Discuss John 14 Page 59

  • Nene on Acts 2 - 12 years ago
    To answer Stephen question from 10-16-12, Yes Sir you are correct about the thief on the cross he was not baptized, But this was before the death of Jesus, the Holy Ghost was not yet giving to anyone Jesus stated that after he depart he will send the comforter which is the Holy Ghost in ( John 14:26) . In the Old Testament, they had to bring goats and lambs for a sacrifice for an offering and be cleansed for a whole year ( Numbers 7:15-17). In the New Testament when Jesus came as a lamb in flesh ( John 1:29), to shed his blood for the whole world that we may have a chance to be saved. Jesus stated that we must be born again of the water and the spirit ( John 3:3-7) or we cannot see the kingdom of God. In Acts 2:38, it is when the door was opened by Peter the man whom Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom ( Matthew 16:18-19). We are to obey his orders to be saved. Lots more scriptures but here is one more for now, 1Peter 3:21-22. God Bless!
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    God's wisdom has Fatherly instructions, corrections, admonitions, information and guidance in them. As a matter of divine fact, His Wisdom originates from a heart of love, mercy, and compassion that are beyond human comprehension. Therefore, they are meant to stir you and I, as it were, into the favours and strength of God. And because God is God, and there is none compared to Him, it means that He can't lie. Hence, it is worthwhile and wise to give concentrated attention to His Word. God's Word is His Wisdom and His wisdom are His dictates, and they are meant for the good of whoever believes ( 2 Corinthians 12:9; Hebrews 4:16). Truthfully speaking, the fact that God does not do evil, but that He only does what is good and right, should encourage whoever cares to listen, to plunge into His truths, and also into His wisdom- and that must be through Jesus Christ, and also through the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5). The nuggets of truths, in this Proverbs 4, like others, are godlike precepts and instructions that are incomparable, good and right for the human soul, and for the spirit man, the hidden man of the heart, - and that mainly refers to the recreated human spirit. They are facets of biblical truths that are encouraging and also excellent for the godly type of life that many are craving and thirsting for ( Psalms 1:1-3, Psalms 37:4; Ephesians 1:17). Interestingly, depending perhaps on what background, a Christian comes from, the fact is that for the really genuine and committed type of Christian, a time will or must come that he will come into the knowledge that this God of Israel, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ deserves to be magnified, glorified and worshipped; for there is none like Him ( John 4:23; 1 Peter 1:25). Thus, the place of wisdom, in the lives of whoever desires and dares to love and honour the Living God ( John 1:12; 3:16). He is, all that matters- and when you and I key into His love and faithfulness, He will do great wonders through us to the glory of His name. In view of these and many other things vis a vis the Word of God, wisdom dictates that we give ourselves committedly unto the LORD, and to His Word ( Matthew 6:33,34). There are challenges upon challenges that confront us, as individuals, and that is why, these truths and instructions, as contained in Proverbs, and throughout the pages of the Holy Writ, demand that we be faithfully committed to them. Remember, we have been accepted, into the family of the Beloved, and that refers to Jesus Christ ( John 17:3; Romans 8: 15; Ephesians 2:18; Galatians 4:16,1; Hebrews 9:14; 1 John 4:3; 5:13). And that is where the grace of God comes on board; His grace is more than sufficient ( 1 Corinthians 15:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 12:9). God has abilities no matter what task or assignment He has called you and I for. When you commit yourself to God's dictates and function in line with them, Angels will go on assignment for you ( John 15:7; James 4:16.). There are levels and degrees of encounters with God, that we can't get into except through daily obedience and practical submission to the Word of God. In fact there is nothing, as far as I know that can surpass what God has given. He has given Jesus Christ, who is referred to biblically, as the Wisdom of God, - and that is for the salvation and redemption of humanity. And when you belong to Him through the agency of the new birth, you automatically become joint heirs with Him. And with that you are sorted if you know how to walk or function in love, and then take advantage of what He has given through Christ Jesus, the Saviour of the World. The essence of these is that we should give attention to wisdom, embrace it, reflect upon it, and practice it. God's instructions and precepts demands heartfelt obedience ( Psalm 119:6; John 14:15; John 15:120; 1 Corinthians 7:19; 1 Peter 1:25; 1 John 5:3). It says whatever you do in word and deed, do it heartily as unto the LORD. Hence, in the things of the Spirit, and that refers to the Holy Spirit, high level of commitment should be the norm, and that is because God cannot lie, - and His Word is forever infallible ( John 1:1-14; Hebrews 4). Truly, God is forever trustworthy.
  • Harriet on John 14:14 - 12 years ago
    It strengthens my faith when I am down.
  • Shirley Roach on John 14:1 - 12 years ago
