V. 39 - " ... the Holy Ghost was not yet given BECAUSE ... "; Jesus spirit, poured out on the 120 plus ( Acts 2:4) is what IMMEDIATELY open ALL their eyes to see Acts 2:38 - baptism in the NAME ..." (not titles of father, son, and holy ghost). Jesus VERY words were " ... in the NAME of ...". Repentance, baptism, receiving the H.G. - were the keys Jesus gave Peter; VERBAL (spoken) not metal keys.
Wayne, told the disciples to "tarry in Jerusalem" and that they would be endued with "power from on high", which is the Holy Ghost. John 7:38-39, "He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water". This rivers of living water is the Holy Ghost, which Jesus will give to all. Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3 that we must be born again.
The paradox is that Jesus endured the trial of spiritual practice, ie praying all night, fasting 40 days, learning scripture from the phd's of his day, hung out with his cousin, John. We are born empty of knowledge. Obviously, the Jew had a zeal for religion and a 500 year tradition of the law and the prophets. I myself have studied these texts and confess their potency for in them God speaks
Jn. 7:16; Matt. 10:19 - Jesus was our example. We are to be filled with His spirit, Acts2:38, just as Jesus, except Jesus was God; God lived in the body of Jesus. That's the only way God could shed PERFECT blood for mankind, not blood of animals. God had to provide Himself a sinless body. 'Jesus was in the MIND of God before the incarnation; God knew He was going to do this before creation.
At the time of Jesus - there were spurious writings of the Jews besides the word of God - the O.T. The Jews, during the 400 yrs. between testaments, wrote some strange things, and this is where some things in the Jewish almanac come from; they are not the word of God. Jesus told the Pharisees that they taught the traditions of - men.
Mark 16:9-20 nor 1john5:7-8 nor John 7:53 and 8:10 in original koine Greek NT scripture and was added in by roman church. Erasmus and Martin Luther knew this...yet KJV maintains this? Why...
Jesus said we can do good on the Sabbath.
Jesus said I am Lord over the Sabbath.
The Scripture says to let no man judge you I.e. let no man make you guilty over the Sabbath day , holy days. News moon's . in meat or drink.
V. 38 - the fruits of the spirit come only AFTER we have r'cvd His Spirit in Acts 2:38. All 3, repentance, baptized in the NAME of Jesus Christ ... and ye shall the GIFT of the Holy Ghost. It is a 'gift' too. This is Jesus salvation for us.
V. 38 - love, joy - yes, but the 'waters' are our witness of the truth of salvation found in Acts 2:38. Love, joy, peace is also a witness, but do not show the way of salvation they are the 'fruits' of the spirit - not salvation.
V.42 - " ... of the seed of David, out of ... Bethlehem "? This was at least 30 yrs. after His birth. I wonder of these people at this time, if any were in Bethlehem at His birth, and heard the shepherds, or heard 2nd hand of Jesus birth at the time? Only the Lord knows.
Those who believed on Him, here, are the lost sheep of Israel: Israelites. The 'Jews', who denied Him, are not Israelites, but Cain's descendants. The religious leaders, the Pharisees, Saducees and scribes are also Cain's descendants. ''Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew"~ The Jewish Almanac 1980 page 3.
to Martha: Glorified body means after He died and rose from the Dead. When He came back it was His Glorified Body same body with no fleshly nature. Jesus on earth was fully God and fully man He had a fleshly nature here on earth but yet He was without sin. Another miracle i know that in my case outside of the Holy Spirit i sin all the time. Thank you Jesus for what you have done for me
I believed that Jesus is the son God and that he was sent by the Father to save and be the example for all mankind which was written by the Prophets in the old testament
Luke 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay but rather division: John 7:43 So there was a division among the people because of him.
This is just another example of why it matters, because Jesus said believe on him as the scriptures have said! And if people were really Christians they would stop rejecting truth! and stop teaching a lie, the people are waking up and your 400 years of lying about Jesus is being revealed!
I'm amazed how the Jews knew there never was a man that spoke like Jesus. That reminded me when the children of Isreal was in the wilderness and God spoke to them. They told Moses to speak with God then tell them what He said. They were afraid just as they were when Jesus spoke. The same thing is happening. I want the Holy Spirit to speak to me. I know the spirit of God will tell me no wrong.
i would like to know the date this year that this verse refers to... what is the date of the last day of the great feast this year? i was filled with living water according to this scripture at around this time in 1982, and i would like to celebrate with my Lord in a special way this year. sincerely, arlene
One thing i know about the judgement is that to "let go" earthly judgement for there will be another heavenly judgement. Many will be surprise at that judgement for the one who will judge is the RIGHT ONE and its free of cost.
My thinking of John 7 is the natural man's thinking. Questions ? "is HE NOT FROM GALILEE" Division is caused by difference in opinion.Clever people ,Natural people trying to figure out spiritual things.Revelation would have shown the people who Jesus was but we try to use logic to understand God. Just train your spirit man to show you who is behind the veil
Many events had to unfold before Jesus ' time was at hand. The kingdom of heaven is at hand, and the time is NOW. Throughout the day I share with many people how much I love Jesus because of what he did for me. Reading the gospels reveals Jesus ' humanity. Otherwise God would be difficult to understand. Learning exactly what Jesus said reveals God 's plan for us. He became a human to teach us, show us, and love us. And we are to do exactly what Jesus did, No matter how difficult it becomes. God will strengthen us. We must make the love of Christ the desire of our heart. We are entering the darkest days we have yet to see. Love overcomes everything.
God is so good to let us know how our hearts should be in the spirit and not in the flesh. Verse 18 sums up a lot of his teachings about the word of God to the church 's then and know. We people are the church. Not a standing building. We should not seek for our own glory from men but rather give glory where it is due, which is God. We should also do the things of God and his works through the spirit and not in the flesh, so God gets the glory not ourselves. We are just flesh and bone and the work is done by his spirit that is in us or should be. Amen
The people that Christ was orating to were the type that He once spoke of in this manner, "they take doctrines of men and pass them as the commandments of God ",thus He had to acknowledge that He was not such as them.
Many may find in interesting that many scholars believe John 7:52-8:11 to be spurious, that is false and not part of the original Bible Canon. Why? The earliest Greek manuscripts do not contain this portion. Most all of the study editions of bibles, including KJV make note of this. This would stand to reason and not give people an excuse to do whatever, as is in harmony with the rest of the scriptures. Jude 4
Jesus said I am Lord over the Sabbath.
The Scripture says to let no man judge you I.e. let no man make you guilty over the Sabbath day , holy days. News moon's . in meat or drink.