Discuss Job 1 Page 4

  • Philip Christian Parks on Genesis 6:2 - 3 years ago
    Of Gen. 6:2 =

    Besides here, the Old Testament uses the expression "the sons of GOD" to identify supernatural angelic beings:

    1st, Job 1:6-7 describes "sons of GOD" presenting "themselves before The LORD." Note that "Satan (the supreme demonic angelic principality) came also among them."

    2nd, Job 38:7 records JEHOVAH asking Job

    "[4] Where wast thou [7] When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of GOD shouted for joy?"

    Here, both expressions, "morning stars" and "sons of GOD" identify supernatural angels reacting to GOD's wondrous Creative Power.

    The Old Testament does not use this expression to refer to believing saints except for the possible exception of Hosea 1:10: "In the place where it was said unto them (Israel), Ye are not MY people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of The Living GOD." The LORD, through HIS prophet Hosea, prophetically promised Israel a restoration far into the future.

    Moreover, the designation "men" translates from the Hebrew noun "adam" (Eng. transliteration; pronounced "aw-DAWM"). Scriptures record the term "adam" (aprox. 529 times) to refer to all mankind (generically), both male and female, as the highest created species of living creatures (e.g. Gen. 1:26): "GOD said, Let US make man (Heb. "adam") in OUR IMAGE, after OUR Likeness."

    Therefore, these "daughters of men" are the human female offspring of human fathers and mothers. Certain demonic angels saw these "daughters" as physically attractive ("fair"). Their "fairness" spawned unholy desires within these wanton angels who looked upon them, and desired them as objects solely for fulfilling their lusts.
  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} - 3 years ago
    Testing "functionality" Question: I wonder IF the three letter designations for the Bible Books can be posted in FAQ for "help!" in our studies { helps us 'wordy' posters pasters pastors? somewhat when 'characters' get close to "ZERO" :) }? ie:

    Since Deu 1:1 did not work? Deuteronomy 1:1 Det 1:1 Dut 1:1 Dtr 1:1 ?

    Phi 1:1 does not, so: Philippians 1:1; Phl 1:1; Php 1:1? Phn 1:1 ?

    also Philemon 1:1 Phi 1:1 Phm 1:1 Phn 1:1 ?

    Full list?:

    Gen 1:1 Exo 1:1 Lev 1:1 Num 1:1 Dtr 1:1? Jos 1:1 Jud 1:1 Rut 1:1 Ruth 1:1 1 Sa 1:1 2 Sa 1:1 1 Ki 1:1 2 Ki 1:1 1 Ch 1:1 2 Ch 1:1 Ezr 1:1 Ezra 1:1 Neh 1:1 Est 1:1 Esther 1:1

    Job 1:1 Psa 1:1 Pro 1:1 Prv 1:1 Pvb 1:1 Ecc 1:1 SoS 1:1 Son 1:1 Isa 1:1 Jer 1:1 Lam 1:1 Eze 1:1 Dan 1:1 Hos 1:1 Joe 1:1 Amo 1:1 Oba 1:1 Jon 1:1 Mic 1:1 Nah 1:1 Hab 1:1 Zep 1:1 Hag 1:1 Zec 1:1 Mal 1:1

    Mat 1:1 Mar 1:1 Luk 1:1 Joh 1:1 Act 1:1 Rom 1:1 1 Co 1:1 2 Co 1:1 Gal 1:1 Eph 1:1 Php 1:1? Col 1:1 1 Th 1:1 2 Th 1:1 1 Ti 1:1 2 Ti 1:1 Tit 1:1 Phm 1:1? Heb 1:1 Jam 1:1 1 Pe 1:1 2 Pe 1:1 1 Jo 1:1 2 Jo 1:1 3 Jo 1:1 Jud 1:1 Rev 1:1

    Ok, done testing -

    you may now resume back to Normal :) Hope this helps other? short-cut takers? besides me... :)

    God Bless...
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Samuel 24 - 3 years ago
    Hi Ron. Those are two good portions of Scripture you've given for us to consider (btw, I think you meant to write 1 Chronicles 21:1).

