Discuss John 6 Page 11

  • Ronald L Whittemore - 3 years ago
    The 70 th Week

    Part 3

    Jesus confirmed the last 3.5 years through His apostles ending when Stephen was killed, Paul was converted, Peter had his dream the conformation to Judah ended and the gospel was sent to the Gentiles. This fulfills the 70=weeks 490/483 years

    We have been told to study, we are told to test the spirits, trust our teacher the Holy Spirit and pray. These are the six things that were determined on Judah and the holy city Jerusalem, a few verses that may help see if this has been fulfilled by Jesus.

    1. To finish the transgression ( Isaiah 53:5, 8) ( Isaiah 53:11) ( Hebrews 9:15-18)

    2. To make an end of sins ( Matthew 1:21) ( Hebrews 10:8-11) ( John 1:29) ( 1 Corinthians 15:3)

    ( 1 John 3:5) ( Psalm 32) ( Romans 8:3)

    3. To make reconciliation for iniquity ( Colossians 1:20-22) ( Isaiah 53:6) ( Isaiah 53:11) ( Ephesians 2:16) ( Titus 2:14) ( 2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

    4. To bring in everlasting righteousness ( Romans 5:17-21) ( Romans 3:21-26) ( 1Peter 2:24)

    ( 2 Corinthians 5:21) ( Isaiah 61:10-11)

    5. To seal up vision and prophecy ( Daniel 9:23) ( John 6:27) ( Mark 1:14-15) ( Acts 3:18)

    ( John 5:36-40) ( Matthew 11:11-15)

    6. To anoint the most holy ( Hebrews 8:1-12) ( Hebrews 9:6-14)

    The 70 th week has been used along with other Bible verses to paint a fantastic picture of end times. The pre, mid, or post rapture of the Church, an antichrist, 7-year tribulation, 3.5-year covenant with Israel, a third temple, abomination of desolation, 3.5 years great tribulation after breaking covenant, and more. Many of these teachings started in the late 1600s. I hope this helps, if this prophecy has been fulfilled, it will show the falsehoods of these teachings because without using part of the 70 weeks prophecy given to Daniel, these teachings will fall apart.

    Acts.3:18 But those things, which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Larry.

    Yes. And for the most part the Lord Speaks to us through his word.

    and he sent his Spirit to. empower us and guide us.

    Here's a few scriptures to consider.

    Take these verses and put them into context by reading the whole chapter.

    John 13:34-35. A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

    By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

    This Love mentioned here is an act "CAUSED" by the Holyspirit!

    1 Peter 2:2. As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

    2 Timothy 3:16-17. All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

    That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

    John 6:28-29. Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

    Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

    1 Corinthians 2:12-13. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

    Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

    1 Corinthians 2:12. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.

    Romans 8:14. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

    Again Yes we should go to the Lord for guidance.

    I hope that helps God bless.
  • Tim - In Reply - 3 years ago

    That's great to hear. Please do not fall for the lie that reciting a prayer will somehow grant you salvation. PLEASE study your bible and find a church who teaches what you learned, if what they teach cannot be found in the bible find a new church. To help you on your journey of learning "What must I do to be saved" please start with the following: We must hear him Matthew 7:25-25, We must believe in him John 6:47, We must confess him Matthew 10:32, We must repent or our sins Luke 13:3, We must be baptized Mark 16:16 & we must remain faithful Mathew 24:13. God bless!!!
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Matthew 28:1 - 3 years ago
    C, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    Man cannot see himself being something other than what he is now in this flesh.

    Flesh and blood CANNOT inherit the next world. We have to be RE-CREATED to inherit the SPIRIT world.

    There is no works that we can do to accomplish this.

    The WORKS OF CHRIST will bring this about.

    John 6:63 It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you the are SPIRIT, and they (the words that are SPIRIT) GIVE LIFE.

    The flesh lives in a world of time, the SPIRIT lives in a world where time does not exist.

