Discuss John 1 Page 41

  • Chris - In Reply on Luke 16:1 - 4 years ago
    To know that your experience of re-birth by God's Spirit is real, is found in the testimony from God's Word & by the witness of His Spirit to your heart.

    There are many Scriptures that tell us, what God has done in a truly repentant, confessing sinner, is a declaration by God. And if God has said it (through His Word), then He cannot lie & He is faithful to perform it in your life. Look at: John 3:16; 1 John 1:9; 2 Peter 3:9; Acts 2:38; Luke 15:10; 1 John 5:4; 1 John 2:29 are just a few.

    Not only from God's Word that He wants all to repent & turn to Him, but also His Spirit witnesses to our hearts:

    Romans 8:16; Galatians 5:17,22; 1 Corinthians 12:7 ff; 1 Corinthians 2:14 are some for you to consider.

    So these verses declare God's ministry to us to assure our hearts that we belong to Him, i.e. we have been born again by His Spirit. But for each of us, the Spirit's ministry can be specific & special. One may see God doing mighty things through him that blesses many. Others, can have a quiet confidence in the promises of God & willing & able to share with others what God has done in him. But in all cases, the indwelling Spirit is there to assure you, comfort you, direct you, teach you & give you a hope for the future, which an unbeliever simply cannot have & enjoy.

    Sometimes, the initial reception of the Spirit can be quite dramatic, whether in outward manifestations or an inward contrition & resulting joy in salvation. If you've had that experience, be assured of His Presence in you. If you've been baptized in water, here is another great testimony of an inward response to God's Work in you. But if you're feeling empty & no different from when you were unsaved, then you need to examine yourself whether you have come to God in the way that God has prescribed or to check whether you are harbouring any sin that stops His Spirit from fully working in you. I can't know all about you from where I am - you will have to search your heart & life & be honest with God.
  • Chris - In Reply on John 1 - 4 years ago
    In John 1:47, the commendation given to Nathanael as one who had no guile, is understood as 'without deceit or treachery'. This meaning is taken from the Greek, 'dolos'. Similarly, in our present English usage, the meaning is similar: 'insidious cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception; duplicity.'

    So, Nathanael wasn't sinless, rather that Jesus had already observed his person & his heart (1:48), thus declaring him as innocent from any deceptive working of his mind. This observation not only confirmed to Nathanael Who Jesus was, but that not only bad things & people emanated from Nazareth & Galilee, as these cities were known for (1:46).
  • Cds on John 1 - 4 years ago
    What is guile
  • ... - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Well Idk if that other answer answered it because I didn't read it but

    Because Jesus was with God

    John 1:1

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

    John 10:30

    "I and my Father are one."

    So the Word was God and was with God since the beginning. So Jesus was the one with God and is also God.

    Genesis 2:18

    "And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

    Genesis 2:21-23

    "And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;"

    "And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man."

    "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man."

    So MAN was created in the image of God but woman was created as a help meet for man so women were not created in the image of God if that answers anything.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Maccabees 4 - 4 years ago
    You're correct, those particular terms are not found in the Bible; only Son of God or Spirit of God. However, could it be that those terms actually imply a similar meaning?

    For example, I point out a car to you which is parked kerbside. I tell you, "That's my car". How do you understand me? In the normal way, you will immediately assume that the car belongs to me. But actually it doesn't belong to me, it belongs to a friend, from whom I have loaned it. So which is correct? In a sense, both are correct: the car is mine because I have the key to it & I drive it - so it could be that I own it or I took loan of it - it's still mine to get inside & drive it.

    The point I'm making is that whether Jesus is described as 'the Son of God' or 'God's Son' or 'God the Son', can still have the same meaning only if the Scriptures spoken about Him, warrant it. If we didn't have John 1:1-14, John 20:28, Isaiah 9:6, Titus 2:13, Colossians 2:9, Hebrews 1:1-8, John 10:30, 2 Peter 1:1, & others, given to us, then yes, you would be entirely correct to say that Jesus is just a created Being by God, thus to be called His Son.

