Discuss Jonah 4 Page 2

  • Mishael - In Reply on Jonah 4 - 4 years ago
    Hi Nick. Glad you're here today. Peace be with you
  • Nick Kornev on Jonah 4 - 4 years ago
    Hi, I really like your bible.
  • Obbie Beal on Jonah 4 - 6 years ago
    the DNA of Jonah has passed down to 2018; in many circumstances those that GOD love and do not want to destroy we have the wrong ..., ..., for / toward them.
  • Bill on Jonah 4 - 6 years ago
    Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of the great fish and was spat out on the shore,was a picture of Jesus spending 3 days and nights in the tomb then he rose again.
  • Anne on Jonah 4 - 6 years ago
    Jonah, although he obeyed God in carrying the message to Niveneh, did not seem to have love and compassion for the people of Niveneh. When we have love and compassion for others we want them to be saved. Thank God for his compassion on us.
    'It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: Great is thy faithfulness'.(Lam.3:22).
  • Linda Renaud-Medford on Jonah 4 - 7 years ago
    Jonah wanted to run away from God's instructions. God showed him that he had no choice. When he asked the men on board the ship to throw him over into the sea, God had already prepared a place for him, where he spent three days and nights before going to preach to the people of Nineveh to obey the words of the Lord. The people listened and obeyed. Jonah waited for one day to see what would happen.
  • A disciple on Jonah 4 - 7 years ago
    Jonah was MADE to do what God commanded him, so God could show a sign to all times and generations that "There is NOTHING too hard for the LORD!" as well as show by even this most hopelessly lost and deceived heathen could repent; and therefore setting the standard by which every one no matter how lost CAN REPENT! God let Jonah suffer for his self-will, and afterward used him to preach with POWER!
  • A disciple on Jonah 4 - 7 years ago
    "But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry...I pray thee, O LORD, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country?" There are several times in the Bible when the righteous get angry at the evildoers. The cruelty and violence of the heathen Nineveh was unforgivable to righteous Jonah, to find any justification for bringing the Word of God to that wicked people to find mercy.
  • Linda on Jonah 4 - 7 years ago
    I am so blessed to have read the book of Jonas. I've repented for being selfish and not making wise decisions in my life. God is so amazing bc of his Grace. I've ask God to cleanse me and meet me right where I am. God love is real so real that I will never understand but accept. Jesus is the answer bc he finished everything for us on the cross. Forgive everyone no matter how bad and thank God.
  • Levi J. Ziegler on Jonah 4 - 7 years ago
    There seems to be a Jonah in each of us. What we do with that Jonah is our choice. I must ask of each of us "are we in a stadium or on the playing field?" When we hear that still small voice or are faced with the obvious, are we a Jonah or a Moses, David, Jeremiah, Esther or a Miriam? When the going gets tough the tough get going. Even going into Nineveh!
  • Min Todd Jackson on Jonah 4 - 7 years ago
    I c myself as a Jonah in my current situation .. I'm pray ing God vomit me out of the belly of hell !
  • Jacqueline on Jonah 4 - 8 years ago
    A very good lesson to learn, about judging others, obeying God and forgiveness, and walking in love. Gods ways is nothing like ours. His thoughts our far beyond what we can think or imagine. Obedience is far better than sacrifice.
  • Irene123 on Jonah 4 - 8 years ago
    To Anne on Jonah ch. 4; Anne, that was beautiful, and so well said, and easy to read - very good typing; you must proof read.....?
    I was raised a newspaper editors dau., and I still forget to proof read.
  • Anne on Jonah 4 - 8 years ago
    The book of Jonah teaches us about the importance of obedience, repentance, forgiveness and love. Jonah was disobedient and repented. God forgave him. He took the message to Nineveh. Nineveh repented and God forgave them. God's love and mercy for the people of Nineveh spared them from disaster. We should also have compassion for those who are not yet saved and be willing to go where God sends us.
  • Eaglesrock on Jonah 4 - 9 years ago
    Jonah was disappointed, angry with God for having Mercy on them: The greatest problem in the Book of Jonah is neither the fish, nor the repentance of Nineveh, but the repentance of Jonah. God has more difficulty with Jonah than with any other feature of the book. They don t deserve Mercy: Jonah says This is why I did not want to go the first time. I knew you would show Mercy, that you are a gracious God, and Merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness Jonah new that if he preached Judgment to Nineveh, that they would repent, that the Lord would save them.
  • Verlena on Jonah 4 - 9 years ago
    Everything Jonah had God prepared for him. God prepared the fish. God prepared the people. God prepared the gourd. God prepared the east wind. Jonah was selfish and unforgiving. Jonah gives us a good exammple of how we should not act as christians. Many times God forgives us and show us mercy but often we don't want to forgive or show mercy to others. Bishop Brandon Porter preached a message entitled "How can we forget"? So true. How can we forget what God has done for us. God has continued to love us and forgive us so we ought to do the same. Let's not be like Jonah by being angry, when God forgives others. Hasn't God forgiven you? Yes.
  • HARY COLLINS on Jonah 4 - 9 years ago
    God is sovereign and deserves our services, no one has the right to question his actions or commands. All we need to do is to obey whenever He calls us to do anything for Him, for that is the reason he created us.
