Discuss John 10 Page 29

  • Alan on John 10:30 - 11 years ago
    If Jesus is God, so who resurrected Jesus? Jesus is not God, whose name is Jehovah; but he is the Son of God. Jehovah resurrected Jesus from the dead. Romans 10:9.
  • DELE DANIEL on John 1 - 11 years ago
    According John 1:1-3, Jesus was never an angel. He had been with God the father even before the heavens and earth were created. Moreover none of the angels can say: "I and my Father are one." John 10:30, Hebrews 1:5, 13.
  • Lori on John 10 - 11 years ago
    @Muhammad Kalam,
    Yes Jesus died on the cross, but that is not where it ends. HE ROSE AGAIN (from the dead) on the third day. Unlike other "gods" that men worshipped, Jesus rose from the dead. The others are still dead. In John 10, Jesus is telling the people that He is the son of God and even though He has said and shown who He is through the works He has done in His Father's name, there will still be some who will still not believe in HIM. And, that is unfortunate. However, those that hear His voice and know Him, He will also know them before His Father in eternity and recognize them on judgment day.
  • Betty on John 10:29 - 11 years ago
    What does the Bible say about suicide?
  • Ian on Hebrews 5 - 11 years ago
    Verses 12-14 have a heading spiritual immaturity in the New King James. The bible is clearly saying when we are saved and reborn, we have a lot to learn from the oracles of God also known as the torah or the Old Testament. So, anyone thinking that the new covenant did away with the 10 commandments needs to read Acts 21:24, John 10:15, 2 Timothy 3:15-16, 2 Peter 1:20, Mark 2:28, Mathew 7:21-23, Mark 7:6-9. At the time of the oracles or scriptures mentions, there was no New Testament. The only law nailed to the cross is Sacrificial and Ceremonial. The Moral Law (10 commandments) were written in stone because they are forever. John 14:10 says if ye love me keep my commandments. So why would he make them void after saying this? Would Jesus really say it's ok to have false gods? Kill, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness? That what doing away the OLD LAW means. The new covenant is no animal sacrifice or circumcision and other ceremonial law and tempering the moral laws and scriptural doctrine with love and compassion. Something the Pharisees lacked. That’s why he called their teaching bad leaven, or leaven to be avoided.
  • Akuro on John 1:1 - 11 years ago
    What is the difference between “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” and “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God's”. The second would correspond with Proverbs 8, and denotes two separate and distinct entities. Whether Jesus' beginning was from everlasting does not matter. What matters is that he has a beginning in God terms. Let us create man in our own image does not mean trinity. It simply goes to prove the point that God will not do a new thing without first revealing it to His prophets, angels (remember there was no issue of fallen angels then!). God has asked - who is my equal and to whom can you compare me? John 10:30 is often quoted out of context. One has to read the whole chapter to understand what Jesus meant. Simply put God gave Him the authority to exercise that power on His behalf.
  • Ian on Acts 2 - 11 years ago
    I do believe Jesus Himself speaks of the lake of fire in Revelation several times. But no one is cast in there until his return and they are given another chance to accept Him as Lord and saviour. And follow the true Ten Commandments not the catholic version that replaced Sunday for Saturday. Those who believe Jesus nailed the commandments to the cross are deceived. The ceremonial and sacrificial laws were nailed to the cross but not the Moral law. That is why he said If you love me keep my commandments, I have kept my father’s commandments and many will worship Me in vain teaching doctrines of men for commandments. I paraphrased a lot there but in Luke 6:46 he says why call me Lord and not do what I say. Nowhere in the bible is Sunday transferred as the Sabbath. Luke 4:4, He says we are to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. The bible is God’s word. Circumcision is well documented on its absolution. So why not Sunday taking over from Saturday? Because it hasn't, in John 10:35, Jesus says the scripture cannot be broken. Daniel 7:25 tells us the beast will change ties and laws and wear out the saints. The Dark Age period Christians keeping the 7th day as Jesus did, were killed for 1260 years. The Catholic Church passed the law to do it and they did. Research canon Law XX1X.
