Discuss John 16 Page 21

  • Jaff on John 16 - 11 years ago
    Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

    who is the comforter ??

    12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

    13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
    Who is the spirit of truth ? what guidence given by him to mankind ? what are the things he shew to mankind?
  • R. D. Mattock on 2 Corinthians 8 - 11 years ago
    Verse 2, It’s important for us to acknowledge that hardships, trials, tribulations and troubles are a necessary part of life. John 16:33 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." In the world we will have tribulations and troubles -- sicknesses, family tragedies, out of work, financial difficulties, family problems, earthquakes, floods etc., business failure etc. It is a given, but Jesus says, "be of good cheer". He is saying that we must learn how to find joy in the midst of life's hardships, because He has overcome the world. James tells us to count all of this joy. James 1:2-4, My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. How many of us really take this verse seriously? The truth is, if we really desire the liberating power of God's Spirit and kingdom in our lives, we must find joy in life's hardships. Two reasons why we need to learn how to enjoy life's hardships. 1. The Storms of Life Help To Keep Us On Track With God. Psalms 119:67, Before I was afflicted I went astray, But now I keep Your word. There's a story of a woman who became the victim of amnesia. For three months she wandered, but during a severe thunderstorm she suddenly remembered who she was and where she was from. How often the storms of life bring us back to our senses! God sends them not to destroy us but to help us. Many people can look back and thank God for the storms that brought them back to Him! 2. Struggles And Hardships Sift Out The Impurities In Our Lives. Hebrews 12:27-28, Now this, "Yet once more," indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. A Christian man lost his home and mill when a flood washed them away. He was brokenhearted and discouraged as he stood surveying his loss. Just then he saw a glittering object that had been uncovered by the waters. It was gold! The disaster he thought had made him a beggar had actually made him wealthy. So, the Lord often works through our troubles to strip away certain cherished possessions to show us the better treasures of His love and power. How thankful we should be that in every storm of affliction we have the assurance that the Lord has a good purpose in view! The more joy we are able to find in the midst of life's hardships the stronger and more secure we will be as individuals, who are now able to walk in victory and succeeding in the issues of life. Nehemiah 8:10 “...for this day is holy to our LORD. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” It all boils down to the fact that hardships are a part of life and there is no way we can escape them in our lives. They serve a meaningful purpose.
  • Frank Davis on John 16:14 - 12 years ago
    The Bible refers to the Holy Spirit as the spirit of God; or the spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit is not another member of the Godhead, but the spirit of the Godhead. It should not speak of himself, but what he shall hear that shall he speak.
  • Jennie burrow on John 16:8 - 12 years ago
    I have never truly got it before. This is an eye opener that describes the reality of my life here today. I am truly bewildered.
  • Tracy fyler on John 1:29 - 12 years ago
    Perhaps there is one sin from which has two causes and Three basic pathways:
    1. Unbelief (hath God said?) Beleiving A Lie John 16:9;
    2. Deception, i.e. NutraSweet™(deficiency) Proverbs 12:20;
    3. Pride Isaiah 14:13 Proverbs10:13 (Self-centered) cancer, Toxicity;
    4. 1 John 2:15, 16, all problems are spiritual and deal with RELATIONSHIP. Missing the mark John 17:3, Matthew 7:21, Genesis 15:1. Thus also natural realm there is only one sickness; Cellular Malfunction i.e. Dr. Otto Warburg's famous speech while Accepting Nobel Peace Prize in 1931 on cancer and its Prime cause due to Deficiency of oxygen thus Toxicity in dna i.e. Non efficient toxic city, mass production of...;
    5. Seven major pathways: Nutrition, Toxicity, ....
  • Jay on Luke 6 - 12 years ago
    I am sympathetic to your situation for I have recently lost my position in a hospital that I have been with for several years because of knee replacement and no longer am able to perform my position at the level that is expected.
