Discuss John 10 Page 27

  • Gabriel odum on John 10:9 - 10 years ago
    I believe that going and out represents activity, ie, the effort the believer has to make in order to know the truth that is able to save his soul. Eg, personal study of the word, going tn a true church, praying for the help of tge holy spirit etc. Truth is not found on the sufface of the ground but must be fetched from the deppest well.
  • Chris on John 10:34 - 10 years ago
    I believe that Jesus is reminding us all that we are all Gods because we are all of the spirit of the creator...there can be nothing else but the creator in all that is created.There is only One and all that exists is a part of that...many facets of the same thing. We have forgotten our true identity.
  • Calisto otieno oriato on John 10:10 - 10 years ago
    This is the verse i was preached to and i got salvation instantly. Amalgamated together with Jeremiah 29 11. Very powerful that every born again christian should crave to read.
  • Sherif mohamad on John 10 - 10 years ago
    I and the father are one does not mean that Jesus is GOD...You took this out of context...you need to read from verse 23 30....what he ment is they are ONE in purpose ...read Mark 12 v 29 when Jesus said " The LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD " and that is the FIRST OF ALL COMMANDMANTS " . And when he returns back, He will tell people like you who used to call him LORD and used say that he is GOD READ THIS Matthew ch 7 v 22 23......22. Many will say to me in that day, LORD, LORD, have w not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? verse 23 And I will profess unto them, I never knew you depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Inquity means twisting the word and GOD 'S LAWS.... LIKE YOU GUYS SAYING THAT JESUS IS GOD OR HE IS THE SON OF GOD..JESUS NEVER SAID THAT he is GOD NOR did he say he is the son of GOD, and he never said " WORSHIP ME " .
  • Tally on John 10:30 - 10 years ago
    I think jesus is GOD in spirit..and also the son of GOD.
  • MockingBird on John 10:10 - 10 years ago
    The thief is the devil Back in the garden the thief came in God started to make provision for man then Jesus came to give us life and that more abundantly. Everything that the devil stole from me you we can get back through Jesus Christ. That goes with a life of prayer and reading and church attendance and obeying and submitting to God. We have a job set before us. The way is strait and narrow. Few there be that find it. The way to destruction is wide and well traveled and many there be that go in there at. The way if our Lord is not easy But very ,very rewarding !!!! Life and that more abundantly !!!
  • Blessed on John 10 - 10 years ago
  • Tony on John 10 - 10 years ago
    If we take a glass of water and freeze it then freeze it in sun and melt it the same substance has taken three different forms. There roll, there duties, authority may be different for that time but they are one.
  • , , , image on John 10:30 - 10 years ago
    Joh 10 30,31 I and my Father are one. Are so united that the Father is pledged to keep the sheep of the Son. These words the Jews held to be blasphemy, and sought to stone him. Compare 8 52. Memo What Do You Think of John 10 30? I have the authority to give my life, and I have the authority to take my life back again. ... Judas Conspiracy for he has anointed me I and my Father are one You go, and do likewise. He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he .... understandeth believe the works that I do in My Father 's name, these testify of Me. understand
  • Isaiahs Ireri on John 10 - 10 years ago
    For me Jesus is lord God. For a son of man is man and a son of lion is lion, so be it, a son of God is God. God is in three, God the father, God the the son and God the holy spirit. So Jesus is God.
  • BEYONCÉ KNOWLES on John 10:33 - 10 years ago
    I would like to understand more about the power that Jesus lost rather than the majority going against him. I know more means favor but if he 's this GOD like he says he is what was they scared of and why and what made him attack them back.
  • Niatse P. Holsben on John 10:8 - 10 years ago
    Jesus Christ is the only means to Heaven.
  • Sonia Guhirwa on John 10:11 - 10 years ago
  • Michael Adams on John 10:30 - 10 years ago
    By reading some of the comments, I got a much better understanding of who Jesus is. All three are One God.
  • Olwethu on John 10:30 - 10 years ago
    Jesus is the spokeperson in God house. He is the High Priest of God house from eternity. He is God in flesh. Jesus in not the Father and He is not the Holy Spirit, He is the Son of the Living God from eternity. If God The father is Jesus and Holy Spirit is Jesus, the whole bible is not Holy. In Hebrews Chapter one God the Father is declaring his Son as God. So what more do we want from Jesus The Word .