    What stands out in John 14:1, is the part about ye believe in God, believe also in me. In the beginning in the book of John Jesus was trying to reveal who He was. They believed that He was the Christ that was sent from God. But He wanted the people along with the disciples to know that He was God. Verse 1 is overlooked when it comes to that part. It was not until after His resurrection that they knew and believed that not only was He the Christ but, that He was also God.
  • Kenny kgatla on Exodus 20 - 12 years ago
    Pravesh Hindra is right. I mean he is being truthful. But in John 14:16-17, the lord Jesus Christ said ...and I will pray the Father (God the Father), and he shall give you another comforter (advocate), that he may abide with you forever; even the spirit of truth, - the comforter here is identified as the holy spirit; God the Father, God the Son-Jesus Christ- and God the Holy Spirit. This is the fullness of the godhead and spirit-; whom the world cannot receive because it cannot see him or know him; for he dwells with you and shall be in you. Jesus was talking to his disciple when he said this. That is why nowhere in the holy bible it talks about the prophet Muhammad. Stand for the word of God.
  • Mary ward on John 14 - 12 years ago
    God give us peace not world’s peace, so don't let your heart be troubled.
  • Don on Acts 8 - 12 years ago
    As Jesus said in John 14:6 "I am the way (Greek Houdos) which is translated way, journey and highway... Jesus is the highway and journey of believers which is illuminated by the truth.." I am the truth" which is the word of God.. I am the life! The Journey is truth and this highway leads to eternal life with the Father... This is what Philip and the Apostles preached!
  • Patrick on John 14:12 - 12 years ago
    I believe these were words that Jesus Christ spoke. He said We need to put our Faith in HIM. The Book of Hebrews explains the meaning of Faith. It is the substance of thing hoped and the evidence of things not seen. Jesus taught us how we need to live, by faith, not by sight. Walking on water doesn't make sense, but Jesus did it and one of his apostles also got out of the boat he was in and walked a little, until he focused on waves in the water instead of focusing on the power of God working in His son Jesus Christ. If we are to do God’s work, we need to have faith in Jesus Christ (His son) who came to earth to teach us how we should live. If have any hope of a life and a more abundant one, we need to search throughout the Bible and learn what God has to teach us. The Bible says if we have faith in Jesus Christ and believe speaking with our mouths, He is the son of God. He was crucified and rose again and ascended to heaven paying the price for our sins; even though we die in the physical, we have eternal life in heaven. So let us put our faith in God and His son Jesus Christ. Let our work be great also...
  • Emenike Amarachi Blessing on John 14:30 - 12 years ago
    The devil, the god of wordly things, can not dare look nor to talk of accusing Christ, because He is pure. No stain of sin.
  • Roger Garcia on John 14:2 - 12 years ago
    He was a great Disciple and has gave testimony as Jesus told them. He has inspired manny Christian believers including my self. I read several of his verses to my wife while she was in a comma and she used to respond by touching my hand.
  • Tammy Fitzwater on John 14:17 - 12 years ago
    Those of the world cannot receive the truth, because they do not know him or acknowledge him. but as a child of God, you will know the truth if you receive him and he will dwell in you spiritually. For your body is the temple for the holy ghost.
  • Dan on 1 Corinthians 13 - 12 years ago
    I believe charity is a bad interpretation and that love is correct but also misinterpreted as works why john 14:21 Jesus says He that has my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him . the person who has love keeps his commandments.. John 15:9-10 As the Father has loved me so have I loved you continue ye in my love if you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love as I have kept my fathers commandments and abide in his love .....1 John3:23 And this is his commandment that we should believe on the name of his son Jesus Christ ....And love one another as he gave commandment all religions can have charity but they can not have love because they deny that Jesus is the SON OF GOD. As the Word of God HE gives you the Fathers Commandment then he gives you his commandment to love one another thinking that good works are what were talking about is wrong also Matthew 7:21 Not every one that says onto me Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven John6:40 And this is the will of him that sent me that all that seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up again at the last day...in that day many will say onto me Lord Lord have we not prophisized in thy name cast out demons in thy name and in thy name done many wonderfull works Romans 4:5-6 Now to him that worketh is the reward not recond of grace but of debt But to him that worketh not but believeth on him that justfieth the ungodly his faith is counted for rightsness Ephesians 2:8-9 for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast then Jesus says to them depart from me ye workers of iniguity I never Knew you 1John2:3 hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his Commandments 1John3:23
  • Tamiko Edwards on John 14:16 - 12 years ago
    Just knowing that no matter what you are going through, Jesus said he will send you a comforter… That is good news, but I learn a lot in that message.
  • DAVID on John 14:2 - 12 years ago
  • Darrel Sharp on 1 John 1 - 12 years ago
    In response to : Timothy Wayne George's comment on 2/04/2012, 9:46am 1 John 1
    1) We do not have a relationship “with Christ but “in” Christ. ( John 14:20) (1 Cor.1:30)