    To answer your questions properly, we must first know that God is neither the Author of sin, nor the tempter of mankind to sin. James 1:13-15: "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man: But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."

    So, to your passages. Clearly in the second passage ( 1 Chronicles 21:1), Satan is said to have "provoked" David to sin by numbering Israel. Yet 2 Samuel 24:1 speaks of the LORD having provoked David. To make sense of this, we can also recall Exodus 7:13,14 (& others verses like it), where "God hardened Pharaoh's heart" refusing to let the Israelites leave Egypt. We can also look at Job 1:9-12, where God gave Satan permission over Job's family & possessions. In both Scriptures, God doesn't incite or cause one to do evil, but brings about a situation where He removes His absolute control. And we can say the same for ourselves: when confronted with a situation to sin, God can either prevent us from committing sin or allow us to determine what we will do with it - we have a mind (& the Holy Spirit, if we're believers), to choose our path.

    When we bring those two passages together, we see that God "moved David". God did not force him to do wrong, but steered him in that direction of decision & allow his better judgement to not pursue such sin. Even Joab warned David about doing this & later David realized that he had done wrong, his heart was smitten & he repented (v10). With Job also, Job did nothing wrong, but God allowed Satan license to provoke Job to sin - but unlike David, Job did not. Satan is our enemy to entice us to sin - not God - God allows the tests - we have to choose rightly.
  • Dianne - In Reply on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    Hi Dr. Gods word says gopher wood which is cedar or cypress wood. Gen. 6:14 God Bless
  • DR DEBOAH JACKSON on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    What type of tree noar used to bulid the arc
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Teresa johnson,

    We see in Job the sons of God are angels ( Job 1"6) ( Job 2:1) and ( Job 38:7). There are demons on the earth that I hope you never have to contend with because these are vicious beings. How or why they are here is not in scripture, there are writings outside of the Bible but whether they are true is in question. But what does scripture tell us?

    We see in Scripture angels appearing in the form of man, able to eat, drink, and have physical contact with humans. ( Genesis 18:2-8) ( Genesis 32:24-30). We are also told to be careful entertaining strangers because they could be an angel, ( Hebrews 13:2). The angels that left their first estate were treated differently, they were locked in chains of darkness (bottomless pit) until judgment, they are not roaming this earth.

    Angels have no need to reproduce in their present estate like humans. If angels by choosing to leave their first estate can procreate, that is what we see in ( Genesis 6:1-4), and is probably the reason those angels were locked up in darkness because they corrupted God's creation of mankind, that God destroyed with the flood.

    Angels and demons are roaming the earth. We see in Daniel 10 good angels and bad angels battle each other here on earth, same as we battle these beings, these may be part of the third that will be cast down with Satan. We see they rejoice in heaven when this happens and say woe unto those on earth.

    We know by Job Satan has access to heaven because he went with the sons of God when they presented themselves to God, ( Job 1:6-12). Some take Revelation 12 as in the past, but if we look at what is said. Satan is the accuser and accuses us daily. If you read Revelation 12 you will see in vs. 8, Satan has no more place in heaven. In vs. 11 they overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives until death, this is in the future, not the past.

    God bless,

  • LEON DAVIS on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    My brother Chris, thank you the astute observations. There is a difference between the fall of the adversary and the final casting out of heaven. The fall, which occurred following Genesis 1:1 and the aftermath of God's judgment, which is found in Genesis 1:2; included the following consequences. Although still allowed access to heaven, the adversary was stripped of all authority and glory; he had been the adorned, anointed cherub that covereth. However, the beauty of his form was transformed into that of a serpent and a dragon; also, he was demoted to the lowly position of tempter ( Gen. 3:1; Matt. 4:3). All movement was restricted by God's "hook in his hose" ( Job 41:2); and any use of power required permission because God put a "double bridle" on him ( Job 41:13-14). Also, he had to regularly report with the regular angels ( Job 1:6; 2:1). This leads to the reason why he was not immediately destroyed.

