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So far none of the responses regarding how these falling angels reproduced makes any sense.Perhaps familiar Biblical Scripture will bring us to more sound reasoning.
John 3:6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." This logically means that flesh cannot produce spirit and Spirit cannot produce flesh, i.e. God does not give birth, create, or produce flesh. John 3:8 provides a glimpse of what spirit is, which obviously is not characteristic of the flesh. John 6:63 states, "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh counts for nothing: the words that I speak unto you are spirit, and are life." So, the flesh does not matter, thus the spirit is ALL that does have meaning, and nothing else. John 4:24 says "God a Spirit: and they that worship him (Him) must worship in spirit and in truth. Nothing here indicating God is flesh. Contrarily, it is an emphatic statement, leaving no doubt. We must NOT worship in flesh and in what is NOT TRUE, i.e. untruth, lies, unreality, illusions, anything of the flesh or mind that thinks apart from Him.
Once again, I'm following a pattern from many of my previous postings, which some may begin to recognize: in reality or the Mind of God, which is Knowledge, truth cannot have an opposite. In truth and eternity and the Kingdom of God, they cannot coexist. Knowledge is stable and has no degrees or fluctuations. Only in time and in an unstable mind that perceives in a myriad of degrees, not on the same level with the Thoughts of God, maintain a faith in opposites. Is this not obvious in what we perceive as going on today in this world? Or at any time in the world's history? Or even on this website?
In lieu of this, How can Jesus literally be 100% God and !00% man (flesh)? Opposites produce strain on the mind, and God is not strain, but peace. Look at Matthew 9:16-17. Observe what opposites did to the garment and bottles.
see pg. 2
I'd like to respond to your following comment: "If you do not recognize the body and blood to be literal, why would you take anything else literally?"
I too believe 100% in the Bible and that it's God's inspired word and take it seriously. Some people say they take something literally but actually mean seriously. I think in this case you mean every word in the Bible is literal, so I'd like to politely challenge that.
When Jesus said He's the bread of life do you believe he's literally made of bread? John 6:35. I would call that a metaphor. He's also called the Word, so if I believed that was literal that would mean He only a word spelled out as characters and nothing else?
When it says we're sheep, do you think we are literally sheep?
Jesus said He's a vine. Does that mean He wasn't a man on earth, but just a vine of a plant? John 15:1
The parables are all symbolic metaphors that have a deeper meaning, so if someone believes it's literal does that mean it no longer has a deeper meaning? Like the parable of the sower.
The abundance of symbolism and metaphors in the Bible in no way takes away from the meaning or seriousness for how it applies to our lives. I personally don't believe I'm literally engaging in cannibalism and eating Jesus when I take communion, but believe its deeply symbolic just like all the other symbolic things in the Bible. The symbolism of parables Jesus talked in was actually explained here: Matthew 13:10-11.
God bless.
The eternal nature of God is more or less comprehended by the souls of men ( Ecclesiastes 3:1). This is further bolstered by passages in Romans 1 about the Godhead revealed as well as a Creator of the universe (see also Psalm 19). God in the beginning established man in the environment of His choosing with the authority over all living creatures and with the assignment to till the ground. He also made Eve to be a suitable companion and as long as man remained obedient under the condition of not eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil they would have lived forever in a state of innocence. Of course we know what happened; man broke the one rule and hence the warnings came to pass with the death of the soul (immediate) and the body (over time). Such terms could be said to be part of a covenant; or agreement.
I believe it is helpful to look at our Christian lives this way as well. John 6:37 and a plethora of other verses make it clear that before time God chose some to come to faith and for the Son to be revealed to them. This was part of a covenant; in some sense with the Godhead where the Son was obedient to the Father's plan for redemption. Again; this is an unwritten sort of understanding; perhaps this mystery involves some of the unrevealed things in Deut. 29:29 in the secret councils of heaven.
Scripture appears to have a number of records; a book of all the living ( Psalm 69:28) as all souls are His ( Ezekiel 18:4). There is also the Book of Life as mentioned in Revelation several times as well as a book of remembrance in Malachi 3:16 for a remnant or subsection of believers meeting these conditions. As far as the term covenant is concerned; we see that promise on God's end with the rainbow after the flood where He promises no more worldwide flood. Up until this point these were things that affected all of mankind but later things were for the set apart who would eventually make up national Israel.
