Discuss Job 19 Page 3

  • Andrewtwayne on Job 19:17 - 11 years ago
    goto leviticus 23 about tatoos! happy sabbath
  • Michael Anthony Michael on Job 19:25 - 11 years ago
    Job's disposition showed total reliance on God. His predicament notwithstanding, he exude confidence which is capured in the saying "I know my redeemer liveth". I wish as Christians, we will all attain to this realm of understanding in our relationship with our Maker.
  • Concern Sister on Job 19 - 11 years ago
    This comment is fro Actavius; I want to help you with as much as possible according to scripture please read Leviticus 19:28 which discourages this practice. God is the same yesterday and forever, ask the Holy Spirit help you understand His word. I recently commented on this subject, and encouraged all who have made this mistake to not allow the Devil to trip you into thinking just because you made this mistake in your past to keep you from giving your life over to Jesus because you did not know what God's word said about it. This is a forgivable sin, and God winks at our ignorance when we are void of the truth. But you see that's why its important to read your Bible; and ask God to lead you to a Church that teaches the whole truth about God's word. There are some out there. Read ( Psalm 32:8-9) and also read ( Acts 17:24-30) ( Ephesians 4:11-14) and finally ( I Corinthians 6:17-20) and you will find out that your body belongs to God, and if he wanted you to have a tattoo he would have given you a birth mark (Smile) Love You with the Love Christ Jesus!! You shall Know the Truth, and the Truth Shall Make You Free!! Amen!
  • Zandie on Job 19 - 11 years ago
    Verse 25 teaches me that, whatever is goin through ma life I must know that My Redeemer lives, He sees my sufferings all I need is to put my trust in him
  • Linda Mccrary on Job 19 - 11 years ago
    It's very interesting, so many things happened. i always ask the Lord to heip me understand what i'm reading.
  • Crispin Qulu on Job 19:25 - 12 years ago
    This verse, I believe, is the source of strength and hope for the afflicted ones in this world. We are all afflicted in one way or another but we can boldly face these afflictions, knowing we have a Living Redeemer Who shall vindicate us. AMEN
  • David on Job 19:25 - 12 years ago
    The book of Job is prophetic. At the second coming Christ will be once more upon the earth. Then he will judge the quick and the dead. "Mine eyes have seen.."
  • Actavius on Job 19:17 - 13 years ago
    I need to no about,TATOO'S On the body
  • Sithembiso Jukuda on Job 19 - 13 years ago
    This teaches those who call themselves Christians that journeying with Jesus Christ is not a straight forward journey, and of course after all there is hope for the hopeless.Faithing and trusting in our God is the solution in the mist of our journey.

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