah 51 - 5 years ago
    God Has made me His battle Axe and Weapon of War.......Amen
  • Pinky on Jeremiah 51 - 6 years ago
    Just a theory, Babylon referred to as a 'she' meaning one who gives birth to another. The actual land of the Chaldeans present day Iraq is included in the judgment. Could the image in Daniel be the entire structure of what constitutes Babylon. As we see, the head of gold representing the 1st king actually identified with Nebuchadnnezzar. From the head of gold, to the toes of iron clay Babylon
  • Irene123 on Jeremiah 51 - 8 years ago
    V. 27 - Set up a standard in the land; Isa. 59:19 - when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Lord shall raise up a standard against them. These 2 verses were for that day, but ls also prophesy for our day. The 'standard' then was a banner on a pole; now it's the WORD OF GOD. WE lift up the Word to souls, in love and compassion, with MUCH prayer.
  • Emmasue on Jeremiah 51 - 8 years ago
    Just for the sake of discussion though it is not my belief suppose America IS Babylon and the weapon of destruction in not nuclear but natural. This could easily be the eruption of the Yellwostone caldera, could it not?
  • Rosemarie b james on Jeremiah 51 - 8 years ago
    Great reading
  • John P on Jeremiah 51 - 9 years ago
    This is all about israel being Gods battle axe and weapons of war. Christianity as a religion wasnt even in existence yet. The first people to be called chritians were in antioch and they called that because they were follwers of Christ. They practiced as as he did following the tenets of judaism. Worshiping on the sabbath which is SATURDAY, keeping the Lords passover, Rosh Hashana and ect. All biblical mandates by God.
  • Lexy Lilian on Jeremiah 51:20 - 9 years ago
    I would also like to say that F. K. TETTEH, I agree with you, we Christians are God's weapon of war. God uses Christians in these last days to fight his battles and Christians will fight on the day of the Lord. AMEN
  • Lexy Lilian on Jeremiah 51 - 9 years ago
    Some Bible versions say that Babylon is the Lords battle axe, which is not right, rather its Israel, does any have some thing to say about this?
  • Danny Bigelow on Revelation 17 - 9 years ago
    The seven heads are seven mountains... Jeremiah 51:25, the seven mountains have seven kings, the next verse 10 makes that very clear.
  • F.k Tetteh on Jeremiah 51:20 - 9 years ago
    For every Christian is an instrument of God to change the world.
  • Betty mensah on Jeremiah 51:20 - 9 years ago
    God needs us for war.we are the war instruments in the arms of God. Only sharp instruments do well in the war front. Therefore be sharp in the word of God and in prayer.
  • Insight 777 on Jeremiah 51 - 10 years ago
    In Sept 2010 the Israeli Air Force demolished a Syrian nuclear power plant under construction in a remote site on the Euphrates river. It was called operation Babylon. North Korea assisted the Syria covert nuclear program with nuclear technology. If a nuclear power plant is built on the Euphrates in the future and becomes damaged then the water supply of the Euphrates could become undrinkable because of nuclear water contamination. The people of Syria and Iraq would lose the use of their water, as if it were dried up because it would be nuclear poisoned.
  • Insight 777 on Jeremiah 51 - 10 years ago
    Verse 42, this sea is people. People in various areas over the world have attained nuclear power which is Babylon. Verse 43 are the cities that have nuclear power plants. Verse 63, the stone is a nuclear missile. One of the effects of nuclear radiation on the body is to have no energy, becoming weary.
  • Insight 777 on Jeremiah 51 - 10 years ago
    Verse 36 , HER seas and springs which represent source of water will be dried up. If Babylon represents nuclear power then this verse is talking about the electricity being cut off from a nuclear plant and the water cooling system will be dried up because it can not circulate to cool the rods. When rods are not cooled they go into nuclear fission and meltdown. Verse 37 explains no one can live in the area when nuclear meltdown occurs and it has a hissing sound when men attempt to pour cold water boron on the intensely hot nuclear rods. Only imaginary fire breathing dragons could live there. Or perhaps the word dragon is used for a nuclear rod in fission.
  • Janet on Jeremiah 51 - 10 years ago
    So what dose Jeremiah 51 36 mean in life situations?
  • Janet on Jeremiah 51:36 - 10 years ago
    In English explain what does this verse mean? My son is in jail and ask me if God is going to be his attorney and plead for him spiritually ?
  • Daniel on Jeremiah 51:27 - 10 years ago
    God came to me as if he was inside of me talking to deliver me from evil he saved My life like he once did when I died a young boy he gave me the strength to go on and Walk My path he given me. And prepared me for what I see before it begins.
  • Lee on Jeremiah 51:20 - 11 years ago
    It seems to apply to America today.
  • Clint on Jeremiah 51:27 - 11 years ago
    I think I have some inkling I ask GOD for help I got this scripture,I have a question if u don't mind.What is the significance of the 3 names mentioned,and what is the significance of the horses mention.Please help me or set me on the right path,its really important to me.Thanking u in advance.
  • Inaboya fidelis on Jeremiah 51:20 - 12 years ago
    Jeremiah was an instrument God used to fight many battles; God use him to destroy nations, kingdom, horse and his rider, etc...
  • Peace on Jeremiah 51 - 13 years ago
    Dat vs 20 is a vs encourage one dat we are d weapons god use in going 4 war

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