  • Ian on John 10 - 11 years ago
    @Sister Linda Susan,
    Jesus was called Emmanuelle (God among us). Jesus says also My Father and I are one. Jesus taught us not just by what He said but also what He did. He was teaching us to have a relationship with our heavenly Father. I can't recall what verse but Jesus also calls himself "I AM" the same name Moses is told to tell Jews who sent him. When Jesus says His sheep hear His voice he is saying that like the people in the synagogue who rejected him many people till He returns will also not understand the scripture both Old and New Testaments will be a mystery. This non understanding leads to believing in false Sabbaths and holy days (traditions of men). He warns us again about the deception many believe in Mark 7:6-9. There are two kinds of Christians Jesus says those that call him Lord prophecy, do wonders and cast out demons in his name but he won't know them. And there are the true believers who hear his voice and obey his commandments. There are articles with bible scripture proving how Satan has deceived many Christians, most wonderful people but deceived nonetheless. I urge you to pray that your eyes are opened so that the truth be revealed to you. God bless.
  • Paul M. on John 10:36 - 11 years ago
    I've heard that in the Greek edition of the New Testament it says "I am a son of God." The King James translators put the word "the" in front of son.
  • Prophet Isaac Babatunde Oke on Luke 10:30 - 11 years ago
    This is a picture of a Christian that lives the presence of God and defends himself from sin. Wounded devil John 10:10. Need someone to help him out. The only one that can help out of sin is JESUS CHRIST.
  • Insight 777 on John 10 - 11 years ago
    Verse 18; No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. Jesus from the moment of creation had eternal life. He has the power to raise the dead to life again. Jesus, the Son of God, is not a coward and does not fear death. When he prayed that the burden be lifted from him it was, not fear of pain or death. Jesus feared being Sin, as he had to become the Sin of Christians and kill it on the cross. In that way his followers were cleansed. Jesus knew that the moments before death when he became sin that God, his father, would reject him. That separation from God is what Jesus feared. That is the pain that is unbearable. Jesus proved he became Sin when he shouted out, asking My God why has thou forsaken me? This is the lie Satan wanted the world to hear, to spread doubt in the minds of mankind. If God rejected Jesus then everything Jesus taught is a lie. God rejected Sin, not his Son Jesus.
  • Sister Linda Susan on John 10 - 11 years ago
    A strong thought here why would God talk to himself, Jesus was not crazy, God is not neither. He did not have a split personality. Jesus said the father is greater than I. Greater means plural more than one great greater. Please open your bible to John 14:28 and help me understand this reasoning that Jesus is his father first born. God and Jesus do not play games, they have no split personality sicknesses. John 5:36 he said the father sent him here. I am thinking Jesus said clearly his father sent him. God can do anything, God does not have to pretend he is Jesus and act like a split personality like a sibling. God and Jesus do not talk to themselves and confuse people. We must understand the devil knows the scriptures inside out. In John 20:17, Jesus was talking to a person there, Jesus does not lie. Jesus saith unto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my father, and your father: and to my God, and your God. Does everyone think Jesus was crazy? Jesus told the people in John 14:10, Jesus said the father is in him and he is in the father, but here again Jesus says I speak not of myself: but the father that dwelleth in me. Jesus takes no credit for the things he did but said the father doeth the works, the holy spirit speaks, comes in people but they are not the holy spirit. I cover this message with the blood of Jesus. Amen.
  • Ron c on John 10 - 12 years ago
    The gospel according to John centers it's thoughts on intimate relationship. The hope is that we will recognize the importance of having, and the need to have the kind of relationship with God, that the Son has! After all, these works and greater shall we be able to do through intimate relationship with God The Father, through God the Son!