    So the question is not about the accuracy of the term 'God the Son', but rather what do people do with all the other Scriptures that point to Jesus being both the Son of God & God the Son? I have often asked people to exegete John 1:1-14 to me & they have failed to do so. I did see a Christadelphian article on it, & they say "the Word that became flesh was not the incarnate Son but the incarnate Word". Strange! If the Word became flesh & we know of no other human that became one from the Word of God, then it must apply to Jesus Who is God's Word made flesh & dwelt amongst us. I have no problem with this, but those who oppose this doctrine fail to provide an adequate explanation, rather either avoid such Scriptures or apply another interpretation to them to support their belief. Some might be convinced by this - others, reading the Word, remain unconvinced.
  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on John 1 - 4 years ago
    John 17:25-26, from Jesus Christ, states it better. Instead of using the word "seen".
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 23:9 - 4 years ago
    Steve, I think we've broached this matter before in our discussions. Whilst I believe in the complete Unity of God & that God is One, but from Him, we are taught from the Scriptures, proceed the Word & the Spirit. Though the original comment by Roy was one of 'fatherhood', I believe that the Word sent from God to become Man, expresses God's Fatherhood to His Son Jesus Christ. However, since the Unity of God has never been broken, the Son even at the Father's right Hand, remains wholly within the Unity of God & the full expression of His Person.

    Of Jesus in the OT is written: Isaiah 9:6, Psalm 45:6,7 (cf Hebrews 1:8), Psalm 110:1, Daniel 7:13,14.

    In the NT: John 1:1-14, Philippians 2:5-8, Titus 2:13 (cf John 20:28), 1 John 5:20 & many more.

    So I don't believe it was the RCC or the Nicene Council that introduced the understanding of the Godhead, but what we see & learn from the Scriptures. But to say that Jesus is presently the Almighty God, without the presence of the Father in Heaven is wrong, as other Scriptures attest to it. The apostles & early Church believed in the deity of Christ & so we take it from there & hold onto it, even though our human understanding is limited & weak to understand the personality of God & His revelation to us.
  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on John 1 - 4 years ago
    Hello Groman,

    That is a very good question. As we also have Exodus 33:20 stating no one can see the face of God and live. As I have heard a couple of Testimonies, from people, that stated to have experiences with God the Father and could not see His face.

    Back to your question. The Greek word "horao", translated "to see", has a word origin stating this. "Properly to stare at, that is (by implication), to discern clearly (physically or mentally). The uses, of the same word, in the KJV Bible are: behold, perceive, see, take heed. As see and perceive, also behold, are usually for physically seeing something. To "take heed" may have a translation of: to keep to, obey, regard or mind something. And others. So really using the word "see", as in John 1:18, as you've pointed out, doesn't look like the word they should have used. Like you stated with having people observing, seeing, God in Exodus 24:10-11. As maybe a better word, in John 1:18, would have been something along the line of obeyed or regarded. As nobody has ever lived a sinless life except Jesus Christ. Heeding all glory to the Father.

    As I am in no way a professional scribe or pastor. This was just what I came up with to give you some sort of an answer to your question. Someone else may have a better more in depth explanation. God Bless.
  • Groman on John 1 - 4 years ago
    Why do most Christian denominations stick to the john 1:18 no one has seen God when Exodus 24 clearly says different?

