Joel1 5 This means to me that we are to be very careful not to let the cares of this life keep us from doing the things God has called us to do. Being drinkers of wine is the cares of this life, the new wine is the Holy Ghost. We are to be very carful not to let anything in this life stop us from do our best for God for we don 't want to lose the Holy Ghost because we let down so much we lose out.
Joel 1 20 The beasts of the field cry also unto thee for the rivers of waters are dried up and the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness the beast of the field have no substance for the sun caused the rivers and lakes all to be dried up and fire devoured the pastures of the wilderness
Joel 1 19 O LORD to thee will I cry for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field the sun hath put fire to the pastures all the trees are burnt up
Joel 1 18 How do the beasts groan the herds of cattle are perplexed because they have no pasture yea the flocks of sheep are made desolate The cattle all are faint for lack of food the sheep are all dead
Joel 1 16 Is not the meat cut off before our eyes yea joy and gladness from the house of our God Is not the Wisdom of the Word of God cut off from before our eyes can we not discern the times we are living in How can we have joy in the House of our God when We allow evil to dictate unto us because of our not teaching our own children according to Gods ways
Joel 1 15 Alas for the day for the day of the LORD is at hand and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come For the terrible day of the Lord is upon us that day no sane man should ever hope for evil and wickedness everywhere sadness death and stench little food on land or in the sea man eating of things sacrificed unto idols in order to eat but still shall not be satisfied fear on every side no where to hid no where to run their confederates have all gone their own ways will we find a fast unto repenting or should the Lord put an end to us
Joel 1 14 Sanctify ye a fast call a solemn assembly gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the LORD your God and cry unto the LORD Declare unto your region a fast unto God to redeem you from your hopelessness And to return into the house of the Lord to let Him know you want His Holy Words
Joel 1 13 Gird yourselves and lament ye priests howl ye ministers of the altar come lie all night in sackcloth ye ministers of my God for the meat offering and the drink offering is withholden from the house of your God prayer and fasting in sackcloth all night till the Lords return for evil has forbidden you to teach Gods Holy Word in His Holy Temples
Joel 1 9 The meat offering and the drink offering is cut off from the house of the LORD the priests the LORD S ministers mourn the LORD S ministers mourn because great is the death of the congregations for when the truth is shot down there can be no hope of salvation
Is not the drink the milk what have they done but to allow a ban on Gods Holy Word and the Holy Covenant through Jesus the Christ To cause a drought of the word of God and a famine of the wisdom of the Holy Spirit
What the worm did not make a meal of, has been taken by the locust, it means that the food which Go d has placed on your table, the food you have refused to eat someone else has eaten. Your position in the ministry as a General overseer which you have left has been taken by your church member. God will not replace us, read 1 Samuel 15:27-28. That which the palm worm hath left hath the locust eaten, also means The stones which the labourers has rejected has become the Corner Stone.
Mere fasting will not sanctify any one,instead a combination of confession and prayer will sanctify the fasting which will lead to the sanctification of our souls.
Dear neighbors;thank you for the Bible Quiz site;it helps me a lot in my studies.I merely want to say that ,I rather you not use the word Luck (as you say at the end of some questions..."Better luck...).thank you.
This is literal as well as spiritual. Yahwehs people as descendents from Abraham Isaac and Jacob...many Americans do not know they are descendents. But Yahweh knows. Well they have not been recieving wine or wheat or barley.... they are starving for true interpretation from the Scriptures. Pastors claim to be feeding the flocks... but it is false. Surely the Yahweh will reveal his secrets to his servants the prophets. And he chooses someone from the line of prophets to reveal these truths... there is one line... and they try to tell the leaders of the Christian churches.... but are blocked... just as in the days of the Catholic church. All these protestant leaders stopped protesting and now their flocks are starving. We must call a solemn feast (keep the feast) and meet with Yahweh at his appointed times and meet with his appointed prophet. In these days.... when we see this destruction of all these things coming to pass before our very eyes.
If we look close, this is also a parallel message to the United States, since our laws are Judeo-Christian laws linked to Israel. The rotten seeds would be our wheat in the grain belt the West. The meat cut off would be the cattle that were slaughtered because of the drought in the West. The fires are the uncontrollable fires, burning out west. These are signs, signals to the people of God to wake up. Food prices will double price and more in the future because of shortages. The key is get right with God, God is coming to get his people, come into the kingdom of God.
Joel is calling us to prepare for the Day ofthe Lord. Ministers and priest should mourn. We should santify a fast, and call the elders to the assembly. The coming of the Lord should produce a holy life. We are not to be drunk with wine, but rather are to be filled with the spirit. Prepare to meet the Lord.
