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On verse 7:
1. Please read verse 5 and you will see that only an individual person can be born again, because Jesus Christ died on the cross for those who have souls, only a person can be born of water (Women's wound) and born of the spirit ( Ephesians 2:1);
2. A nation can have revivals if enough souls ( 1 Thessalonians 5:23; Hebrews 13:17) get saved;
3. Ye is in reference to all men, not a nation ( 2 Peter 3:9).
But alas, this world is filled with selfish and cowardly men! Until mean PRACTICE Ephesians 5:25 then divorce will be an epidemic. If you don't know how or what it means...check out 1 John 3:16, John 3:16.
But you are too selfish to put your wife above your own needs.
Verse 14, And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
Verse 15, That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. The Son of man is not Jesus.
The Son of man is evil that is in heaven and will be cast down. The Son of man is compared to a serpent (and a thief in other scriptures). The Son of man will be "lifted up" having a religion that declares those that believe in his false religion will have eternal life. This is a lie.
Verse 16 assures Christians that God gave his only begotten Son, Jesus, for salvation into everlasting life.
Believe in Jesus, the Son of God not in the evil Son of man.
Good summary of the words Shall and should but check out Romans 8:35-39 and then also Matthew 7:23. Jesus says here that on that day He will say to those on the left I NEVER KNEW YOU. This would indicate that you can't jump out of His arms. The person was never saved to start with. You see God is all knowing and He already knows what you will do with Him the rest of youre life and based on that he will or will not save you. God will not waist His Sons blood on some one for a few years and then that person turn his back on him again. God looks on the heart.
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall never pass away. Then if God said it then his word is true whether you believe it or not. When Jesus says that he was forsaken, he was forsaken! forsaken=means to be abandoned, left behind, turned away from. God had to forsake his only begotten son when it became dark between 6th hour (noon) and 9th hour (3pm). Because Jesus took all the sins of man from Adam until eternity comes and God could not look upon or come in contact with sin. This is why Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane to God the farther if it be possible take this cup from him (Jesus), because Jesus had never experienced separation from the trinity until then. This is what hell is! Being separated from God, eternal damnation in fire and gnashing of teeth to state it mildly, John 3:5-8.
To answer your question. The 1611 KJV says "should not perish", to inject the word "shall" changes the meaning and implies that I can believe in Jesus and him crucified, live like I want to, and still make it to heaven. Other versions than King James Version bible were written to create false loop holes in the spiritual world. Jesus says, "No Man can pluck from his hand", correct? But what's to keep you from jumping yourself out of the hand of Jesus? Thus the word, "should" is correct. I "should" not perish, but I "might" if I don't live as Jesus tells me to. Free will is still our choice to serve or not to serve. Food for thought: On the day of judgment, there will be some who have known Jesus and have done many wonderful works in His name, but yet He will tell them I know ye not, ye worker of evil. "Should" is the correct word! Jesus would have to allow them into heaven if the word was "Shall". Thanks for asking this great question, Victor. God Bless you!
This individual is correct in that we must be born again to receive the truth of understanding and wisdom of God's holy word ( John 3:3-5; 4:24).
1. The bible is written for believers after they have been regenerated;
2. But one does not stay saved by their works of goodness (righteousness);
3. We are saved by the faith of Jesus Christ ( Hebrews 12:2), all we do is ask for it ( Romans 10:10-13). It is his (Jesus) faith that saves us and keeps us saved ( Hebrews 12:2);
4. Anyone that believes you can lose your salvation after being born again, does not comprehend the meaning of being born again ( Colossians 2:9-13);
5. Jesus is eternal and when you receive him as lord and savior, your become eternal (new nature II Corinthians 5:17). Your flesh is still able to sin, but the new seed you have received does not sin (I John 3:9). Flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God ( John 6:63; I Corinthians 15:50). A new baby is born with a live body, live soul, and a dead spirit. When a person is born again they now have a living soul, a living spirit, and a dead body. There is a trade off at the moment of salvation ( Ephesians 2:1-10).
On verse 33-, The only way to inherit the Kingdom of God is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Not just to know of him, but to know him intimately, Romans 10:9-13; John 3:1-7.