Discuss Joshua 24 Page 2

  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Hi Earl,

    I don't understand your definition of the word then. To help me understand, did you choose to type a response to me or did something force you to do that beyond your will? It sounds like you don't believe you have some kind of freedom to do what you want, but I can't relate to that, because I have complete freedom and that can be used for good or evil. I'm typing a response to you willingly because I choose to. Maybe you're not? If you feel like you're being controlled by another force against your will then there's probably nothing left to discuss on the topic, as I just can't relate and is hard to believe it.

    Joshua 24:15

    God bless...
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Genesis 9:4-6

    Exodus 23:28-29

    Joshua 24:12

    I hope these scriptures help your search for truth.
  • Carlis jackson on Joshua 24 - 3 years ago
    I love this book of joshua
  • Adam - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 3 years ago
    Hi Nicole, just so you know, I would rather stay outside in a tent anyday than stay under the same roof as a satanist. That's great that you've sought advice, but even though I think you have some concern, to me, I don't think you're taking this very seriously. I don't think you've tried very hard or have exhausted all your possible options. If it were me, I'd move out immediately THEN I'd decide where to go. I'd stay at a motel for the first day, then travel to the nearest relevatives if I had no money. I'd then call a church- have you tried that? To me it sounds like maybe you'd rather stay with a satanist than with a Christian. I just don't understand it and it sounds like your faith might be in jeopardy.

    If it were truly important then you would follow Matthew 5:30 and do absolutely everything possible immediately, even cut off your own arm, to get away. To me it would be an absolute emergency, but I can see you're taking your time and a little frustrated with only one landlord? (aren't there many more, can't you leave town?), but otherwise enjoying free rent. What is more important to you, free rent or your faith? This should be a very easy decision. You have to choose your priorities and what is most important to you. I'm concerned for your soul.

    Joshua 24:15

    God bless...
  • Roy 316 - In Reply - 3 years ago

    I don't say The F word out loud (often), it's too vulgar, but that voice in my head that's been driving my thoughts every waking hour of the say does. Any minute irregularity will generate internal vulgarities, usually in the form of a question. Other times, I'll be in Ralphs shopping, when a new flashy item will trigger a playful cursing response, Like: how much is this mf'er? It's as though Richard Pryor has jumped in my head, and I'm totally entertained by it. It's literally an endless process, me and that self righteous voice I house. If that voice is part of my soul, God help me. Consequently, when I've said F to someone in real life, I've always paid for it, and felt bad.

    I see my Christian trespasses like a closet full of tainted clothes and grim artifacts of my dirty deeds done dirt cheap. I say, "look at all the errors I made that Christ covered me for believing on Him and His Holy Family".

    Bob Dylan has 4 Gospel albums from late 70's to early 80's. When the 4th album came out, the music world announced that Dylan was back from his Religious kick, only to find out that "Infidels" was foreign to them because the songs were Biblical and written in parables. On YouTube he has a song called "You gotta serve somebody", about Joshua 24:15. It won a 1979 Grammy.
  • Jasper White - In Reply - 3 years ago

    It means they are a hypocrite.

    It means a man cannot serve two masters.

    It means a house can't stand divided against itself.

    It means the seed that fell amongst thorny weeds.

    It means lukewarm.

    It means ( Joshua 24:15)
  • D w l on Jeremiah 17 - 3 years ago
    Joshua 24:20
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Norman,

    I would just read what God says and ignore what man says. If you click on these or hover over them you'll see what each Bible verse says. It's clear to me what it says and means and is interesting how some others word hard to try to make it mean something else. 1 Peter 5:8

    Matthew 7:14

    Hebrews 10:26 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"

    James 2:14-26 "...faith, if it hath not works, is dead..."

    James 2:19 "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

    1 Peter 1:13 "...hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"

    Romans 11

    John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    Matthew 12:31-32

    Romans 14:12

    1 Peter 1:5 - "...salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

    People have freewill to choose good or evil:

    Psalms 25:12

    Joshua 24:15 "choose you this day whom ye will serve"

    Psalm 119:30

    Luke 16:13

    Proverbs 3:31

    Fear God:

    Joshua 24:14

    Psalms 25:12

    Proverbs 1:29

    Seek God:

    Psalms 63:1

    "I'm not a bad person". Everyone thinks they're good, including the wicked.