    In the Old Covenant man was given laws,

    One being to observe the seventh day as a day of rest; Physical SABBATH.

    When the SPIRIT comes to you and HIS WORDS BECOME words of SPIRIT (life); time is no more:

    The SABBATH became SPIRIT and we REST in SPIRIT; or we rest IN CHRIST.

    We have ceased from OUR WORKS as he ceased from his works.

    Hebrews 10:1 For the law was a shadow (not the real thing) of things to come...

    Hebrews 4:10 For he that hath entered into HIS REST, he also hath ceased from his works, as God did from his.

  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Starsheema, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    John 6:26 Jesus answered them and said, Verily, Verily, I say unto to you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but BECAUSE YOU DID EAT OF THE LOAVES, and were filled.

    They Followed Jesus to have their BELLIES FILLED, they cared not about the teachings of Christ.

    They were REBUKED by Christ for this:

    John 6:66 From that time many of his disciples went back, AND WALKED NO MORE WITH HIM.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Motubu.

    John 6:26. Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled.

  • Jesse - In Reply - 3 years ago

    If you have been born of God's Spirit, His Spirit abides in you permanently. In John 14:16, Jesus said "And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another comforter, that He may (abide) with you forever. This word abide (MENO) denotes permanency. Jesus said His Spirit will abide with you forever. How long is forever? No end! Jesus is going to send another comforter and He is going to abide in me, and I am going to be a dwelling place forever.

    Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit. That seal cannot be broken by anyone other the owner of the possession. Jesus Christ has purchased us. We belong to Him. He has given us His Spirit to live in us permanently until He comes to redeem His possession.

    Of those who Christ has saved and placed within them His Spirit, Jesus said He will never leave them nor forsake them. This is a double negative in the Greek which denotes the strongest impossibility of something ever happening. He will never take His Spirit from a believer.

    We are told in Romans Chapter 8 that if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ (Indwelling), that person does not belong to Christ. That is the indication that a person is saved, is that they have the Holy Spirit in them. John 6:37-40 is a great section of scripture that would indicate that God's Spirit will always be with the believer. If God's Spirit were to be removed from us, we would be lost. And Jesus said all that the Father has given to Him, He would not lose one, but raise them up at the last day.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Sissy, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    This body (soul) of flesh we now live in can never inherit the next life.

    Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine...... the soul that sinneth it shall die.

    ALL MANKIND IS CHRISTS; we are his creation, it is his good pleasure to do with us as he DESIRES.

    WE REBEL (that we are his possession) through UNBELIEF; he brings judgement upon us to CAUSE us to AGREE with him.

    All this is a process to RECREATE us into a NEW creature that can inherit the NEXT LIFE.

    No greater love has a man than to die for his brother.

    Christ DIED for us, his brothers and sisters.

    NOW do we AGREE to DIE for CHRIST, our brother, so he can CREATE in us a NEW LIFE that can live in the next world or will it take MORE JUDGEMENT for us to AGREE.

    If we AGREE now (first resurrection) to DIE IN THE LORD; then, we never die and don't go through the next judgement (second resurrection).

    Revelation 14:13 ....Blessed are the dead (in trespasses) which die IN THE LORD from henceforth.....

    John 6:50 This is the (living) bread that came down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and NEVER DIE.
  • OSEAS - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Denise Rucker-Henry

    Remember: The letter KILLETH, but the Spirit giveth life. 2Cor.3:v.6

    And more: It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit,

    and they are life. John 6:v.63

    By the way, There are three that bear record in heaven (heaven? Ephesians 1:v.3), the Father, the Word, and the Holy

    Spirit: and these three are One. 1 John 5:v.7
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Ezekiel 13:20 - 3 years ago
    Amen Vicki.

    That will be the most important thing for those who will be here.

    Myself and many others prepared not to be here. One way or another we be about our fathers business. Do the work!!!

    John 6:28-29. Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

    Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE HATH SENT..

