Jonah knew he had done wrong and told them to throw him Overboard but God sent the Whale to Rescue him.We will reap the Evil we Sow this is our choice but its Gods Disapline so we will come to our Senses like the Prodical Son did and what a Wonderful Welcome Home. Satan puts us to the Test seeking for us to reject God and Worship him and uses his followers to hurt us too. In this fallen World we will also have hardship but God is Love and because He knows us as His own He Protects our Soul and not One of us will be lost. He also tells us in Lam3:33 He Doth Not Afflict Willingly nor Grieve the Children of Men. When God tests us its with Opertunities to Walk in The Fruit of The Spirit; Gal5.
I ran away and the Lord had to almost kill me to get my attention.
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Yes I know that. My point was that everyone seems to think that the book of Jonah is more about the Whale, or fish as the Bible says. Thank you for answering my question. God Bless you.
God said that he would turn a blind eye if Lot could find as few as 10 righteous people. At the day of wrath God said get your family and go: sons at least 2 daughters at least 2 that we knew were virgins wife, yourself, sons in law at least 2 also implies at least 2 NON-VIRGIN daugthers . Lets add that up: Including himself--2 2 1 1 2 2 10. Even THEN Lot only got 3 to leave with him.
Jonah's attitude parallels the prodigal son's older brother, and typifies the jealous attitudes of many who hope for the punishment destruction of those who do not agree with them.
The difference was repentance. God saved the people of Nineveh from the consequences of their own choices because they heard His word through the prophet and believed. They and their leader desired the mercy and grace of God more than they desired to continue in their carnal ways. They allowed the word and will of God to refine them, instead of rebelling against it.
I would like to think God chuckled when he did this, Johans was stubborn he showed him, he's a good God, it all ties in with Jesus as well, he calmed the sea's , he was in the ground 3 days , you can see Peter here, lack of faith walking on water and sinking
Jonah didn't want them to repent why he refused to go, he didn't want them to be saved, he didn't like them, he would have perished then do the will of God , but God's will is his alone and it shall be done Amen
Dear Sammy, a very big fish prepared by God swallowed Jonah after he was thrown overboard a ship which He boarded to flee when God commanded him go and preach to the City of Nineveh Jonah 1:17 . He was in the belly of the fish for 3 nights and 3 days. The Lord made reference to this event in the New Testament Matthew 12:40 signifying his Resurrection from the grave after dying on the Cross.
When Jesus was asked by the priests for a sign. Jesus replied, can you not decern the sign of the times. A wicked and adulterous generation, no sign but the Prophet Jonas, meaning Jonah was sent to warn Ninevah to repent. The city repented for forty days, In sackcloth, and God spared them.
"Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me." The wicked and the ungodly will scream and protest and seek every means to silence the servants of the LORD; but they don't know that it is of the LORD's mercies to warn them to repent, before they are finally brought to eternal judgment. We must see eye to eye with the LORD in all His purposes.
Jonah was a man who knew God despite his weaknesses ,he knew God will forgive Nineveh if they repent,because He is.God of mercy...people could have seen him as false prophet after what he proclaimed fails to happens, the last chapter of book of Jonah explain his character well.
Gods commandments are simple read Romans obedience unto righteousness ( Niveneah) or sin unto death(sodom) God woudlve spared sodom but found no obedience unto righteousness apart from lot
Christian Powell; What is the difference between Sodom and Nineveh? and why was one shown mercy and the other destroyed? The men of Nineveh repented at the preaching of Jonah: God's pronouncement of imminent destruction convicted them of their sins, and they responded appropriately. Although Sodom had Lot living among them, there wasn't one person who took it to heart. Read Ezekiel 16:49-50
The story of Jonah is clearly demonstrate Gods love to humanity, hi desire to save us and are not willing that we perish by his judgement. with this being the case, a question of thought comes to mind. what is the difference between Nineveh and Sodom and Gomorrah. How dose one explain Gods mercy for one but destruction for the other, his will to save one and destroy the other.
There are a lot of Jonahs out here and we all can learn from his mistake( The word of God tells us that Obedience is better than sacrifices) it explains to us in the book of Galatians that u will Reap what u sew ! And Jonah knew what he had done,he wanted to see if he could get away with it But God was waiting to meet him at his Arrival,u can always run But u can't hide from your Maker.
When witnessing to souls we need the gift of discerning of spirits, 1 Cor.12:10. To acquire these gifts we must be saved in Jesus' way, Acts 2:38, not our way as just simply saying the words of Rom. 10:13 (14-16). "... calling on the NAME of the Lord ..."; the man of God who baptizes you uses the words of Acts 2:38, Just as Jesus said in Matt. 28:19 "... in the NAME of ..."
Jonah knew he had done something wrong '' he rose up and fled to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, the mariners were afraid and cried to their Gods but Jonah remained fast asleep, HE somehow knew he was the cause of the tragedy that had befell them on the chrisian we should learn to be truthful to ourselves, always know that no man can hide from God, or his presence...
I have fallen on this story today. I am struggling with a leg and back injury. I am cut off from most of my family. I take most bible teachings with me everyday. I am a sinner and it ashames me. My want to be home with family hastens most interactions with people. I am happy because this stories beggining I hardly remember. I was usually being calmed down for bed, while it was read.
Jonah knew he was serving the great God as he told the people, yet he decided to be disobedient because he thought God will blush off his refusal to go to Nineveh for the assignment, may be as before; forgetting that lives are very precious to God and so He decided to give them a fair chance to repent and not perish. That is why God let Jonah taste a bit of the forthcoming punishment for Nineveh
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.