    Romans 3:23

    Mark 10:18
  • I am the Son of God on Joshua 24 - 3 years ago
    Simon, Simon, why do ye yet persecute me? Seeing (and hearing,) that GOD, my Father, now makest me to be known unto you, why are ye yet walking with an evil conscience? Did I not, by my Father, tell you that thy way would be ever the more troubled till ye turned from thine own ways and turned to GOD my Father by receiving the Son, even the Christ child Michael Isaac, who shall be called JESUS? Many souls of the Gentiles who know not GOD are redeemed. Seeing that you do know, how are you profited in the flesh while the dead use your soul as his shield, that he may prolong his days? See ye not that his envying and hatred toward you is turned round about as your envying and hatred toward me? Nevertheless, the set time is come that all judgment must needs be executed: for this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal MUST put on immortality. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation. The Rock therefore, yea, even the chief cornerstone himself, is a witness unto you, lest ye deny your God. Choose you this day whom ye will serve. Be no more slothful, be no sluggard, but turn yourselves and repent of your sins. Do good and live ye.
  • Danae on Joshua 24 - 3 years ago
    I will always serve the lord! praise god almighty!
  • Ron - In Reply on Genesis 12 - 3 years ago
    Ben Frost,

    It may seem that Abram lied about his wife but he did not. There was not a punishment given, as a matter of fact, Abram was given many animals and many servants. Sarai was Abrams half-sister so there was no lie;

    Genesis 20:12 And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.

    We must understand that at this time, at that point, the Law had not been given. The lifespan and human genetics were different than they are today. Having kids with close relatives was to repopulate the land. If we recall after the flood there were only eight people, so people married their cousins, half-sisters and many had more than one wife. All the earth at this time served strange gods and God took him out of this land

    Joshua 24:3 And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.

    Back then if someone wanted the property of someone, especially a King or Pharaoh, they would merely wipe out the person and take it, because it was only the strong-will survive world, and women were considered property.

    Whether Abram did this out of fear of his life and willing to sacrifice his wife, or God instructed him and let him know it would turn out ok, it is not written. If we do the will of God, there is no guarantee we will not be harmed, for our hope is not in this world. Look at all the disciples before, many suffered greatly.

    God bless, Ron
  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on John 3:13 - 3 years ago
    Hello Earl,

    I am honored that you shared that history of your life with us. Thank you very much. It means a lot.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "I change my mine because you wont find any prophecies of free will, HELL or heaven; only a KINGDOM."

    I think you are correct as the statement "free will" is not in the Bible directly. Though several verses that, I believe, point to this are: Joshua 24:15, John 7:17, Galatians 5:13, James 1:13-16. For a couple.

    The word "hell" has taken over the Hebrew word "sheol" in the OT. Three Greek words "gehenna" "hades" and "tartarus" in the NT. All described as "bad" places simply.

    For Heaven there are numerous as the one used the most in the NT, hundreds of times, is "ouranos". Strongs definition "the sky; by extension heaven (as the abode of God); by implication happiness power: eternity; specifically the Gospel (Christianity)". In John 3:13, John 3:31. Kingdom used a lot together with this word as in Matthew 6:10, Matthew 18:3.

    Thanks for your replies Earl.

    God Bless.
  • KENN on Joshua 24:15 - 3 years ago
    I serve a living God. Amen!
  • Darren Croft - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    You got to make up your mind to give God some time.

    And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15
  • WalterandDeborah Preston on Joshua 24 - 4 years ago
    Like Joshua, As far as me and my house we will serve The LORD.
  • Mishael on Praying for Children - In Reply on Psalms 70 - 4 years ago
    Joshua 24:15. The Holy Spirit just spoke this to my spirit, for you. Click on the link. Stand on it every day. Pray it over your kids. And it's a prayer of faith, so if you have to go sit in your car and BIND satan and his demons from touching your kids; do it. Jesus said whatever you bind in earth, is bound in heaven. What you loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Bind the devils after your kids in Jesus name!! And loose the angels of heaven to surround your kids with protection. Ask the Holy Spirit to be at work in the wills of your children to an awareness of God.

    This releases YOU to extend kindness and the love of Jesus to your kids. Don't be a pushover. Learn from the gospels how Jesus related to people right where they were. Don't preach; just leave your Bible on a corner table.

