Discuss John 3 Page 87

  • Jay on John 3 - 11 years ago
    @ Tom Allen,
    On verse 7:
    1. Please read verse 5 and you will see that only an individual person can be born again, because Jesus Christ died on the cross for those who have souls, only a person can be born of water (Women's wound) and born of the spirit ( Ephesians 2:1);
    2. A nation can have revivals if enough souls ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:17) get saved;
    3. Ye is in reference to all men, not a nation ( 2 Peter 3:9).
  • Trubeliever on Revelation 6 - 11 years ago
    I caution all readers of these comments to recognize that the only truth we must take from the Bible is that our salvation resides in our faith in Jesus, and that we must be born again ( John 3:3, 16) by calling on Him to forgive us of all our sins, and come into our hearts, and be our Lord and Saviour. After that it is clear that good men may disagree honestly about what is going to happen in the last days, in many respects, but not all. The one who denies that the body of believers in Jesus will be "caught up" by His holy angels and thereby spared the wrath of God to follow, is dangerously in error, as Matthew 24:31 clearly attests. Beyond that, sincere and honest disagreement as to "pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation, or post-tribulation" is irrelevant, as the scriptures are purposely uncertain on the matter in order for us to see the need to constantly pray and meditate on His Word, on these and many other points of scripture. But when scripture clearly and emphatically states that something will happen, as in Matthew 24:31, the discussion is over. For the true believers in Jesus, the exact timing is less important.
  • Tom Allan on John 3:7 - 11 years ago
    Jesus is saying to Nicodemus, ThouNicodemus, Ye The Nation Israel must be born again. Thou is singular while Ye is plural. The nation Israel must be born again, not the individual.
  • Kevin Airrington on Proverbs 5:15 - 11 years ago
    Adultery has devastating effects on EVERYONE!!! If men would rise up and LOVE THEIR WIVES like we are commanded in Ephesians 5:25 then we would end divorce on this planet!!!

    But alas, this world is filled with selfish and cowardly men! Until mean PRACTICE Ephesians 5:25 then divorce will be an epidemic. If you don't know how or what it means...check out 1 John 3:16, John 3:16.

    But you are too selfish to put your wife above your own needs.
  • Rev on Acts 2 - 11 years ago
    Baptism plays a very real part in our salvation. Jesus spoke in John 3:3-8 of the new birth (being born again) said that we must be born again of Water and of the Spirit. Water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and the infilling of the Holy Ghost ( Acts 2:1-4). We must Repent (die to sin) we must be baptized in Jesus' name (burial, likened to Jesus, Romans 6:4) and then Receive the Holy Ghost ( Acts 2:1-4; 10:44-47). There is the plan... Thank God I followed it!
  • Ken Bobbitt on John 3 - 11 years ago
    Do you have any pictures for the plan of salvation?
  • Ian on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    The whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church. Her daughters are the churches that left the Catholic Church but kept many of its pagan rituals it adopted. Sunday worship Easter, Christmas to name the most recognized. The bible proves the real day Jesus died, the month he was born, and day he rose. It isn't Good Friday, Sunday or December. And nowhere in the Bible is Sunday hallowed and commanded to be kept holy and rested on. These are the traditions of man and Jesus warns us about them in Mark 7:6-9 and 13. And the fourth commandment is the commandment he says is forsaken. Even Martin Luther who was taught as a catholic but called them the whore of Babylon. He even recognized the true Sabbath but didn't want to go through the hassle of changing the status quo. Not surprising seeing as the Catholics were killing Christians that kept the true Sabbath. They did this for 1260 years. This period is known as the dark ages. For anyone that wants to see the proof, there are articles with biblical scripture backed with secular history and archeological proofs. Jesus and Paul warned of the false teachers and christs. The Bereans read the Old Testament scriptures to prove what Paul was teaching in the synagogues on the Sabbath. Because there was no New Testament then. The Bible says that He was "without sin" ( Hebrews 4:15). And "sin IS the transgression of the law" (1 John 3:4, KJV). So we know that Jesus never transgressed God's law-including the fourth commandment about keeping the Sabbath holy. If Jesus had broken the Sabbath, He would have earned the wages of sin-death ( Romans 6:23), and could not have become our Savior. It is clear, then, that Jesus never broke even the least of God's commandments, nor taught men to do so. On the contrary, He said, "I have KEPT My Father's commandments" ( John 15:10). Furthermore, at the very beginning of His ministry, Jesus set the standard for what would be His lifelong example: "So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His CUSTOM was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read" ( Luke 4:16). Again, in Luke 13:10, we read, "Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath." The Law of Moses to this day is read in the synagogues. So don't fall for the deception it was nailed to the cross. The reason Jesus called the Pharisees sons of Satan they had added over 60 laws to the Sabbath day not ordered by God. These laws were nailed to the cross along with ceremonial laws like circumcision mentioned in acts.. That is the leaven Jesus tells us not to listen to. Acts 15:20, We should instead write a letter, instructing them to abstain from four things: first, things associated with idol worship; second, sexual immorality; third, food killed by strangling; and fourth, blood. Verse 21, My reason for these four exceptions is that in every city there are Jewish communities where, for generations, the laws of Moses have been proclaimed; and on every Sabbath, Moses is read in synagogues everywhere. Again the Sabbath is expected to be kept by the gentiles to hear the laws of Moses. So the apostles don't think the law was nailed to the cross.