    John 1:18

    18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

    Exodus 24 10-11

    10 And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness.

    11 And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink.
  • Albert Taylor - In Reply on Luke 17 - 4 years ago
    I must commend you for ending your prayer in the Name of Jesus. As you well know, Jesus is the Name of the Savior. Colossians 3:17 says"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him." So by praying in the Name of Jesus, you are praying to God. Salvation came only by Jesus ( Acts 4:12; Matthew 1:21; John 17:6; Luke 3:31; John 1:14) So when you pray in the name of Jesus, you are praying to God. All of the fullness of God is in Jesus( Colossians 1:19). We are saved through Jesus--He died on the Cross and provided the means of escape for the whole world. The demons tremble at the name of Jesus( James 2:19) Again, I commend you for praying in Jesus' Name and ending your prayer in Jesus' Name. There is no other name given to us whereby we must be saved. Jesus even said that repentance and remission of sins would be preached in His name ( Luke 24:47). It is through His name that we are baptized ( Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:38; Acts 3: 19) I am so grateful to find believers who still hold to the Bible. God bless you and may God keep you is my prayer. I hope I provided some insight into Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • Chris - In Reply on Hosea 3:5 - 4 years ago
    I'm unsure that I understand your question. If you mean, a. "does God forgive us if we say the same prayer of repentance", or b. "does God accept us if we sin in the same way again & again", then these are my thoughts:

    a. if we pray in earnestness (i.e. a genuine, heartfelt prayer) seeking God's forgiveness over a sin we've committed, then He does forgive us. Even if we say the same words, if they are from our heart & we mean what we say, then God forgives us based on what Jesus Christ has done for us on the Cross. 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

    b. God is our Father in Heaven & He wants to forgive us always & help us to defeat any sin that gets a hold on us. If you are truly born again of God's Spirit, then you not only know when you've done wrong, but you have God's Spirit in you to give you strength to withstand that particular sin or any other sin that comes to you. But if you enjoy doing that sin, then you must quickly bring the matter to God to help you hate that sin & take it out of your life. God sees our struggles & He is a patient God Who will help you in your struggle giving you a way to escape. Spend time reading God's Word & in prayer. And when sin comes knocking at your heart's door, look away from it, talk to God about it, put on some Christian music, sing along that music to the Lord - by making your effort against sin, you will find that the Devil will leave you. But if you dwell on sin when it comes & see its enticing ways, then it becomes easier to give in & sin against God.

    God sees a truly penitent, struggling heart before Him. He will help you - ALWAYS. Have faith, hold onto God & hate the sin.
  • Star - In Reply on John 1 - 4 years ago
    Hugo Zyl.... Oh so true. And if one has the Holy Ghost dwelling in them then the Holy Ghost will lead them to all truth. Amen
  • Chris - In Reply on John 10 - 4 years ago
    When we say that Jesus is God, we understand that He is that part of the Godhead that constitutes God's complete Being & now revealed to us. So yes, Jesus is God, just as God Himself & His Holy Spirit are equally the One God. We read in John 1:1 & following verses, that the Word was with God & was God. And this Word (that which proceeds from God's Mouth) which was also His Word in forming all of creation, God chose to give a Body of flesh. So we have what is referred to as the 'Incarnation' = when God's Word was given a Body so that God could fully accomplish His Plan for redeeming mankind from sin unto Himself. If this did not happen, all races of people would be eternally gripped by sin's power & face a certain eternity in Hell. But God stepped into our humanity for the purpose of being our Sacrifice for the sins we should have been penalized & suffer for.

    If this concept of the 'Trinity' (i.e. God is One but is seen in His Three Beings) is difficult to comprehend & none of us can fully take it in anyway because we don't naturally think or live at that level, then we can use a simple but weak illustration. As you know, we are composed of three aspects to our being: that which is seen (the body) & that which is unseen (the soul & spirit). The body will age & deteriorate, whereas the immaterial part of us doesn't, & is accountable to God & will return to God. Now, if we remove any one of those three parts of us, we cease to be human in the normal acceptance of our being. So too would God be, if any being of His Deity was excluded, i.e. He wouldn't be the God of the Universe & indeed the God of Love & Mercy that He is to us.

