Discuss John 3 Page 75

  • Ken Opiyo on Revelation 14 - 9 years ago
    Those who die in the Lord will receive eternal life, but those who die while christ has not taken control over their life, will be thrown into the fire therefore, it is my plea to conect sinners with Christ Jesus by following repeating this simple prayer "Dear Lord Jesus, I'm a sinner before you, forgive me and delete my name from the book of unholly and write my name in the book of eternal life I'm saved in Jesus name. Amen! Remember man had a personal relationship with God and was not created to die. Due to his disobedience, the relationship was disconnected Isaiah 59:2. Because God is merciful, He gave the world His begotten son John 3:16 Jesus now connects us with God John 14:6
  • Walter richey on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Regarding the Birth Date of Jesus, There is no date of the Birth Of Jesus, But, December 25th is a Date set aside to Remember His Birth. Jesus was born in The Year Of Rome 749 at the close of the year. The corresponds to December in Jerusalem and America and the whole world in fact. Happy Birth Day Jesus. Thank You For Forgiving My Sins.
  • Rev.Leroy Walker on John 3 - 9 years ago
    I liked it
  • Jehan on John 3:30 - 9 years ago
    We are longer ourselves. We were bought with a price far greater than what we could ever repay. Therefore now living has an entirely different meaning than what we understood from our past. Living is truly Christ!
  • Colarita on John 3:16 - 9 years ago
  • Colarita on John 3:16 - 9 years ago
  • Paul on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Dear truthseeker, regarding your question about only certain people being saved, jesus warned that "not all who call me lord lord shall enter into the kingdom of god" mathew 7vs21. There will be alot of people who believe in god even dedicate their lives to him who will not enter the kingdom when jesus returns. This doesn't mean that they can't do anything about it now, read acts chapter 10 for a primary example of how predestination works: cornelius feared god and was a good man, but peter was sent to tell him what he must do to be saved-the path cornelius was walking was predestined to end in death as our own righteousness will never get us closer to god. Cornelius himself was not predestined, he was able to make his own choice, as we all are, whether to follow his own heart or gods commandment. Cornelius and his house all repented turned to god and obeyed him were filled with the holy ghost for they heard them speak with tongues and were baptised in water. Thus they were now on the path that is destined to lead to eternal life. The paths we can choose each have a certain destination, but it is up to us to decide which we take.
  • Nichole morrison on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Love it
  • Paul on John 3 - 9 years ago
    The command to be born again is for individuals to be baptised in water and filled with the holy spirit. In acts 10, Cornelius and his family received the holy spirit just like the disciples did and they identified this "for they heard them speak with tongues". Peter then commands them to be baptised. This is the biblical instruction for entering the kingdom of god.
  • TruthSeeker on John 3 - 9 years ago
    John 3:16,17 indicates that God loves the world, and sent Christ to die for the sins of the world - but according to my pastor certain people are picked by God to be saved and the rest have no chance of salvation so did Christ only died for the sins of those that were predetermined by God to accept His salvation?
  • Lilian on Hebrews 4 - 9 years ago
    Jesus himself is the word of God. Whoever accept his words and obey them will recieve peace and life in abundance. For God's words are powerful than a sword. It is very important to mediate God's words day and night than prayers. Our Faith comes from God and it is a gift from God. We recieve Faith only by hearing the word of God. Therefore without Christ into our life we cant do anything. Jesus made everything new and thanks for his blood that shed for us. We are already saved by his Grace. But after all Jesus are still struggling for our unbelief . We must open our doors to Jesus and believed him that He is the Son of the Living God who can saved us. John 3:16 and John 3:5 we need to put this words into our hearts. Our Obedience in God are more important than Sacrifice. I will trust you Lord Jesus and will praised you forever for you are worthy to be praised. Amen and i love you Jesus forever
  • Gerry King on John 12:32 - 9 years ago
    John 3:14-21 teaches of the salvation message for all mankind. John 12:27-33 speaks of Jesus' bearing of all sin judgement for all mankind and all creation. His soul was not troubled in John 3:14-21, but at the point of knowing the horrible burden He alone had to bear for us was about to manifest, He said "My soul is troubled" in John 12:27. Thank you Lord Jesus that You said, "Nevertheless, not My will but Your will be done." All I can say is what a Profound Savior, Who saves us to utmost!!!!!!! To HIM and HIM alone is all praise due!!!!!!! HIS PRECIOUS BLOOD was sufficient to ALMIGHTY GOD our ABBA. to pay the price of sin's judgement bill...!!!!!!!