    1. A door closed by God cannot be opened by man and a door opened by God cannot be closed by man!
    2. Others maybe dependent on us, but we must always trust in the lord and be always dependent on him ( Proverbs 3:5-8; Philippians 4:19);
    3. As for judgment on the world ( John 16:8-11), we must first judge ourselves to check our standing with God ( 1 Corinthians 11:31,32);
    4. God has already judged sinners at the cross;
    5. God will judge the world, nations, and people according to his holy scriptures by his son Jesus Christ ( Romans 2:14-16);
    6. The judgment seat of Christ for born again Christians ( Romans 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:13);
    7. The white throne judgment for persons who have not been born again ( Revelation 20:11-15);
    8. Born again by the holy spirit only without water baptism or any other works related deeds that some religions require.
  • Amir on John 16 - 12 years ago
    Please let's read the 7th verse and the 13th with this clarity: Jesus is God, Father is God and the spirit is God, is that right? If yes, does that mean that it is expedient for you that God goes away: for if God goes not away, the God will not come unto you; but if God departs, God will send God unto you. And at the 13th says that God the spirit of truth will not speak of God self but God hears what God shall speak and God shall guide you in all truth!! Please explain this to me. Thanks in advance.
  • BENARD on Psalms 118:24 - 12 years ago
    I think this is one of the Bible passages every believer must memorize every day. It is a faith saying word of God, you can imagine a jobless graduate wakes up every morning to confess that word when obviously he knows he has no job. To me it is one of the powerful word of God in the Bible, furthermore it says I will rejoice and be glad in it, honestly it takes a giant faith to confess this because it is the same Bible which says every day is filled with evil, so why rejoice and be glad? But if truly you are a child of God and a man of Faith you will recall that it is this same Bible that said in John 16:33 that be of good cheer I have overcome the world. This is a vital reason why we need to rejoice and be glad. It is an awesome word of God.
  • Jacqueline dubose on John 16:23 - 12 years ago
    I was just pondering on this scripture because it just popped in my head.
  • Darrel sharp on 1 John 1 - 12 years ago
    W G F's comment about verse 9 on 3/23/2011, 3:35am..
    1) Forgiveness of “sins” is a free gift based on baptism in water after ‘repentance of ‘sin. ( Acts 2:38) “repent and be baptized are ‘ conditions. Forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit are ‘gifts. (see John 5:24) Eternal life is based on repentance from nonbelief to belief.
    2) Scripture ‘DOES not say repent from ‘sins, but repent from sin. (see John 16:8a,9)

    Themba's comment about verse 10 on 3/24/2011, 11:26am...
    Believers are not under the law, and they cannot commit sins.
    (Rom.5:13) (Rom.6:14) Believers CAN NOT SIN ( 1 John 3:9)
    It is not sin, it is ‘spiritual adultery. (Rom.7:1-5, 1 Cor.6:15-20)

    Moses's comment about verse 9 on 7/09/2011, 9:22am...

    Christ DID NOT forgive ‘sin ( John 16:8a,9) Sin is repented from.
    He freely forgives ‘sins. ( Acts 2:38) after repentance and baptism.

    Forbes's comment about verse 8 on 10/09/2011, 2:54am..
    Rom.3:23 is to non beleivers. And we WERE all non believers.
    Already dead in sin(un-belief) (Rom.5)
  • Darrel Sharp on 1 John 1 - 12 years ago
    In response to : Timothy Wayne George's comment on 2/04/2012, 9:46am 1 John 1
    1) We do not have a relationship “with Christ but “in” Christ. ( John 14:20) (1 Cor.1:30)
    2) We as human beings can never be holy, and Scripture does not ask us to. Scripture says we are holy “in” Christ. (1 Cor.1:30) I “in” Christ, before God, Christ “in” me, before the world. ( John 14:20)
    3) Scripture NEVER claims the Holy Spirit ‘convicts” believers of SIN! John 16:8a, KJV is a mis-translation. Convict is not the proper word here, perhaps ‘confute is.(it DOES NOT SAY SINS.” This Scripture says “the world” not believers.
    4) Forgiveness from “sins” is a free gift based on a condition. ( Acts 2:38) The condition for forgiveness is baptism in water. V.38 also states that eternal life is for believing in Christ. (The ‘un-belief is ‘repented from) ‘ the condition) ( Acts 2:38)
    EG: Repent AND be Baptized for the forgiveness of “sins” and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit. The first two are conditions, the second two are gifts..