  • Gerry on Jonah 4 - 9 years ago
    I disagree and agree with the commentary Jonah had a uneasy spirit He made the plant to comfort him God prepared and unpaired his situation he love the comfort like we all do but when thing happen and take us out of r comfort zone we get upset or complain because thing not going r way small worm can me anything in life love one money ect.but Jonah had a headache from the sun that gave him affliction or ect. God was trying to show Jonah what was important people weather then riches soul is better then thing and reaching out to people that are lost and a died world
  • Audrey on Jonah 4 - 9 years ago
    When God gives instructions we must follow because he chooses who he wants go do his work. Look back on Moses leading the Israelites outvof the clutches of pharoah. He could not do it unless God gave the command, so ad children of God we must be orepared to listen and respond to the voice of God and not do our own thing. He is a jelous God. Jonah disobeyed God and paid the penalty. Let us all adhere to his voice because it makes a difference. We all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. I pray that we all listen to make our election sure. As children of God we cannot sit back and relax. We need to spread his words far and wide. His coming is near, the writing is on the wall. Let us put on the whole armour of God and prepare for the battle. Satan is on the loose because he knows his days are numbered. Thanks be to God for his promise to redeem his people. The rapture is at hand, are you ready?
  • Insight 777 on Jonah 4 - 9 years ago
    Verse 8, if parabolic, "the sun beat down upon the head of Jonah ", could mean the sun righteousness and truth, beat down the value of righteousness and truth was discussed, and negotiated as to what was right and what was wrong. " upon the head of Jonah upon the definition of Peace terms as Jonah means Dove and a dove is a symbol of Peace.
  • Gary Lee Myers on Jonah 4:11 - 9 years ago
    Jonah 4 vs 11 means this. God 's Prophets were often selfish and self seeking. I 'm amazed at how God used a man who hated the Ninevehites, to warn them of destruction. in fact that i why Jonah headed for Tarshish. He knew God 's compassion was greater in this case than his wrath. We must remember this if God supplies a gourd to comfort us, it may also contain a worm of agitation. Imagine being upset because God Almighty soared 120,000 souls, plus cattle. Praise God the King of Nineveh humbled himself and was not like Pharaoh in Egypt. This is why in America we need to pick our leaders wisely. Arrogant leaders often bring calamity on their people. Aren 't you glad that God Almighty is full of compassion? Are we better than he Ninehvites? Thank you Lord Jesus for sparing me!
  • Deborah Mendoza on Jonah 4 - 10 years ago
    This was very helpful tips that I can use in everyday life and that is to listen and to do as I was told
  • Barbara Lindsey on Jonah 4 - 10 years ago
    Jonah still had un-forgiveness in his heart that 's why he didn 't want to go to Nineveh. He knew Elohim was merciful, gracious, kind and would change His mind concerning Nineveh if they repented! Jonah 4:2 Jonah was still had an attitude because God forgave them! He forgot God forgave him and the Northern Kingdom!
  • Edward Obure on Jonah 4 - 10 years ago
    we are all jonah!
  • Tim on Jonah 4 - 10 years ago
    Poor little ole me the whole world is crashing down before me and all I have is a fish story God always has his hand out I just got to seek it and praise him for I am the righteousness in Christ who strengthen me
  • Kam-salem Danesi on Jonah 4 - 10 years ago
    The book of Jonah is a very interesting book, and we have alot to learn from it, especially in this end times. Recently there was serious revelation from God thru some of His end time prophets, that serious trouble is coming to earth within days, that will turn many people to God. This prophecy was everywhere and some wonderful end time prophets of God confirmed it. People were repenting and getting ready for what was revealed, but nothing happen. There was a lot of criticism agaist the prophets who revealed this because it didnot happen. Many called them false prophets.Personally am very close to one of the prophets, she is a great servant of God. While the criticism was going on God directed me to the book of Jonah. I had little understanding about the book of Jonah, infact i never knew why Jonah was running away from God until i went to read it. Jonah had an intimate relationship with God. He had been hearing from the LORD and passing messages to people. He has come to know from his exsperience with God that God is so merciful. God has given him warning messages in the past and repented. This is like an embarrasement to Jonah, after telling the people that God is about to destroy this city nothing happen, because God had repented. This was the reason Jonah refused to go to Niniveh when the message came to Him. I used to think that God told Jonah to go and warn Niniveh to repent, but God has opened my eyes beyound that. Jonah was told to go and tell Niniveh that in Fourty days time God will bring judgment upon the city because of their sins. It was the people that decided on their own to repent, and God forgave them. Jonah became angry because his prophecy did not happen. Read how the people reacted to Jonah's message in chapter 3. And in chapter 4 you will see how Jonah was talking to the LORD that this is the reason he did not want to come to Niniveh.
  • Timothy WAYNE GEORGE on Jonah 4:11 - 11 years ago
    Jonah did not understand the mercy of God Yet we too cannot understand the ways of God for as high as the heavens are above the earth so are the ways of God above ours We will have to wait until we get to heaven to find out the answer
  • Abel D. Guah on Jonah 4 - 11 years ago
    Why did Jonah get angry with God for changing His mind (God) from destroying Nineveh?
    Can anyone help me?
  • Kendrick Rios on Jonah 4 - 11 years ago
    I meant Thank you Lord for you mercy
  • Kendrick.Rios on Jonah 4 - 11 years ago
    Jonah and I have alot in common. Thank you Lord for your mercury

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