Discuss John 12 Page 3

  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lazarus, John 11, your question about those who came out of the graves, what happened to them:

    1Samuel 2:6,

    Matthew 27:52,53, 1Corinthians 15, Matthew 22:31,32, also, Luke 7:15,22, Luke 8:49-56, Luke 24, Colossians 1

    Did you see it prophesy in:? Ezekiel 37:12,13, John 5:21,25,28, Isaiah 26:19,

    Hosea 13:14, possibly Isaiah 8:1, Psalms 88:10,

    John 12:1-11,

    Romans 6, Romans 8, Revelation 20,

    John 11:25, Romans 10:9, Romans 14:7,8,9, 2Corinthians 1:9,

    Hopefully these are all helpful in answering your question & deeper questions you & others may have on the subject
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Colossians 2 - 2 years ago
    Son, Daughter of GOD: John 1:12, 1John 3:1,2, Matthew 5:9, context Matthew 5, Matthew 13:38, John 12:36, Luke 12:32, context Luke 12,

    Romans 8:14, in context please read all of Chapter Romans 8, explanation of the answer of your question in detail.

    Hopefully these are all helpful
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You said:

    "You haven't broken fellowship or erored in your walk?"

    My witness was: No one is rebuking me...

    Every true Christian believes we will be judged according to the word Jesus has spoken in his Father's name:

    Surely, the Master has said:

    He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. John 12:48

    Like God told Cain:

    If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?

    and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door.

    And unto thee shall be his desire,

    and thou shalt rule over him.

    Genesis 4:7
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Chris, just a bit of help with the greek.

    "Doulos" in greek means "slave" and nothing else, there is no case that it could be interpreted as servant or bondservant.

    Servant in old greek is "diakonos", from this word the word "deacon" (a formal servant of the church) comes from.

    Jesus was a "slave" of God, Paul was a "slave" of Christ. I Know it sounds bad in English but not in Greek.

    A slave is somebody who is not a master of his own life. He can not have plans for his life. No ambitions either. He does what his master tells him to do and when he is told to do. Time and place do not belong to him. His activities, his life is always dependant on his master's will. So Lord Jesus wants his "slaves" to be like that. Jesus' slave is not everybody. When the NT use the word slave it specifically talks about people who are ministers or charismatics. These people if they want to have result in their work/ministry they should really become like slaves. Their lives should be always directed in every single aspect by Jesus. That is why the Bible uses the word slave. Servants are not like that. I don't remember now any other verse apart from John 12:26 where the word servant is used.

    But apart from servants and slaves, we are His friends, His brothers and sisters, And His Bride.

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 8 - 2 years ago
    Hey Giannis,

    I did read your post to GiGi, I read all the posts. It is ok our understandings are different. Jesus fulfilled the prophets and the law down to the last dot. Jesus is our Passover Lamb that shed His blood and was resurrected from the dead on the same day of the Feast of Firstfruits.

    My understanding is the high day that John called the Sabbath was an annual Sabbath that there are 7, not a weekly Sabbath. The Passover Day that Jesus was crucified on is a preparation day and is the preparation day in the verses you listed, all leaven had to be gone before sunset on the 14th of Nisan.

    The next day the 15th was a holy convocation, a Sabbath, and that evening when they ate the Passover meal and God delivered them out of Egypt, the 15th, Exodus 12. The last day of this seven-day feast is also a Sabbath regardless of what day of the week.

    My understanding is, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the 10th of Nisan the first day of the week the same time people put up the Passover lambs. John 12:1-12 puts it 5 days until Passover when Jesus rode into Jerusalem. If you look at the activities of Jesus from the day, He rode in and when He is crucified in all 4 gospels you may find it will not get to Friday.

    Again, I enjoyed the conversation, I am sure we both agree Jesus shed His blood for us and resurrected from the dead giving us our only hope of salvation and eternal life with Him.