  • Florence Abraham on John 10:30 - 10 years ago
    I use to have a pastor who is a brigadier general in the army, he is also a doctor. I have seen him in his army uniform as a general, I have seen him in his lab coat during an operation and of course I have seen him countless times in suit on the pulpit. If you take a snap shot of him in these three different outfit, you will have three different pictures of the same man. You cannot separate him from any of those jobs. That is my picture of the trinity, God the father, son and Holy Spirit have always. .been together at creation in genesis 1 2 3, Baptism of Jesus In Matthew 3 16 17 and in the great commission in Matthew 28 19. there are one.
  • Mark M. Marzah on John 10:5 - 10 years ago
    Let all followers of Jesus Christ know the voice of Christ, or else, they will follow strange person who may not spare them.
  • David on John 10 - 10 years ago
    This is the most important part of the New Testament John 10 22 42 because it explains just what "son of God " means. The Muslims say this is wrong but they do not understand what "son of God " means. Son of God means born of the virgin Mary. Their Quran says the same thing in Sura 19, Sura "Miriam " Arabic for Mary .
  • Faith on John 10 - 10 years ago
    Jesus is God! vs 30 says that Jesus is one with the Father.The Holy Spirit is God and God the Father is God . understanding this will the carnal mind is impossible. Jesus says His sheep hear His voice because they know Him, they follow Him. Do you know Him?
  • Jimtai David on John 10 - 10 years ago
    John10 41 says John did no miracle, that is not a credit, with all d anointing and power he was loaded with. That means one can be loaded and still be grounded, if we did not make good use or recognise who we are in Christ Jesus.
  • Kim Mc Donald on John 10:10 - 11 years ago
    I know of the voice of god because the work that he as done for my life is prof. He took me out of the dark and put the light in me and made me a new person that is the God of all things so to know god is to believe in is work and the work is me. thank you father for shining on me and keeping your hand on my life.Amen
  • Abey on John 10:8 - 11 years ago
    All that ever came before me Denotes the whole of past ARE Thieves Robbers Denotes the present This can be only refer to the various beliefs since the fall of man for all those beliefs were attributed to some god or other to says the gods to say all other beliefs by their gods against the belief in the God of Abraham through His covenant Christ
  • Adymay on Luke 4:18 - 11 years ago
    Whenever I read this verses, I am always joyful and comforted, because God so love us that He sent Jesus Christ to reconcile us back to Him through the cross. You can feel the heart beats of God in those loving verses. God wants us save, healthy and full of life. To have sweet fellowship with him. It is His will, that we have life and have it more abundantly John 10:10. Thank you Lord for saving and loving us dearly. It's wonderful.
  • Raji Hassan on John 10:30 - 11 years ago
    Jesus is not Godhead.neither the Holy Spirit,HE is the Son of the Living God(GODHEAD OR GOD THE FATHER)
  • Bill on John 10:18 - 11 years ago
    It was not the Jews....though they said...His blood be upon us...No man could take His life. As in Job, unless God expressly allowed it...."...save his life", is what he told Satan. Just who do you think is in charge of this world and that which is to come? This commandment received from His Father....that settles the matter. He took on the sins of the whole world...that is why whosoever trusts in Him has eternal life.
  • Faithfull on John 10:12 - 11 years ago
    the hireling is the paid pastors, Them who preach only for the money! The sheep are the Faithful congregations of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. The Pastors for hire flee when they see the Wolf coming. The Wolf catches the Pastors for Hire, & the Believers in Christ Scatter. (The Wolf is one of the ruling 7 Kings of the Dragon the Antichrist & the Beast with 10 toes
  • King James Bible on Acts 2 - 11 years ago
    Here are the keys Peter was given: ( Acts 14:27) "they rshearsed all that God had done with them, and how He had OPENED THE DOOR of faith unto the Gentiles.( 1 Cor 16:9) For a great DOOR and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries. ( 2 Cor 2:12) Furthermore, when I came to Troas to preach Christ's gospel, and a DOOR was opened unto me of the Lord. ( Col 4:3) Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a DOOR of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds. The keys were given to Peter for a chance to preach. Look at the verses. God gives us keys to DOORs or opportunities to preach or tell someone about Christ. We don't need keys to heaven, "we got's the door" ( John 10:7)! Amen.
  • Laurie on John 10 - 11 years ago
  • Bwale Mutanuka on John 10:10 - 11 years ago
    We have to be very careful because the enemy really wants to trap many people and let them go to hell fire so it is vital for us to look up to God for he came to give us abundant life
  • Adeniyan Tolulope C on John 10:10 - 11 years ago
    No matter what the thief might have stolen,destroy in your life,if you still have your life and know God,HE will give you those good things that has been stolen more abundantly and the things that has been destroyed HE will build again if we will listen and appreciate HIM that when there is life,there is hope.I LOVE GOD!

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