He is faithful to us thank you Jesus
Times are not going to get better but darker and darker
Find rest and peace in Jesus,I will follow him
Where else can we go if we don't have Jesus
If we break it down :
1st Jesus asked for their forgiveness: Luke 23:34, John 17, John 6:37-40,
2nd He outwardly confessed & believed Jesus Luke 23:42, John 3:16-18, John 6: 47,
3rd confessed his sins Luke 23:41, 1John 1:9,
4th he showed Jesus mercy & compassion when the crowd, rulers, officers, & others were not: Luke 23:40,
Matthew 25:31-46,
Hopefully these are helpful in your discussion & study
Thank you so much for sharing this about your life. I am so sad to know you were so traumatized and never received the help you desperately needed. May God bring that healing to you in full measure and keep you strong in your knowledge of His love and mercy for you.
I just wanted to share this. When I was at the lowest point of my life (20 years ago) and I was thinking that if God was as others had said that He was, then how could I follow Him? The Holy Spirit spoke to me, "To whom else can I go, for You alone have the words of eternal life." ( john 6:68) With that input from the precious Spirit, I turned myself around and said to God, I will not believe what others say about You, I will believe what Your Word says about You, for Y9ou are my only hope!" So my doubt was destroyed that moment. Praise the Lord! That was a very hard place to be in, very painful, very discouraging, very confusing. But God used it to set me rock solid on the testimony of His Word in Christ and I am all the better for it.
One Eighty-how hard it must have been to be without your brother and to see him die. How sad that you did not have any other siblings to grieve with. Your mom was so full of grief that she needed the treatments she received to be set aright to be able to raise you. It was not the best of circumstances for either of you, nor your parents. But I am so happy that your mom continued to believe and train you up in the word and way of Christ. My prayer for you today is that God will restore to you over and above what the enemy stole from you when you were 3 and from your life from year to year. May you receive abundant mercy and comfort from our Lord by the Spirit who lives in you. I pray that you God will bring you joy in place of the sad spot in your heart concerning your brother and the grief you have borne all of these years. Amen.
Hopefully these are helpful
I will let you find the verse where Jesus was "amazed" at the faith of the Centurion. There are other verses where God is hot with anger as well as being called a "jealous" God. And perhaps that explains why only God can hate with a "perfect" hatred; for anyone else to try it would be sin.
Perhaps the idea in the verse that "no suitable" mate was found was more of an exercise for Adam to discover this truth about the animal Kingdom. In any event; man uniquely came from Adam's rib as stated in the scripture. Eve means this; as "woman" came out of "man". This brings a soul connection to men which the animal kingdom wouldn't possess; hence rules exist for us as to being equally yoked; nonetheless a marriage vow before God is still classified as a marriage. To have the Lord in the relationship is the only way that our spirit in that sense ( Romans 8:16) as to unity among men; the marriage however is still seen as one in soul. That's the best I can see it. It also explains why we can't just mess around before marriage either as that involves only a fleshly union; and I am convinced any soul connection as it were is in reality a demonic deception. d
It is also to remember that Lucifer also was created perfect in his ways ( Isaiah 14). Pride brought him down; as it did with man.
I hope you will consider the fact tht God only draws those the Father has given Him. ( John 6:44). Thus; our eternal fate was already decided among the Godhead before time began; He will not lose anyone of His sheep. I'm not sure a long Calvanist dissertation will be helpful here but I thought searching the scripture as with all things would.
Evil within the garden is an interesting point. We can look to Rev. 12:10 and see it appears until the midpoint of the Trib those in heaven are accused; they are certainly blasphemed from earth ( Rev. 13:6). So good can evil can be nearby.
Please also pray the next time I have doubts about my salvation, I will look to Gods Word. John 6:37 Matthew 14:30-31
Thank you brothers and sisters I will be praying for you
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, THAT ALL MEN THROUGH HIM MIGHT BELIEVE.
He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
2 Corinthians 4:3-4. But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
NO MAN CAN COME TO ME, EXCEPT THE FATHER WHICH HATH SENT ME DRAW HIM: and I will raise him up at the last day. John 6:44.
(It is the spirit of God that draws man to the Lord.)
John 6:60-65.
Matthew 16:17.
1 Peter 1:10-11.
1 Corinthians 2:9-11.
1 Corinthians 2:12-16.
1 Corinthians 12:3.
God bless.
Hi GiGi
My views on faith.