    Note: (baptism DOES NOT and CANNOT cleanse from sins, it is a symbol of such cleansing)
    5) Believers cannot sin (un-belief) ( John 16:9) and believers ARE NOT UNDER the Law (Rom.6:14) so they cannot commit “sins”
    6) The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses the new believers “sins” (repentance is from sin to belief)
    Note: One IS NOT a ‘sinner because they commit sins. One is a “sinner” because of Adam. (Rom.5:12) so one commits sins because they are a ‘sinner.
    7) When Believers fail, it is S/spiritual adultery.(1 Cor.6:15-20) (Rom.7:1-4)
    Note: 1 Cor.6.18 all sin (sins) is outside the body (covered by and under the blood) EXCEPT Sexual sin (spiritual adultery) is against (inside) the body and must be stopped!
    Note. S/spiritual adultery does not come under the blood, IT MUST BE STOPPED!
  • Norma on Philippians 1:1 - 12 years ago
    Hi; the John 14:26; John 15:26; John 16:13
    John 14:26 = Jesus speaking said,
    26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. This clarifys the issue of the Trinity that some seem to be having trouble with. don't fall into the trap of splitting hairs. The Word became flesh, just do what He says. regards.N
  • Anthony on John 16 - 12 years ago
    Jesus is prepairing his diciples for his death and ressurection that why he said alittle while you will not see me and a little while you will see me. only Jesus was raised from the dead not mohummand
  • Richard Bilodeau on John 16:9 - 13 years ago
    Yes,this is what i believe according to new testament's new commandements.SIN :-> is not wanting to believe the words,and the personne of the Lord and Glorious Savior, Jesus-Christ.
    Therefore this is why i love to say with the Holy Spirit. He who practices SIN:-> is not wanting to believe the words,and the personne of the Lord and Glorious Savior, Jesus-Christ.
    And as these commendable commentators say, like
    F.F Bruce , C.H Macintoch , J.N Darby , William Kelly , F.B Hole , Howard Marshall, Hamilton Smith , G.Vernon McGee , A. Plummer , Dr. S. Lewis Johnson Jr. , William MacDonald / Arhur Farstad ‚ A.M.S GOODING , L. M. Grant , Brian Bell , J. Ligon Duncan , Dr. Thomas Constable , D. Edmond Hiebert, W. Hall Harris III and John MacArthur.
    1John 3:4.The author of 1 John is not referring to lawlessness as violation of the Mosaic law (as Paul does in Rom. 4:7)W.H Harris
    It is not so much the transgression of the Law.
    It's living as if there is no Law...and no law giver. J.MacArthur.
    1Jn.3:4-“Everyone that practiseth sin practiseth also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness” (Numerical Bible). The translation of the King James version is recognized by scholars to be wrong in this case...-L.M . Grant
    C.H Mackintosh : The First Epistle of John. Submitted by William Lincoln on Wed, 09/05/2007 - 05:00
    “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law; for sin is the transgression of the law. There again is another very bad translation .
    It should be—“for sin is lawlessness.”
    William Kelly :1 Jean 3:4.
    "Whosoever doeth sin doeth also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness?" This is a very different rendering from that of the A.V.; ...
    Sin is not breach of law but lawlessness.
    -This is the true sense. No other rendering is possible legitimately. What has ruled here is an utter mistake,founded on making the law instead of Christ the rule of life for the Christian, as people do who understand not the scriptures .
    Pg.176,New International Commentary on the New testament- The Epistles of John,according to
    -Howard Marchal.
    1John 3:4.There are reasons to doubt that lawbreaking is to be understood here because the word «law» is completely absent.It is the same word as used in 2 Thess.3,7 speaking about the,
    - man of lawlessness- which is referring to the one opposed to Christ and standing in opposition to Christ.
    J.N Darby : 1st. Epistle of John,3:4
    He who commits sin (not transgresses the law ), but acts lawlessly...
    The writings of Hamilton Smith: The Epistles of John.-The apostles...states that, “Every one that practises sin practises also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness” (N.Tn.).