    God bless,

  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Richard. Not sure whether your comment is in reference to some one else's, so I apologize, but your reference to the woman caught in adultery ( John 8:3-11) piqued my interest.

    We know that Jesus didn't condemn the woman for her act, rather told her to desist from engaging in such encounters, and John 12:47b tells us "for I (Jesus) came not to judge the world, but to save the world", indicating that His Ministry wasn't of judgement but for souls' salvation; so it was correct that in line with His Coming, that Mercy & Forgiveness be shown & through it, sinners might see their own sin first, before casting their stones.

    But I also see another side to this, as part of the given Law, which I've never heard spoken of. The Law of God was clear & binding and the religious leaders knew it. Yet, at that time in Israel, that Law couldn't be enacted or enforced, as their was no king or judge in Israel authorized to do so. I guess the religious leaders took it upon themselves to fill that void, as they also had much sway in the domestic & religious lives of the Jews. But were they legitimate in meting out the death penalty (or, any punishment), for sins/crimes committed? They could certainly see & acknowledge the wrongs done in society, but did they have the power to exact a penalty such as this? Or, would they be limited to committing the woman to a time of separation, of introspection, repentance, & then restoration? Maybe, as a pastor/elder would do in the Church today?

    So, I detect that Jesus, in His ministry to both the woman & the leaders, was also showing to them, that such judgement rested only with God and to those He had authorized to exact it; that these religious leaders ought to confine themselves to matters of the synagogue & guidance to the Law's requirements, rather than taking on the role of judges. And after all, the Romans were their rulers/judges at that time, though generally uninterested in these Jewish 'strange' practises. Just a thought.
  • Richard H Priday on John 12 - 2 years ago
    John 12 and Predestination

    This section goes from they did not believe (as seen in John 6:64; 8:46 and others) to verse 39 of this chapter which states that they COULD not believe as prophesied in Isaiah 53:1.

    Verse 42 serves as a harsh reminder that we can have belief in Christ but we also must CONFESS with our mouths ( Romans 10:9-10) in order to have saving faith. We are reminded here of Luke 16:15 which states that which is honorable among men is an abomination to God.

    Here; it was praise of men that was the cause; and being thrown out of the synagogue; not even direct physical persecution.

    Verse 48 reminds us of the conviction of the Spirit as mentioned in John 16:8; a few chapters later. Clearly; the whole Godhead works as a unit in tandem in ways mysterious to man.

    Verse 40 goes on further to state from Isaiah about God Himself blinding men. Some other verses on that include 2 Thessalonians 2:11 where God Himself sends strong delusion so that they will believe the lie because of the previous verse where they did not LOVE the truth. Also we have Isaiah 66:4 where it says that God will choose their delusions.

    All sin stems from self justification; and self love that cannot accept the true state of our souls as fallen man because of Adam and his progeny that makes up natural man. Naked we come into this world and naked we shall go ( Job 1:21); also see Ecclesiastes 5:15. We cannot love anything above God; Jesus uses the word HATE for anything else ( Luke 14:25-26). We see the general sentiment in verse 25 of this chapter. Clearly; Christ Himself showed love in the previous chapter for Lazarus; Mary and Martha as well as John when He said "Behold your mother" to John at the cross so that he could take care of her. ( John 19:26-27).

    There were times when they sought Him out when He stated the more important principle that those who followed Him were brothers; sisters; etc. ( Luke 8:21).

    The blueprint for being a child of God or not is in John 12.
  • George H Shouey - In Reply on Revelation 22 - 2 years ago
    Read 1 Thess. 4. It is the clearest text about the Second Coming and what happens when you die. The dead come from the grave and meet the Lord in the air. Also consider this. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, John 11, if he was in Heaven Jesus brought him back so the Pharases could kill him. John 12:10 Jesus said "he sleeps when He was addressing comments regarding Lazarus' death. Everyone is in the grave until the resurrection of the just or the resurrection of the unjust. John 5:28-29
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    A day in the life of Christ part 3