  • Bro.Israel on John 3:16 - 12 years ago
    Wow! I'm so greatful to hear this beautiful words from our lord jesus christ Wow! This is a most special gift from God wow! Glory be to God which strengthen me
  • Biodun Williams on Malachi 3 - 12 years ago
    The gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, for therein the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written the just shall live by faith. When it refers to the just, that talks about those that have, genuinely and truly given their lives to Jesus Christ, so that He can become, their LORD and Saviour, Romans 1:16, 17. Interestingly, Paul the apostle was not ashamed of it, and hence, we should not be ashamed of it either. And therefore, with reference to the issue of payment of tithe and giving of offering, these are doctrines that the New Testament dispensation approves- and because it is in the Old Testament does not mean it should be discarded. The Word says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes Him should not perish, but have eternal life, John 3:16. It also says: As many as received Him, He has then given the power to become sons of God, even those who believe in His name, John 1:12. When you believe the Word of God and diligently act upon it, the power of the Holy Spirit will comes upon you. Have you not heard it when it says: Seek ye First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added unto you? Matthew 6:33. God is the covenant keeping God, hence when God’s Word is received , believed and acted upon, based on the law of love, God has no option but to honour His part of the covenant. That means, when God’s dictates are put in place, all argument ceases and that is because of God’s integrity, and the infallibility of the Holy Writ.
  • Lansana Mansaray on Exodus 12:13 - 12 years ago
    It means that if your life is covered by the blood of Jesus, no evil will touch you. And even if what seems evil tries to afflict, you will become as it is written, "All things works together for good to them that love God and which are called according to his purpose", Romans 8:28. Now GOD is saying to man, "When I see the blood of Jesus, I will save you and give you eternal life ( John 3:16, 36).
  • Frenz on John 4 - 12 years ago
    I would like to focus on verses 23 and 24; Saying But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. Precisely God is looking for a true worshipper in this scenario, who will worship him in Spirit and Truth. So many people believed and worship God, Praising God but they don't know if whom they are worshipping. Here God stated that we must have the qualifications that God wants to see. Verse 24; God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. It is true that God is Spirit that is a fact 1+1=11. Being Spirit, He doesn't have a body, doesn't have a blood, a bone, even flesh meaning God is invisible, we cannot see him but we can feel him. Being He is the TRUTH this is the power of God to forgive on our sins, to save us from our sins without accepting the process of God for salvation then we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God which John 3:5 stated. Unless a man is born of water & of Spirit he cannot enter into God's Kingdom. Because our destiny actually is for damnation in hell, once you died you are already judged ( Hebrews 9:27). And there is NO MORE HOPE for salvation to our SOUL, because we are all BORN SINNERS according to ( Psalms 55:1, Romans 3: 10,23) and the wages of sins is death. We will all die in flesh and some of will all die Spiritually in hell if they don’t repent. The only remedy is to accept Jesus Christ in Baptism bacause this is His command before ascending in heaven that he commanded his disciples to baptize all nation in his name ( Acts 2:38-39). That is the reason that God seeketh a TRUE WORSHIPPER WHO WILL WORSHIP HIM WITHOUT SEEING ANYTHING because God is Spirit. God bless you all. Jesus loves us!
  • Sentya on John 3 - 12 years ago
    "I thank you Lord" you are the only one, there's no one before you or after. I love you Lord.
  • Insight 777 on John 3 - 12 years ago
    And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
    Verse 14, And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
    Verse 15, That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. The Son of man is not Jesus.
    The Son of man is evil that is in heaven and will be cast down. The Son of man is compared to a serpent (and a thief in other scriptures). The Son of man will be "lifted up" having a religion that declares those that believe in his false religion will have eternal life. This is a lie.