  • Eric on Deuteronomy 6 - 12 years ago
    To Muhammed Kalid, my friend you are mistaken. Isaiah 9 Clearly states "unto us a child is given, unto us a Son is born... and you shall call him Wonderful, Counselor, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace". This verse clearly describes Jesus the "child given" as the everlasting Father. Jesus himself in John 8:58 refers to Himself as "I Am" as used in the book of Exodus. In John 10:30 Jesus says "I and my Father are one". In Revelation Chapter 3 Jesus refers to himself as the Alpha and the Omega, with no beginning and no end. Only Almighty God has no beginning. Even the Qur'an states that Jesus is the greatest prophet. I do not for a moment disrespect Muhammad in saying this. You may check for yourself. May God be with you and continue to open your heart to Him.
  • Timothy Wayne George on John 10:33 - 12 years ago
    It is interesting that 2000 years since His first Advent, they are still struggling with Jesus being God. They called it blasphemy then, and would do so now. Yet in His second Advent He will come riding on the clouds, and all kindred on earth will see Him, and they will wail for Him whom they pierced. Receive the Son today, and He will be your Savior. May the risen Lord bless you this Holiday Season.
  • Muhammad Kalam on John 10 - 12 years ago
    According to the Christians, Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) is God. And similarly Jesus Christ (pbuh) was crucified and died. So what I want say that's (according to the Christians), Almighty God had died. Imagine, Almighty God, He had crucified! He had died!
  • Irish on Deuteronomy 6 - 12 years ago
    Make of these what you will: I hope you find your way. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth. John 10:30 I and my Father are one. 1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
  • Vincent on John 10 - 12 years ago
    Like a lot of you, I have struggled with the understanding of the Holy Trinity. I sometimes think of the hymn Abide In Me (I believe that is the title) with the line "God in three persons, blessed Trinity" it plainly is saying that God is also the Son and Holy Spirit. A local pastor who had gained some widespread renown, said, God the Father is all there is, The Holy Spirit is all we will feel, and Jesus is all we will ever see. For now this works for me until someone convinces me differently. But isn't the reality of everything based on the love we have for Him in our hearts and the salvation of everlasting life as the promise?
  • Melissa on John 10:30 - 12 years ago
    Jesus was God in the flesh. Read John 1:1,14. Oh the beauty of the "One God" revelation !!!
  • Jerry on John 10 - 12 years ago
    Jesus is not GOD. He and the Father are of one mind and one accord but he is not God. He is and individual. When he was baptized in the river Jordan, you had Jesus standing on earth the Father speaking from heaven and the Holy Ghost descending in the form of a dove. The Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, of one mind and accord but of three individuals.
  • Ian on John 10 - 12 years ago
    To the guy who says Jesus is not God, I urge you to read verse 30, He says I and my father are one. He was going to be stoned for saying so. He is God in the flesh, or God among us. However you want to see it. He tells the Pharisees before Abraham was born "I am" this means he is God.
  • D McNeish on John 10 - 12 years ago
    In your experience.....what is the "abundant life" that Jesus spoke of and how is it experiencially different from "life."
    D McNeish.
