Job had was rooted deep in god and that should be faith of all us especially when we proudly proclaim to be followers and doets of his holy doctrine. Maybe there are those ho do not understand what means and how it should be applied.
the ressurrection of the body of JOB has not yet happened yet. just like king DAVID .just like JOB said in 19 25 27 and i say a newbody i have prepared for all of my creation even you
Christopher,verse 7 tells us that god formed a body from the matter of the earth,breathed life into that body (by means of holy spirit),and the result was life-"he became a living soul".Regarding the end check out Ps 146:3,4,Eccl 9:5,6,10. Is God happy about that and going to leave it that way? take a look at Job 14:13-15
Paul also answered that question in Hebrews. Hebrews 9:27-28
27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
Job asked this question 4000 years ago, “if a man dies shall he live again?” The Lord Jesus answered it in John 11:25, 26; I am the resurrection, and the life, he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. So just like Job, we too must wait all the days of our appointed time, until our change shall come. John 5:25, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live. So thank God that Jesus destroyed the last enemy death on the cross, and has brought immortality to light. Now because Jesus lives, we too shall live.
If we want to enjoy this life on earth, and then eternal life, we must be born again. That is precisely what Job 14 is explaining. Being Born again means spiritually crucifying, denying the flesh, the worldly sins, and also humbling one’s self.
One cannot help but begin to know that Eternity is real and mans' earthly existence is brief. The ironic thing is we spend ALL our energy preparing for the 70 years of BRIEF existence and hardly give Eternity or our preparing for eternity a thought. What is Man that THOU art Mindful of Him. God Bless. Stan
job 14 vs 7-10.there is hope even in the toughest situations. like a tree is cut down and dies but all of a sudden it brings forth very tender cute branch so God has changed your/my/our hopeless situations... Amen
i love that scripture so much because in Job14:7,9 & 15 tell us that will should not give up in life that will should hold on to God,will should not be disappointing that at the right time God will surly show up because he make all things beautiful at his own time that portion of the Bible is telling us to hold on to God that he will not fail us because he the same yesterday,today and forever,thanks and God bless you.
Bro Adabigbehe E.Igho.
It was known to the writer of Ecclesiastes how this world had ended in the first timeline. In Ecclesiastes Chapter 12, it illustrates the time of trouble when the sun, moon, and stars will be veiled by the violent ejection of dust and thick smoke from a huge caldera (see Ecclesiastes 12:2 and Revelation 6:12; 9:2). A great star (comet of Revelation 8:10; 9:1) is likened to an eagle (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Isaiah 46:11). When the ravenous bird (comet) enters Earth’s atmosphere, it causes a great sound of thunder. Its voice cries out like a thundering trumpet (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Isaiah 27:13; Zechariah 9:14; Revelation
11:15). The voice heralds the time of the latter-day literal and figurative resurrection for the latter-day righteous who believed this new doctrine (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Daniel 12:1; Hosea 6:2; Revelation 11:11-13).
Isaiah was also told how our world will end. In Isaiah 13:6, it states that the day of the Lord (who personifies a comet) is at hand. At that time, the light of the sun, moon, and stars will be veiled when dust and smoke explode from a huge volcano’s crater (see Isaiah 13:10). These prophecies were written over two thousand years ago. God’s written word is able to declare what is going to take place in the last generation because God (personifying each scroll that records and plays over each generation) has seen the end already take place in the first timeline (see Isaiah 46:10). The same catastrophic event of a great star’s (personified as the return of God) impact – which causes an immense volcano to explode and release dust, smoke, hot ash, and then lava – is written in the writings of the prophets. However, the written prophecies in the Old Testament, which are to be fulfilled in our day, are written as if they could have happened during events that took place in each prophet’s generation.
With this in mind when reading the Old Testament prophecies, take into consideration that the past types are mixed-in with future, yet to be fulfilled, prophecies (see Job 14:12, 13; Psalm 18:7-9; Ecclesiastes 12:2-5; Isaiah 24:17-23; Jeremiah 4:23-28; Ezekiel 32:7, 8; Joel 2:1, 30-32; Amos 5:16-18; Micah 3:6; Nahum 1:3-6; Habakkuk 3:3-16; Zephaniah 1:14-18; Haggai 2:6; Zechariah 14:3, 4, 12; Malachi 4:1; Revelation 19:11, 20).
"But God commanded his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." ( Romans 5:8).
"And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;" ( Ephesians 2:1).
He washed us clean with the blood of Lord Jesus.
faith,al over the world
27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.
Bro Adabigbehe E.Igho.
11:15). The voice heralds the time of the latter-day literal and figurative resurrection for the latter-day righteous who believed this new doctrine (see Ecclesiastes 12:4; Daniel 12:1; Hosea 6:2; Revelation 11:11-13).
Isaiah was also told how our world will end. In Isaiah 13:6, it states that the day of the Lord (who personifies a comet) is at hand. At that time, the light of the sun, moon, and stars will be veiled when dust and smoke explode from a huge volcano’s crater (see Isaiah 13:10). These prophecies were written over two thousand years ago. God’s written word is able to declare what is going to take place in the last generation because God (personifying each scroll that records and plays over each generation) has seen the end already take place in the first timeline (see Isaiah 46:10). The same catastrophic event of a great star’s (personified as the return of God) impact – which causes an immense volcano to explode and release dust, smoke, hot ash, and then lava – is written in the writings of the prophets. However, the written prophecies in the Old Testament, which are to be fulfilled in our day, are written as if they could have happened during events that took place in each prophet’s generation.
With this in mind when reading the Old Testament prophecies, take into consideration that the past types are mixed-in with future, yet to be fulfilled, prophecies (see Job 14:12, 13; Psalm 18:7-9; Ecclesiastes 12:2-5; Isaiah 24:17-23; Jeremiah 4:23-28; Ezekiel 32:7, 8; Joel 2:1, 30-32; Amos 5:16-18; Micah 3:6; Nahum 1:3-6; Habakkuk 3:3-16; Zephaniah 1:14-18; Haggai 2:6; Zechariah 14:3, 4, 12; Malachi 4:1; Revelation 19:11, 20).