Discuss John 6 Page 23

  • Bruce on Matthew 28 - 8 years ago
    Rick:John1:1-14: Word was God, the Word was made flesh, His Name is Jesus without His Blood there is no salvation. 1John 1:7. There are three in heaven The Father The Word and The Holy Ghost:1John5:7. Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God:1John5:1.called: John 6:44/ washed:1John1:9/ will be: Matthew 3:11. Changed: 2Corinthians5:17. You will know! impossible not to know!
  • Bruce on Galatians 5 - 8 years ago
    123:V:22-26? We are all drawing closer to the grave, young or old. Most are on that wide road. Few find it even harder to find the Narrow Road. We who are redeemed by The Blood of The Lamb, are the only Light the world will see,if they don't see Christ in us???Called: John 6:44,forgiving : 1John1:9,Baptized with fire: Matthew 3:11,Changed: 2Corinthians 5:17, you "will" know, "impossible" not to know!
  • Bruce on Matthew 27 - 8 years ago
    Irene:11/19 Your post,centurians asked. Something you read in another book! 3nd time! What line are "you"crossing? we are to live by every WORD of GOD: Luke 4:4. not other books! Satan is a roaring lion, a powerful demon,he can use the littlest thing to drive someone into the lake of fire! Using The Lord's Word correctly has everything to do with someone's salvation. Is He calling you. John 6:44
  • Bruce on 2 Corinthians 7 - 8 years ago
    Saved only:When you are called: John 6:44,Forgiving: 1John 1:9, Baptized with The Holy Ghost and Fire: Matthew 3:11, Changed: 2Corinthians 5:17 You will know! Impossible not to know.
  • Dr Nwosah G C on Psalms 91 - 8 years ago
    Psalms 91 is great.
    Just as the Bible said in John 6:63 that the word of God is Spirit and life so are the words and promises in Ps 91.
    I recommend that every Believer should read it on daily bases - especially Morning and Evening.
  • Bruce on James 1 - 8 years ago
    Dave:Persecution is hostility or ill-treatment especially because of race or political or religious beliefs. Temptatian: a desire to do something especially something wrong or unwise. Let's get to the "Heart" of the matter.V:14. Temptation comes from within. ( Temptation is not persecution.) John 6:44,1John1:9,you will be Matthew 3:11. You will know! 2Corinthians 5:17. Impossible not to know.
  • Bruce on Revelation 1 - 8 years ago
    Faith: If one could stop all these things you mentioned they still won't get into the kingdom. If They put a end to world hunger,all wars, all sickness, homelessness. They still have no hope.
    Only by The Blood of The Lamb is there a Way.Called: John 6:44, Cleansed: 1John 19. Baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire: Matthew 3:11. You will know: 2Corinthians 5:17. Impossible not to know!
  • Bruce on Mark 1 - 8 years ago
    Zielski: Elijah was here before Christ and died before Christ he was, John the Baptist:Matthew17:10-13, Luke1:17( talking about John the Baptist) Soon the Trump will sound! Today? A million years from now makes no difference he's coming for the "Called" John 6:44, Cleansed: 1John1:9. Baptized by the HolyGhost and Fire! Matthew3:11. Changed! You will know! 2Corinthians5:17. Impossible not to know!
  • Bruce on John 6 - 8 years ago
    Steph: Christ is the bread of Life and the bread is the Word of God. Feed on his word daily. Have you been called? John6:44, forgiving 1John1:9 Baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire, Matthew3:11. You will know. Impossible not to know! 2Corinthians5:17.Tell others what He has done in your life. The more you read his word and tell others the more you receive. That's what being shown here verse 13
  • Bruce on Revelation 21 - 8 years ago
    J: You are right! You are nothing,but you can be changed and made into? You can only answer when someone calls: John 6:44, you can be Baptized with the Holy Ghost and Fire:Matthew3:11,Then you "will know" 2Corinthians 5:17
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Neil: Never been to a church in Canada. Here in the United States most churches are dead or dying. They're looking good,just like a real church. Feeding,clothing, helping with housing and bills, preaching the word of God but without the spirit:Called John 6:44, forgiving 1John1:9, Baptized with the Spirit and Fire Matthew 3:11,You will "know" 2Corinthians 5:17. Impossible not to know!
  • Stephanie on John 6 - 8 years ago
    First read John 6:51. Pondering thought and question. I eat bread like it's going out of style. But I look at it as if I am eating with Jesus (Bread is symbolic of his body that was broken for us). If I were to fast (stop/reduce) eating bread, would/could my faith/soul diminish/parish or grow stronger?
  • Bruce on Matthew 23 - 8 years ago
    Jambita: Yes! Most churches today are in a sea of darkness. They don't know their lost headed for the lake of fire. They have a lot of social activities and functions. They think they are looking great for Christ,but have spiritual anorexia. They don't know the father is calling John 6:44, washed 1John 1:9, will be Baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire Matthew 3:11, Will know! 2 Corinthians 5:17.
  • Anne on John 6 - 8 years ago
    This chapter reminds us that whatever we give to the Lord, He will multiply it. The twelve baskets of leftovers/crumbs are indicative that when he multiplies that which is given, we receive more that enough. His blessings overflows.
