Discuss John 1 Page 93

  • Landocalrisien on John 1:1 - 14 years ago
    ʼElo‧him′ means, not “persons,” but “gods.” So those who argue that this word implies a Trinity make themselves polytheists, worshipers of more than one God. Why? Because it would mean that there were three gods in the Trinity. But nearly all Trinity supporters reject the view that the Trinity is made up of three separate gods.

    WHILE Jesus is often called the Son of God in the Bible, nobody in the first century ever thought of him as being God the Son. Even the demons, who “believe there is one God,” knew from their experience in the spirit realm that Jesus was not God. So, correctly, they addressed Jesus as the separate “Son of God.” ( James 2:19; Matthew 8:29)

  • Battyus on John 1 - 14 years ago
    @Fathead: The KJV English translation of the original Greek language is a very accurate translation.

    If you look up the Greek, you can see, the KJV is translating exactly what it should:
    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

    If you substitute the Capital letter 'God' with a lowercase letter 'god' and stick an 'a' in front of it, you've just stripped Christ from His divinity.

    (Not to mention, that the original Greek does not have an 'a' in it, therefore you could not just stick it in there in the English translation)
    This is being done by some cults and leads to many unbiblical doctrines.

    Instead of trying to change the Bible I rather suggest to try to understand it. I found it interesting that these passages are the ones that teach us the most if we are open to learn:

    How could the Word be with God and Be God at the same time? It is only possible if the Word Himself was God Himself, which perfectly matches up with the rest of the scriptures.
  • Fathead on John 1:1 - 14 years ago
    How could he be with God and be God Would it not read better if a was added where it was supposed to be and read in the begining the word was and the word was with God and the word was a god ?
  • Daniel Williams on John 1:4 - 14 years ago
    Before jesus came man was dome an was set for the coming of the hellfire. But jesus come that HE may give us HIS divin light. It was stated in Luke19:10 "For the SON of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost." There ant know boby eles that can save a man' soul from the darkness of sin.
  • Daniel Williams on John 1:2 - 14 years ago
    When I read verse2 of John1 I fully understand that this is the SON of the most loving GOD;I belive that JEUSE was in the beginning an no one can take that away.
  • Kaanib on John 1 - 14 years ago
    don, Pls becarefull on what we are commenting with regard to the bible scripture, we must be biblical and do not depend on our understanding, The WORD does not represent the thought of God or will of God... The WORD in jn1:1 refers to the Son of God which was also with God in the begging and that is His Son who "WAS THE WORD" that because of that WORD all things were made including you... Kaanib
  • Don on John 1 - 14 years ago
    The Word represents the thoughts of God and they are written down in the Bible as a record of God's Will for us. A good leader would not ask his servants to do anything he was not willing to do himself, so God made His thoughts (His Will) flesh through the life of Jesus. While God remained in Heaven, He also walked through the world as a man in the human form of Jesus Christ, experiencing everything as we do (with all the pain and temptations we know and are familiar with - up to and including the perspective of a parent watching His child suffer), while personally teaching us his ways and then demonstrating everything he taught. Pretty wild if you ask me!!
  • H. Watson on John 1:1 - 14 years ago
    TLet Us is constantly used even after the flood still signifying the word Elohim as a trinity, i.e. plural word. In John vs 1 the Word is Jesus and was made flesh so that he could die on the cross for mankind (his very own creation). In the book of Revelation chapter 19 starting in vs 13 - And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.
  • Bruce on John 1 - 14 years ago
    when the apostol refer to JESUS as THE WORD it is simbolic JESUS is not the Bible as the FATHER isn't too , because JESUS is before the Bible was writen limiting JESUS to a book is unreasonable is a thought with out meaning because JESUS is GOD , HE is the second person of GOD HEAD.
  • Paul Bivins on John 1 - 14 years ago
    John Chapter One Verse one: What does it mean the words in the (beginning) and what is the Word referring too. or whom is the scripture (Word) speaking of, and does that mean Jesus the Word is the whole bible from the beginning of the scriptures to the end scriptures (talking about Jesus,) (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God. and the Word was God.
  • Michael Perry on Genesis 6 - 14 years ago

    The only problem with a book like that is that any Joe Schmo can find it (or even make it up) and claim it as a "lost book of the Bible". The Apocrypha, for instance, has very questionable validity, as it often contradicts other scriptures.