  • Emily Bartolaba on Philippians 1:6 - 9 years ago
    Hi Gail is NOT confusing! Once we are save Romans 6:23. We have confident from flesh to eternal glory incorruptible body John 3:6. We have assurance since life on earth is very cunning but we have hope of eternal life.
  • Mike on John 3 - 9 years ago
    Jesus is speaking of the spiritual rebirth of the Jewish people when he says in verse 7..."Ye must be born again." Ye is a reference to a group of people i.e. - the Jewish people and not an individual. That is why I live and love the King James Bible.
  • Lilian on Psalms 37 - 9 years ago
    John 3:16 for God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ whoever believes in him will not be perished but have an everlasting life. God is a promising God and he is always faithful to his promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us. We are saved by his Grace coz his love and mercy endureth forever. Thanks to Jesus for his precious blood that shed for us and he have redeemed us on the cross, he have come to give us life. Our job now is to believe Jesus and obey his words, love him and keep his commandments until rapture. We must be Born Again in Spirit in order for the Holy Spirit to guide us and will be with us. I love you Jesus and will trust you forever. Amen
  • WILLIAM JOHNSON on John 3 - 9 years ago
    I like John chapter three verse 16 a lot. It really helps me out very much
  • John chinonye on John 3 - 9 years ago
    a call for repentance
  • Jonathan on Acts 2 - 9 years ago
    Acts 2:38 is the plan of Salvation. As stated by Jesus in John 3:5 also Luke 24:47 and Matt 28:19. Jesus said in "His Name" not in the title, the trinity concept, formula was formed by the nicea council and the catholic church. Only when the Name of Jesus is applied is there remission of sins. The power is in the Blood of Jesus. The trinity doctrine was created as a way to unite all religions, and those who rejected it were put to death. Nobody in the Early Church ever applied the titles at baptism, they applied the Name of Jesus. The Name of the Son is not son. The Name of Jesus is no father. The Name of Jesus is Jesus. The Name of the son is Jesus. At the Name of Jesus shall every knee bow. Not titles. Baptism only saves when the Name of Jesus is applied. Otherwise you only get wet. All through the book of Acts they either Baptized in the Name of the Lord or in the Name of the Lord Jesus or Lord Jesus Christ. John 8:24-27 'He spoke of the father. John 1:1-14 Jesus is God manifested in the flesh. Emmanuel God with us. Deut 6:4 One God. Not A Trinity. Ephes 4:5 One Lord One Faith One Baptism.
  • Anthony Fidelis on John 3:6 - 9 years ago
    The flesh is everything that represents the Law of moses which was abolished by Christ and will take anyone to hell since no man can keep the Law - James 2:11 : but the spirit represents christ himself who said : the word I speak to you are spirit and Life - John 6:63 .