    2) We as human beings can never be holy, and Scripture does not ask us to. Scripture says we are holy “in” Christ. (1 Cor.1:30) I “in” Christ, before God, Christ “in” me, before the world. ( John 14:20)
    3) Scripture NEVER claims the Holy Spirit ‘convicts” believers of SIN! John 16:8a, KJV is a mis-translation. Convict is not the proper word here, perhaps ‘confute is.(it DOES NOT SAY SINS.” This Scripture says “the world” not believers.
    4) Forgiveness from “sins” is a free gift based on a condition. ( Acts 2:38) The condition for forgiveness is baptism in water. V.38 also states that eternal life is for believing in Christ. (The ‘un-belief is ‘repented from) ‘ the condition) ( Acts 2:38)
    EG: Repent AND be Baptized for the forgiveness of “sins” and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The first two are conditions, the second two are gifts..
    Note: (baptism DOES NOT and CANNOT cleanse from sins, it is a symbol of such cleansing)
    5) Believers cannot sin (un-belief) ( John 16:9) and believers ARE NOT UNDER the Law (Rom.6:14) so they cannot commit “sins”
    6) The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses the new believers “sins” (repentance is from sin to belief)
    Note: One IS NOT a ‘sinner because they commit sins. One is a “sinner” because of Adam. (Rom.5:12) so one commits sins because they are a ‘sinner.
    7) When Believers fail, it is S/spiritual adultery.(1 Cor.6:15-20) (Rom.7:1-4)
    Note: 1 Cor.6.18 all sin (sins) is outside the body (covered by and under the blood) EXCEPT Sexual sin (spiritual adultery) is against (inside) the body and must be stopped!
    Note. S/spiritual adultery does not come under the blood, IT MUST BE STOPPED!
  • Dex B. White on John 14:6 - 12 years ago
    How can it be any plainer than the King James Version has said. You can not have any other views of this verse; because there is no other.
    This is very simple to do. Believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God. There is no other son's of God, except Jesus. ANY OTHER VIEW IS A LIE, AND ALL OTHERS WILL MAKE YOU MISS HEAVEN AND THE PROMISE OF GOD.
  • Elder Vann on Colossians 1 - 12 years ago
    Isaiah 9:6 Tell us his name shall be called wonderful counsellor,The Mighty God everlasting Father prince of peace.God said in ( Isaiah 43:19) Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth shall ye not no it? well I guess that being proven.As far as Christ being a man and God at the same time and not! being able to govern the Universe that's a misconception of the human mind. Jesus said to Nicodemus a man who was confused like many here today StJohn 3:12 If I have told you of earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things and no man hath ascended up to heaven but the same that came down from heaven even the Son of Man which IS IN HEAVEN!!hello. The Bible dose not say God the Son because The Godhead is not divide because the Son is only the (Word) which is God's prophetic description of himself which he incarnated into flesh. Not another person!! bur the expressed image of his!! person.Hebrews1:3( John 14:9-11) Jesus did not say he that seen me hath seen God the Son he said hath seen the Father ( Colossians 2:9 for in him dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily Christ is not a fallen man like us. We can't limit what he can do; because of what we! cant do or don't understand that's why 1Tomothy 3:16 say's its a mystery. Not every one will understand; that's the book that is called the Revelation of Jesus Christ says blessed is him that readeth and understands.( Philippians 2:19)say who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God; But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant. Yes he dose pray to his own spirit Deity!( Ephesians 1:9 says Having made known unto us the Mystery of his will according to the pleasure which he purposed in himself. Hello!!11th verse who worketth all things after the counsel of his own will.( Isaiah 40:10)Behold the Lord God will come with a strong hand and his arm shall rule for him. verse 13 who hath directed the spirit of the Lord; or being his counsellor hath taught him? with whom took he counsel Who instructed him and taught him in the path of Judgment and taught him Knowledge,and taught to him the way of understanding. Matthew 11:27 All things are delivered to me of my Father and no man knoweth the Son but the Father neither knoweth any man the Father save the Son and HE to whom THE SON WILL REVEAL HIM. So there you no nothing of the father but what Jesus has revealed blessed is he that readeth and understands.
  • Diana on John 14:2 - 12 years ago
    Praise God for sending His son so all might be saved
  • Kimber on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    Garvin Kirkpatrick,
    I have to say this you are not correct "Jesus Christ His ONLY Son" Jesus Christ is GOD's only begotten son. Because a born-again Christian has Christ in him/her, he/she is a son of GOD with all power since Jesus Christ said in John 14: 12. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
    And in Col 1:27 KJV "Christ in you, the hope of glory"
    Romans 8:14. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
    16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
    17. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ"
    Romans 8 KJV
    29. "For whom he (GOD) did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he (Jesus Christ) might be the firstborn among many brethren."
    (Jesus Christ is our older brother Spiritually and spiritually we who are born-again are the children of GOD.)
  • Before Adam on John 14 - 12 years ago
    D&C 130