    Christ opened the spiritual matrix and became the firstfruits and prototype of all who inherit the kingdom of heaven. Similarly, God positioned the adversary as the one who opened the matrix, and created hell for him and the angels which are suggested in the plural pronoun "they" in mentioned in Ezekiel 28:16 and are mentioned in Jude 6 ( Matt. 25:41).

    The eternal fate of all humankind is either heaven or hell. Water represents people ( Rev. 17:15). Therefore, for the duration of man's chronological week upon the earth following the fall of Adam and Eve, God is using Christ to draw up the Jordan River, which represents those who will inherit the kingdom, into His mouth ( Job 40:23). Conversely, he uses the adversary as the serpent who eats dust ( Gen. 3:14; 1 Pet. 5:8), from which man is made ( Gen. 2:7), and carry them along with him into hell.

    These conditions surrounding the fall of the adversary were effective throughout the Old Testament. However, the final casting did not occur until the days of John the Baptist ( Matt. 11:12). See the following post.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Thank you once again for your comments, brother Leon. I generally understand & agree with your comments, but if I could direct you to what you wrote: "Following his fall, the adversary was relegated to the position of tempter. Just as he tempted Christ, he was only allowed in the garden to tempt Eve, who was then used to test Adam's loyalty to God."

    I believe we have a problem here: Satan's fall is alluded to in Isaiah 14:12-15 & Ezekiel 28:12-19. And then we have Job 1:6,7. So the questions that arise are: at what point was Satan cast down to the Earth & were there two castings down? One, which caused Genesis 1:2 & another that brought on Genesis 3:1-15? For, if the first beautiful Earth was corrupted by reason of Satan's involvement, then where did he go between the first & second creations of Earth, since he lost his position in Heaven, no doubt?

    Does Satan's "walking to & fro in the Earth & walking up & down in it" apply to the second creation of Earth, where we find him all over the Earth, including Eden, & then again some years later during the lifetime of Job? If that's the case, then he being wholly evil, walking all over this globe, causing mankind's fall & causing Job his ultimate test, surely must indicate that such evil must breed evil, not only to those tested but to all of 'groaning' creation so affected?

    Therefore, looking at the Scriptures given by the Lord for us to work with, to have a two-Earth belief (once unformed & then reformed), becomes very difficult to acquiesce to, for Satan's position in either world, must mean a corruption of that world; i.e. if Satan was the reason for the first deformation, the reformation of the second must be likewise affected. Or, if God cleaned up the first then why permit Satan to be around to also affect the second? To be around again, just to test mankind's fidelity to Him, seems a weak reason in light of the extent of damage that was in Satan's power. The Lord be with you.
  • Ashlee Arrington on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    Waking at 3am. Where can i find it in kjv bible
  • Righteous Judgment and the Legal Process - In Reply on 1 Timothy 3 - 3 years ago
    'PEOPLE', is very large blanket kind of statement. Instead of naming a person, you accuse the entire group. These are just a few of the 5700 scriptures that deal with judgment. Mishael

    John 7:24

    Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

    2 Peter 2:8

    (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds

    2 Thessalonians 1:6

    Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;

    Revelation 22:11

    He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

    John 12:47

    And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.

    Matthew 7:1

    Judge not, that ye be not judged.

    1 Corinthians 11:31

    For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged.

    Luke 6:37

    Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

    In your prayers, forgive. Then petition the Lord Jesus to be judge between those who offend your conscience and understanding of scripture. Jesus...is our go-to person in such matters.

    Book of Job 1:

    6 Now there was a day when the sons of God (evil angels) came to present themselves before the LORD (on His Throne), and Satan came also among them.