    Verse 16 assures Christians that God gave his only begotten Son, Jesus, for salvation into everlasting life.
    Believe in Jesus, the Son of God not in the evil Son of man.
  • Sentya on John 3:16 - 12 years ago
    Jesus, you are awesome. I love you so much, thanks for loving me.
  • JosephS on Genesis 22 - 12 years ago
    The beauty of this is the image and parallel between Abraham taking is son along with him for three days, how he would have longed/pained in his heart, the total silence from God after first command to sacrifice, this signifies the travel to Mount of olives by Jesus and all night in Prayer with blood as sweat (to become something accursed is really hard for a holy God, he had to become accursed as he began to bear our sins) = First trip with the "the young men, asses and carrying the wood for sacrifice, travel to place of sacrifice, the painful three days journey by Abraham". When reaching and starting on their own with wood on Isaac's shoulder = Jesus carrying the wood of the cross up to Golgotha, the mount Calvary. When Abraham bound up Isaac = Jesus being nailed on the cross for our iniquities, the knife that was ready plunge (Isaac would have cried "father...father") = "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachathani", the ram that was caught in the thicket behind and sacrificed in place of Isaac = Jesus (God the father not withholding His only begotten Son). John 3:16, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life". Praise be to God, He sacrificed His Son for me (us) a wretched sinner. Glory to your Name, Abba Father.
  • DAVID on John 3 - 12 years ago
    This is also THE TRUE WORD OF GOD! And for everything that GOD does and has done and will do, HE should be glorified and exalted. This is what the KING JAMES VERSION was written for! GOD showed you and you say the writing is old fashion! But GOD is showing you that HE got HIS WORD through and the people put idol things on it (idol is works of men’s hands, and things of the world!!).
  • Richard on John 3 - 12 years ago
    In responce to Tim Kelton's
    Good summary of the words Shall and should but check out Romans 8:35-39 and then also Matthew 7:23. Jesus says here that on that day He will say to those on the left I NEVER KNEW YOU. This would indicate that you can't jump out of His arms. The person was never saved to start with. You see God is all knowing and He already knows what you will do with Him the rest of youre life and based on that he will or will not save you. God will not waist His Sons blood on some one for a few years and then that person turn his back on him again. God looks on the heart.
  • Debrazgalaxy on John 3:17 - 12 years ago
    Jesus is offered to each one of us- NOT to make us feel bad that we are sinners. BUT to give HOPE that WE can be MADE new “Relieved of the burden of sin done to US” and of the sins we have harmed others with by our OWN wrong choices. THIS IS my verse for introducing others to Jesus, then John 3:16.
  • Jay on Mark 15 - 12 years ago
    @ David,
    Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall never pass away. Then if God said it then his word is true whether you believe it or not. When Jesus says that he was forsaken, he was forsaken! forsaken=means to be abandoned, left behind, turned away from. God had to forsake his only begotten son when it became dark between 6th hour (noon) and 9th hour (3pm). Because Jesus took all the sins of man from Adam until eternity comes and God could not look upon or come in contact with sin. This is why Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane to God the farther if it be possible take this cup from him (Jesus), because Jesus had never experienced separation from the trinity until then. This is what hell is! Being separated from God, eternal damnation in fire and gnashing of teeth to state it mildly, John 3:5-8.
  • John a baptist on John 3 - 12 years ago
    When you are saved, you are placed in the hand of God sealed by the holy spirit and kept by his mighty power, and nothing can separate you from the Love Of God. Read Romans 8:35-39.
  • Nene on Acts 2 - 12 years ago
    To answer Stephen question from 10-16-12, Yes Sir you are correct about the thief on the cross he was not baptized, But this was before the death of Jesus, the Holy Ghost was not yet giving to anyone Jesus stated that after he depart he will send the comforter which is the Holy Ghost in ( John 14:26) . In the Old Testament, they had to bring goats and lambs for a sacrifice for an offering and be cleansed for a whole year ( Numbers 7:15-17). In the New Testament when Jesus came as a lamb in flesh ( John 1:29), to shed his blood for the whole world that we may have a chance to be saved. Jesus stated that we must be born again of the water and the spirit ( John 3:3-7) or we cannot see the kingdom of God. In Acts 2:38, it is when the door was opened by Peter the man whom Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom ( Matthew 16:18-19). We are to obey his orders to be saved. Lots more scriptures but here is one more for now, 1Peter 3:21-22. God Bless!
