Discuss Jeremiah 52

  • Chris - In Reply on Ezekiel 19 - 1 year ago
    Hello Star1964. As Jema as shared, the theme of this chapter is in the first verse of the chapter. Yet the chapter is clouded in metaphors; the people could understand it if they were conversant with the Scriptures, but to others it seemed as just another story spoken by a prophet. In this portion of Ezekiel, the prophet is not prophesying any new thing, rather, he is recounting what had taken place & why their princes (& themselves) were in this predicament.

    The prophet Ezekiel was ministering to the southern kingdom, Judah, & Ezekiel himself was one of the many captives taken to Babylon. So he was re-telling the story of their downfall & their present suffering. If you understand these metaphors, then the picture of this chapter will become clearer.

    Verse 2, 'mother, a lioness': is the Kingdom of Judah; 'the lions, whelps': are the kings of Judah. When Judah "brought up one of her whelps, it became a young lion" (v3): referring to King Jehoahaz - for he was taken as a prisoner to Egypt (v4) by Pharaoh-Necho (see 2 Kings 23:31-34 for this account).

    Verses 5-9: when Judah waited too long for Jehoahaz to return & all hope was gone, she took "another of her whelps" (Jehoiachin) & made him king. But when Babylon attacked Judah & Jerusalem & took captives, Jehoiachin was also taken with them (v9; also 2 Kings 24:15). Then in verses 10-14, "the mother" Judah is seen as a vine, plucked up in fury by Nebuchadnezzar, because of the rebellion of King Zedekiah ( 2 Kings 24:17-20; Jeremiah 52:3) against Babylon. Verses 11-14: even though Judah was strong, exalted, & stood out as a sceptre, she was soon removed & the branches of the vine were broken off & the vine withered. Therefore, she is in Babylon (as one now planted in the wilderness) & her greatness & that of her kings were now absolutely nothing. So Ezekiel weeps over such devastation of a great kingdom & will forever remain in the minds of the people. But God would give them hope ( Ezekiel 20:33-44).
  • T Levis - In Reply on Ezekiel 45 - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 44, Ezekiel 44:2-3, possibly the prophecy for Luke 19:28-48, Luke 21, notice Luke 21:37, Matthew 21, Mark 11, Notice Mark 11:16, Mark 12 Jesus still in the Temple Mark 13, notice Mark 13:1,3, as noted Jesus went & left, the same direction. John 10:23,

    Ezekiel 44:16,17, Revelation 7 note Revelation 7:14,15,

    Ezekiel 47:1-10, healing living water, John 7:38, John 4:11,13,14, Matthew 9:35, Fishers, Ezekiel 47:9,10, Jeremiah 16:16, Matthew 4:19, Mark 1:17,

    If you look at Ezekiel 1:1,2,3, they were already going into captivity as Prophesied by Isaiah 39:1-7, 2Kings 24:15, Jeremiah 52:31, before Daniel, Ezra & Nehemiah before the return & rebuilding, Ezekiel 48 - end; might have been the divine blueprint for the temple that was rebuilt before Jesus was born

    Matthew 1:17

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Other than James?=

    Matthew 7, Matthew 15:7-9, Matthew 23, Matthew 25:31-46, 1Peter 2:1, Isaiah 9:17, Isaiah 32:6, Isaiah 33:14, 1Timothy 4, Job 8:13, Isaiah 58, Malachi 2:6-17, Malachi 3, Jeremiah 22:1-17, Jeremiah 24:10-22, = Jeremiah 39:10, Jeremiah 52:16,

    Psalms 37,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Deuteronomy 10:12-20, Deuteronomy 26, Deuteronomy 27, Deuteronomy 16:11, Leviticus 25, Isaiah 1:17, Isaiah 1:23, Zechariah 7:10, Malachi 3:5-12, Jeremiah 2:34, Jeremiah 7:5,6,7, Jeremiah 22:3, Isaiah 3:14,

    Proverbs 15:25,= Jeremiah 39:10, Jeremiah 52:16, Proverbs 21:13,

    Deuteronomy 15:9, = Jeremiah 34:8-22,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply on Zechariah 4:6 - 2 years ago
    Golden candlestick: Zechariah 4:2-6, Proverbs 20:27,

    Exodus 25:31,32, placement, Exodus 26:35, Leviticus 24:4, Hebrews 9:1-28,

    Jeremiah 52:19,

    Matthew 5:14-16,

    Revelation 1:12-20, Revelation 2:1-5, Revelation 11:3-4, Revelation 22,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study
  • Free - In Reply on Jeremiah 52:13 - 2 years ago
    Thank you very much dear David i could feel your honesty right in my heart. God bless us all as long as we can call day a day, and night a night. Jesus is coming soon, and God blesses us all in Jesus' Holy Name, love you in Christ. 2 Corintihans 12:14-21
  • David on Jeremiah 52:13 - 2 years ago
    Sins always brings about judgement from the LORD. The leaders in Jerusalem caused the people and the Nation to err. This brought about GOD'S judgement and in this case of our scripture reading captivity. Our sins have caused OUR GOD to remove HIS hand of mercy, peace, and comfort from upon us. GOD does not cast us out from HIS presence, but when we sin we throw ourselves out first.