    7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

    Comment=they show up when they have someone to accuse. Satan=Accuser

    Always take your "legal issue" before the Lords Throne first. He has the best ATTORNEY, JESUS CHRIST.

    1 John 2:1 The Advocate.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Genesis 6 - 3 years ago
    Neville Stewart

    There are two primary views on the identity of the sons of God and daughters of men. They were godly descendants of Seth intermarrying with wicked descendants of Cain. The major support for this interpretation is Genesis chapter 4 describes the ungodly generations of Cain, and 5 is the godly Seth line and the righteous line of Seth.

    Cain and Seth are both descendants of Adam and Eve so if the descendants of Cain's daughters were fair, so the daughters of Seth would also be fair so, godly vs ungodly would have to be the difference. Nowhere in scripture are the descendants of Seth called "the sons of God", but more as an adoption, "shall be my son" as Solomon and us today, who receive Jesus and are led by the Spirit of God are the sons/ daughters of God. ( 1 Chronicles 17:13) ( 2 Corinthians 6:18)

    The other view is angels who left their first estate and mated with women. Angels are called sons of God in Job, ( Job 1:6) ( Job 2:1) ( Job 38:7). Some say angels can not mate because of what Jesus said in ( Matthew 22:29-30). But all through scripture angels take on human form, they eat and drink and if they left their first estate it is possible. Scripture does not give a lot about this; we have 1656 years from Adam to the flood in only 7 chapters of Genesis.

    Scripture tells us there are devils, demons, and fallen angels but these angels are different they are locked in chains of darkness in the bottomless pit until judgment. ( 2 Peter 2:4) ( Jude 1: 6). The bottomless pit comes up in Revelation, another study.

    Also mentioned are giants/ Nephilim/ Rephaim "in those days; and also after that", before and after the flood. Whether these were offspring of angels' scripture does not tell us. The description in scripture is clear these are not just tall people. ( 2 Samuel 21:16) ( Joshua 12:4) ( Numbers 13:33) ( Deuteronomy 20:17) ( Deuteronomy 2:19-21) ( Amos 2:9).

    This is just a small amount of information, maybe it will get you started in your study.

  • BSP on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    At the end of the chapter we see that Job stayed faithful to God and he didn't blame God for the trials he was facing.
  • C. J. on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago
    Please agree with me in prayer that the LORD Jesus Christ's Father--Almighty GOD--will please tell me the address of where I may go and rent to, to escape from Satan's children and their lifelong abuse of me. My parents--with all due respect to them--are into evil (Satanic/witchcraft/magic/etc)--and therefore have the power of GOD (remember how GOD gave Satan some of his power to hurt Job in Job 1:1-12)? Remember, too how GOD is all-powerful and He ONLY gave all-power to His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ ( Matthew 28:18 "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.")? Therefore, ALL POWER that is, is Christ's Father's (GOD's), others just have some of it either directly from GOD the Father, or the Son, or the Holy Ghost, or they get it indirectly via evil--i.e. the Devil or devils/unclean spirits/familiar spirits who got it from Satan via GOD & GOD's permission only). Remember, too, that GOD's will be done in earth as IT IS in heaven ( Matthew 6:9-10). This means, since Hell is in the belly of the earth ( Matthew 12:40) or the center of the earth, or the hottest place on earth (the earth's core--where scientists have taught is molten lava). GOD's will is done therefore in Heaven, on earth, and in the earth (aka in Hell). I beg you to ask GOD to please tell me where I may go to escape Satan's children's abuse. I've been abused all of my life and I have NEVER been allowed to escape it. I am tired. Please help by praying for me. Thanks.
  • Eric Lopez on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    I remember hearing an iteration of this story, but in spanish. Now I know that it comes from this book and chapter.

    Satan proved wrong and Job still did not sin or curse God for what was taken.