I like the way the 1611 is worded I think that alot is lost in translation 1611 seems to nail it Joel gives alot about the last days that I have never heard in churches
2 Peter 1:20: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any PRIVATE INTERPRETATION.
Amos 3: 7 -- Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he REVEALETH HIS SECRET unto his servants the prophets.
The prophets in our day (THE LATTER DAYS) are the two Witnesses in Revelation chapter 11. One of these prophets had already come and the world knew him not. The other prophet is now sounding the alarm!
None of the Prophet Isaiah’s words are for an individual’s private imaginations or personal gleanings. Many of Isaiah’s prophesies are concerning the latter days (our days) though they are mixed with prophesies that have already been accomplished in OLD Jerusalem. Consider Isaiah’s prophesy in chapter 61 verse 2. Now most, if not all Christians (who make up nations that were established by the covenant brought by Jesus and the Apostles much the OLD Jerusalem was made up of nations established by Moses John 9: 28), would agree that the one that one proclaiming liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison (grave) to those that are bound is none other that Jesus (not really a name just a transliteration derived from what the Greeks called him). But if this savior mentioned in this chapter is NONE OTHER than Jesus, Why does Jesus himself say in Matthew 24: 36 that no man knows the day or the hour (concerning the calamities that will soon take place in our day) but my father only. Is it unreasonable to think that the Father (whose name is Holy - Isaiah 45: 4 {read the Hebrew Names Version}) will not warn his servants so they can escape the horrible catastrophe to soon come upon the whole world to execute judgment on the rebellious and hypocritical nation ( Isaiah 10: 6; 33:14)? I’m not able to write the “whole vision” in the comments section here. It’s my intention to help warn the people and direct them to the information they DESPERATELY NEED ( Isaiah 41: 17). Consider Amos 8: 11: Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
People are struggling to find god and they now have there chance – ( Isaiah 34: 16). If the people in OLD Jerusalem were deceived by the religious leaders is Jesus’ day why should we think the same scenario ( Jeremiah 23; 5: 4; Ezekiel 34; 13: 5; Isaiah 3: 12, 9: 16) would not exist in our days which are the LATTER DAYS? There is SOO MUCH that we DON’T ALREADY KNOW of the scriptures. It is only through the LORD’S servant that we can escape the great and dreadful day of the LORD which is almost here ( Joel 1: 14, 15)! My email address is [email protected] – I want to hear from you and am open to ANY QUESTION about the scriptures because I’m convinced I know how the so-called 144,000 are to escape.
May the LORD who created all things be with us all!
Amos 3: 7 -- Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he REVEALETH HIS SECRET unto his servants the prophets.
The prophets in our day (THE LATTER DAYS) are the two Witnesses in Revelation chapter 11. One of these prophets had already come and the world knew him not. The other prophet is now sounding the alarm!
None of the Prophet Isaiah’s words are for an individual’s private imaginations or personal gleanings. Many of Isaiah’s prophesies are concerning the latter days (our days) though they are mixed with prophesies that have already been accomplished in OLD Jerusalem. Consider Isaiah’s prophesy in chapter 61 verse 2. Now most, if not all Christians (who make up nations that were established by the covenant brought by Jesus and the Apostles much the OLD Jerusalem was made up of nations established by Moses John 9: 28), would agree that the one that one proclaiming liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison (grave) to those that are bound is none other that Jesus (not really a name just a transliteration derived from what the Greeks called him). But if this savior mentioned in this chapter is NONE OTHER than Jesus, Why does Jesus himself say in Matthew 24: 36 that no man knows the day or the hour (concerning the calamities that will soon take place in our day) but my father only. Is it unreasonable to think that the Father (whose name is Holy - Isaiah 45: 4 {read the Hebrew Names Version}) will not warn his servants so they can escape the horrible catastrophe to soon come upon the whole world to execute judgment on the rebellious and hypocritical nation ( Isaiah 10: 6; 33:14)? I’m not able to write the “whole vision” in the comments section here. It’s my intention to help warn the people and direct them to the information they DESPERATELY NEED ( Isaiah 41: 17). Consider Amos 8: 11: Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
People are struggling to find god and they now have there chance – ( Isaiah 34: 16). If the people in OLD Jerusalem were deceived by the religious leaders is Jesus’ day why should we think the same scenario ( Jeremiah 23; 5: 4; Ezekiel 34; 13: 5; Isaiah 3: 12, 9: 16) would not exist in our days which are the LATTER DAYS? There is SOO MUCH that we DON’T ALREADY KNOW of the scriptures. It is only through the LORD’S servant that we can escape the great and dreadful day of the LORD which is almost here ( Joel 1: 14, 15)! My email address is [email protected] – I want to hear from you and am open to ANY QUESTION about the scriptures because I’m convinced I know how the so-called 144,000 are to escape.
May the LORD who created all things be with us all!