    In looking at and comprehending Christ's unlimited attributes; we might think that with no surprises as to the assessment of men; that He wouldn't experience some of the reactions that He did. One notable example of this was with the Centurion who prayed for His child. ( Matthew 8:5-10). In His human emotions there was nothing wrong with this; in essence He was greatly rejoicing and "basking in the moment" as it were. Mark 6:1:6 shows the opposite example; that of the unbelief of those from His own hometown. This was righteous annoyance if not downright indignation; again not any surprise to the Son of God. Other times there are instances where He wept; careful study of those scriptures gives us insight as to WHY He did so; often associated with the unbelief and blindness of others. It should be noted that as the "Man of Sorrows" there is no verse showing Him laughing while on earth ( Isaiah 53:3). There is no die hard rule here; but we should carefully assess our reasoning for humor and ensure it isn't for inappropriate thoughts.

    Again; it is clear that there were varied levels of depth to Christ's speech; particularly in regard to the parables which He expounded to the Disciples privately after declaring them openly. They were designed so that those who thought they could see were revealted to be blind. ( John 9:39; etc.) He therefore upbraided His disciples frequently for not understanding. To draw all men unto Himself; therefore meant all those the Father had given to Him ( John 12:32; John 6:37 for comparison). We see His temporary solitude with the Disciples after the death of John the Baptist be abruptly halted after the crowds followed Him. Since only some of the crowd was sincere; it shows the nature of Christ in continuing to meet their needs despite the grief of Himself and the Disciples. His priorities made such decisions to care for others above His own needs (coming to serve and not be served
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    LaNette M. Tolliver

    Please read : John 11:1-53,

    Luke 16:19-31, someone I believe it was "Chris" in previous discussion multiple months ago, pointed out most Parables, if not all were without name, but this one, perhaps being about Lazarus.

    John 12:1-18,

    The sisters have much also mentioned it appears : Luke 10:38-42,

    Matthew 27:56,61, Matthew 28:1, Mark 15:40,47, Mark 16:1,9, Luke 8:2, Luke 24:10, John 19:25, John 20:1-18,

    Possibly even: Romans 16:6,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Adam - In Reply on John 20 - 2 years ago
    Hi Suze, John 1:1 tells us that Jesus is God and other verses say He created all things.

    Verses of Jesus accepting worship:

    John 20:28

    Matthew 28:8-9

    Mark 16:1

    Matthew 2:11

    Matthew 21:9

    John 12:13

    We are also to obey Jesus:

    John 8:31

    John 14:15

    John 14:21-24

    John 15:10-14

    1 John 2:3
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jew = tribe of Judah

    Please note: Genesis 29:31-35, Genesis 35:23,

    Genesis 44:18-34, Judah offers to be taken prisoner & suffer for his brother's accused crimes, because of the love he had for his father. Note: John 10:14-42, John 14, John 17, John 3:10-21,

    Note: Exodus 12:35-38, Exodus 12:48, Esther 8:17,

    Genesis 49:1,2,8,9,10,11,12, Genesis 46:12, Luke 3:23-38, Hebrews 7, Hebrews 8:7-13, - Hebrews 9, Matthew 2:1,5,6, Revelation 5:5,

    Notice Genesis 49:10,11,12 = Matthew 21:1-16, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:30-46, John 12:11-16, Matthew 26:17-56, Mark 14:1-72, Luke 22:1-20,37,

    Zechariah 13:6, Psalms 22:1,7,8,14,15,16,17,18,30,31, Matthew 27:35,37,41,43,46,51,52,53, Mark 15:3,6,15,20,24,27,28,29,31,32,34,38,

    John 19:11,14,16,18,19,20,23,24,28,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,