Firstly "faith" and "belief" is the same word in greek (Pistis). So generally speaking faith is to believe in somebody/something. The definition of faith, as said by Chris, is given by Paul in Heb 11:1 ""Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.". But I will disagree with what J Vernon Mcgee says. The greek for what is transalated as "substance " in this case is more properly translated as the "nature". the "being" and further the "existence" of something. So what Paul says is that faith is the existence/shows the existence/brings into existence what we don't see with our biological sences but we believe in it and hope for it. Also a more accurate translation of the word "evidence" (grk "elegchos" is to "control/check/observe...). So with faith we observe and check things we do not see.
So the question is, whom and what is it that we must believe. The answer is we believe in God's words. Have we seen God(The Father)? No,but we have seen and heard Jesus Christ who brought the Word of God to mankind ( John 7:16-18). And what is it that Jesus said? He said that He was sent by Father to sacrifice Himself for the salvation of people. And here is where Faith comes in. The one that believes this word of His and accept it in their heart, they are given eternal life. Salvation is granted to people not because we they are good people but it is a free gift from God. Free, but still man has to do a work to get it. What is this work? In John 6:28-29 says "Then said they(the Jews) unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent." That work is called faith, believing Jesus' words.
Part 1.
Great and important question Gigi!
At the same time can get really confusing!
There's what we call saving faith. We're saved by grace " Through faith". Ephesians 2:8. Here's an element of election with the faith being performed is actually supplied by the Spirit. It is obvious everyone is not supplied with it; however, the invite goes out to everyone. God knew who would believe.
Is believing what it takes to initiate God's faith to the believer? Are they separate? Are they the same?
Here's a few verses where believing is used in the Bible. It's obvious when it comes to salvation It's "what" you believe not just believing in God as seen here in James 2:19.
And then we have John 6:28-28 and Romans 10:9-10 Where belief is directed towards something specific.
God given faith is a fruit and is accompanied with other fruit.
There are results in God given faith as seen here in James 2:14-18.
Faith is not trusting in something! It's trusting in someone and that's the Lord.
Believing is not believing in something It's believing on someone and that's the Lord. We are to believe on the promise given to Abraham as mentioned here in Galatians 3:16-22. We are heirs of the promise by faith as Isaac as mentioned in Galatians 4:28.
We are given a promise by God and given faith to believe in that promise.
The invitation goes out to all as mentioned in 1 John 2:2.
Everyone is given the ability to comprehend that light as mentioned in John 1:4-8. "But all will not"
A person has to fall upon that rock and know he needs a savior.
This is where the 10 commandments come into play. The commandments were meant to drive one to Christ. Some from out of darkness and some from dead works.
Part 2 an article from J Vernon Mcgee.
How to be sure you are saved:
1. If you confessed your sins and asked God to forgive you, He did. John 6:37 says He will not deny those who come to Him for salvation.
2. Rest assured that Jesus paid for your sins on the cross. In John 19:30 Jesus says, "It is finished." There's nothing else to be done except call upon His name for salvation--if you have done that, you are saved.
3. Assurance comes from that little voice inside us Who guides and convicts us of the way we should walk in Christ--the Holy Spirit is that voice. 1 John 3:24
4. A changed life. When we are saved the Holy Spirit transforms us into a new creature. He shreds away our old self and created a new being, a new heart. That doesn't mean we are perfect, doesn't mean we won't fail or fall into depression. If you had an encounter with Jesus that changed your life, you are saved. 1 John 2:3 says, we know we are saved if we keep his commandments.
If after prayer and being absolutely convinced that you are lost and therefore bound for hell, please know this:
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.- Romans 10:9-13.
God Bless!
Leviticus 2:6,15, Ezekiel 46:15, John 6:50-51,
If these are the same account then much is written about her & her siblings, here are some: John 11, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 8:2,
Matthew 27:55-61, Matthew 28, Mark 15, Mark 16,
Hopefully these are helpful
Who is an antichrist? Christ is a translation of the Greek word Christos which means anointed one. The Hebrew word is Mashiach translated Messiah which means the anointed one, the chosen one. One who God fixed for a specific purpose set apart to fulfill God's plan.
Jesus said many times that He/Him sent me, Matt. 10:40 Mark 9:37 Luke 10:16 John 5:30 and many more times. Also, Jesus said He came down from heaven not to do His will but to do the will of Him who sent Him in John 6:38, and Jesus said this in John 6:35-40.