    Acts 16:31 And they said, BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

    Matthew 28:19-20. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

    Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

    For now we preach the message that saves lives.

    The Cross!!

  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Adam, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    John 6:38 For I (the word, Christ) am come down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him (Father) who SENT (the word) me (Christ).

    1 John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father has SENT the SON (HIS WORD) to be SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.

    Most Christians DON'T BELIEVE GOD'S WORD.

    Isaiah 55:11 So shall my (Father's) word (CHRIST) be that goeth forth out of my (Father's) mouth: it (word, CHRIST) shall not return unto me void, but it (word, CHRIST) shall accomplish that which I please, and it (word, CHRIST) shall prosper in the THING (to be saviour of the world) whereto I SENT IT (word, CHRIST).

    A literal lake of fire and brimstone that last for ETERNITY make the words above a LIE.
  • Chika Ewulu on John 6 - 3 years ago
    It's wonderful to be part of this great messages Thanks you and God bless you

    I will wish to view and get more updates.Question Do you have Bible school
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Richard, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    I BELIEVE; also, in Christ is THE LIFE, you never die. Contrary to this you die. The wages of sin (UNBELIEF) is death.

    John 18:24 I say therefore unto you, you shall die in your sins: for if you BELIEVE NOT that I am HE (LIFE, WAY, TRUTH) you shall die in your sins.

    John 6:50 This is the bread that cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof and NEVER DIE.

    John 11:26 And whoever liveth and believeth IN ME shall never die.

    Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Blessed are the dead (we are dead in our trespasses) which die IN THE LORD from henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may REST (in Christ) from their labours; and their works (of Christ in you, LIFE) may follow them.

    I BELIEVE there are two deaths: now in Christ or later in Christ (second death)

    I BELIEVE there are two resurrection: now in Christ or later in Christ at the second resurrection.

    I BELIEVE there are two judgements: now in Christ (spiritual FIRE) or later in Christ (spiritual FIRE) at the second resurrection and second death.

    The word says the wicked want live out half their life (the ONLY life is CHRIST); we don't see this now so possibly it means they will lay in the grave for a long time, or judgement in Christ will be much longer than we go thru in our short lifetime or both.

    God bless the WORKS OF CHRIST.
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Page 1.

    Hello Norman. As I read your question & comments, Ephesians 2:8-10 came to mind. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."

    I know that you are well aware of that Scripture, as we've come to know you from your other comments in the past. So if I may expand on that passage in line with your question.

    The very basis of our acceptance by God as His children is because of His Grace that He has showered upon us, giving us faith to believe in His Salvation. This is the Gift of God: not just salvation or just faith, but the whole deal: His Grace + His Faith to believe + His Salvation. I believe, from what you've written in the past, that you not only know this but are in possession of it. There are many people & some sadly, occupying Church pews, who know about this salvation but are not in possession of it: they know ABOUT Christ but have not received faith to believe IN HIM. And this salvation, indeed God's Grace & Faith as well, is given to all who have been drawn by God ( John 6:44) with the Holy Spirit's ministry of conviction of sin ( John 16:8), resulting in repentance & being born again ( Acts 2:38; John 3:3). That is God's requirement for sinners to be accepted & the person who has been so led & then dealt with by the Lord, has been truly saved by Him. There is no work that we can ever perform that will give our salvation an extra guarantee - if that were so, then salvation is no longer of Grace & Faith, but of our efforts.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on James 2 - 3 years ago
    Rohingya, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and His understanding.

    Of ourselves we have NO FAITH or works; when Christ CALLS he gives us HIS FAITH to answer.

    Philippians 3:9 .....but that which is through THE FAITH OF CHRIST, the righteousness which is of GOD be FAITH (of CHRIST).

    Galatians 2:16 .....but by FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST .....

    Ephesians 3:12 In whom (IN CHRIST) we have boldness and access in CONFIDENCE by the FAITH OF HIM.