    Isaiah 53

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello LaDawna. There are a couple of references where Jesus speaks of Satan as the "prince of the world" ( John 12:31, John 14:30 and John 16:11). And the Apostle Paul speaks of him as "the god of this world" ( 2 Corinthians 4:4).
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Right Hand i can pray for you, Dear Almighty God and Creator i pray in Jesus holy name, that a root of bitterness does not grow up in humanity today John 12:18 But peace be with all. Let the Christians who call themselves Christians reach out for help and comfort to the whole herd. Let us today hear His Voice, that the ears are opened and we can expect to join Him when He returns with His Trumpet Voice. So that we can live in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 5:24-29 Thank You, Lord, for bringing Your salvation to all who cry out to You. And You will not reject anyone, according to Your Word. John 6:37 Amen

    God bless u in Jesus name, love u in Christ.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hello Fabian TAIMABRI,

    Genesis 1:27, notice: Genesis 1:26,28,29,

    Genesis 2:7, interestingly here "formed, breathed life" is this symbolic of the Church the body of Christ to come? John 12:25, Genesis 3:22, John 5:26, John 5:24, John 3:36, John 6:48,54, Titus 1:2, Romans 8:6, John 5:39,

    Is chapter 2, symbolic of the stewardship of GOD's Church? Genesis 2:15, Matthew 20:8, Luke 12:42, Mark 12,

    Back to Genesis 1, "man appears to be collective for both" yes in name like human, humanity, humankind "man"

    see even more interesting = Genesis 5:2,

    GOD says distinctly female & male Genesis 1:27,

    It appears it could be those created to multiply, fill the earth, subdue were away from the presence of GOD, again seeming to point to the symbolism in the garden "in the presence of GOD " His church. Genesis 3:8, Genesis 3:23-24, Genesis 4:14-16,

    Genesis 2:17, spiritual death? Matthew 8:22, Luke 9:60, Matthew 22:32, Matthew 23:27,

    In the forming of Eve, it appears also specific, spiritual & special with symbolism, Genesis 2:21-25, Genesis 6:1-3, Mark 10:4-9, 1Corinthians 6:15, Revelation 21:2,9, Isaiah 62:5, John 3:29-36, Matthew 22, Luke 12:36, Ephesians 5:30-32,

    1Corinthians 13:9-12, James 1:5, Ephesians 3:4,

    Hopefully these are all helpful
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on John 12 - 2 years ago
    Thank you so much for your encouragement. I needed to hear that. Blessings and Favor, according to Gods Word.
  • Ronnette on John 12 - 2 years ago
    These Pharisees sounded like the SWAMP of today.

    The Spiritual battle will have an end soon.

    Every word in this book will be fulfilled. Keep the faith high my fellowbelievers. We already WON. AGAPE.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear brother/sister

    A long time had passed by since David sinned with Bathseda. He knew God's commandments and was definitely feeling guilty all that time. So he was ready to repent, maybe he had already repented when the prophet came and talked to him.

    How do we repent?

    When one knows that what he's done or thought was wrong, I think it's not difficult to repent. It's true though that our heart is not always ready to repent immediately, it needs some time. Some other times not. This happens to all of us. But what seems to be difficult to do sometimes is not doing it again.This is our struggle in life as christians. That is why our life in Jesus is described in the Gospel as in Matthew 7:14 "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.'

    But you have to have in mind that:

    Changing yourself is not something easy and fast. Noone changes from one moment to another. It often takes a whole lifetime to change our character. We may fall again and again in the same mistakes (christians do not commit big sins or should not) and repent and rise up and keep going the narrow way. God works in us with His Word, His Spirit, His actions to help us follow His way. He knows our nature, that we are made of ground, He doesn't expect more than we can do, that wouldn't be fair to us people. He is there to help us, not to judge us John 12:47 " And if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.'

    We must have in mind that our nature has not changed because we were born, we are still vulnerable to sinning, but we were given Jesus' Blood for forgiveness. So just keep going under God's grace and strength, don't stay behind no matter how weak you may feel.

  • Ronnette on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    Who is the Son of man who was made the "watchman"? Have you noticed that Ezekiel 3:17-19 is repeated in Ezekiel 33:7-9?