    Sin is not simply transgressing a known law, as the defective translation of the Authorised Version suggests. The principle of sin is lawlessness, or doing one's own will apart altogether from any law.
    Finally so many say so ,its why so many has denied the right to Jesus that has USED the phrases«the practice of sin,iniquity and evilness)Ex.as in John 8:34 Math,7:23 and John 3:20.
    The right for the Lord Jesus that has given his difinition of sin( John 16:9 AS IN jn.8:34 THRU THE WHOLE CONTEXT- OPPOSITION TO CHIST) tHE REGRETTABLE ERROR OF 1JN.3:4 as so many, many, many commentators say,Tells me that it has denied the Master's teaching of his usage of the word to who John was faithful to.Therefore a regrettable error has ruled,and error means falsehood.
  • Kostas on Acts 2:38 - 13 years ago
    Only those translations that are saying "remission" of sins are correct to the original Greek which is the word "Aphesis". Remission & forgiveness are not the same. But above all, The Name Of The Lord JESUS Christ must be spoken, & both the baptizer & the one receiving the baptism must be qualified for it. The one must be an apostolic minister or anyone who has already been baptized in the Name of the Lord, & the one who goes through the baptism, to be taught prior to it, the importance & the revelation of the Name, & have full faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Below is a good article:

    This message is no doubt one of the most important messages you will ever read. It concerns a
    commandment that was given by our Lord Jesus Christ, which is being carried out incorrectly by
    nearly every church that is professing Christianity. This statement is true, even though the
    command is plain and easy to understand. I am referring to the clear teaching of water baptism.
    The various religions of this world baptize people with water 635 different ways. In the realm of
    nominal Christianity, people are baptized primarily one way; this way omits the use of any name
    at all. Thus, Satan with his crafty devices has seen to it that almost everyone who has been
    baptized has been baptized wrong!
    In the denominations of nominal Christianity, the Scripture verse of Matthew 28:19 is misused in
    a very clever way. Matthew 28:19 reads as follows: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
    baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” We must bear
    in mind that when this command was given, no actual baptism was happening at the time. A
    command was given, and God intended that it be carried out, not just repeated. Countless
    thousands of ministers repeat the exact words of the command without ever doing what the
    command says to do. Jesus specifically ordered that we are to be baptized in the NAME
    (singular) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost! In order to find out what that name
    is, we simply look in the Bible at incidents of water baptism after Calvary as administered by the
    apostles of Jesus Christ. We will find that there is not one incident ever where anyone was
    actually baptized using the words, “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” It was always done in the
    saving name of Jesus, which fulfills the command to use the singular name. When we say the
    words, “I baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,” we are in full obedience of Matthew
    28:19. Jesus said, “I am come in my Father’s name….” ( John 5:43). The angel of the Lord said
    to Joseph regarding Mary, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:
    for he shall save his people from their sins” ( Matthew 1:21). In John 16:7, Jesus said He would
    send the Holy Ghost. It all happens in the name of Jesus!
    We will now look at actual events of baptism to see exactly how it was done by the Apostles of
    Jesus Christ. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, we will begin with chapter 2 where many
    people who were listening to Peter were convicted of their sins and were looking for the remedy
    to the problem. In Acts 2:37-39 we read as follows: “Now when they heard this, they were
    pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren,
    what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the
    name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as
    the Lord our God shall call.” As we can see, the titles Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not even
    alluded to by Peter as he answered their question, because the Apostles understood full-well that
    Jesus commanded his saving name to be used to fulfill Matthew 28:19. Were the Apostles
    correct in this matter? In Acts 2:41 we read the following: “Then they that gladly received his
    word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.”
    Another example of an actual baptism is found in Acts 8:14-16 as follows: “Now when the
    apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent
    unto them Peter and John: Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might
    receive the Holy Ghost: (for as yet he was fallen on none of them: only they were baptized in the
    name of the Lord Jesus.)