    1 When the Savior shall appear we shall see him as he is. We shall see that he is a man like ourselves.

    2 And that same sociality which exists among us here will exist among us there, only it will be coupled with eternal glory, which glory we do not now enjoy.

    3 John 14:23—The appearing of the Father and the Son, in that verse, is a personal appearance; and the idea that the Father and the Son dwell in a man’s heart is an old sectarian notion, and is false.
  • Grant on 1 John 1 - 12 years ago
    Brother i completly agree with you and here is one of many scriptures to back it up. John 14:12
    Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
    In Mark chapter 5 is the story of the caveman with a legion of demons,(about 2000)jesus cast them out with authority. The very same athourity he has givin us today to do GREATER works than these...
  • Norma on Philippians 1:1 - 12 years ago
    Hi; the John 14:26; John 15:26; John 16:13
    John 14:26 = Jesus speaking said,
    26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. This clarifys the issue of the Trinity that some seem to be having trouble with. don't fall into the trap of splitting hairs. The Word became flesh, just do what He says. regards.N
  • Anoop on John 14:6 - 12 years ago
    Here's the Paramahansa Yogananda's interpretation of the quotes of Jesus where Jesus says, "I am the way, truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, but through me," John 14:6. Theologians have misinterpreted Christ's words in such passages as, 'I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the Father but by me.' Jesus meant, never that He was the sole son of God, but that no man can attain to the unqualified Absolute, the transcendent Father beyond creation, until he has first manifested the 'Son' or activated Christ Consciousness within creation. Jesus, who had achieved entire oneness with that Christ Consciousness, identified himself with it in as much as his own ego had long since been dissolved." ( Autobiography of a Yogi , p. 198, footnote; emphasis in the original)
  • Chaz on John 14 - 12 years ago
    I am so glad that he really wants us to know who he really is. So many r wrapped up in this trinitarian God the fat/son/hg theory but yet nowhere do u find this presented in scripture. What we do find is terminology like. If u have seen me u hve seen the father, why ru still asking to see the father,v7 from this point on u know him and hav what Seen him! 13-14 he makes importnt ref to In his name,why because he wants us to know that neither is there salvation in any other. If u understand that God just functioned at diffrent times doing a different thing... He created as spirit, he embodied himself as our redeemer and our savior. He sends the comforter in his name, what is the comforter? Its the HGhost read acts1/2:39. So if u refer to him as the hspirit, the spirit of Christ, U see its all him! Just alittle oneness information. mT 1 Mary would have a child and he would be called Emanual which means what? That God is with us, not 1/2 of God or A 3rd but that God himself had wrapped himself in flesh in the form of a babe to do what? Die for u and I why? because he said a spirit hath not flesh and blood as u see me have. u cant hang a spirit on the cross. So he is the fat/he is the son and he is his own agent to his own church in the form of the H/G but its all him!!