    The Son of man is Jesus Christ based on Matthew 26:24, Mark 14:21, and John 12:34.

    Just what to confirm my understanding on these verses.

    Thank you.
  • ELB - In Reply on Matthew 22 - 2 years ago

    You came to God because GOD CAUSED you to come to him.

    John 12:32 If I be lifted up, I WILL draw ALL MEN to me.

    You BELIEVE because God CAUSES you to BELIEVE.

    Philippians 1:29 For unto you IT IS GIVEN in the behalf of Christ, not ONLY TO BELIEVE on him, but also to SUFFER for his sake.

    Everything that has happen in you life has been for A PURPOSE, That we come to TRUTH that ALL WORKS are of GOD, we are just the vessel.

    Philippians 2:13 For it is GOD (his life) that worketh in you (the body) both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.

    John 14:6 ....I am the LIFE ......

    Rejoice in the past, it's CAUSING you to be conformed to the IMAGE OF GOD (the Divine Nature).

    Ezekiel 36:27 And I WILL put MY SPIRIT (LIFE) in you and CAUSE you to walk in my statutes, and to keep my judgements and DO THEM.

    Matthew 6:10 Thy will be done .....

    Everything in your past (as well as the future) is God's will, you are just now coming TO KNOWLEDGE, that GOD KNOW whats best for HIS BODY.

    2 Peter 1:4 Whereby are GIVEN TO US exceedingly great and precious PROMISES: that by these you might be PARTAKERS of the DIVINE NATURE ......

    God Bless You!
  • John anonymous - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Consider Jesus' witness/testimony about the words he speaks:

    "...if any man hear my words, and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that his commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak. John 12:47-50

    "...the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me..." John 14:10

    Consider Jesus' prophesy about how the Holy Ghost will instruct true believers:

    "...when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." John 16:13

    When it comes to the disposition of my eternal soul, I'm not interested in opinions expressed in a collection of questionable epistles or the sermons of human pastors; I'm only interested in the unleavened Word of God that came out of Jesus' mouth or the Holy Ghost who is available to those who keep his commandments.

    I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist."
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello sir or madam, I am happy to dialog with you if you share your name so I know who I'm communicating with and if you are respectful. Just saying someone is "incorrect" without any scriptures to back it up isn't getting off on the right foot, however.

    I believe all will be judged on a particular day because the Bible says the phrase "day of judgment", "the day when", the "last day". It doesn't say there's multiple days of judgment or a week or month or years of judgment, or that judgment is only whenever you die. Here's some examples:

    1 John 4:17 "day of judgment"

    Matthew 12:36 "day of judgment"

    2 Peter 2:9 "day of judgment"

    Matthew 11:22 "day of judgment"

    2 Corinthians 5:10 "we must all"

    Romans 2:16 - "the day when"

    John 12:48 "last day"

    Revelation 20:12-15 is a vision, but that verse also indicates multitudes judged at once does it not? So, the scriptural support is strong. Do you feel you have just as much scriptural support against this? Do you know of any verses that say the the opposite?

    Aside from being a particular day, you questioned that all will be judged, and suggested 2 different judgments.

    We also know this judgment is for everyone, because in verse 15 it says those not found in the book of life were cast into the fire. So, this event sorted people. It doesn't say that in this judgment ALL went to hell or ALL went to heaven. A judgment is a judgment of each individual "according to their works" and determines where they go according to verse 15.

    "If that's what you are saying, then that is incorrect."

    If your belief is based on scripture then please share it. If your belief is not based on scripture then you have greater concerns.

    "Otherwise, how are we to know if what you believe is the correct truth?"

    Since you didn't provide any scriptural support someone is more likely to ask you this.

    God bless.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 2 years ago
    Hey Jesse,

    Good information: truth shines from the word of God. As you said the leaders of Jerusalem should have known. I believe they did know, in Matthew 2:3-6, that Jerusalem (chief priests and scribes) was also troubled. They knew the time, but God did to them what He did to Pharoah, He blinded and hardened their hearts, John 12:40. To me this kind of ties into the things S Spencer has been sharing.

