Discuss John 14 Page 41

  • Joseph on John 14 - 5 years ago
    He says the father is greater than Him. He said John was the greatest born of women and the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John. Greatness is different than what we usually think. It is the position not the value of the person or in this case the Persons of the Trinity.
  • Bruce on 1 Corinthians 12 - 5 years ago
    And The Word was Made Flesh( John 1:14) The Angel Said(to Mary)The Holy Ghost Shall Come Upon Thee and The Power of The Highest Shall overshadow Thee----He Shall be Called The Son of God( Matthew 1:35) Christ is The Word, The Son of God. The Holy Ghost is The Comforter( John 14:16,26)Christ is Not The Father(This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am Well Pleased) Read Mark 3:29. Pray About it.
  • Sally on Genesis 1 - 5 years ago
    God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit.
    Read Genesis 1:2 and book of John and John 14:6
  • Lynn on John 14 - 5 years ago
    Your question of "that day," I understood to be the Day of the Lord which is Jesus Christ's return -His Second Coming to 1. Raise those who were believers in Christ when they died then 2. Gather up/ rapture of believers who remained faithful to God during the Great distress/ Tribulation) 3.Then He will judge the others / the goats, those who did not accept Him in this life. On that day, ..
  • Sandra on John 14 - 5 years ago
    Am wondering,which one is that day? but all in all it's apleasure for Jesus to be in us.
  • Pat emerich on John 14 - 5 years ago
    Jesus is coming and we need to be ready. We are running out of time.
  • Bruce on John 14 - 5 years ago
    One Who is Cleansed by The Blood of The Lamb( Revelation 1:5) Will be Baptized with The Holy Ghost( Mark 1:8)They have Been Called( John 6:44)Asked Forgiveness ( 1John 1:9) The Change will be Seen by All ( 2 Corinthians 5:17) Impossible for You not to Know / We are Not Filled with The Holy Spirit by Keeping His Commandments Only a vessel Cleansed by The Blood of The Lamb Can be Filled.
  • Maria Pelaez on John 14 - 5 years ago
    This gospel is the way to get to know our Lord Jesus. Here he represents himself and the Father to all of us. If we believe in him and keep his commandments we will receive the Holy Spirit to bring us to remembrance that we are and have been called to be his children. We are not alone for our Lord has given us the truth, the way and life everlasting. His children know his voice and follow him.
  • Wani1 on Psalms 51 - 5 years ago
    Teresa: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ( John 14:6) In Matthew 19, the young rich man wasn't willing to give up everything to follow Jesus. Read Matthew 10:38, Romans 6:1-23, Romans 12:1,
    1 Peter 4:1-11, 1 John 2:1-29, Matthew 5 (all of it) and if you doubt that mortals can live as Christ did, Philippians 4:13.
  • Antera Lopez on Hebrews 10 - 5 years ago
    Amen I confess and declare the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is LORD. the redeemer. The KING OF KINGS! AND LORD OF LORDS. JESUS IS THE MESSIAH. THE CHRIST. THE LORD. THE KING OF GLORY. Romans 10:9-10 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." KJV amen I confess and declare the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is LORD. Im antera. amen I confess and declare JESUS IS LORD. JOHN 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him I am the way, the truth and the life: No man cometh unto the Father but by me." Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." KJV
  • Antera Lopez on Hebrews 10 - 5 years ago
    Amen I confess and declare the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is LORD. the redeemer. The KING OF KINGS! AND LORD OF LORDS. JESUS IS THE MESSIAH. THE CHRIST. THE LORD. THE KING OF GLORY. amen I confess and declare the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is LORD. Im antera. amen I confess and declare JESUS IS LORD. JOHN 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him I am the way, the truth and the life: No man cometh unto the Father but by me."
  • LJ on John 14 - 5 years ago
    I believe that Jesus telling His Apostles that He must suffer for their sakes here, was very inspirational. I do believe Christs coming is both Spiritual as well as Physical. His coming happens through His indwelling us with The Holy Spirit. Yet too, I believe He will return and set His footstool in order.
  • Jennifer Pass on John 14 - 5 years ago
    This is my favorite chapter in the Bible. So beautifully worded, and our only true comfort in this world.
  • Lady A on John 14 - 5 years ago
    I am A child of GOD.....