    So, Jesus in His Divinity as part of the Godhead, is now referred to as the Son of God, by virtue of His Incarnation ( Luke 1:35). He's still God, but now as God the Father's resurrected Son after paying the price of our sins, & seated at the place of power, at God's right Hand. Jesus completed His Work on Earth but His Spirit works on in us.
  • Markcus Burch - In Reply on Luke 11:5 - 4 years ago
    John 14:9; John 1:1,14; Isaiah 10:30; John 8:58; Colossians 2:9; 1 John 5:7.
  • Unbelievers and Willfull Sin - In Reply on Psalms 53 - 4 years ago
    Unbelief in Jesus is a death sentence for the unsaved.

    We are not of this world anymore. We look for the new world to come. Faith always looks forward. Lots wife died by looking backwards, after she was ordered not to.

    We still sin until we ask the Holy Spirit to come along side of us, to enable us to resist temptations. He will do that. When you feel that pull between the flesh wanting to sin; it's a good time up put in an emergency call to the Holy Spirit. Satan wants our walk with God to feel defeated. He hates God and us.

    Even if you feel ashamed and defeated yet again: take those sins to 1 John 1:9. Then receive the cleansing.

    We can ask the Holy Spirit for the Gift of discerning of spirits. We learn discern the spirits at work around us. Ask for it.

    Human spirit

    Evil spirit

    Holy Spirit


    Instead of wallowing in defeat, pray and be cleansed and restored. Read these too: Hebrews 4:13-16; Hebrews 2:14; (a warning) Hebrews 10:26

    Hebrews is a good book to read at a snails pace. It has much to say about sin. It ends with people whom God mentions as heroes of the faith (chapter 11). Even King David that had Bathsheba's husband killed in battle so he could marry her. Their first baby died as a result.

    We are not of this world anymore. The more Bible we have in us; the less likely we'll choose to sin willfully.

    Satan hauls us before the Court of heaven and Accuses us with those sins. Jesus has to step up as your Advocate (defense attorney) and prove your innocence by opening the Book of Life to verify your name is written down in there. Hebrews 2:1, 3 and Revelation 3:5

    We have a born again nature that wants to follow Jesus and live the born again life.

    Revelation 3:15-22

    Consider these things in your walk with God: following His son Jesus. Pray, confess, depend on the Holy Spirits help.
  • Bbeeaann - In Reply on Luke 11:5 - 4 years ago
    "This is something I am sure is easy to answer but I just have wondered about it but when Jesus was on the cross why did he say My God My God why have thee forsaken me. I thought maybe that he was in so much pain he did not know what he was saying? Thanks."

    One must first understand the Godhead before one can understand how Christ could pray this prayer. The triune Godhead is comprised of three persons who are one monotheistic God. The scriptures reveal these persons are known as the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. This truth is found in numerous verses in the Bible, Gen.1:26; 3:22,Is.48:16, John 1:1-4, 1 Jn 5:7 to name a few.

    The next thing a person needs to understand about the Godhead is that it has three attributes that make it unique. These three self-existent attributes are omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience. The Godhead is everywhere present, all-powerful, and all-knowing. The Godhead is perfect and cannot be tempted by sin, as James 1:13 explains. God required a perfect man to approach Him to redeem mankind, and thanks to Adam's fall, that man did not exist. This is why the Word laid down his self-existent attributes in the Godhead to live as the last Adam with is title as God to be tempted by sin and pay the penalty the law required to redeem mankind.

    This truth is found in Is.9:6, Hebrews chapters 1 and 2, 1 Timothy 3:16, and other verses.