    There are other scriptures they were probably aware of, like Jeremiah 50:6 and Ezekiel 34 where God told Ezekiel to prophesy against the shepherds, (the leaders) and what God would do, Ezekiel 34:10.

    So, they were troubled to hear Jesus was born. They did not even send anyone to Bethlehem to see. You would think they would have been jumping for joy, but they did not want to give up the power, wealth, and Moses's seat they had. Jesus the true Shepherd John 10:11 first came only for the lost sheep of Israel, Matthew 15:24, fulfilling and confirming the covenant Hebrews 13:20. Jesus also told the scribes and the Pharisees their house is left to them desolate, and He will return Matthew 23:36-39.

    Their duty as shepherds was over in that generation, 70 AD, and the sheep shall be gathered again, Isaiah 11:12 Ezekiel 37:21-22 Jeremiah 23:3 and more.

    God bless,

  • Marke - In Reply on Romans 8 - 2 years ago
    Reply to GiGi.

    I got saved in 1971 just before I joined the Army. I ended up in a church with one of my supervisors at Ft. Gragg and we became close friends for more than two years. But in 1974 my friend and I had a disagreement over a Bible teaching and he accused me of possibly having committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit for which I would never be forgiven. This bothered me a great deal so I began praying for God to show me what the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost was all about. After seeking the answer for several years I believe the Lord finally answered me. Here is what I believe:

    God has promised to enlighten every sinner born into the world ( 1 John 1:9). The Holy Spirit seeks to save every sinner in the world ( 1 Tim 2:4.) The Holy Spirit draws all men to Christ ( John 12:32.) The sin of blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is committed by sinners who see the light, are pointed to Jesus by the Holy Spirit, and yet reject the light and speak evil of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or God. ( John 3:19.) The basis of condemnation to hell is rejecting the light clearly revealed to the unrepentant sinner by the Holy Ghost.

    We see that in Romans 1 where sinners who clearly see and understand the light reject the light and are therefore condemned without excuse. The Pharisees who blasphemed the Holy Spirit in Mark 3 knew Jesus was God because Nicodemus said so in John 3:2. We know sinners who have not yet been shown the light by the Holy Spirit can be guilty of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit because of what Jesus said in John 15:22-24.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    He does.

    1st through creation, our very breath, heartbeat, vision, taste, smell, every flower, tree, sunset, sunrise, the oxygen we breathe, every beautiful creature, every created thing. He made & gave us trust to keep it. Through HIS creation HE speaks to us. If we choose to listen. Through the seasons & sunrise, sunsets we see He is faithful. Through domestic animals we see HIS compassion. In life we see hope. All given by GOD!

    2nd His WORD the Bible, is GOD speaking through HIS people, 2Timothy 3:16, to us, all that are willing to read it.

    3rd GOD has spoken through HIS Prophets: Jeremiah 7:25, & HIS people

    4th Through JESUS The Messiah John 3:15-16,

    5th Through the HOLY Spirit that was promised by JESUS to all who believe: Ephesians 1:13, John 14:26, Luke 11:13,

    Sometimes in our most difficult moments in life we want GOD to speak to us outloud. In those times we need a quiet voice of comfort, which we can find in HIS WORD, in prayer, all around creation if we seek HIM. The voice of GOD recorded in scripture is like thunder, many accounts it makes those who've heard it tremble in fear. Exodus 19:9,16,18,19, Job 37:5, Psalms 77:18, John 12:28,29,

    I hope you will hear GOD more clearly

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Since I ran out of space I thought I'd add one more comment.

    The #1 criticism often received is someone claims I don't believe in grace or that I believe we're saved by effort. That is a strawman argument and is untrue. The Bible says Christ followers will be saved by grace, not by works. That is not what is being contested.