  • Ekeneani on Matthew 22:14 - 12 years ago
    In verses 1-14 The provision made for perishing souls in the gospel, is represented by a royal feast made by a king, with eastern liberality, on the marriage of his son. Our merciful God has not only provided food, but a royal feast, for the perishing souls of his rebellious creatures. There is enough and to spare, of everything that can add to our present comfort and everlasting happiness, in the salvation of his Son Jesus Christ. The guests first invited were the Jews. When the prophets of the Old Testament prevailed not, nor John the Baptist, nor Christ himself, who told them the kingdom of God was at hand, the apostles and ministers of the gospel were sent, after Christ's resurrection, to tell them it was come, and to persuade them to accept the offer. The reason why sinners come not to Christ and salvation by him, is, not because they cannot, but because they will not. Making light of Christ, and of the great salvation wrought out by him, is the damning sin of the world. They were careless. Multitudes perish for ever through mere carelessness, who show no direct aversion, but are careless as to their souls. Also the business and profit of worldly employments hinder many in closing with the Saviour. Both farmers and merchants must be diligent; but whatever we have of the world in our hands, our care must be to keep it out of our hearts, lest it come between us and Christ. The utter ruin coming upon the Jewish church and nation, is here represented. Persecution of Christ's faithful ministers fills up the measure of guilt of any people. The offer of Christ and salvation to the Gentiles was not expected; it was such a surprise as it would be to wayfaring men, to be invited to a royal wedding-feast. The design of the gospel is to gather souls to Christ; all the children of God scattered abroad, John 10:16; 11:52. The case of hypocrites is represented by the guest that had not on a wedding-garment. It concerns all to prepare for the scrutiny; and those, and those only, who put on the Lord Jesus, who have a Christian temper of mind, who live by faith in Christ, and to whom he is all in all, have the wedding-garment. The imputed righteousness of Christ, and the sanctification of the Spirit, are both alike necessary. No man has the wedding-garment by nature, or can form it for himself. The day is coming, when hypocrites will be called to account for all their presumptuous intruding into gospel ordinances, and usurpation of gospel privileges. Take him away. Those that walk unworthy of Christianity, forfeit all the happiness they presumptuously claimed. Our Saviour here passes out of the parable into that which it teaches. Hypocrites go by the light of the gospel itself down to utter darkness. Many are called to the wedding-feast, that is, to salvation, but few have the wedding-garment, the righteousness of Christ, the sanctification of the Spirit. Then let us examine ourselves whether we are in the faith, and seek to be approved by the King.
  • Angela Auma Oyoo on John 10 - 12 years ago
    Jesus is the good shepherd.
  • Timothy Wayne George on John 10 - 12 years ago
    John 10:28 When Jesus said I give unto my sheep eternal life, and they shall never perish. This is the doctrine of eternal security, and no one can take the salvation from anyone who has been born into the family of God. Now believers can lose their rewards. Revelation 3:10 Jesus tells the churches to see that no man take your reward. Jesus is the door for the sheep. There is only one way to the Father, and that is through Jesus. All others trying to get to the Father without going through the door are thieves, and robbers. The passage in Hebrews 6 is talking about people who have crucified the Lord of glory, these are not Christians. Jesus said you must be born again to inherit the Kingdom of God. If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation, and the old is gone, while the new man is formed. When one is a Christian he is dead to sin, and raised to new life in Christ. Paul said I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, but the life I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me, and gave Himself for me. Jesus is our advocate before the Father. So we are secure in Jesus Christ our Savior.
  • TT on Isaiah 45 - 12 years ago
  • Thannela Devadas on Matthew 22:13 - 12 years ago
    Kings anger is for the person who is without wedding cloths. The kings question is how did you get in side. It seems that he did not enter into the feast through main door. John 10:1 , Jesus is the door. Second issue is that the person is without wedding cloths. I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For "he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness, ..." ISA 61:10.
    Rev Dr T. Devadas M. Th.,
  • Darrell Light on John 10:18 - 12 years ago
    This is one of my favorite verses in the new testament. Why I like it, is because it distingushes God from his Son. So many churches today say that the Christ was and is God, here He clearly states that he is not God and yet of God so that makes Him God-like, as long as he will do the Father's will at any cost, for he has the choice not to if he and His own will wants to. Most churches that believe that He is God say that when he says phrases similar to this, is that He is teaching the people to be where he is, but this verse is not a lesson..nobody can lay down their life and take it again on their own accord, unless you have a commandment from above to do so. only the Son of God, and God himself has that power to my knowledge so I will continue my journey to know God through His Son the Christ 2 separate and yet 1.
  • Rose on John 10 - 12 years ago
    please share the message in the book of John 10: 1-10. esp. Verse 9. I am the door
  • Joe on John 10 - 12 years ago
    It answers a question and begets another. Who besides the Gentile are included in "another fold"

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