We see when Jesus was baptized, He was anointed not with oil but with the Holy Spirit/Ghost, Matt 3:16 Mark 1:10 Luke 3:22 John 1:32, and John 3:34-36 Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit without measure. Peter confesses and puts clear the Messiah/Christ, and the miracles, wonders, and signs God did by Him Acts 2:22, also read 23-39.
"God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit", manifest Greek word phanero; revealed, made known, 1 Timothy 3:16 John 17:1-8. God gave His only begotten Son, God sent His Son who was come in the flesh, tempted as you or me, and the spirit of antichrist is denying that is true, John 3:16 1 John 4:3 2 John 1:7. Christ is not part of Jesus name it is a title, Jesus is the Messiah, Jesus is the Christ.
A liar is he who denies or says Jesus is not the Christ/Messiah, and he is an antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son. If we deny the Son, we have not the Father but if we acknowledge the Son we have the Father also, 1 John 2:18-24. You must come to your own understanding not mine, with open mind, prayer, and the Holy Spirit guiding you, you will.
These verses about the antichrist paint a picture of a deceptive seducing spirit and the people that have been deceived, just like Eve 2 Cor. 11:3. My understanding of these verses does not refer to the beast that will ascend out of the bottomless pit that has come to be called the antichrist.
God bless,
.....And he predated all men when he said before Abraham was i am....Before the world was i am....He told the Jews, you are from beneath but i am from above...You are of this world but i am not of this world.. John 8:58 .
.....Many thought that Joseph was his father and said is this not the Carpenters son...Thus these 2 lineages in Mat. and luke are both not his lineage that is from heaven... John 6:38....I am that living bread from heaven etc...He cd not come thru any mans adamic nature which is in rank with satan....These 2 linages are a stinch in the nostrils of man what wd they be in the nostrils of God....For an educational teaching tool they are fine..But our lord cd not be stained by mans adamic nature...
.....And in Acts 20:28...Feed the Church of God that has purchased with his own blood....It was the blood of God Almighty Christ Jesus that purchased the Church....We are all bought with a price his blood....Gods blood
John 6:63 kjv, Isaiah 40:8 kjv, Matthew 24:35 kjv, Revelation 19:11-16 kjv,
1 Peter 1:23 kjv, John 8:58 kjv.
God bless you Brenda. In Jesus name.And
You stated "The apostles chosen, were favored because of their faith , looking for the Messiah, this is the heart that Jesus wants!"
I have to disagree.
The faith they needed was faith in what Christ done on the cross.
"It hadn't happened yet". They all looked for their Messiah but didn't understand what was to come. (The Church and salvation by the death and resurrection of Christ )
Thus was a stumblingblock for them and this is what John the baptist ministry was all about. Baptism of repentance.
They was still under the old covenant, Christ hadn't died to bring in the new covenant. Hebrews 9:15.
You stated "this is the heart that Jesus wants!,
No man's heart is right until the Lord gives him a new heart.
Jeremiah 17:9
Ezekiel 36:26.
The Cornerstone wasn't laid yet, so the foundation couldn't be laid and there was nothing to build on and there was nothing to build with until after Christ rose and they were inpowered.
What was the duties before the resurrection? They tried following him but couldn't.
Paul was seeking to kill Christians until he was converted.
BUT!! When they were filled they had strength and died a mortars death.
Here's they're duties before the resurrection. John 6:28-29. Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
They were chosen to be Apostles but the didn't function as an Apostles until They were filled with the Holyspirit.
God bless.
If correct, it is my belief that the promise of eternal life began immediately upon your new birth by God's Spirit. When we look at the Scriptures referring to eternal life, we see that it is synonymous to believing/placing one's trust in the Lord. John 3:36: "He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life." John 5:24: "He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, HATH everlasting life." John 6:47: "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me HATH everlasting life."
1 John 5:11-13: "And this is the record, that God HATH GIVEN to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. He that HATH the Son HATH life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that YE MAY KNOW THAT YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God."
All these verses indicate that eternal life is our present possession, i.e. 'you have it NOW'. As soon as our hearts were renewed & the Holy Spirit came to indwell us, our sin was dealt with, we became God's children, and our earthly walk was no longer uncertain, overcome with sin & living without hope in God's Love. And that is why the Apostle Paul stated in Philippians 3:20, "For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ". Paul understood that our conversation (Gk. politeuma: citizenship) had already begun in the heavenlies; that our earthly life now, is just an earthly sojourn - "our affections are set on things above, not on Earth" and "for here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come."