    James 2:17 Even so FAITH (Christ in you), if it (Faith) (Christ in you) hath not works, is dead, being alone.

    The Christ calls, give faith to believe, causes you to respond, purifies you, makes you whole, causes you to walk in his statutes. ( Ezekiel 36:25-27)

    Faith without works is dead; BUT, it's HIS faith and HIS works. You bear THE GIFT, the FULLNESS OF CHRIST.

    Colossians 1:27....of this MYSTERY, CHRIST IN YOU....

    John 6:29 ....This is the WORK OF GOD, that you BELIEVE on him who he hath sent.

    Philippians 1:29 For unto you it is GIVEN on behalf of Christ, not only TO BELIEVE ....

    God bless
  • Ronald L Whittemore on Exodus 20 - 3 years ago
    For any who are looking at theories on how it ends. There is a fantastic picture that has been painted and taught since the early 1800s and is taken from Daniel 9:27 to create the last week (7 years). The entire theory and all that is taught that will happen hinges on taking the last week/7 years from this 70-week prophecy.

    This prophecy was determined on Daniel's people (house of Israel) and the holy city (Jerusalem).

    Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

    If Jesus fulfilled what was determined in this prophecy, does that make this entire theory and all that is taught in this theory untrue?

    How will it change the picture if the 70th week in the book of Daniel has been fulfilled?

    What is our blessed hope?

    We have been told to study, trust our teacher the Holy Spirit and pray.

    These are the six things that were determined, and a few verses that may help your study.

    1. To finish the transgression ( Isaiah 53:5, 8) ( Isaiah 53:11) ( Hebrews 9:15-18)

    2. To make an end of sins ( Matthew 1:21) ( Hebrews 10:8-11) ( John 1:29) ( 1 Corinthians 15:3)

    ( 1 John 3:5) ( Psalm 32) ( Romans 8:3)

    3. To make reconciliation for iniquity ( Colossians 1:20-22) ( Isaiah 53:6) ( Isaiah 53:11) ( Ephesians 2:16) ( Titus 2:14) ( 2 Corinthians 5:18-19)

    4. To bring in everlasting righteousness ( Romans 5:17-21) ( Romans 3:21-26) ( 1Peter 2:24)

    ( 2 Corinthians 5:21) ( Isaiah 61:10-11)

    5. To seal up vision and prophecy ( Daniel 9:23) ( John 6:27) ( Mark 1:14-15) ( Acts 3:18)

    ( John 5:36-40) ( Matthew 11:11-15)

    6. To anoint the most holy ( Hebrews 8:1-12) ( Hebrews 9:6-14)

  • S Spencer - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 8 - 3 years ago

    Thanks friend, We need more posts on How to receive salvation rather than whether it can be lost,

    Seek salvation then feed on the word.

    As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

    1 Peter 2:2.

    Spiritual growth is what I think is the next most important thing,

    A lack of spirituality can mean one of two things,

    Either a carnal Christian.

    Or one who don't have salvation.

    If you are a true born again Christian and feed on the word, there's nothing you can do to keep from growing.

    A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    Matthew 7:18.

    If there's sin in your life that will be dealt with as well.

    John 6:57-58. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.

    This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.

    John 6:63. It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.

    Key things about the manna in the wilderness.

    1) You had to feed on it every day.


    The true bread is the same way!!

    2 Corinthians 13:5. Paul says to examine yourselves to see if Christ be in you.

    John says when you are in Christ and Christ is on you, YOU WILL LOVE THE BRETHREN. You're in the light.

    It's so easy to SAY Love Love, Love right?

    We all Love someone!

    So let's examine ourselves like this,

    What about anger without a cause.

    What about this Christian you just don't like? Ask yourself Why?

    Where's the longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, forgiveness, Mercy, and Love that the bread of life bread of life supposed to have supplied you with?

