God give these words to Joshua because He have seen from the inside of Joshua how strong he is and how righteous is Joshua's heart. He knows that Joshua have God the potential to lead but lacks the power of believing in himself. At times we fail to succeed because we have not believed in ourselves... It is the right time to start believing in usssssssssssssssssss!!!
In this chapter of Psalms 1, being God is our Saviour God is reminding us being a believer in Christ that we should not allowed ourselves to walk in the counsel of ungodly and even standeth in the way of sinners. But ratherly our delight is in the law of the Lord to concentrate on the word of God by meditating the content of the Bible, by reading and live what we read and heard. ( Revelation 1:3) ( Joshua 1:8)
We have to submit our will to the word of God, because there is power in the word of God. God cannot control our will, God gave us freewill to do what is right and what is wrong. That is why in the garden of eden when God commanded Adam not to eat the fruit in the middle coz if he will eat of it he will surely die. But inspite of God's reminder the flesh was eagerly react to do the will of man, instead of the will of God.
This remind us that even in our time the Bible tells us that we should submit our will to the word of God and not to the will of man otherwise our ways will lead us into into vain.
The Word of the Lord is a lamp on your feet and a light unto your path.When the Word of the Lord is in your mouth(speak) you procliam light over darkness, your mind is constanly renew and your tribulations are common. Your ways becomes a revelation and walk in the full understanding of who God is for you.
The book of law, which is the word of God is a medicine prescribed by Doctor Jesus, with a full dosage (day and night) for all His patients so that they can be healed (prosperous and enjoy good success).
l believe Joshua was among the first spies sent by Moses and brought a good report, before they could enter Canaan after leaving Egypt. And now having been watching a whole generation perish in the desert, and another raised to accomplish what first one couldn’t. He was an obedient learner who regretted why they couldn’t have obeyed in first place. He therefore summed up that he and his house shall serve the Lord.
I love reading the Bible, I lost my mother in November, and I was bad. People of GOD so prayed then really made it. Now I know I was blessed to have her as long as I did. Please pray for me I am still hurt, but not bad. I don't if I will ever see her again.
I believe that Joshua was appointed for the position because he was a good follower, humble. God chose him to carry the task out. God is looking for fearless people to trust, obey and understand his word and what he is requiring. God’s desire is to bless you but most of the time, it’s always a CHALLENGE before the blessing.
God's work isn't private property. Ministers should be ready to leave it to someone else to continue. No man is indispensable. God will raise someone to do the work. Just do you part diligently with fear and trembling.
I Am That I Am God made a promise and he kept it. It is now time to see if Joshua took in his training. Follow God's instructions to the 'T', trust him, and everything is going to be more than alright. A strong leader, a Spirit of Promise Joshua, was called forth to ensure the inheritance was distributed according to God's will. Greed and newly found power and freedom are a deadly mix. Joshua help!
Joshua 1 clearly shows that Jehovah needs courageous people in His work. He is very much concerned about His laws that He walks with those He has anointed.
Joshua chapter 1 reveals that to succesfully carryout God's assignment we all need to be strong, and God has done it in such away that nobody will be able to stand against us. Lets continue, God is with us.
Joshua was faithful and humble with the lord so he has able to handle the huge task. He is the example to all our Christian Brothers & Sisters to obey the word of God and to humble ourselves before God so that all can enter in to the Kingdom of Paradise.. First, we have to leave the Earthly desires..
God chooses a prophet at a time, After the death of Moses, God saw that the Israelites were supposed to be led by another leader, so Joshua was chosen to lead the Jews unto the land of Cannan.The work of God shall keep on going forth till the second coming of Messiah, even if some leaders fall dpwn others will be elected to finish the work set aside by God Himself.
This comment is on verse 8 in particular. The Lord Jesus shows here that confessing His Word in faith (Shall not depart out of thy mouth)is very important. When we believe God's Holy Word, we confess it and act upon it. Amen.
" God" reveals that his Commands is a must that no one breaks his Commandments as it is written. God also reveals his promises whoever abides and follows his will be bless and the Love of our Father our Creator,
This message is a way God proves to all christians that He is and always will be there for them. God will stay by your side through thick and thin (not very many people will do that). Doesn't this message encourage you to follow God and develop a relationship with Him?
This text is very encouraging...here we have joshua whose having to step up to the plate because his leader has passed...i can only imagine how he feels...but GOD consistently told him to BE STRONG and of GOOD COURAGE...i thank GOD for seeing in us what we cannot see in ourselves!
Joshua 1:13-15 is my focus. These verses show that Christians should see each other as family and as one. Christains have to be selfless and be ready to help his fellow Christians in time of need. This would results to perfect rest for all christains as we pursue each others peace.
Joshua 1:8 God is just telling us christians to meditate in his word and be careful to do what is written there in and we will will prosper and succeed in everything that we do.
We have to submit our will to the word of God, because there is power in the word of God. God cannot control our will, God gave us freewill to do what is right and what is wrong. That is why in the garden of eden when God commanded Adam not to eat the fruit in the middle coz if he will eat of it he will surely die. But inspite of God's reminder the flesh was eagerly react to do the will of man, instead of the will of God.
This remind us that even in our time the Bible tells us that we should submit our will to the word of God and not to the will of man otherwise our ways will lead us into into vain.
Godbless us all...
thank's god