    And you also have this:

    “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” Matthew 5:18

    and this:

    “And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one pronunciation mark of the law to fail.” Luke 16:17

    and this:

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1

    What am I getting at? What I'm getting at is this: The word has been around since the beginning, since the word is GOD. It shall not pass away until all is fulfilled. That means that there wouldn't be a section of time where the word was "lost" and not known to exist. It would be silly for GOD to have a system exist for thousands of years to only throw at "oh, by the way" at us like John Carpenter throws plot twists. Sure, you could say that even if no one knew about the word of GOD, the word would still exist. However, I say this: If no one knew about the law of stopping at a red light, would anyone obey it? Would it be enforced? The answer is no. It would be as if the law never existed. If someone were to find this law again, it would be remembered, and exist again. However, GOD's law never passes away, so there can't be any "lost" books. The word has been around forever. Read your King James Bibles, be satisfied with them. Everything you need to know is in there. If you can't find the answer to something, pray about it. All things will become known to us in time.

    GOD Bless.
  • Bruce on John 1 - 14 years ago
    JESUS is GOD all thins were made by HIM that is cystal clear Luke 10:21 JESUS rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father MATTHEW 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
  • Alberto on John 1 - 14 years ago
    The answer is there indeed. If you don't understand ask YHVH for guidance and check the original words and you will find your answer.Everyone who seeks righteousness will be given answers. There is no trap in not being lazy and checking up on words and phrases that don't seem clear with the rest of Scripture or in your native language.For your beloved King James Bible was translated out of those languages. No Bible is perfect and infallible. The message in them is consistent and true however to those who seek righteousness only. That is why Yeshua loved to speak in parables. Not to confuse but because he knew only righteousness seeking people could understand his parables.
  • W Hytchins on John 1:1 - 14 years ago
    God is not a God of confusion as shown in 1 Cor 14:33, the above comments imply the opposite, I do not have to be a Greek scholar nor consider Hebraic settings. If I choose and trust the only true Word of God, the King James version. It is perfectly clear what God intends me to believe. I may not fully understand it, but I believe it. Don't fall into the trap of listening to so called modern "scholars". The answer is there all the time.
  • Alvin Kelly on John 1:39 - 14 years ago
    That verse is sticking to me for some odd reason. The tenth hour part y would john write that there? What im i missing about the tenth hour! And what else does it relate to? Old or new testament,death or birth? I want to know!
  • Benjamin dumahil on John 1:12 - 14 years ago
    a need a tupic for bible study about john 1:12
  • Bindu on John 1 - 14 years ago
    I understood from this scripture is God our Father in heaven created everything with a word.God sent his son to declare about Father in Heaven.Jesus says Believe and we can c greater things.
  • Alberto on John 1:1 - 14 years ago
    Beloved Jennifer and anybody else who may read this.First of all John was a Jew and so his way of thinking was Hebraic NOT Greek. The word Logos(The Word)has many meanings.Here it basically means "Divine Plan".So the divine plan has always been with YHVH(God of the Bible)and so you can say it is YHVH for it is in him.Yeshua(Jesus)is the expression of the divine plan in the flesh but that does not mean that he is YHVH(God).When it says that the Word became flesh it is saying Yeshua(Jesus)was CREATED.Pre-existence from the Hebraic point of view(John's POV)means that Yeshua pre-existed as a an idea or thought as part of the divine plan(Logos,Word) not that he literally existed as an immortal being like Greek thinking would tell you.Scripture MUST be approached with a Hebraic way of thinking or you will be mislead like many have been.May YHVH bless you and give you Truth.
  • Dan Fine on John 1 - 14 years ago
    John 1 is a great passage. Speaking of Christ as the creator of the world and as the lamb of God takes away the myth that God the Eternal Father and Christ are the same. They are seperate and distinct. That being said it is spoken of in Jeremiah of 2 sticks that would come forth and bare witness of Christ. The stick (book) of Judah (the Jews) and the stick (book) of Joseph. The people of South America have a legend of a great white God that appeared to them as do the Hawaiian islands have a similar legend. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ of a people that came from Jerusalem during Jeremiah's time and testified of Christ. Is the Book of Mormon true. Find out for yourself. Get a copy and read it and ask your Father in Heaven. Their is a promise to the readers of the Book of Mormon found in the last book in it. Moroni 10:3-5. Don't take anyones word for it. Find out for yourself.
  • Jabez Clemen on Colossians 1 - 14 years ago
    Some teachings tell us that Jesus is one of the creatures because of the phrase "firstborn of every creature" in verse 16. The Bible doesn't contradict itself. Let's look at the bigger picture. The succeeding verses and other accounts tell us that all things are made by him (vv.16, 17, John 1:1-3). Jesus is God. Therefore, He has neither beginning nor ending. He, himself, is the beginning and ending!
    Praise be to Him! I'm not worshipping a creature, I'm worshipping the Creator!
    To God be the glory!
  • Anonymous on John 5 - 14 years ago
    Oh course Jesus is equal w/ God... He is God

    Matthew 1:23
    Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, GOD WITH US.