When once this earthly life was probably our only joy & hope, now IN CHRIST, we are but pilgrims here, gazing upward, confident & secure towards eternity.
Let's talk about grace and works
What do we mean that we are saved by God's grace? We mean that salvation was offered to us through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. When is this salvation received by people? When we repent for the sins we have done and ask for God's forgiveness. If there is no repentance, is salvation still granted to people? No it is not. Again, in a condition of unrepentance is God's grace available to people? The answer is again no.
About water baptism. Is it a command from God? Yes it is. There are many verses throughout the Bible about that, I can not go through them but if you look to past discussions about water baptism you will find a lot of stuff, it has been discussed a lot lately. So if one does not want to be water baptized, is it considered disobedience to God's will? Is disobedience a sin? Is this sin forgiven if one doesn't repent and corrects himself? Is grace still available to him as long as one is in disobedience and unrepentance? We can agree, I think, that the answer is always no.
Is it considered as a man's work when obeying to God's commandments?
John 6:28-29 "Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent"
So Jesus calls it a work to believe in Him, so what do you think of that, is it necessary for salvaion (to do the work of believing)? Yes it is, also obeying God's rules is necessary for salvation, whether one calls it a work or not.
John 15:9-10 "As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. if ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love"
And I would like you to analyze to me the following verses:
Romans 2:6-7"Who will render to every man according to his deeds:To them who by patient continuance in well doing (good works) seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life"
John 6:32 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven.
33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world.
18 Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and (falling) headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.
Acts 1:25 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression (fell), that he might go to his own place.
2 Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
Romans 11:21 For if God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee.
How can you fall out of a tree if you never was in the tree? It makes people feel good to think they are going to heaven no matter what they do. Many people are going to be deceived and fail because they love not the truth.
Even if I use a personal example: when have I strayed into some sin & not felt the gentle tug of the Spirit - when have I persisted in that sin & not been drawn into deep conviction & sorrow for grieving the Lord Whom I love? Can I ever see myself being so drawn away, that I am willing to give up Christ for the World? Never. God's Spirit will persist with me, bearing upon my self-will & obstinacy, to restore me back to the Father. At least that's been my experience, & I perceive what Jesus spoke concerning the eternal security of those whom the Lord has secured ( John 6:39; John 10:27,28). But if I sense no conviction & a life of sin is more preferable, I would readily admit that I wasn't even saved - at least not saved by God, but saved by my reckoning.
Then in contrast & what perplexes me: if I would believe that my salvation could be lost due to gross sin or leaving the faith, that would mean that I would never know in the present, that I'm truly saved & accepted. Why? Because of the real possibility that I could become unsaved. Then what should I do to return back to the Lord & re-gain His Holy Spirit? Obviously, to repent of my sin & cleave to Him, as I did at the first. But would that be enough, since I would never know the intensity of the sin that separated me from God, to the measure of righteousness that would please Him & send His Spirit back to me. Then how much could I obey Him & earnestly follow Him to ensure my salvation? Or maybe, to hold such a belief means that only in that Day of Judgement will a Christian know whether he has believed enough, done enough, repented enough, to be accepted by God?
that is another great one!
i like it with the following verses.
john 6:37-39. all that the father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me i will in no wise cast out.
for i came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
and this is the father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me i should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day!!
great scripture.
thanks and god bless.
Jesus gives the explanation in Verse 63. You see, had they stuck around and asked Jesus about it, they would have understood. But I think it is interesting how Jesus will put parables out there and nobody would understand what it is. And if you want to understand what it is, He explained it to the disciples who came to Him, not the people who listened to Him and went, "Well I don't know what He is talking about," and then they leave. It was the people who want to find out what it means.
Interesting! He could have just said this to all the multitudes before they left. "Hey, let me explain to you because we don't want to lose you. You are already in our church directory and we don't want to lose you!"
But Jesus says in John 6:63, It is the spirit that quickeneth; and the word quickeneth means make alive. It is the spirit that makes alive, the flesh profits nothing:
Did you hear that? There is no spiritual benefit in the flesh. None! The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. They are not physical. It is spirit. It is not physical life. It is spiritual life. So, He says everything that I just told you about my flesh, and my blood, take that and change it into spiritual metaphors and you'll have what it means.
Sorry for being lengthy, but I hope this helps to give you a better understanding of what it means to eat His flesh and drink His blood!