  • Penias on John 3 - 9 years ago
    The Bible is so Good! Being born again is not turning 360 digrees,but to me is taking and turning 180 digrees and forgetting all Worldly stuff.thank you
  • Bob on John 3:13 - 9 years ago
    Let us not forget Enoch Gen 5:24 Heb 11:5 and Elijah 2 Kings 2:11 all went somewhere and did not die! We also know of Paul having an experience 2Cor 12:2 of being caught up to the third heaven....Jesus said John 14:3 "... I GO and PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU, I will come again, and receive you unto myself that where I am, there ye may be also ". Jesus is coming again soon and He will takes His saints, that are alive in the flesh, to be with Him. Already the Heavens are filled with His saints who have died, but their flesh sleeps in the ground. This then is the resurrection, that when Christ comes, the dead are reunited with their bodies 1 Thess 4:16 . One cannot see this Kingdom unless they first repent of their sins or born again John 3:3 and you cannot enter into His Kingdom, unless you are baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit.... 1 John 3:5
  • Blessed on John 3 - 9 years ago
  • Dylan John Barry on John 3:13 - 9 years ago
    I think it means we cannot ascend up to heaven. We have to allow Heaven to come down through us. To be Jesus, to live in total Love and share exactly that! Which will then connect us all as Men, ascending Man. Also, I 'd like to point out it says "even the Son of Man " Jesus is the Son of God. That 's what we need to be to return to heaven. The Son of God only Knows Love and is of one consciousness, not seeing other, only brother, which in turns binds the two through Love. So to return to Heaven, be the Son of God not the Son of Man who is Jesus, do as He did give only Love. Amen.
  • Jacob on Acts 10 - 9 years ago
    Notice they received the Holy Spirit before water baptism in verse 44. Romans 8:26 is not speaking of speaking in tongues because it says " but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which CANNOT BE UTTERED. The Church Age saint does not have to keep himself saved because God does that Eph 1:13, 4:30, 1 Corinthians 1:8 Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. If baptism is a "Command, " how are unsaved children obeying a command? An unborn child can 't obey the Fathers commands until he has been born. John 3:5 flesh is water birth. We say, her water broke. Mark 16:16 is still the gospel of the kingdom not the gospel of the grace of God. Can you drink poison and handle snakes? Acts 2:38 is to Jews see verse 5,14,22,etc. They say what must WE do? Not what must I do to be saved? Acts 16:31. Acts 22:16 says calling on the name of the Lord. Matthew 28:19 says nothing about water baptism saving anyone. The apostle never got baptized according to Acts 2:38 and all are in heaven now. It was a Jewish faith Rom 1:16 that involved signs 1Cor 1:22, 14:22. Acts transitions from Jew to Gentile, from Law to Grace. Your gospel for today is 1 Cor 15:1-4. Trust the shed blood of Jesus Christ and go to heaven. Water only gets you wet in this dispensation.
  • Andrew on John 3:8 - 9 years ago
    A righteous man is like the wind, you can 'nt say this way or that way. But one thing is certain, His coming.
  • David on John 19:30 - 9 years ago
    Thd phrase "It is finished " means that Eolhim 's design is completed. Eolhim created the cosmos. The cosmos became flesh. All have sinned except one. The Lamb of God. 16 "For God loved the world in this way He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will have eternal life. John 3:3-5 ...no one can see the Kingdom of God unless born again of water and the Spirit. James 3:10 tells us that cursing and blessings can not come out of the same mouth, Jesus tells us a house divided can not stand...
  • Arlene Lobb on John 11 - 9 years ago
    My paternal grandfather chose John 11:25-26 yo be engraved on his tombstone. It is a grest statement of Jesus Christ, our Savior 's witness to the world! We need to go into all the world, testifying to others this. Jesus is the resurrection and the life! Eternal life! "Believe this!? ". John 3:16-17. He loves us. He freely gave us His gift of salvation and eternal life. Believest thou this!?
  • John madden on John 3:21 - 9 years ago
    The ones who walk in the light .there works will be evident that god is working in there life
  • John madden on John 3:34 - 9 years ago
    The holy spirit is given with out limit.he comes in fullness and his completeness is without measure not a little but completely in his fullness
  • Abhi Sewak on Matthew 7:7 - 9 years ago
    John 3:3-7 Jesus said that- "no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh,but the Spirit gives birth to Spirit....You must be born again. " The Spirit that has to be born again lies within you in a dormant state in your sacrum bone. You do not seek material gain.You only seek to be born again as Spirit to reach God.Faith in God and adherence to rightism is of-course pre-requirement.

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