    Key words:

    ( The quickening spirit)

    ( Virtue )

    ( Baptism )

    1 John 2:9. He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.

  • S Spencer - In Reply on Deuteronomy 4:39 - 3 years ago
    Hi Suziq.

    Jeremiah 17:9. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?



    Ezekiel 36:26-27. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.

    And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.

    Ezekiel 11:19. And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I WILL TAKE THE STONY HEART OUT OF THEIR FLESH, and will give them an heart of flesh:

    Proverbs 3:3-6. Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart:

    So shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and man.

    Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    Even the desciples was confused throughout Jesus ministry.

    John 6:60-63. Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?

    When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?

    What and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?


    John 16:12-13. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

    Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.



  • Brother Dan - In Reply on John 14 - 3 years ago
    Brother Mishael,

    Fat on the Word, I like that! Amen! Thanks for your prayer and sharing the blessings....

    John 6:35

    "And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst."

    Have a blessed week Brother!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 5 - 3 years ago
    (Part 2)

    Jesus Himself said in John 6:37, "All that the Father gives to me will come to me; and the one coming to me I will NEVER CAST OUT." Jesus goes on to say in John 6:39, "And this is the will of the Father who has sent me, in order that of all which he has given to me I SHOULD LOSE NOTHING, but should raise it up in the last day." If you read John 17:11-12, you see that we are kept by God's power.

    I firmly believe in the permanency of salvation because the Bible teaches that God is the One who saves and He does so from out of His mercy. Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:8 that grace, faith, and salvation are gifted from God.

    In 1 John Chapter 5 Verse 18, John says "We know that everyone who has been born from God does not practice sin; but the one who has been born from God, God IS KEEPING him, and the evil one does not touch him." John also says in John 10:27-29, "My sheep hear my voice and I know them; and they follow me. And I give to them eternal life; and they will NEVER PERISH FOREVER and not anyone will seize them from out of my hand. My Father who has given them to me is greater than all, and no one is able to seize them from out of the hand of my Father."

    Paul emphasized the keeping power of God's Spirit. He says in Ephesians 1:13-14, "In whom also after having heard the Word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also, after having believed, you were SEALED with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the GUARANTEE of our inheritance, for redemption of the possession, for the praise of His glory."

    Paul says again in Ephesians 4:30, "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God in whom you were SEALED FOR THE DAY OF REDEMPTION."

    (One more post to come)
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 5 - 3 years ago

    Salvation is the most important issue here and I need more than one post to give you an answer to your question, so please bear with me.

    (Part 1)

    There are those who believe that salvation can be lost and then there are others who believe in the permanency of salvation. I personally believe that salvation is permanent and here's why:

    First of all, the Bible clearly teaches that salvation is based solely on God's Spirit coming into the spirit of a human being; and in so doing, causing that person to become a new creation in Christ. A person's experience of regeneration by the Holy Spirit is an act of God, not of man.

    According to the Bible, the salvation process begins with God the Father. Jesus said, in John 6:44, "No one is able to come to me unless the Father who has sent me should draw him; and I will raise him up in the last day."

    In the early Church, the requirement for salvation was the presence of God's Spirit dwelling within a person. Paul said in Romans 8:9, "Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this one is not of Him." Salvation happens only when God's Spirit enters and remains (Permanently) in a person's spirit, thereby causing spiritual birth.

    God is the sole source of salvation. The Bible also teaches that every saved person is KEPT by the power of God. 1 Peter 1:5 says that believers are "The ones who are BEING KEPT in the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." Paul says in Galatians 5:17, "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are opposing to one another; in order that you should not do what you want."

    These scriptures show that believers cannot be taken away from Christ by the flesh, because the Spirit of God is dwelling within to prevent that from happening.