    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    1 John 1:13 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

    Any other doctine is a lie.
  • Ted on Genesis 1 - 14 years ago
    J.D. you seem to have missed the truth of God's word. It is not that you evolve to a higher plane, it is that you must lower yourself, humble yourself, before a Holy God and beg His forgiveness. Our society on a whole is not evolving either but is devolving, we grow more wicked and become degraded with each succeeding year. Before the end of this world we will probably be (as a society) just as wicked as the people of Noah's day. Then God destroyed the world with water and this one will be melted with a fervent heat.
    Psalms 5:4 For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.

    Psalms 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

    You also need to know that God hates, no where does the scripture say that God is unconditional love. That is a lie of the devil. God is righteous, pure and just, you will not find him forgiving wickedness for nothing. You need to repent of your sins and call on Jesus Christ to save you.

    John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
  • Jennifer on John 1:1 - 14 years ago
    I am not sure what the above is saying...but, the Word is Jesus. God created the Earth through Jesus. Below is a quote pulled from a review of: Truth in Translation: Accuracy and Bias in English Translations of the New Testament (Paperback)
    "For example: English readers often claim that NW is false in Jonh 1:1. Trinitarians in Greece have never used this specific verse to claim that the New World Translation (NW) is wrong, since all the Orthodox versions read actually the same with the greek version of the NW. And this happens because the wording of this verse is very clear for the Greek reader, and there is no place for debate. I am sorry to say this, but for a Greek it is rediculus to debate on John 1:1."
  • Danny Johnson on John 1 - 14 years ago
    Verse 13 "Born,not of the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God." Who can read these words and deny that as the prophet Jonah said, "Salvation is of the Lord"? This verse and indeed the entire book of John should strike a death blow to Arminianism. God is as sovereign in salvation as He is in everything, bestowing grace on whom He will, and passing others by to die in their sins. Sinner, may God give you grace today to repent and believe on Christ Jesus as your Savior.
  • Anonymous on John 1:29 - 14 years ago
    am thankful for GOD'S word,love reading it here online,think it both a blessing and a privilege to have it,and enjoy the freedom of using it,in JESUS name! it is such a blessing to me! keep it going in JESUS's NAME!
  • Marvin on Isaiah 12 - 14 years ago
    I wish to comment on verse 2 of this chapter. "Behold God is my salvation" He removes deprivation, depravity, and He delivers. God outlined a plan for man to be reconciled to himself by manifesting himself in the flesh. John 1:1,14 Before this virgin birth of Christ, we were without any means of reaching God or being reconciled. We were destitute on a spiritual island called self. He saw our condition and reached for us. Romans5:6-8 Sin had deprived us of any contact or fellowship with God. He removed the deprivation and replaced it with an invitation. John 3:16; Romans 5:1; Romans 10:13
    Having our deprivation removed, the writer goes to the next step in the life of the believer. "I will trust and not be afraid:"For the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song;" Depravity must be delt with on a daily basis until it fades to nothing. When we are saved, we are no longer deprived,but we need to get rid of anything that does not reflect Christ in our lives.Depraity must decrease and Christ must increase to the point that we are governed by the spirit and not by the flesh. There are trials that will come to beset us,but we can get through them and glorify God. I Corinthians 10:13 Hebrews 12:1, IJohn5:5 We know that we can relax and trust in the God of our salvation because it is His strength that saves us and sanctifies us. We are more than conquerors thru Him . IJohn 5:4 Having strength supplied by the Lord Jehovah Himself in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have reason to sing praises to Him. David said, His praise shall continually be on my lips. Victory is a great reason for singing psalms,hymns, and spiritual songs. Ephesians 5:19,20 Lastly we have His deliverance."He also is become my salvation" At the end of this life there is a surety for us, that God will guide us home. Psalm 48:14 He does not abandon us when we die He stays with us all the way home. It is comforting to know that we are cared for from birth to death and beyond in the family of God. When we complete our earthly walk, we begin our heavenly walk. The writer lets us know that God removes deprivation and saves for whosoever will come to Him. He empowers us with the Holy Spirit to guide us thru this life, and He guides us in death. Removal of deprivation, rids us of depravity, shrouds us with deliverance. What great reasons to sing praise to the God of our salvation. Psalm 50:23
  • Ralph De Jesus on John 1:16 - 14 years ago
    We have been given the opportunity to fulfill our salvation by God in good faith and must use that grace with good grace in a willing manner

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