    Colossians 2:9 explains the fullness of the Godhead dwelt in Christ bodily. How do we know this is true? Christ was not omnipresent while on the earth. He dwelt in time and space in a single location(Jn1:14). Jesus was asked about the events of the tribulation, and he told his disciples the Father knew the day, not him( Matt. 24:36). Jesus was not omnipotent stating the Father did all the works through Him( Jn 14:10. After Christ rose he took back his self-existent position back in the Godhead to come dwell in all of mankind, which would require self-existent omnipresence. I hope this helps.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Deuteronomy 6:4, "The LORD our God is one LORD". This is God's declaration & also believed by Jews, Christians & Muslims. There is no multiplicity of gods that sit on God's Throne. Yet, when God says, "Let us make man in our image...", we find a revelation about this Nature of God. God has accomplished all His creative work by His spoken Word ( Psalm 33:6, Genesis chapter 1 "And God said..") & in the Power of His Spirit. ( Psalm 104:30, Job 33:4). And this Word was made flesh, Jesus, for the sake of mankind's redemption ( John 1:1-14) & was also involved in creation in the beginning ( Colossians 1:13-19).

    Those are a few Scriptures to show that God, Who is One, has sent out His Word & His Spirit to accomplish His Plans. So when we read, "God said, Let US make man in our Own Image", this plurality which you've observed, is God in His Fullness involved in man's creation as also in creating the heavens & earth. Man, (interpreted as Adam), was first created. And "them" would be his wife, Eve, & all his progeny after them that would "have dominion over the earth & its creatures".

    Man was "created in God's Image". God is Spirit & no man has seen God at any time - he cannot be described in physically terms. But what we do see is not the physical Image of God, but the part of God He desired that man would also have & benefit from. So looking at God's Character, we see that He is first Holy ( Leviticus 11:44), His Spirit communes with man's spirit, He has the power of Love, of Choice, of Fellowship, of Righteousness (pure & holy living), of expressing Emotions, etc. That describes God & His attributes that Adam also enjoyed, but after Adam chose to disobey God & sin entered into him, sin subsequently marred his physical, mental & spiritual aspects. And this marring, or corruption, fell upon all mankind, i.e. we've inherited this sin nature ( Romans 3:23), & our own lives show us daily how far short we have fallen from that ideal & how far our sins have separated us from God.
  • Chris - In Reply on John 1:32 - 4 years ago
    It seems from the other Scriptures that show Jesus' baptism by John, that it was only John who witnessed the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus. We know that other people were around as John was also baptising them, when Jesus approached him. There isn't any mention of the reaction of the crowd, if indeed they saw this anointing. This was a special revelation to John that Christ was indeed the Messiah, the Son of God, Who would not baptize with water as he was doing, but with the Holy Spirit.
  • Vivian on John 1:32 - 4 years ago
    was John the only one to see the dove descend upon Jesus?
  • WHO IS YOUR TEACHER - In Reply on Genesis 1:1 - 4 years ago
    The first line of the Bible states that heaven is created along with the creation of the earth ( Genesis 1). It is primarily God's dwelling place in the biblical tradition: a parallel realm where everything operates according to God's will.

    In Genesis 1, much is written about heaven, firmament, dividing, etc. all those center of the page columns (abc notes) refer to other scriptures. You'll need a study Bible with that feature. Or...

    You can go on Google and type in: charts of 3 heavens. NOT all of them are accurate according to scripture.

    God is Spirit. He doesn't need to stand on something. The Holy Spirit is Spirit; same thing. In Genesis, Jesus's name is the Word.

    See John 1:1-5

    Philippians 2:8-10, 6 and 3:19

    Revelation 19:13

    Zechariah 13:7

    Isaiah 9:6

    All those scriptures may have reference notes to additional scriptures. You need a reference study Bible, to research deeply.

    It takes determination to search out the mysteries of God.

    Always ask the Holy Spirit to HELP you and TEACH you those mysteries. He's the Spirit of Christ; and a born again Christian has the Mind of Christ. You have everything you need when combined with Faith: faith that the Holy Spirit does what scripture says that He does. Pursue Him.

