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On verse 21 , in what form did God appear to you as on Christmas eve 1987? When the scriptures states that no man has seen God at anytime John 1:18.
On Matthew 21:5-7, when a person is reading and studying book of Matthew, there are guidelines to remember.
1. Matthew is a New Testament book, but it is a transitional book between Old and New Testament. Matthew is mainly written doctrinally to Jews and contains a lot of typology which are pictures of biblical truths for the kingdom that Jesus was wanting to bring in, but we know that the Jews rejected him as their Messiah ( John 1:11-14), anointed one of God. The religion of the Jews has many customs and this is one of these customs. The anointed incoming kings was to ride on a mule/colt as part of the ceremony to be crowned king ( I Kings 1:33-38, Zechariah 9:9). The ass/colt also represents a person who has not been broken, saved Luke 19:35. Jesus is not only a prophet, priest, and incoming king, but our savior as well.
2. When reading the gospels, remember that before Jesus said it is finished on the cross, they were still under the law and then it is transitional into the church age or age of grace.
About the subject of divorce, I do not believe in divorce, but you need to read 1 Corinthians 7 before you determine that adultery is the only grounds given for biblical divorce. To Matthew regarding forgiveness and judgment, we all would like to have opportunity to take back hurts, mistakes, pain, suffering we have caused others, but god has provided ways to either rectify matters with others ( Matthew 5:23,24; 1 Corinthians 6) or take advantage of I John 1:9. If you are saved than you need to forgive others and ask God to forgive you for the trespasses you have caused others and your trespasses against God. Keep your trespass list very short. Matthew 18:18. The judgment seat of Christ is for saved people and will only be accountable for your life after you received Christ as saviour until death or rapture II Corinthians 5:10, Romans 14:10. Though we may suffer consequences in the flesh from our previous sins, but spiritually God does not remember our life before salvation. Unsaved will come before the white throne judgment for their rejection of Jesus as saviour and be sentenced to eternal damnation. The unbelievers have much bigger problems.
This is why Christians need to study dispensational truth by Clarence Larkin. I Timothy 2:15, God’s plan of salvation for all mankind has never wavered, Ephesians 1:4, Matthew 25:34, God’s method may change, but not his plan. Jesus first purpose was the Jews and have the Jews to have the oracles of God and to evangelize the world, but the Jews rejected him as their messiah John 1:11. So the kingdom of heaven was postponed and ushered in the church age (kingdom of God). The responsibility has now been given over to the gentiles ( Ephesians 3:1-10) until the time of the gentiles become in ( Romans 11:25), at the rapture of the body of Christ. When Christ stated that it is finished on the cross of Calvary, salvation was available for mankind and extended to whosoever would invite Jesus into their heart as savior, Romans 10:9-13, I Timothy 4:10.
John, take me to your Leader!
-- Oral Roberts I asked questions.