    Yet another example showing how the singular name of the Lord Jesus Christ was being used in
    water baptism is found in Acts 10:47-48, which tells us, “Can any man forbid water, that these
    should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? And he commanded
    them to be baptized in the name of the Lord….” In this example, we must also note that water
    baptism was not simply suggested, but it was commanded! This is consistent with the very words
    of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, when he commanded in Mark 16:15-16, “….Go ye into all
    the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be
    saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned.”
    One question that frequently arises regarding water baptism is whether or not a person should be
    rebaptized if they had not previously been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. In Acts 19:3-5
    that question is answered, and the matter is settled. The Apostle Paul met with some people who
    had been disciples of John the Baptist and were baptized by him. We know that when John
    baptized, no name was used, but it was simply done unto repentance, opening the way for people
    to receive Jesus, the Lamb of God. After Jesus shed his blood on the cross, the saving name was
    required in baptism. Even those who had received the valid baptism of John needed to be
    rebaptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. That is why we read of this in Acts 19:3-5 as follows:
    “And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John’s baptism.
    Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that
    they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they
    heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.”
    At this point I must also point out that the word baptize, comes from a Greek word that means to
    make fully whelmed, which means to put completely under the water. It was the Roman Catholic
    religion that started baptizing by sprinkling and pouring during the time of the building of St.
    Peter’s Basilica. Because they charged money for baptizing, they began to baptize infants,
    because they needed the money.
    We must also remember that the Bible tells us that we are not to be baptized into a church, but
    rather into Christ! Romans 6:3-4 tells us in no uncertain terms the following: “Know ye not, that
    so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are
    buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the
    glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”
    When we consider the subject of water baptism, it is essential that we remember that it is in the
    Gospel! In I Corinthians 15:1-4, the Gospel is clearly defined as the death, burial, and
    resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Thus, our repentance is the death of our old sinful self; baptism
    with water in the name of our Saviour, Jesus, is our burial; and receiving the Holy Ghost is our
    first resurrection unto a new life. The resurrection of all people at Judgment Day is the final
    resurrection from the earthly graves. We cannot ignore any part of the Gospel, or we have
    ignored the whole Gospel.
    So much more could be said about this subject, and we can learn so much by reading our Bibles
    rather than reading catechisms and other church books, which contain doctrines of men. The
    points we must remember are: 1. Baptism is commanded. 2. Baptism must be by immersion. 3.
    Baptism must be done using the name of Jesus. 4. Baptism must be done once the Gospel is
    understood. Babies are not to be baptized.
    It is a sad fact that nearly everyone that has been baptized in these last days has accomplished
    nothing more than getting wet. It is a problem that can be easily corrected. Acts 4:12 will meet
    all of humanity on Judgment Day, and it should be heeded now, while there is still a little time.
    That powerful verse still echoes down the corridor of time with these words, “Neither is there
    salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we
    must be saved.”
    Pastor David J. Meyer
    Last Trumpet Ministries International
  • Earl Royal on John 16:7 - 13 years ago
    The Spirit of God in some sense had come, before the death of Christ; he had appeared in the creation of all things out of nothing, as a joint Creator with the Father and Son; he was come as a spirit of prophecy upon the inspired writers, and others; the Old Testament saints had received him as a spirit of faith; he had been given to Christ as man, without measure, and the disciples had been partakers of his gifts and graces; but he was not come in so peculiar a manner as he afterwards did; as the promise of the Father, the glorifier of Christ, the comforter of his people, the spirit of truth, and the reprover of the world: there are reasons to be given, why the Spirit of God should not come in such a manner before, as after the death of Christ. The order of the three divine persons in the Trinity, and in the economy of man's salvation, required such a method to be observed; that the Father should first, and for a while, be more especially manifested; next the Son, and then the Spirit: besides, our Lord has given a reason himself, why the Spirit "was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified", Joh_7:39; And the coming of the Spirit as a comforter, and the spirit of truth, was to be through the intercession, and by the mission of Christ; and therefore it was proper he should go away first, in order to send him; add to all this, that if Christ had not gone away or died, there would have been nothing for the Spirit to have done; no blood to sprinkle; no righteousness to reveal and bring near; no salvation to apply; or any of the things of Christ, and blessings of grace, to have taken and shown; all which are owing to the death of Christ, and which show the expediency of it: the expediency of Christ's death for the mission of the Spirit to his disciples, is very conspicuous; for hereby they were comforted and supported under a variety of troubles; were led into all truth, and so furnished for their ministerial work; and were made abundantly successful in it, that being attended with the demonstration of the Spirit and of power. ...Matthew Henry Commentary
  • Reaal Dix on John 16 - 13 years ago
    john talks about the holly spirit being with us
    God loved the world he gave his only son, so however be leaves in him shall not perish but will have the internal life.
