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God is not destroying people's lives. One of satans other names is: DESTROYER.
Pass it on. He is the accuser of the brethern. Revelation 12:10, Job 1:6,12 and Zechariah 3:1
Part of our problem is that we do not trust God. We think he does all the painful things. Like why is he allowing satan to get near us? That's that voice of the ACCUSER. Another name of satan... or, why doesn't Jesus just heal everybody?
Something I do is read all the red scriptures in my Bible. I wanna imprint what Jesus does, what he says. Something really happens to your perception. He doesn't argue, debate or nitpick.
God is not destroying people's lives. One of satans other names is: DESTROYER.
Pass it on. He is the accuser of the brethern. Rev. 12:10, Job 1:6,12 and Zechariah 3:1
Part of our problems is that we do not trust God. We think he does all the painful things. Like why is he allowing satan to get near us? That's that voice of the ACCUSER. Another name of satan... or, why doesn't Jesus just heal everybody?
Something I do is read all the red scriptures in my Bible. I wanna imprint what Jesus does, what he says. Something really happens to your perception.
Get rowdy when the accuser shows up.
"The plural, "sons of God," is used ( Gen. 6:2, 4) to denote the" pious descendants of Seth. In Job 1:6; 38:7 this name is applied to the angels.
These 3 sentences are untrue. Romans 10:9, John 1:9 One must become a Christian follow Jesus to be saved. Matthew 7:13-14 - most WILL NOT be saved and will go to hell. One of satan's lies is to convince people he doesn't matter or doesn't exist 1 Peter 5:8, 1 John 3:8.