    Believe and Trust he knows what's best for Me..
  • I AM THAT I AM on John 14 - 5 years ago
  • Henry on John 14 - 5 years ago
    you before Jesus went to heaven, he was stationed in the middle east,but now through the holy spirit the comforter,he asked the father, we all can have access to our lord Jesus Christ no matter where we are at and at want time.indeed the holy spirit is the comforter who is ever present with us.
  • Bruce on John 1 - 5 years ago
    Comforter: John 14:16, 14:26, 15:26 and John 16:7 ---The Comforter Will not come unto You ; But if I Depart, I Will Send Him unto You
  • TK on John 14 - 5 years ago
    thomas said Lord we don’t know where u r going, how can we know the way.
    Simple family, Jesus said: I am the way,
    I’ve said many a times what about my job, my family, my finance, my husband, my wife, my reputation.
    Simple Jesus said I AM THE WAY: Beautiful thank u lord help me keep the focus amen
  • Bruce on John 5 - 5 years ago
    But The Comforter, Which is The Holy Ghost, Whom The Father will Send in My Name, He shall Teach You All Things, and Bring All Things to Your Remembrance, Whatsoever I have Said unto You.( John 14:26) Without The Holy Ghost Living in Your Heart, You Can Never Learn. Many Go to Church, Sing Songs, testifying, Believing They're Saved.Then He Will Say Depart from Me --- (Matthew7:21-23
  • Marilyn on John 14 - 5 years ago
    If you ASK anything in my name I will do it. The 14th verse blessed me so much. I know that Jesus is
    always there for me. I believe his words and know that God is not a man that he should lie and if he said
    or spoke anything he would make it GOOD.
  • Vernon cartwright on Exodus 20 - 6 years ago
    When I study the Bible it is clear to me the instructions from the word of God. Most Christians are uses the same Bible, we come away with a different understanding. Ex. 20:8-11, is clear concerning the observance of the Sabbath. Keeping the commandments is one of the evidence we love the Lord. John 14:15, If you love me , keep my commandments. 1 John 2:3, is evident that we love the Lord.
  • BSP on John 14 - 6 years ago
    We receive true peace by imitating Jesus Christ and applying his teachings. We can have peace of mind and peace in our lives when we reap the benefits of applying Jesus' teachings.
  • Lilian on John 14 - 6 years ago
    Jesus a Prince of Peace only thru him we received peace not as the world giveth my Savior Jehova Ralpha my Rock and my Salvation I will love you and Praise you Jesus forever for you are worthy amen
  • GARLAND JOHNSON on John 14 - 6 years ago
    i think these words reflect a place in the spirit that is yet to come
    in the latter rain, a truly blessed place of the true holy spirit.
  • Timothy akachukwu on John 14 - 6 years ago
    Glorious God
  • Paul valentine Amanie on John 14 - 6 years ago
    i think that he is the way means our journey on earth is in the wrong direction and my heart takes me back to the Israelite after God brought them out of the slavery in Egypt they refused to follow the ways that was directed by the prophet,then the journey became longer than it was suppose to be.if we as Christians fail to follow the way the truth and the life our hope of making heaven might be marred.
  • Lilian on John 14 - 6 years ago
    Lord Jesus i believed you Lord that you are the only way the truth and the life no man can cometh to the Father but by you Jesus. Thank you Abba Father for sending Jesus to us not to condemn but by Jesus the world might be save thanks to your blood that shed for us this is more than enough that you have loved us I will praise you Jesus forever and thank you in advance for the explosive blessing
  • Deloise on John 14 - 6 years ago
    I believe that Heaven is a ready place for ready people. The Lord made heaven for the ones that love him with their whole heart. No sin will ever enter there again. I REALLY WANNA GO...HOW ABOUT YOU.
  • BSP on John 14 - 6 years ago
    When Jesus returned to heaven, he went to prepare a place for those of his followers who had the heavenly hope.
  • Lilian on John 14 - 6 years ago
    I believe you Jesus that you have prepared a mansion for me Thank you Lord for the blood you shed for us. You are always faithful to your words i believe you Jesus my Jehova Jireh the Lord my provider Shalom i will praise you and love you forever Lord help me to be born again every moment of my life

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