  • Tim Kelton on John 3:16 - 12 years ago
    To answer your question. The 1611 KJV says "should not perish", to inject the word "shall" changes the meaning and implies that I can believe in Jesus and him crucified, live like I want to, and still make it to heaven. Other versions than King James Version bible were written to create false loop holes in the spiritual world. Jesus says, "No Man can pluck from his hand", correct? But what's to keep you from jumping yourself out of the hand of Jesus? Thus the word, "should" is correct. I "should" not perish, but I "might" if I don't live as Jesus tells me to. Free will is still our choice to serve or not to serve. Food for thought: On the day of judgment, there will be some who have known Jesus and have done many wonderful works in His name, but yet He will tell them I know ye not, ye worker of evil. "Should" is the correct word! Jesus would have to allow them into heaven if the word was "Shall". Thanks for asking this great question, Victor. God Bless you!
  • Jay on Mark 4 - 12 years ago
    @ St Daniels,
    This individual is correct in that we must be born again to receive the truth of understanding and wisdom of God's holy word ( John 3:3-5; 4:24).
    1. The bible is written for believers after they have been regenerated;
    2. But one does not stay saved by their works of goodness (righteousness);
    3. We are saved by the faith of Jesus Christ ( Hebrews 12:2), all we do is ask for it ( Romans 10:10-13). It is his (Jesus) faith that saves us and keeps us saved ( Hebrews 12:2);
    4. Anyone that believes you can lose your salvation after being born again, does not comprehend the meaning of being born again ( Colossians 2:9-13);
    5. Jesus is eternal and when you receive him as lord and savior, your become eternal (new nature II Corinthians 5:17). Your flesh is still able to sin, but the new seed you have received does not sin (I John 3:9). Flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God ( John 6:63; I Corinthians 15:50). A new baby is born with a live body, live soul, and a dead spirit. When a person is born again they now have a living soul, a living spirit, and a dead body. There is a trade off at the moment of salvation ( Ephesians 2:1-10).
  • Mvulane on John 3 - 12 years ago
    This verse reminds me of a friend who does not believe in Christ, no matter how hard I pray for him, no matter how hard I preach him.
  • Gloria on John 3:16 - 12 years ago
    I am so glad I found this website. I thank Jesus for giving His life for me, and he did it willingly. That is true love.
  • Jay on Matthew 22 - 12 years ago
    Many are called and few are chosen, I wonder if people ever read the verses before and after a verse, to find the understanding of the context. God through the holy spirit John 6:44, calls many (all) humans to believe on the lord Jesus Christ, for the saving of their souls Romans 10:9-13, but few are chosen (acceptance of the call), to believe on the truth and be converted (born again), John 3:3, as little children.
  • Jay on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    On verse 33-, The only way to inherit the Kingdom of God is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just to know of him, but to know him intimately, Romans 10:9-13; John 3:1-7.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 1 - 12 years ago
    God is constantly and consistently faithful- and there is no doubt about that. And that is from the perception of the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. And based on that, a look at this chapter, in Proverbs, reveals that, the writer of the book of proverbs commences, is writing with great and strong admonition of the intent of his writing. He highlights the significance of wisdom, knowledge and understanding- and that is particularly for they that prefer to love and serve the most blessed and most holy God. In that process, he places emphasis, on the receptivity of wisdom and also its practice on a daily basis. In other words, whatever God says, in His Word is what He means. Hence, the import of prayerfully and committed putting into practice whatever He says or reveals to you. In a sense, this opening chapter of the book of proverbs ushers the reader, into the importance of the God type of wisdom and the import of it in the lives of believers and followers of the LORD Jesus Christ. It therefore signifies that this chapter, Proverbs 1, and that is importantly for the truly obedient type of person, is a must, once in a month, no matter what - and so are the others. God is infinitely smarter, and He has not called His followers through Christ Jesus, to worship Him in vain ( Jeremiah 29:11, John 3:16, Romans 8:31, 2 Timothy 1:7). Hence, when His Word is honored, and faith is constantly put to work, God has no option but to honor His part of the agreement; for He is forever trustworthy and dependable.
  • Timothy Wayne George on John 3:16 - 12 years ago
    Jesus is the Son of God, the alpha and the omega. The Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. God in eternity past, knew that Adam would sin, so he sent his one, and only Son to atone for the sin of all mankind. So Jesus had to become a man, so that he could die as a propitiation for man. When we accept this by faith, we are given eternal life, and we will not perish.
  • Victor on John 3:16 - 12 years ago
    Is it "SHALL NOT PERISH" or "SHOULD NOT PERISH" in John 3:16 and what is the difference between them, and what does "should not" imply.

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