    We have allowed our elected leaders, on most every level of our society, on most every level of economics, and specially spiritually to lead us away from the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST. We have allowed the voice of the minority to over power us and dictate to us a life style we do not believe praises the LORD according to Scripture.

    The LORD GOD is our only hope and peace on this earth. Thankfully, if you are saved by the grace of the LORD JESUS CHRIST, then your eternal destiny has already been determined.

    Our life here on earth is supposed be abundant and the envy of other countries; however it is not because we have departed from the faith of the LORD and HIS Word.

    Praying for our POTUS Biden, VPOTUS Harris, SOHR Pelosi, SML Schumer, all the sitting members of the US congress, and senate to come to their senses and LEAD with the mind and desire of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

    Praying for our spiritual leaders- our pastors, and all the saints to rise up in prayer and worship the LORD in truth and in spirit. We may not be able to stop the present evil to come, but we can plant the seed of the gospel into more hearts and souls as the LORD would have us to do. We ask You FATHER GOD for courage and wisdom in order to walk through the evil that is before us.

    PS 23:3 -5; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Colossians 1: 10-13;

    GOD bless all on this forum. The LORD shine HIS grace and peace on you and your family.

    March 14, 2022
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Daniel 1:1-3, as promised in Jeremiah, & other Old Testament books, if Israel didn't turn from : Exodus 22:22, Jeremiah 7:6, Jeremiah 23:3, Zechariah 7:10-14, Isaiah 1:17, warned & warned & warned by GOD through HIS prophets, Malachi 3:5, 2Kings 20:17-18, promised it would happen. Jeremiah 52:26-34,

    Daniel 1:4, the children taken capacity,

    Daniel 1:5-16, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, & some of Exodus covers the foods that Jewish children were by GOD's Laws not suppose to eat, it was wisdom

    Daniel 1:17-21 stood before the king, seems to say they stood by the king in service & advisers.

    Daniel 2,

    1st let's look at threat Daniel 2:5, if he had made all the young boys eunuchs & Jeremiah 52, would have caused fear.

    Daniel 2:1-13, just like Daniel 1:20, shows that king was seeking every type of teaching but they all fail

    Daniel 2:14-24, GOD ALMIGHTY is Awesome & amazing!! Psalms 44:22,

    Daniel 2:25-26, sad reminder that Daniel was of the captives of Judah, also the king had changed his name. (significantly there are Babylonian records with that name so it's interesting it's noted in Bible)

    Daniel 2:27-30 :to GOD be the Glory

    Daniel 2:31-45 the dream of the king & interpretation , with much symbolism

    Daniel 2:46,48, different later, Daniel tells that king's son, no: Daniel 5:17,

    Daniel 2:47 Glory to GOD

    Daniel 2:49, interesting note of favor also seen in chapter 1,

    Daniel 3, looks like the king misunderstood or took that "gold" interpretation out of context from symbolic "golden head" from dream Daniel 2:31,32,38,

