Discuss John 18 Page 5

  • Fred on John 18 - 10 years ago
    Ray The book of James says that one day every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord. When He said "I am " The Holy name of God even demons trembled, not only the disciples and the pharisees, His name is Power. The word of God says we have the authority to cast out demons in His name, no matter what language. They will have to leave inHIs name.
  • Elizabeth on John 18:40 - 10 years ago
    His Blood is to deliver the sinfull
  • Elizabeth on John 18:40 - 10 years ago
    It was just to fullfill that His cross will even release people like Barrabas from prison their Sins
  • Marcus on John 18 - 10 years ago
    Ch 18 for me is the absolute most glorious account of maintaining ones peace with God of knowing who YOU are before YOUR Creator...being content in God in the face of well...possibly nearly the whole world accusing you falsely...and then murdering you most violently on the final false judgement. This portion of scripture I really do feel all that was going on in the spirit world or all realities changing can we only in part understand. So many life applications here! I 'm glad God gave Christ the Spirit without measurie to go through all that for....well...for me.
  • Chika on John 18 - 10 years ago
    Let us endeavour to make our accuser ashame as CHRIST did..
  • Rev. Autrey on John 18:38 - 10 years ago
    Verses 38 40 "What is the truth? ' Pilate asked. Then he went out to the people and told them, 'He is not guilty of any crime. But you have a custom of asking me to release someone from prison each year at Passover. So if you want me to, I 'll release the King of the Jews. ' But they shouted back, 'No! Not this man, but Barabbas! ... " But Pilaste could have released Jesus, but he didn 't. And in his rebellion he made the Scriptures come true. Isiah 28 says, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says 'Look! I am placing a foundation stone in Jerusalem. It is firm, a tested and precious cornerstone that is safe to build on. Whoever believes need never be disappointed. ' " And Isaiah 8 14 says, "He will keep you safe. But to Israel and Judah he will be a stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall. " This is talking about the Lord Almighty as we can see in verse 13. This proves that Jesus is the Lord Almighty, and the stone that makes people stumble and fall. It was he, himself, who stood before Pilate that terrible day. And Pilate stumbled over all over him and fell to his destruction. And if we reject Jesus as our God we will fall too. People reject Jesus by placing another meanine on the word LORD. In their effort to reject his DIVINITY they make the word mean only a master or ruler in their lives. But Isiah 40 equated the word LORD to to word GOD. It specificially says, "Make a highway through the wilderness for our LORD. And make a road through the desert for our GOD. " This is what we see in most churches today. They are quick to call Jesus Lord or master, but they will not say that he is God. And in doing so, they fall as surely as Pilate fell that day. See, here if the point. Only God can save us. And if we say that Jesus is not God we have no salvation. Ask God to help upu understand!
  • Mark on John 18:36 - 11 years ago
    His kingdom will be part of this world on his return with his legions of Angel servants.
  • Joe on John 18 - 11 years ago
    I believe John 18:15’s another disciple was John humbly referring to himself. I believe He doesn’t make mention of his own name because he’d rather place emphasis on Jesus and the other disciples. John would make a similar reference again in chapter 20:2 where he mentions the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and in chapter 20:3 that other disciple.
  • Fred Griffin on John 18 - 11 years ago
    A powerful presentation to believers explaining his coming and living to full fill what God had sent Jesus to the world to do.
  • Don on John 18:15 - 11 years ago
    who was the other disciple with peter
  • Bapist Ben on Revelation 3 - 11 years ago
    Sorry Pastor Enang, Revelation chapters 2 and 3 are talking to churches, not lost people. Christ is on the outside of this church desiring fellowship with the saints at Laodicea.

    Hey Grant, Revelation 3:14 does not say Jesus is the creation it says "the beginning of the creation of God;" Read John 8:58 where Jesus declares "Before Abraham was I AM. That term in the Greek is ego ami. It mean I am now, I have always been, and I will always be. Christ is declaring His deity. This also found in John 18:5. Look what happened in verse 6 when Christ declared His deity. Read the whole book!
  • Jay on Luke 22 - 12 years ago
    On verse 50:
    1. The servant of the high priest that had his ear cut off and healed by Jesus was named Malchus ( John 18:10);
    2. Astro-theology is the from the prince and power of the air and is the same prince that is behind sorcery, divination, witchcraft, spiritualist, mediums, mentalist, psychics, strange fires, and horror scopes, and whatever else Hollywood can put in the media to brainwash the bible ignorant people.
  • Jay on Luke 7 - 12 years ago
    On Luke 7:36-50:
    1. Speaking of the difference between a self righteous religious leader who is mostly interested in proselyting good decent people that do not realize they are sinners in need of a saviour and a person that realizes that they are unrighteous sinner that knows they cannot cleanse themselves from being a sinner without a saviour;
    2. The anointing with alabaster box of ointment is a picture of a sacrifice of repentance ( 1 John 1:9);
    3. The women here being called a sinner ( John 9:31) by the Pharisee is most likely a reference to her actions, not just a person born into sin (as all humans are Romans 3:10,23), she is most likely a prostitute;
    4. The parable of the creditor and two debtors validate this event between the Pharisee and the woman of low reputation;
    5. Most people who get saved from a life of being a decent person do not seem to appreciate what they received through salvation as persons who get saved from a life of unlawful activity;
    6. John 18:9-14, the Pharisee and the publican are on the same moral fortitude.
  • Jay on Mark 14 - 12 years ago
    On verse 70- fear is the first reason why most people lie, but I am not so sure that fear was the main motivating factor for Peter.
    1. Peter is the one who drew his sword and cut off the servant’s ear in Gethsemane ( John 18:10);
    2. Peter and the other apostles did not really understand Jesus as saviour, but was trying to assist Jesus in bringing in the kingdom of heaven where he will be king;
    3. They did not comprehend the kingdom of God (church age), 1 Peter 1:10-12;
    4. So when Jesus was arrested all the apostles abandoned him, except John (type of the church) and went back to fishing;
    5. The reason I believe Peter denied Jesus when approached, was shame and confusion on what was really happening, but Jesus was able to help get Peter back on track in John 21:15-17, Romans 1:16.
  • Jay on Matthew 27 - 12 years ago
    On verse 26 - Barabbas (means son of the father) was released instead of Jesus. In John 18:40, Barabbas is called a robber; Luke 23:25, Barabbas is called a murderer and sedition (rebellion against authority); Mark 15:15, Barabbas is accused of insurrection. But Pilate like most politicians, had a poll taken of the most likely voters, and wanting to please the people, released Barabbas; a known murderer, robber, and rebellion against authority over a known innocent man (not much has changed in 2000 years in politics). As for the 2 thieves on the cross along with Jesus, one thief repented and went to be with Jesus in paradise and the other went to hell because he repented not ( Luke 23:39-43). Question? Do you know the difference between paradise and the 3rd heaven? And which one is where those that die in Christ go now?
  • Marie on John 18 - 15 years ago
    this also shows the 3 gardens in the life of christ. eden,he was promised as the redeemer, gethsemane where he was taken captive by the sin of his disciple, and the (cave) garden where he was buried. then he rose from the earth to the resurrected life as the fruit of his father, just as we sow seeds in the earth and they bring forth a harvest of fruit after it's own kind. he came forth to produce fruit after his and the fathers own kind. we as born again believers are the fruit of his rightousness in his kingdom.

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