    You're going to release God to enter into their lives. You be His love and Light.

    If there are any old hurts or unforgiveness over old arguments: now is the time to wipe the slate clean. It's us taking our hands off the necks of people who hurt us or made us angry. If we don't forgive: it hinders Gods intervention. Ok?

    Let me know how it goes.

    Lord, go before him and be his rear guard. Guide him with heart, eyes and ears. Amen!
  • Adam - In Reply on Ruth 1:22 - 4 years ago
    Hi Jesse, we don't believe the same things. I believe everyone, including Christians, has freewill and there's lots of Biblical support for that like Joshua 24:15, Psalm 119:30. Freewill = voluntary choice. People have the freewill to choose to follow Jesus or not. So, yes our faith and love to God is voluntary. This is why Jesus gave so many warnings and parables about the gate being narrow going to heaven and wide the gate going to destruction. It's why Jesus kept challenging people to avoid sin, to obey and why he said this: John 14:15. If we were predestined robots with no freewill then Jesus likely wouldn't say all that. Instead he'd say everyone is free to do whatever, because it doesn't matter, sin is ok because everyone is going to heaven anyway, but obviously that's not the message. Satan wants everyone to think they don't need to take any action at all as a Christian, but just do nothing. But a Christian is literally a Christ-follower, and following is an action requiring movement in Jesus's direction. The more I read the Bible and the more I pray to God asking for wisdom and understanding in the scriptures the more He reinforces this truth. I'm already aware that some Christians don't believe this and I'm already aware of the points used for that view and I believe its unbiblical. God bless.
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on Revelation 20 - 5 years ago
    I am not 100% sure but there are 4 seasons
    Spring, Summer, Fall or Autumn and Winter
    Sometimes the Bible calls many years a LONG SEASON as in Joshua 24:7 70 years in the wilderness
    Hebrews 11:25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
  • Bren - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    God created male and female.... there are some with birth defects, that can't help it. But that is it. God is against being gay and lesbian, as it is against the very nature of what he created male and female for. The Bible plainly states this, and God gives those "unnatural" people over to a reprobate mind...meaning that they will not learn the right way.
  • Bren - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    Right. We need to get back to God's standard of living. Amen.
  • Derek on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    Joshua havin to warn the people of God to not serve no other gods stay in the right way to remind them was an good indication . And still is relevant today for many today has gone astray from God.
  • Give from the Heart. on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    TrueJW Money is the focus of many World Wide My Church closed I was looking for a new one but some were Cults some had Woman Preachers At another Church to go to their Bible Studies and Prayer meetings I had to become a Member and agree to give them Money whenever they asked and to put them in my Will and other Churches it was Money no Love too But in all of them a few were Faithful Mat25:31-46.
  • JW Worcester on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    Joshua 24:15 key phrase "as for me and my house"! How many homes are guided by this principle in current materialistic American society? Where are the men who will trust in God to do the impossible and give no leeway to corrupting influences? America will be lost if we no longer stand on our nations founding principles and depend on "societal standards" rather than the word of God!
  • Adam - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    Actually you might be thinking hermaphrodite. Trans is when someone willfully attempts to change to another gender and may involve surgery. It's evil and immoral to desecrate your body made in God's image and committing homosexual acts is a sin.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    1 Samuel 8:13 View whole chapter See verse in context And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    transgender is when a man is born with female organs or a woman with a male organ. I think it is just a freak of nature.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    Yes. 1 Samuel 8:13 View whole chapter See verse in context And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cooks, and to be bakers. confectionaries are cakes cookie etc.
  • Freedomborn Now..... - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    Rupthurn both responses that Ruben shared are True. The Sugarcane is good and Sugar and Honey are very Simular Nutritionally but God warns that too much Honey will make us sick Prov25:16 so although good both are to be eaten in Moderation. Will eating Sugar or any food Seperate us from God Rom14 but Sin will and we do not call Good what God calls Evil or Evil what He calls Good. Blessings- Anne.
  • TJ - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    John 14:6- Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
  • Ruben Hartness - In Reply on Joshua 24 - 5 years ago
    In Gen2:29-31. All was good that God made to be received and man had only to eat of it. Man learned to make meals, I suppose, therefor recipes must have come into being.

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