  • Gabriel on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    dear Boyet Christian; mary was as blessed as any other person to be a conduit of divine Grace, to brand her as without sin would be to put her on a pedestal with Christ, that would be anathema - or is there another way of interpreting john 14:6?
  • Graham on John 14:27 - 12 years ago
    Beyond comprehending yet so wonderfully expreienced.
  • Takirid on Revelation 14:1 - 12 years ago
    Well Linda why don't we findout and see what Gods word has to say. And I saw, and, look! the Lamb standing upon the Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand having his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.” ( Revelation 14:1) As we have seen, this Lamb is the same as the Michael who cleansed the heavens by casting out the Devil and his demons. He is the Michael whom Daniel describes as “standing in behalf of the sons of [God’s] people” as he prepares to “stand up” in executing Jehovah’s righteous judgments. ( Daniel 12:1; Revelation 12:7, 9) Since 1914 this self-sacrificing Lamb of God has been standing on Mount Zion as the Messianic King.
    3 It is just as Jehovah foretold: “I, even I, have installed my king upon Zion, my holy mountain.” ( Psalm 2:6; 110:2) This no longer refers to the earthly Mount Zion, the geographical location of earthly Jerusalem, in which city human kings in the line of David used to reign. (1 Chronicles 11:4-7; 2 Chronicles 5:2) No, for Jesus, after his death and resurrection in 33 C.E., was installed as a foundation cornerstone on the heavenly Mount Zion, the celestial location where Jehovah determined to place the “city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem.” Hence, “the Mount Zion” here represents the exalted position of Jesus and his joint heirs, who make up heavenly Jerusalem, which is the Kingdom. ( Hebrews 12:22, 28; Ephesians 3:6) It is the glorious royal situation to which Jehovah elevates them during the Lord’s day. Over the centuries, anointed Christians, as “living stones,” have earnestly looked forward to standing on that heavenly Mount Zion, united with the glorified Lord Jesus Christ in his majestic Kingdom.—1 Peter 2:4-6; Luke 22:28-30; John 14:2, 3.
    4 John sees not only Jesus but the complete body of the 144,000 fellow heirs of the heavenly Kingdom standing upon the Mount Zion. At the time represented by the vision, many, but not all, of the 144,000 are already in heaven. Later in the same vision, John learns that some of the holy ones still have to endure and die faithful. ( Revelation 14:12, 13) Evidently, then, some of the 144,000 are still on earth. So how is it that John sees all of them standing with Jesus on Mount Zion? In that, as members of the congregation of anointed Christians, these have now “approached a Mount Zion and a city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem.” ( Hebrews 12:22) Like Paul when he was still on earth, they have already—in a spiritual sense—been raised up to be in union with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. ( Ephesians 2:5, 6) Additionally, in 1919 they responded to the invitation, “Come on up here,” and in a figurative way “went up into heaven in the cloud.” ( Revelation 11:12) In view of these scriptures, we can see that all the 144,000—spiritually speaking—are located on Mount Zion with Jesus Christ.
    The 144,000 have no part with the worshippers of the wild beast, who are marked with the symbolic number 666. ( Revelation 13:15-18) In contrast, these loyal ones have the name of God and of the Lamb written on their foreheads. No doubt John, a Jew, saw God’s name in Hebrew lettering, יהוה. In having the name of Jesus’ Father symbolically written on their foreheads, these sealed ones make known to all that they are Jehovah’s witnesses, His slaves. ( Revelation 3:12) Their having Jesus’ name also displayed on their foreheads indicates that they acknowledge being owned by him. He is their betrothed “husband,” and they are his prospective “bride,” “a new creation” serving God with heavenly life in view. ( Ephesians 5:22-24; Revelation 21:2, 9; 2 Corinthians 5:17) Their intimate relationship with Jehovah and Jesus Christ affects all their thoughts and actions.Thats the best I could do, and the rest up to you, weather you except this conclusion or not.
  • Samuel B. Buya on Matthew 1 - 12 years ago
    Jesus was God manifested in the the flesh ( 1 Timothy 3:16). God is a Spirit( Holy Spirit) - John 4: 24; God was manifested in the flesh to take away the sin of the world. God purchased his church by his own blood ( acts 20:28). Isaiah 9:6 says unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and his name shall be called wonderful, counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting father. Notice hear it didnt say names but name. All the titles applied to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 refer to the self same person. He was God above us in the old testament and Immanuel (God with us) when he was manifested in the flesh. In John 14:6-11 Jesus says, he that hath seen me hath seen the Father. Thomas in John 20:28 called him my Lord and God. In Titus 2:11-14, Jesus is refered to as the Great God and saviour. In 1 John 5:20 He is refered to as the true God and eternal life.
  • Arc. Emma Etu on John 14 - 12 years ago
    John 14 reveals a whole lot of who Jesus is first to God the father and next to us sinners. further reveals his being in us thro the holy ghost that'll teach us all things and comfort us. reveals his second coming after preparing mansions in heaven for us. it tells us he's our only way and truth and life. and most especially our hearts be firm so long we trust him only. bless you all
  • Nevermore Mazongo on Song of Solomon 7 - 12 years ago
    1. Verses 1 to 9 tell us about the sophistication and sacred nature of the Word of God.Every piece fits perfectly like in a jigsaw puzzle.Since the Word of God, Jesus Christ, the Messiah is perfect,if one follows the Word of God diligently, then it is the desire of God for that person to reach perfection.
    But, the reality of the matter is that as humankind we cannot reach the level of perfection required of us and it is only through the Grace of God that we are made perfect beings.