    More to follow:
  • Chacha Dean - In Reply on Philippians 4 - 3 years ago
    2 THINGS:-

    1. Believing without repentance in the Gospel of John

    2. Repentance can be a bad thing - Exodus


    The gospel of John, as it ends tells the reader that he is writing the book for people to get saved/ believe. He says in John 20:30-31 ---> And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: But THESE ARE WRITTEN, THAT YE MIGHT BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD, AND THAT BELIEVING YE MIGHT HAVE LIFE THROUGH HIS NAME. It's the ONLY book that brings people to salvation, because most books in the NT are written to the church. MOST. But Gospel of John is written so that people might believe..


    Nowhere in the whole gospel of John do you encounter the word "repent" . If its a book that claims to get people saved, you should at least get word repent even one time but its not there, but guess what! the word "believe" appears in the gospel of John 46 times(if my counting is correct). Look at some verses:-

    John 1:7 - The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

    John 1:12 - But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

    John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    John 6:69 - And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.

    John 11:27 - She saith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Christ, the Son of God, which should come into the world.


    Exodus 13:17 - And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt:

    Here repentance is a bad thing because they would "turn" back to Egypt when they see war..
  • Chacha Dean on Philippians 4 - 3 years ago

    Dear readers, I have heard lots of sermons that teach that one must repent to be saved. I believe this is a false doctrine because NOWHERE in the whole Bible does anyone teach it. All the Scriptures teach is just believing:-

    But what does the Bible actually teach about salvation and about repentance? Here are a few verses:-

    John 1:7

    The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

    John 1:12

    But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

    John 6:29

    Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

    John 3:16

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    Acts 15:11

    But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.

    Acts 16:31

    And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

    Romans 3:22

    Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

    Romans 10:9

    That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.

    REPENTANCE IS: TO turn from what you were doing wrong to doing it right. Its actually more of a turning. And repentance does not necessarily mean "repent from your sins". In fact in the Scriptures, God repented more than anyone else. Does that mean He is a sinner? NO!! He turned from doing what He wanted to do at first! e.g

    Jonah 3:9-10

    Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not? And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Exodus 14 - 3 years ago
    Amen Chris.

    Everything was to be done at the appointed time. Jesus knew they would try to Make him king before the appointed time.

    John 6:15. When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone. But when the time came he didn't only allow himself to be presented as king he arranged it.

    Luke 19:30-31. Go ye into the village over against you; in the which at your entering ye shall find a colt tied, whereon yet never man sat: loose him, and bring him hither.

    And if any man ask you, Why do ye loose him? thus shall ye say unto him, Because the Lord hath need of him.

    And then...

    Luke 19:37-40. And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the mount of Olives, ""THE WHOLE MULTITUDE OF THE DISCIPLES"" began to rejoice and praise God with a loud voice for all the mighty works that they had seen;

    saying Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.

    And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, Master, rebuke thy disciples.

    And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.

    Fulfilling Zechariah 9:9. Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

    A time the Jews should have known from the many prophesies. And he met all the criteria

    Daniel even gave them a time.

    Daniel 9:25. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem UNTO THE MESSIAH THE PRINCE SHALL BE SEVEN WEEKS, AND THREESCORE AND TWO WEEKS: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.

    But they couldn't perceive. Matthew 13:14.

    as Ron stated.

    And it seems they were held accountable in

    Luke 19:41-44.

    Goodmorning and God bless.
  • Murray Codorwel Vengethasamy - In Reply on Exodus 3:15 - 3 years ago
    Examine what is going on in the world and read Matthew 24 in conjunction with Luke 17, Zechariah 12 and Daniel 11 & 12.

    Remember what JESUS said in John 6:63 : "It is the Spirit who gives life, the flesh profits nothing.The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life"

    My advice to you : Do not submit to the opinions and doctrines of men (flesh), believe JESUS (WORD OF GOD)

  • Earl Bowman on 2 Peter 1:10 - 3 years ago
    Why not all people come to salvation today

    john 12:37-40 therefore they could not believe, because esaias (god's words on his tongue) saith .....

    luke 22:67 art thou the christ? tell us. and he said (god's word's) unto them, if i tell you, ye will not believe.

    these words came out of god's mouth and god said his words would not return unto him void.

    isaiah 55:11

    philippians 1:9 for unto you it is given in the behalf of christ, not only to believe on him ....

    no one can believe unless god's causes them to believe.

    john 6:29 .....this is the work of god, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent....

