Discuss Judges 11 Page 3

  • Karl on Judges 11 - 12 years ago
    And I will offer it up to burnt offering means he was going to offer that person up to be sacrificed by burning. It turned out it was his daughter. He burned her alive because he had made his promise. That is the meaning. Which is why in the end it says the daughters of Israel went yearly to lament....
  • Joelevertavish on Judges 11 - 12 years ago
    ASK a Messianic JEW; every body Please read the rest of the bible. In 1Samuel Hannah also gave a child to G-D';Jephthah daughter was also given to G-D,to a prophet, in time she was there with ELI to care @ raise up young Samuel..The Prophet Eli was not there to care for a weaned child, but to do G-D'S work. This is where goodly women went the start of like our Nuns of today started..,
  • Juneann on Judges 11 - 12 years ago
    I need clarafication on vs. 30-31. What is the significance of Jephthah using the term "...and I will offer it up for a burnt offering?" If he did not mean to kill hs daughter? How does this tie into vs. 38, 39 where she bewailed her verginity? Burnt offering does not constitute living sacrifice? Is there something lost in translation? Please reply. Thank you.
  • Sara Addy on Judges 11 - 12 years ago
    Jepthat's daughter was a living sacrafice.
    She was to be kept pure for the Lord so was not to marry.
  • Sara Addy on Judges 11 - 12 years ago
    God will deliver us when we put our trust fully in HIM.
  • Idemudia Amen on Judges 11 - 14 years ago
    no matter what is happening to you do not blame anybody but rather disxcover your ability and give responsibility to it even as jephthan did and above all be determine to make a change because with God it is possible.

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