Discuss Job 16

  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    The enemy of our souls.

    Today we covered a book (by Ryrie called Balancing the Christian Life") and the chapter about Satan. There was too much to cover in one study; indeed I could see how a half dozen studies would be needed to examine just the main avenues the enemy of our souls uses to afflict us. The scripture on him coming to steal; kill and destroy was mentioned; along with his techniques.

    As the "accuser of the brethren" ( Rev. 12:10) there is no doubt that accusations have been something he has lengthy experience on as it is first observed in the book of Job. (See Job 16:2 where he calls his friends "miserable comforters"). It isn't just coincidence or happenstance that Satan pummeled Job so mercilessly. As was also brought out in the study which we should all know Satan can do nothing without God's permission. The book generally talks about people who think too little and those too obsessed with the wiles of the enemy. The fact that he could assail Paul an Apostle of God; and get into Peter's mind when our Lord had to rebuke him and say "get behind me SATAN" ( MAtt. 16:23) should be a reality check that anyone can be taken out by the enemy should God allow it.

    Of course the concept of the "legal power of attorney" that Christ has based on His blood sacrifice and atonement for His children gives us assurance of salvation; but often the Lord uses the enemy to test our faith in this wicked world system.

    There is danger of those having false assurance of salvation which is evidenced by bad fruit ( Matt. 7:16); however when a Christian sins the enemy will plant all sorts of terror; accusations; insecurities; etc. in our minds. Godly sorrow leads to repentance ( 2 Cor. 7:10); but if we don't go to the Lord when we first sin the enemy is given free reign more or less to mess with our minds. Thus in my experience even if I went headlong into sin knowing the torment the enemy would cast my way is strong incentive to stay away.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Job 16 - 2 years ago
    In 2 Kings 20 and Isaiah 26:6 Hezekiah was granted 15 extra years because of his plea AFTER the prophet declared that he was about to die. Ecclesiastes 3:2 states that there is a time to be born and a time to die. As with anything else; there are predetermined times and seasons which the Lord has established. Scripture clearly demonstrates that through prayer and mediation; which ultimately involves Christ and His mercy, that judgment can be forestalled for entire nations. Moses had to react quickly to intervene plagues as well as David in scripture (in his case due to his own mistake in the instance of taking the census to determine his own strength which involved a pride issue rather than trust in God alone). Ultimately; in fact Christ intercedes for all of us who were under the wrath of God lost in sins. All His sheep will live on this earth until they are found; as salvation only can occur while we are yet alive. God knows also all the things men will do to shorten their lives; whether it is by sins damaging to the flesh; or things which incur curses of God such as false worship. He knows when someone like Cain will murder his brother. Same goes for natural disasters and any other premature cause of death. In fact; scientifically there is still not full undestanding what causes death. There is certainly something to someone like Moses who was still in his full strength until death; although the one mistake of striking the rock in anger did not allow him to enter the Promised Land; and quite possibly live longer than he did.

    Those who are spiritually dead are that way whether still alive in the flesh or not. All the temporary benefits of this life in the flesh; of course are then over for the lost; and they face judgment and condemnation. Praise the Lord that we can bypass that 2nd death! May we not be as some Corinthians who perished prematurely not taking communion with the right mindset.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Job 16 - 2 years ago
    Dear Jeannie,

    Psalm 139:16 speaks of God already knows how many days He has fashioned for David (and us). It is part of His omniscience (knowing all things, all that there is to know.) He does not learn anything new. Everything in all creation and the universe, and in time-past present and future-has always been known to Him. There is no knowledge of anything for Him to acquire.

    Pretty awesome! He is wonderful!
  • Daniel - In Reply on Job 16 - 2 years ago
    God knows when we're born -- when we'll die. To be general, God knows everything past, present and future. In the book of Numbers we see the years of mankind reduced and clear that mankind's days are numbered from the day we're born. But, we have hope of Eternal Life if we're washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ!
  • Jeannie on Job 16 - 2 years ago
    does God know when we will die
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Rick, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and His understanding.

    I'm not sure what you think the soul is; if it's not our body of dust, with life by the breath of God.

    Leviticus 7:27 Whatsoever SOUL it be that eateth any manner of blood, even that SOUL shall be cut off from his people.

    Luke 12:19 And I will say to my SOUL, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat drink, and be merry.

    Job 16:4 I also could speak as you do, if your SOUL were in my SOUL'S stead, I could heap up words against you, and shake my head at you.

    Leviticus 23:30 And whatsoever SOUL it be that doeth any work in that same day, that same SOUL will I destroy from among his people.