  • Tem gomez on Acts 11:28 - 13 years ago
    concerning in the 1611 edition in this verse signified by the "spirit"
    while in the 1769 is "Spirit"
    is this a part of standardizing?
    i believe with out a doubt this is the Spirit of God that did signify and guide them into all the truth( john 16:13)some in the old testament like zechariah 4:6 is no doubt that it is the Holy Spirit...which in those times the person of the Holy Spirit is silent.
  • Lance on John 16 - 14 years ago
    Naser Fahad Jinnah, You are confusing verse 13 with Verse 2.
  • Naser Fahad Jinnah on John 16:13 - 14 years ago
    The Sprit of Truth, spoken about in this prophecy referes to none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
  • Naser Fahad Jinnah on John 16:7 - 14 years ago
    Ahmed or Muhammad meaning the one who praises or the praised one is almost the translation
    of the rnGreek word Periclytos. In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, and 16:7. The word Comforter
    is used in the English translation for the Greek word Paracletos which means advocate or a kind
    friend rather than a comforter. rnParacletos is the warped reading for Periclytos. Jesus (pbuh)
    actually prophesised Ahmed by name. Even the Greek word Paraclete refers to the Prophet (pbuh)
    who is a mercy for all creatures.rnSome Christians say that the Comforter mentioned in these
    prophecies refers to the Holy Sprit. They fail to realise that the prophecy clearly says that
    only if Jesus (pbuh) departs will the Comforter come. The Bible states that thernHoly Spirit
    was already present on earth before and during the time of Jesus (pbuh), in the womb of Elizabeth,
    and again when Jesus (pbuh) was being baptised, etc. Hence this prophecy refers to none other than
    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
  • Adewunmi Okupe on John 16:14 - 14 years ago
    john 16:14 is explosive. That the hidden mysteries can be revealed to me through the Holy spirit is so exciting to me. That means i can know the true riches that Christ has for me, and i can enter my inheritance. A.T.Okupe-
  • Geoffrey on John 16 - 14 years ago
    Obviously, through the gift of the holy gohst, in prayer through the gosple of jesus christ, and faith on an answer, we can than learn or recieve personal revelation and guidance from our heavenly and loving father as to what he wills us to do in any sittuation wither wecan than bring ourselves and his other beloved children to eternal happiness with him and his first son
  • Bruce on John 16 - 14 years ago
    It is a wonderfull passage we are not orphans we have a DADY walking with us, and the way that HE teach us is through his BIBLE other wise why HE took so much time and so many people to wrote this book ? so I rather choose to be lead by the word of this book than voices of my head even more we need to be clean in order to discern wich voice is from GOD and wich is not. And the only thing the GOD use to clean us, is scripture his written word as JESUS said you are clean by the word that I spoke unto you. then we must keep reading what JESUS said in order to be clean.
  • B.M.Devitt on John 16 - 14 years ago
    The Spirit of Truth is of whom is stated that will be sent . Even the commentary is missing the obvious . The Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit must be co - joined, if you give the Spirit of Truth a new title ( Holy Spirit ) then where does truth go. Remember How Jesus warns of the dangers of being born of Spirit only (John -3- )
  • David Warner on John 16 - 14 years ago
    We gain great understanding of the Holy Ghost through this chapter (and the previous).
    He is a Reprover; the Guide into all truth (via the Bible); and will glorify Jesus Christ, and not Himself. There are certain groups amongst Christendom that need to align their doctrine of Pneumatology to these truths.
  • Della williams on John 16 - 14 years ago
    Whatever We'er going through,the holy spirit
    is there to aid us as belivers.thank God for the

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