    Good moral to the story.
  • Sf on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    don't see your self as a mere person if you believe in Jesus Christ.

    i've been seeing myself as the old self but i need to see my self as the believer in Jesus Christ.

    be not conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

    Blessed be the name of the Lord.
  • Sf - In Reply on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    thanks for responding. check out Lester Sumrall teachings on spirit, soul, and body on youtube.

    God bless you.
  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on Psalms 91 - 3 years ago
    Hello brother Ron,

    As I don't want to get in between you and Adams discussion. I just wanted to note one thing that I have read of in the Scriptures. Satan can tempt anyone, even God, as shown in the beginning of the book of Job. Where the sons of God(Holy angels) came to present themselves before the Lord and satan was there. Of coarse satan thinks he can get people to turn against God. Though God is always ahead of the devil. As Jesus Christ was(on earth) and is always also.

    He actually temps Him twice. Once in Job 1:6-12. Then again pushing further in Job 2:1-6. He wanted to get Job to curse God. Though he fails as usual.

    Maybe a way to subdue one thing you and Adam are conversing about. With "sin nature" in Jesus Christ. I believe He was part man(from Mary) and part God(from our Father in Heaven). So my answer to if He had a sin nature or not would be "yes and no". As I don't think many would really take that as an answer to that question though that is how I perceive it. Jesus Christ was like no other being that ever walked this earth.

    Have a peaceful conversation my brothers in Christ.

    God Bless.
  • Richard in Christ on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    Matthew 13:16-17 But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.

    For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

    Matthew 13:47-50 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

    Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

    So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

    And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
  • Sacha - In Reply on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    Hi SF ,i believe you are correct ,i dont think any of us can honestly declare that we totally understand every thing in the Bible completely and i dont believe we have to ,obviously there are certain things that we should know and believe if we are to be saved and call ourselves Christians ,as for historical accuracy and events we can only put such interpritations on things up to a certain point as we were not there ! Hundreds of years ago people were reading the same words as we are and they thought they knew what everything was about based on their knowledge at that time . I do believe ,just like thousands of others living hundreds of years ago ,that we are in the end times and im very very excited by this !
  • SF on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    Satan wants us in the feelings, reasoning, will realm.

    But Jesus showed us to stay on the word.

    John 6:33

    Tells us God's word is spirit and life.

    It's not soul and death.

    So we don't have to understand it just believe it
  • Marilyn Taplin - In Reply on Ephesians 2 - 3 years ago
    How can you say no one is righteous? Job is perfect and upright and he fears God. Job 2:3. The fear of God is to hate evil. Job hated evil. Job 1:1 "Job...was perfect and upright and feared god."

    Job 2:9 "Then said (1) his wife unto him, Doest thou still retain thine integrity? curse God , and die." The cross reference (1) sends me to Gen. 3:6 where Eve eats of the tree of good and evil and so did Adam. Job's wife said the same as Eve said to Adam. But Job said, "thou speakest as one of the foolish women." He know who the foolish people were. The foolish are speaking of those given to unnatural sex as stated in Romans, professing to be wise they became fools. Job would not join his wife in foolish. Noah was perfect, Gen 6:9 "Noah was a just man and perfect."

    The just have wisdom:

    Characteristics of the just:

    Pro. 10:20, "The tongue of the just is as choice silver"

    Pro. 10:31, "The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom."

    Pro. 4:18, "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the

    perfect day

    Ps 7:9, "Oh let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God trieth the hearts and reins." When an unjust person returns to God they will be justified, made just again.

    I have a partial list of those in the Bible who are just and perfect.


    Noah in the Ark

    Lot when delivered















    John the Baptist


  • Chris - In Reply on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    Her name is not given in any of the three Gospels - she was just an unknown woman with great faith.
  • Chris - In Reply on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    Job reprimanded her: Job 2:10.
  • Thomas - In Reply on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    what was the ladys Name in the bible that Suffered for 12 years with blood disorder
  • Thomas moyd on Job 1 - 3 years ago
    what did Job do when his wife said you should cuss your GOD
  • Marilyn Taplin - In Reply on Ephesians 2 - 3 years ago
    There are many scriptures that tell us not to sin. Examples: ECC. 8:29, "Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright: but they sought out many inventions."