    Deuteronomy 14:26 And thou shall bestow that money for whatsoever thy SOUL lusted after, for oxen, or for sheep, of for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy SOUL desireth: and thou shall eat before the LORD thy God, and thou shall rejoice, thee and thine household.
  • Jack C Gutknecht on 1 Samuel 2:3 - 4 years ago
    How can we use our mouths (voices) to speak what is good or bad?

    The mouth is used for speaking:

    To speak what is good

    Proverbs 10:11 See also Job 16:5; Psalm 19:14 "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer."

    To praise

    Psalm 71:8 See too Psalm 89:1--"I will sing of the mercies of the LORD forever; with my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations."

    Romans 15:6 (NLT) -- "Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    To testify about God

    Psalm 71:15 Compare Romans 10:10 (NLT) -- "For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved."

    To speak what is bad

    Psalm 10:7 other references: 1 Samuel 2:3 --

    "Do not keep talking so proudly or let your mouth speak such arrogance, for the LORD is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed."

    Proverbs 5:3 --

    "For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her speech is smoother than oil" -- NIV

    Proverbs 7:21 -- New King James Version

    "With her enticing speech she caused him to yield, With her flattering lips she seduced him."

    Luke 6:45 Jesus said, "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."
  • Bible lover on Job 16 - 5 years ago
    it is fun studying!
  • Anne on Job 16 - 7 years ago
    Ps. 34:19 is comforting, it says 'many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all". Also v. 15 "The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry".
  • A disciple on Job 16 - 7 years ago
    Why do so many still dare to open their mouths against the Lord's servants? The LORD considered Job among the rarest and most beloved men ever in the world, with Noah and Daniel someone who could move God powerfully with his prayers. Who are you to find fault? What right and authority puts you in the seat to judge God's servant; of whom God testified that he is perfect and upright like none else!
  • BSP on Job 16 - 7 years ago
    In verse 12, Job mistakenly stated that God set him up as his target. It was really Satan who was targeting Job. We should remember who is really the cause of suffering and evil.
  • Pam on Job 16 - 8 years ago
    Though Christ said not a word, the Job depucts his anguish and suffering
  • Ruth scruggs on Job 16 - 8 years ago
    Job was a man of integrity.lost all he had.but never gave up on God.a lot of times things sometime block our way and cause us to not see the things that God would have us to see.and a lot of times God will remove those things that block us from seeing spiritual.to let us know that I got this trust me.Job trust God and came through as pure Gold.
  • Sylvia williams on Job 16 - 9 years ago
    Don't be so critical of one that appears to have fallen from Grace. It is only an opportunity for you to pray for him and let God use you heart and tears to restore him! What a privilege!
  • Patrick Adu on Job 16 - 9 years ago
    thank you
  • Lu2677 on Job 16 - 9 years ago
    In Job 15 we learn his friends told him his afflictions were his punishment for his sins: Job knows this is not true in v.17. Job 16:2"I have heard many such things: miserable comforters are ye all." In v. 11 he called them "wicked". It looks like his friends lived close to him. I hope this helps.
  • Lu2677 on Job 16 - 9 years ago
    Bible fan, you say, "pain and suffering can't be good." Please read Psalm 119:71 "It is good for me that I have been afflicted, That I might learn thy statutes." Psalm 119:75 "I know O Lord that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me."
  • Michael Turner on Job 16 - 9 years ago
    My question is who were the people living around Job when the 16th chapter of Job and the 12th verse was written ?
  • Bible fan on Job 16 - 9 years ago
    pain and suffering can 't be good - buddhists claim that western folk make the pain worse by infusing "self " and personality into the picture -for example Job says God is pouring his wrath on me and i am without sin, etc,etc but really sometimes bad things happen which cant not be easily explained and are more about the physical forces of nature rather than your personality or God 's personality taking exception with your "self "
  • William Stuart on Job 16:15 - 9 years ago
    I think it means defiled master beated his horn ** in the dust
  • Roux on Job 16 - 10 years ago
    William Shakesphere 's style of writing of humanity and life are similar to the style and vibe I feel when I 'm reading Job. It feels so... Melancholic, hateful, controversial, but full of wisdom and truth. Like I 'm reading from Hamlet... To be or to not to be. Either way, both are great works, and The Great Spirit is wonderful.
  • Freddie on Job 16:21 - 11 years ago
    Oh how the Lord answered our prayers.
  • Antoinette page wynter on Job 16 - 11 years ago
    I read all the book of job......it's is a intriguing book to read.....I'll like to B like job but I can never b like job.......
  • CLAUDE on Job 16 - 13 years ago
  • Juanita on Job 16 - 14 years ago

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