    2.Again verses 1 to 9 tell us that the Word of God deserves admiration and glorification because each and every part of the Word of God has a purpose for mankind to uplift themselves.

    3. Dear brothers and sisters.
    Allow me a few lines to digress a bit.
    For those interested in the mathematics of nature, the choice of body parts in verses
    1 to 9 is a revelation of the GOLDEN RATIO.
    This applys to living things and the universe.The pyramids use the Golden Ratio as well.The Golden ratio is 1.61803399.....
    The Golden Ratio is also called the Divine Proportion.It has a very wide application in nature, art and engineering.

    4.Verses 10 to 13 tell us about the close relationship between humankind and God.
    Those who turn their hearts to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, have nothing to lose except their chains of sin.

    These verses have a very important significance.
    They tell us that once we have received Jesus Christ, the Messiah as our Saviour, we should not sit back and relax but we should help our brothers and sisters who need help to also receive Jesus Christ, the Messiah as their Saviour.This is shown in verses 11 and 12.

    These verses tell us we should arm ourselves with the Word of God and venture into the world and help others to turn to God.

    5.Now brothers and sisters of all religions of the world.
    Allow me to say a few words on the question of the COMFORTER, Jesus Christ, the Messiah promised humankind.
    The comforter Jesus Christ, the Messiah was talking about is SALVATION.

    Please explain!

    A. Jesus Christ, the Messiah , the Word of God, came on earth to show and teach humankind the way,the truth and the life to God. John 14:16
    B. Humankind received the Word of God directly from God through Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
    God talked to the people directly through Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
    They freely asked all the questions about the Kingdom of God and they received clear and satisfactory answers.So through Jesus Christ, the Messiah, God himself spoke to the people.
    C. But because of the stiffness of our hearts we failed to accept the Word of God and that is the reason why the world is in a big crisis right now.
    We even went further and introduced new religions after Jesus Christ, the Messiah's glorious and miraculous resurrection and ascension to Heaven.

    The Word of God was polluted and adulterated and that is why we have so many versions of the Holy Bible up to this day.

    The scriptures were plagiarized and completely new religions with wild claims cropped up after Jesus Christ, the Messiah finished his ministry.
    New religious books were published and new prophets ordained.
    New holy places established which Jesus Christ, the Messiah himself never mentioned about.

    Some religions totally rejected the Word of God, Jesus Christ, the Messiah and their very existence hinges on the benevolence and mercy of God.They are a stiff nacked people.

    D.No one prophet or witness after Jesus Christ, the Messiah can successfully remove humankind from the shackles of sin and suffering.

    E. How then is this cycle of sin and suffering going to be broken?
    Jesus Christ, the Messiah will bring SALVATION by the infinite MERCY and GRACE of God.

    We have all sinned and we will only receive SALVATION through Jesus Christ, the Messiah by the
    infinite MERCY and GRACE of God.

    We will not receive SALVATION through our righteousness but through God's LOVE for humankind.

    When the COMFORTER (SALVATION) comes, God will wipe away all our tears. Sin and suffering will be no more.The Truth and Light will be upon the world.
    Jesus Christ, the Messiah will set his Kingdom on Earth by the full authority of All Mighty God.

    God bless you all my brothers and sisters.May the infinite Grace and Mercy of God bring Salvation to you all. Amen!

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