    Job 1:1, "...Job; and that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." Job was perfect and he feared God. To fear God is to hate evil as stated in Pro. 8:13, "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil ." Job hated evil and he was perfect.

    A person must leave uprightness to fall and walk in darkness. Pro. 2:13, "Who leave the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness." Yes, a person must leave being upright to walk in the fallen state of sin.

    The story of Noah tells us that those in the Ark were Godly and those in the water were wicked. But you say there could be no one in the Ark, because all people are wicked.

    God gives us good advice, Pro. 4:14, "Enter not into the paths of the wicked, and go not in the way of evil men." It is a choose.

  • Gary Lee - In Reply on 1 John 4:1 - 3 years ago
    Just to add. God is the head of everything. In Job 1:12 God allowed Satan to touch all Job's possessions but not to touch his body. And later in Job 2vs6. God allowed Satan to touch his body but not to kill him. Satan cannot do anything without God's command. Our lives is a picture of Job's life. We too will be tested to see how faithful we are to Jesus. God uses Satan to purify us. God will use our worst enemy to make us grow. Our nosy neighbour, horrible boss and even the tax man or government.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    I'm single. I keep Deuteronomy 30:19 in my head when temptation is near. It's about choices we make. It's saying choose this day who you will serve: life or death. Sin works death.

    We're told in 1 Corinthians 6:18, flee fornication. It actually means run! So I get busy doing things I dislike: straightening the pantry, linen closet, tools, until the temptation passes. It's helps to notice what started the temptation: watching worldly things on tv, reading romance novels instead of the Bible. It's spiritual warfare ( Ephesians 6) so sometimes we need to put that helmet of salvation back on our heads.

    I Corinthians 7 actually teaches about marrying, to avoid burning with lust. Marry someone who is a Christian too, to avoid being unequally yoked.

    Apostle Paul never married, so he's a good one to read in the Bible.
  • Chris - In Reply on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    The message is always: FLEE, FLEE, FLEE. 1 Corinthians 6:18, "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."

    Other sins may have an impact on oneself, whether immediate or in time. But fornication is sin that has immediate effect on both the body & mind that will eat away & lead to destruction.

    But a person won't flee unless it is determined that danger is present. One has to look at the Scriptures, all the way from Israel's behaviour in the Old Testament to some Christians' behaviour in the New Testament, that the warning about sexual sin is everywhere. Once we understand the gravity of this sin, as other sins also, we will not come to the Saviour for salvation & receive His Power to overcome. Mostly we sin when tempted because we enjoy sinning & maybe believe that God cares not or easily forgives us when we do. James 1:15. However, some Christians are not on guard against the enemy's taunts to sin, & easily fall into his traps. Whatever our reason, we must know that any sin displeases the Lord & if we should stumble & fall into sin, there is still a place of repentance & forgiveness for us. 1 John 1:9.

    The ways to handle this sin or any sin, is to first know your position as a child of God, purchased at a great cost. You belong to Him & it is God's desire & should be yours too, to refrain from all sin & all appearance of evil. That's not always easy & we can succumb to temptations: we need to strengthen our minds & hearts from God's Word (i.e. read & meditate on it daily); we need to be in much prayer about that area of weakness in our lives, that the Spirit's Power will avail for us at the moment of testing; when temptation knocks at our door, we turn the other way, we run to the Lord; put your mind, your hands, your body to other good uses; even mix with company that don't open up a way of temptation or sin for you, rather ready to support & help you. May God help you.
  • Diana Rose Rezzetti on Job 1 - 4 years ago
    According to the bible how is the best way to handle sex temptation

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