Speaks as much to a Christians Life, as much as any country. Doesn 't matter what I think is right or what side is right, the Angels answer is compelling especially in todays world. God 's Word is True through ages eternity. No matter what Man does in his idea of right, one of many measurements of what men will reap is that Angels answer.The country 's or a mans answer or choice to that Angels reply is what they will reap. Oh that the choice would honor and live by that reply. Unceasing prayer till the Lord takes me Home.
Its very important that we be what God has call us to be. Joshua was a man of God and was also strong in his faith, so we like wise got to do the same thing when it comes to the gospel.
Joshua 5 13, Joshua saw a man standing before him when he lifted up his eyes in Jordan. He wanted to know, are you on the Lord side? Today we must know who we are dealing with for we must always do things deciently and in order to serve our God.
Joshau when he lifted up his eyes he saw the man with the draw sword. That man was the Captain of the Lord's host. That man was the Angel of the Lord (The pillar of fire), which is Michael the Archangel. Michael is the Lord Jesus Christ in the spiritual form. The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of kings the Lord of lords, the Bright morning star. He said somewhere in the scriptures, before Abraham was I AM. God bless
Manna ceased - a blessing taken away for another one to come. They ate the fruit of Cannan. Gods ways past finding out.
Fruit of Cannan : Num 8:8 - it is a land of barley, vines, figs etc.. Num 13:23-26 - God brought them to valley of Eschol to show the fruits of the land of cannan
Manna as food was only to sustain the Israelites. Because they could neither plant nor reap, due to the fact that they were on the move. But I want to believe that when they ate the produce of the Land of Canaan, God Almighty reintroduced his original principle Genesis 8:22, “As long as the earth remaineth seed time and harvest shall never cease.” They can now plant and reap; so God withheld Manna. Our God is the God of Principle.
I have a very realistic Hebraic question. I originally got into this dilemma respective of Psalm 110:1 and the Hebrew "adoni". I had been taught that the Hebrew "adoni" only referenced a non-deity (human) or a created angelic appearance. However, when I was reading and researching the subject, I discovered a brief notation in acclaimed BDB lexicon on page 11 that declared this same Hebrew "adoni" is defined to be a "Theophanic angel" (Theophany) with respect to both Joshua 5:14 and Judges 6:13. This BDB cited Theophany then Joshua 5:14 and Judges 6:13 would leave no debate as to the fact that the Hebrew "adoni" can indeed mean a Deity as well as a non-deity. The Hebrew "adoni" is cited some 195 times in the MT but only these 3 Passages can actually suggest a Theophany and Deity. Your response to this concern will be most appreciated. Barney
Joshua showed a lot of confidence in his of duty and service. He was not dismayed by what was surrounding him but he hoped and longed for the Lord of host. And so should we do when people rise against us.
No, Joshua did not have just 1 foot. He had both his feet in perfect state. But the Bible say “the sole of your foot shall tread upon”, to simply mean everywhere you go. Because both feet do not tread on same ground, otherwise we would be jumping. But one foot treads a certain ground and the other another. So every ground each foot treads, that God gave Joshua, like He does with us also. And that is not to be taken literally only, it entails all life undertakings.
God bless you.
Thank you for your response, I am studying the book of Joshua, and I heard a Pastor said on Sunday that Joshua had 1 foot according to chapter 1:3. But the holy spirit had said to me to search out the chapter. Please share some insight. Thanks you so much.
This verse shows us how important it is to know the people we are surrounded by. Are they for us or against us? Joshua was sure who he was serving, are we? Don't be afraid to stand for The Lord. Verse 13
Joe- Pity I don't need, answers I do need. I'd like to know what you mean by "going in every different direction" and "jumping from text to text". The chapters and verses I quoted, are fact. Or is it just mistakes written in the Bible. Whatever it is Joe, you have to admit it makes you wonder if the clear verses are condradictions or mistakes that man have written themselves. You yourself need to open your eyes. The writtings are so clear even an Intelligent child will pick it up. I do believe in our Almighty God, the creator of the universe, heavens and all thats in between. It is God and God alone we need to give thanks too and praise him each moment of everyday and night for the blessings he has bestowed on us, to prostate in prayer as he commanded Abraham, Moses and every prophet to do. Genesis 17:3 And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying," Exodus 34:8 And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped. Joshua 5:14 And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him. Matthew 17:6 And when the disciples heard it, they fell on their face, and were sore afraid. Matthew 26:39 And he (Jesus) went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed.
To give elms to the poor. Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses. Luke 14:12-14
Jesus advised hosts to invite the poor to their banquets because then God would bless them.
God is great
Fruit of Cannan : Num 8:8 - it is a land of barley, vines, figs etc..
Num 13:23-26 - God brought them to valley of Eschol to show the fruits of the land of cannan
No, Joshua did not have just 1 foot. He had both his feet in perfect state. But the Bible say “the sole of your foot shall tread upon”, to simply mean everywhere you go. Because both feet do not tread on same ground, otherwise we would be jumping. But one foot treads a certain ground and the other another. So every ground each foot treads, that God gave Joshua, like He does with us also. And that is not to be taken literally only, it entails all life undertakings.
God bless you.
To give elms to the poor. Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses. Luke 14:12-14
Jesus advised hosts to invite the poor to their banquets because then God would bless them.
God is great