  • Ardyth Anderson-Winn on John 1:14 - 4 years ago
    What does it mean "His hand was stretched out still"?
  • James Kilgore on John 1:14 - 4 years ago
    who is the elect in 2 Timothy
  • Ss on John 1:47 - 4 years ago
    John 1:47

    "Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!"
  • Ss on John 1:21 - 4 years ago
    Matthew 11:14

    "And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come."
  • Ss on John 1:14 - 4 years ago
    John 1:14

    "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    Grace and truth is why we should follow Jesus.
  • Chris - In Reply on John 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Donna, there are some very good commentaries out there, both by the printed page & the Web. I would suggest using the Web, as you can get a number of commentaries to refer to, plus other tools (such as Lexicons, Interlinear, etc.) to help you in the study of the Word. The one I would suggest is: Bible Hub. The Site might be a little difficult to properly navigate initially because of its many features, but there are numerous commentators/expositors who have shared much light on the Word. And it's free.
  • Donna Mullinax on John 1:1 - 4 years ago
    Where could I find verse by verse commentary on John 1; 15-28 free? Thank you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Luke 17 - 4 years ago
    Jesus often spoke of Himself as Son of Man as He sometimes referred to Himself as Son of God. He was correct in doing so, as He was both: He was the Word of God made flesh (man) John 1:1-14 and He was also a Man (by that same reference & the account of His human birth: Matthew 1:20-25). For His Own reasons, Jesus used these designations interchangeably depending on who He was speaking to & in what context. In any case, those that heard His teachings & saw His miracles knew that Jesus' claim to be the Son of God was clear & specific. Even at the cross, they cried out to Him, "If Thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross" ( Matthew 27:40).

    Adam & Eve were our first parents & it wasn't until a specific calling (of Abraham) that a holy line of people began to form. True, of the sons of Noah (i.e. prior to Abraham), Shem was elected to be the forefather of the later nation of Israel. And from Shem, Abraham came & became the promise of being the father of a great nation ( Genesis 12:1-3) & of many nations ( Genesis 17:1-5). As the nation of Israel grew in number & expanded by conquering opposing lands, they began to intermarry with the Canaanite nations, when clearly forbidden to do so by God: Deuteronomy 7:1-4; 1 Kings 11:1,2; Nehemiah 13:3, 23-27. Therefore, I feel that there are no pure Jews today; even though some would have stayed true to the Word of God, maybe their children (even a few) chose to intermarry, then that purity would continue to diminish over succeeding generations. I hope that is what you were seeking to know Joseph.
  • Keith Vaughan on John 1 - 4 years ago
    John1 is about the presence of God and the Holy Spirit, and the gathering of the Disciples to help spread the word of God. This chapter also informs us on how we can worship together and feel the presence of God in all of us. John the Baptist, help to baptist people, so the they accept God in their hearts.

    Keith Vaughan
  • Hebrews 66 - In Reply on John 1 - 4 years ago
    You get to the Commentary Box by typing your scripture in the Search Box. Scroll down.

    Wesley's Notes for Hebrews 6:6

    6:6 And have fallen away - Here is not a supposition, but a plain relation of fact. The apostle here describes the case of those who have cast away both the power and the form of godliness; who have lost both their faith, hope, and love, # Heb 6:10|, &c., and that wilfully, # Heb 10:26|. Of these wilful total apostates he declares, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance. (though they were renewed once,) either to the foundation, or anything built thereon. Seeing they crucify the Son of God afresh - They use him with the utmost indignity. And put him to an open shame - Causing his glorious name to be blasphemed.

    People's Bible Notes for Hebrews 6:6

    Heb 6:6 If they shall fall away. Apostasize from the faith. To renew them unto repentance. He is so far fallen that he has no capacity left for repentance. Judas the Apostate sorrowed, but his sorrows became despair. There was remorse but not repentance. Seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh. By rejecting Christ they place themselves with those who rejected him and crucified him because he affirmed that he was the Son of God. Those meant are not those "overtaken in a fault" (Ga 6:1), or backsliders only, but men once Christian professors who not only turn away from but oppose Christ.

    There are many many comments listed after the commentators I've shown to you

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