    2 thessalonians 2:11 and for this cause (unbelief) god shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.

    2 timothy 2:13 if we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

    luke 3:13 ... exact no more than that which is appointed to you.

    jeremiah 46:17 ....pharaoh king of egypt, is but a noise; he hath passed the time appointed.

    psalms 102:20 to hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those appointed to death.

    job 23 :14 for he performeth the thing that is appointed for me.....

    1 peter 2:8 a stone of stumbling, a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient, whereunto they were also appointed.

    there but by the grace of god, go i.
  • Richard in Christ on Psalms 91 - 3 years ago
    Hello all,

    I just thought I would state this detail of a verse that came to light.

    In Colossians 1:19. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fulness dwell;

    As this is after speaking of Jesus Christ being the image of the invisible God and by Him and for Him were all things created. You may note that "the Father" is in italics in verse 19. Because in the Textus Receptus it is not there. It would actually read something like "for in Him it was pleasing that all the fullness dwelt".

    Jesus Christ is more than a man and He existed before He was born. He was in on Creation. I can't understand how some would state that all the Words in His mouth were of His Father. Of coarse I understand the Father is in Him and giving Him all His Words to speak. Though you can easily see Jesus Christ is His own person with His own soul. Speaking to and of the Father constantly. Jesus Christ is most definitely ONE with the Father and just as much God though the Son. He is at the right Hand of God. A couple more verses stating He existed before He was born: John 3:12-13, John 6:38, John 5:45-47, John 6:62, John 8:58.

    Maybe just to bring up the Angel of the LORD in the OT. Just one instance is Exodus 23:21. Not just a regular angel or even an archangel. How in Joshua 5:13-15. Where a Host of YHWH tells Joshua to take his shoes off for he is on Holy ground. As in Exodus 3:1-6. Again said to be an Angel of the LORD which is then stated as YHWH. God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Where Moses is told to take His shoes off. I would think because where YHWH is, is Holy ground.

    I believe the Angel of the Lord in the OT is the pre incarnate Jesus Christ. Could I be wrong? Yes. As I have many other things to prove YHWH is not just one as normal people may perceive. Almighty God is ONE period.

    I really don't know why people are trying to attack the deity of Christ. One day we will all have to stand before Him.

    God Bless.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Deuteronomy 18:18 - 3 years ago
    James, may christ in us grace us with his wisdom and his understanding.

    god is spirit

    john 4:24

    the word was god

    john 1:1

    my words are spirit and life

    john 6:63

    christ was the first born of the word and the spirit

    revelation 3:14 ... the beginning of creation.

    yes the word is a person; christ existed long before he was made flesh.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago
    Luke 24:13, John 6:19, John 11:18, Revelation 14:20, and Revelation 21:16 mention furlong.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 27:54 - 3 years ago

    Yes brother, salvation is eternal, amen! And I agree that it is God the Father that led us to Christ as Jesus says in John 6:44 that No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. Jesus has promised that He will raise us up at the last day. Jesus said in John 6:39, "And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day."

    It is God the Father who draws us to Christ. It is God the Father who gives us to Christ. And Christ said of all that is given to Him, He will not lose one. That seems permanent to me.

    Now the word "draw" isn't the drawing that I depict when I put my hand out to draw. This is the word drag in the Greek text. It's the same word used of Lot when the angels, and if you remember when he was leaving town, didn't want to go, and he hesitated?

    It was the faithfulness of God that took him by the hand and dragged him out of the city. That is the faithfulness of God. Even in our hesitations, he'll drag us. So the saying is true, "Christianity is a drag!"

    I am doing well, thank you. I am also happy to hear all is well with you. The Lord is good!

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