    Just because we will be saved by grace doesn't mean we should stop obeying Christ! It doesn't mean we should stop following Christ! The fruit of faith is works. A Christian is a Christ follower and if someone doesn't follow Christ they by definition are not even a Christian. And if not a Christian, that person should not expect the benefits of salvation. Matthew 7:21. Many will feel very entitled but will be shocked they aren't welcomed. This is the wake up call many need right now. Get right with the Lord today before its too late!

    A Christ follower is action. Those who aren't actively following Christ are may not be Christ followers. And just because we're imperfect and fall down from time to time doesn't mean we're not Christians. This is very different from someone turning their backs on Jesus and following the pleasures of the world (satan). But Jesus said He would go after the lost sheep, not lost wolves! Many people assume they're followers because a pastor told them so, but are instead lost wolves expecting all the benefits of salvation for doing nothing. God bless.

    People have freewill:

    Psalms 25:12

    Joshua 24:15 "choose you this day whom ye will serve"

    Psalm 119:30

    Luke 16:13

    Proverbs 3:31

    Fear God:

    Joshua 24:14

    Psalms 25:12

    Proverbs 1:29

    Seek God:

    Psalms 63:1

    All will be judged:

    2 Corinthians 5:10

    Romans 2:16

    John 12:48

    Hebrews 9:27

    Revelation 20:12
  • Marke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am not aware of any record of such a conspiracy to commit the murder of the 12 disciples, but there is evidence the wicked disciples of the devil do hate and are willing to murder God's people.

    John 12:9-11

    King James Version

    9 Much people of the Jews therefore knew that he was there: and they came not for Jesus' sake only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom he had raised from the dead.

    10 But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death;

    11 Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went away, and believed on Jesus.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello, maybe your following assumption is at the heart of the difference: "In the fact that Satan is the God of this present world makes him omnipresent he is in everymans Seed"

    Is your assumption true and will scripture validate or invalidate this?

    Job 1:6-12 - this says satan has limited power.

    John 12:31 - Jesus calls satan prince of the world.

    These verses don't say he is omnipresent or in anyone's seed.

    What verse do you use as your source for your seed belief and what makes you so confident in this that you're willing to spread around this information to convince people that this is true? What if it isn't?
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please read: Isaiah 26:19, Ezekiel 37:12,13, Matthew 27:50-54,

    John 12:1, Romans 8, Matthew 9:18-25, Matthew 11:5, Matthew 28, Mark 9:9, Luke 24:46, John 2:22, John 5:19-29, = Matthew 25:31-46, John 11:25, John 11:39-53, John 12:9, Romans 14:9, 1Peter 4, Revelation 1:5-8,

    Revelation 20,

    Ephesians 5,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on John 3 - 2 years ago
    Additional scripture for you:

    Matthew 3-7, Matthew 5, Matthew 5:20, Matthew 9:10-13, Matthew 9:14-17, Matthew 9:27-34, Matthew 12:14, Matthew 12, Matthew 15, Matthew 16, Matthew 16:6,12, Matthew 19:3, * Matthew 21, Matthew 22, Matthew 22:15, it appears they were wrongfully referring to the book of Tobet, in 1611 version, Tobit 3:7,8, Matthew 22:29,

    * Matthew 23:2, whole chapter Matthew 23, Matthew 27:62,

    Matthew 23:13,14,

    Mark 2:16, Mark 2, Mark 3:1-6, Mark 7:1-23, Mark 8:11,15, Mark 10:2, Mark 12:13,

    Luke 5:17-39, Luke 6:2-11, Luke 7:29-50, Luke 11:37-54, Luke 12:1, Luke 12:31, Luke 14:1-24, Luke 14, Luke 16:14-31, Luke 16, Luke 19:35-39,

    John 1:19-34, John 3:1-21, John 7:28-32, John 7:43-53, John 8:3-22, John 9, John 9:15,16, John 11:37-57, John 12:19, John 12:42, John 18:3,

    Acts 15, Acts 23,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study, I included several Chapters to read next to verses, to read within context, for better understanding

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