    Daniel 3:6 threats again, & rage Daniel 3:13,19,20,21,22,23

    Daniel 3:8,12,16,17,18 just like Daniel 1, didn't want to turn from GOD's Laws

    Daniel 3:24-27 GOD's amazing deliverance

    Daniel 3:28 to GOD be Glory

    Yet threats again of brutal violence Daniel 3:29,

    Daniel 3:30 promotion again, through obedience to GOD

    Daniel 4, told through that king when GOD humbled him,

    Daniel 4:18,19, used name he gave Daniel
  • Yussuf kay - In Reply on Psalms 100 - 4 years ago
    Dear Linda; This is the Truth about CHRISTMAS! The church of Rome began formally celebrating Christmas in the 4th century; on December 25 in 336 AD, during the reign of the emperor Constantine. As Constantine had made Christianity the effective religion of the empire, choosing this date TO POLLUTE THE TRUTH with paganism/ pagan celebrations. It is one of the Babylonian practices Rome adopted and deceived Christians. ( Jeremiah 52:31) Saturnalia, the Roman feast for Saturn, was associated with the winter solstice. on a fixed date, 25 December. SUNDAY? On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor-FALSE SABBATH( DANIEL 7:25)
  • Yussuf kay on Psalms 100 - 4 years ago
    CHRISTMAS? The church of Rome began formally celebrating Christmas in the 4th century; on December 25 in 336 AD, during the reign of the emperor Constantine. As Constantine had made Christianity the effective religion of the empire, some have speculated that choosing this date had the political motive of weakening THE TRUTH with paganism/ pagan celebrations. It is one of the Babylonian practices Rome adopted and deceived Christians. ( Jeremiah 52:31) Saturnalia, the Roman feast for Saturn, was associated with the winter solstice. on a fixed date, 25 December. SUNDAY? On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor( DANIEL 7:25)
  • Yussuf kay on Jeremiah 52:13 - 4 years ago
    CHRISTMAS? The church of Rome began formally celebrating Christmas in the 4th century; on December 25 in 336 AD, during the reign of the emperor Constantine. As Constantine had made Christianity the effective religion of the empire, some have speculated that choosing this date had the political motive of weakening THE TRUTH with paganism/ pagan celebrations. It is one of the Babylonian practices Rome adopted and deceived Christians. ( Jeremiah 52:31) Saturnalia, the Roman feast for Saturn, was associated with the winter solstice. on a fixed date, 25 December. SUNDAY? On March 7, 321, however, Roman Emperor Constantine I issued a civil decree making Sunday a day of rest from labor( DANIEL 7:25)
  • Geoff on Jeremiah 52 - 5 years ago
    "You gave abundant showers, O God you refreshed your weary inheritance." Psalm 68:9 Pray He brings rain on parched lands and times are hard and He will refresh, All, his servants who are discouraged, close to giving up. Alot of these accounts are of unbelief, hard times, and mercy. Pray for lands that are wearied and for people who are faint. Not to judge, in the 11th hour a penny can be made.
  • Carolyn on Jeremiah 52 - 6 years ago
    It is always interesting to read and view the commentary. No one should point fingers or place blame concerning GOD's word. Beside the words of our Lord Jesus Christ say he who is without sin cast the first stone. I have learned that leaning on our own understanding is disastrous. Humbling myself with prayer and conviction while asking God for understanding of his word. Has always served me well.
  • Bruce on Jeremiah 52 - 6 years ago
    Sharon:YOU are not a Child of God? You are Taking Away From His Word. Adding YOUR OWN INTERPRETATION. That Says You're a Child of The Devil. Search Your Heart.The Road is Wide that Leads to Hell. All Who are Born Again are His Children. Coming Soon to Take Us Home. Children of God ( 1John 3:9-10) We are The Children of God ( Romans 8:14-17) 1 Little Deviation, Will Send Others to the Lake of FIRE
  • Sharon on Jeremiah 52 - 6 years ago
    Bob K, I will add spiritual knowledge to your comment. Although God allow others to tear down the temple and destroy the city, God people had spiritually tore down the temple and destroyed the city by their own heart when they disobeyed and dishonored God, ways and words spiritually. The only thing the enemy did was destroy the natural temple and city because God people became accursed to the Lord
  • Barbara nyama-faya on Jeremiah 52 - 6 years ago
    for verse 31 shows that Jesus was not born on the 25th of december.This day is not about Christ and there is no where in the bible where Jesus birth was celebrated the way it is done today Even after his death there is nothing at all. The remaining apostles never mentioned or celebrated his date of birth
  • Obbie Beal on Jeremiah 52 - 6 years ago
    Sin, sin, sin, brought the 'wrath of GOD' on Babylon above; 1000s of years later the same sin, sin, sin, (of this Babylon above) appears again in Babylon of Revelation, and Jehovah /GOD release his wrath on the nation / Babylon in Revelation also. ( the DNA of the Babylon above pasted down through 1000s of years and produce the same sin in the Babylon of today. Both nations receive GOD'S wrath.
  • Charles Northup on Jeremiah 52 - 6 years ago
    I love to read the comments they just prove how ignorant we are. Revelations and Isaiah/Jeremiah has no coalition to each other Isaiah/Jeremiah are actual events that happened and are for our learning Revelations, woe, woe, woe, and is yet to come! Don't let your own heart deceive you or the wolves/false prophets.
  • Jeremiah UI on Jeremiah 52 - 9 years ago
    Help people around the world and preach the word of god
  • Bob K on Jeremiah 52:13 - 9 years ago
    see Lam, 2:15. Spiritually, God says those people who turned away from Him were "The perfection of beauty, The joy of the whole earth " God had the greatest of praise for them! Yet look what happened, they turned from the "perfection of beauty, The joy of the whole earth, and turned towards sin and selfishness! The great God 's own work was destroyed.
  • Bob K on Jeremiah 52:13 - 9 years ago
    Jer,52:12-14. this fact should be of interest to all of us, because in A.D. 70 the temple was also destroyed on the 10th day of the fifth month. That was not just coincidence. But that destruction was only a type of what is about to happen in this end time. Lamentations is primarily about the destruction of another temple: the spirital temple of God.

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