  • Bruce on 1 Corinthians 1 - 8 years ago
    Gerry: no one comes to Christ until the father Draws him. John 6:44. There will be a tug in your heart,Him saying you need Christ! Ask forgiveness, 1John 1:9, you will be baptized. Matthew 3:11, you will know, it's impossible to not know. 2 Corinthians 5:17.
    Most Churches are in a sea of darkness they have a lot of activities but no Light! ---2 ways, Matthew 7:13-14
  • Bruce on Luke 12 - 8 years ago
    Lew: Hebrews 10:10-15,v:12-- offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God;-- John 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father--draw him:-- 1John 1:9 ask forgiveness-- Matthew 3:11 baptized with fire:-- 2nd Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed away;behold all things are become new. You will know!
    Sin again 1John1:9
  • Bruce on Matthew 26 - 8 years ago
    bewrayeth,old English.
    John 6:44 no man can come to Christ,except The Father draw him---have you felt a tug in your heart? 1John 1:9 Forgiving? Baptized with the Holy Ghost: Matthew 3:11. You will know 2nd Corinthians 5:17. A Heavy weight is going. I didn't know I had. Peace is wonderful. Sleep is great. Best thing that ever happened in my life!
  • Karl on Genesis 1 - 8 years ago
    to William - tough question, Man in the image of GOD? Arms, legs ,fingers, toes? In the beginning of man's tutelage this explanation was sufficient and prudent. When the LORD JESUS gave us a more "advanced" teaching that man's true nature is spirit, not flesh, as explained in John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth... - we have the full explanation - in GOD'S image. Just my opinion, any help?
  • Shirley on John 6 - 8 years ago
    Nobody but the Lord and put your faith and trust in Him. All things are possible according to His will and purpose for our lives. My biggest problem is letting go and give it all to Him the only one that know everything about us the good and bad. On this day I am letting go for I know you will never leave me or forsake me. I pray for your grace and mercy .
  • Bruce on Galatians 5 - 8 years ago
    A wretch: not sure what you meant by living in the law? That will bring spiritual death!Reading HIS WORD,Being in church that preaches heaven and hell,the joy of salvation,called of the FATHER John 6:44,forgiveness Acts2:38, things NEW! -- ll Corinthians 5:17. You will be changed! If you slip, l John 1:9- l John 2:1. Best thing that ever happened to me! The next day I woke up to a different world!
  • Felicia on John 6 - 8 years ago
    Verse 68
    To whom shall we go when in crisis situation, when we are troubled by guilt? To whom shall we go for forgiveness? To whom shall we go when we are homeless and hungry? When our marriage is failing, when we are worried about the evils that prevail in our nation. To whom shall we go when we are alone and weak by old age? Thank you Lord for being the answer. Come to me He says. Praise God!
  • Bjorn White on John 6 - 8 years ago
    He is speaking to His people exclusively, the sheep he came to rescue, the wheat in the parable of the wheat
  • Donna Wilkins on John 6 - 8 years ago
    "Whom shall we go" is a great question. Indeed, who but Christ offers us forgiveness of sin, eternal life, the hope of resurrection, and to raise us up to eternal perfection? As we seek Him, strive to keep His commandments and follow in His foot steps, repenting when needed, and serve Him and our fellowman He will save us in the end.
  • Donna Wilkins on John 6 - 8 years ago
    I love the words all, whom soever, everyone as our Savior extends His invitations for all to come unto Him and partake of His Salvation and Grace. His love is the miracle of the eternities, and His abiding love is all inclusive and for Him to be fair and a Just God, it could not be otherwise. Thanks be to God.
  • Bruce on Romans 4 - 8 years ago
    Prince:Have you been, John 6:44. Ask forgiveness, Romans 10:13. You will be, ll Corinthians 5:17 it will be like night and day, hot and cold. YOU WILL KNOW!!
  • Bruce on Matthew 8 - 8 years ago
    Tjohn: If it's best to seek forgiveness from those you have hurt the Lord will guide you! Faith cometh by hearing Rom 10:17, John 6:44 have you felt the tug in your heart? ROM 6:23, 10:13. Don't do anything without the LORD!
  • Bruce on John 8 - 8 years ago
    Tjohn past sins in years past should stay in the pass. If it's best to seek forgiveness of those you hurt the Lord will guide you! Faith cometh by hearing: Rom 10:17. Have u felt the tug in ur heart John 6:44, Rom 10:13, John 1:12 Don't do anything without the LORD!
  • Dwayne on John 6 - 8 years ago
    The lord is good
  • Jon on John 6 - 8 years ago
    John 6 Shows us how Christ meets or physical (feeding the 5000) emotional (calming the sea) and spiritual (bread of life) needs. Showing us He is sufficient for us in everything. It is one of the greatest chapters of the Bible.
  • Dr Doriel Butcher on John 6 - 8 years ago
    If we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ., read the Word, meditate on the Word, be obedient to the Word, we would be strengthen through storms. We would never hunger or thirst. For if we hunger and thirst after righteousness, the Word of God say we shall be filled. He is the Christ the Son of the living God. Hear Him. M

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