Discuss Judges 17

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Judges 17 - 2 years ago
    Hey Richard,

    Jesus told them the only sign would be as Jonah, 3 days and 3 nights, but He confirmed the brass serpent was a foreshadowing as in John 3:14 and when He told them "When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he", John 8:28. My understanding and something to consider is it points to Matthew 27:50-54 when Jesus cried out the last time is when all these things happened.

    The veil of the temple was rent, and the earthquake, and the rocks rent, and the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. The Greek word egersis, translated as resurrection here, is the only place in the NT it was used.

    It means waking up, as from sleep, a rousing or rising up from passing out that I am sure Jesus did several times, but this last time when He cried out just before He died, all these things happened to show they have just killed the Messiah, the Son of God as verse 54 confirms all this happened when Jesus revived and cried out.

    Death could not hold Jesus because He was without sin, Acts 2:24 and when God resurrected Jesus Jesus was victorious over death and is the Firstfruits of those that slept. We were slaves/servants of sin, in captivity, Jesus broke the bounds and led the captivity of sin, Rom. 6:6, and took us captive to Himself, Eph 4:8. He freed us from that enslavement or captivity to sin and when we are resurrected, we can say 1 Cor. 15:52-57.

    In John 3:13, John wrote this after Jesus ascended, we see that for what John said Jesus was in heaven when John wrote this. Also, we see what Paul wrote, David has not ascended to heaven, Acts 2:29, 34, you would think if Jesus took people to heaven, He would have taken David.

    Just some thoughts.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Judges 17 - 2 years ago
    I agree with the comment on the intention of the cross. The Catholics; in particular like to venerate the cross as an image of perpetual suffering as though Christ is still suffering; rather than it being finished at Calvary. They also somehow thing they can suffer as Christ did because of the whole concept of the "stigmata" or so called marks of those suffering wounds as Christ did.

    Viewed as the scripture stated in the book of Numbers 21:8-9; there was a foreshadowing of Christ on the cross taking on the curse to heal the people. Galatians 3:13 repeats the verse in Deuteronomy 21 about anyone being "cursed" who hangs on a tree.

    The bigger problem is the depictions of Christ on the cross or any other imagery as He is God in the flesh; i.e. part of the Godhead. The O.T. made it clear that we were not to make an image of anything to represent God.

    We also need to realize that the Resurrection accomplished the victory over death; which was also needed so that Christ could be the first of the firstfruits; so to speak. He now is acting as our High Priest in heaven as the Book of Hebrews indicates; "ever interceding for us". ( Heb. 7:25). Christ is part of the eternal Godhead. Hence; He had to overcome even death. The victory occured at the moment he died when He said "it is finished". As soon as He passed from this earth; His soul went to the underworld to preach to those souls in Sheol; and to set the captives free. He created the heaven and earth hence hell had no suffering or hold on Him as some suggest. The souls of the rightous were freed from Sheol; and in fact many came out of their graves and appeared to the many after He rose from the dead. They would have been Resurrected to heaven at that time as part of the firstfruits as I see it; but it was only some that rose; others will be yet future.

    As long as the whole counsel of scripture guides us a cross I believe is ok; it is when we idolize the image we get into trouble.

  • S Spencer - In Reply on Judges 17 - 2 years ago
    Hi Kenebrew.

    An idol is an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.

    Idolatry is an extreme admiration, love, or reverence for something or someone:

    The key word here is worship.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • Kenebrew on Judges 17 - 2 years ago
    Is the cross an idol? Or is it just a symbol for remembrance? I've heard comments from friends on both and thought I would get a larger Christian group's comments. I have crosses on my wall but am considering removing them. Thanks!
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 31 - 3 years ago
    In reference to Laban's idols, apparently they were not as rare an occurrence that might be supposed. The word in Hebrew for 'image' in Genesis 31:19 is 'terapim', or 'teraphim'. And there have been evidences of their possession by the 'God-fearing' (see Judges 17:5 (Micah); 1 Samuel 19:13 (Michal); Hosea 3:4 (Israel)). They're often connected with the 'ephod' & 'urim', so one could suppose that in the absence of the urim & ephod (which were used to learn God's Mind & direction to take), that the teraphim were kept by some to do likewise. So the teraphim (also referred to as 'gods' - Genesis 31:30), were probably not used so much for worship, but in some way to look into the future or for impartation of household blessing. Though the use of idols, images, etc. were condemned ( 2 Kings 23:24), images & teraphim apparently were still kept as a 'rabbit's foot' in households.

    Now the fact that Rachel stole her father's teraphim is interesting. Either she wanted to rid them from his house as worthless idols or maybe fearing that they might have some impact on alerting Laban as to where Jacob & his family had fled to, she took them to prevent that happening. Or yet, she may have wanted to take something to remember her father by (no photos in those days) or even to take something of value ( Genesis 31:14,15). By her hiding them (obviously they were very small objects) under the camel's accoutrements, indicates that she held little value to them as objects of worship, or else she wouldn't be sitting on them. But one could be justifiably concerned that Rachel might have given those teraphim some undeserved regard.
  • David on Judges 17 - 3 years ago
    Sadly, we are in this very situation here in the USA as well as around the world. We believe in our own wisdom, and abide in our fleshly lust.

    We then flock together with those of the same mind as ourselves.

    But even in the midst of such great calamity, our God has already shown us in His word that He still blessing those who believe and trust in Him. Our redemption draws near fellow believer.

    May our present situation during the pandemic of June 2021 prove to be a blessing for us in God's name. Stand and be silent, and watch the Lord God at work. Read, study, pray and minister as the Lord commands. Wait on Him!
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 16:16 - 4 years ago
    Cathy (& Karcelia) you're both so right. When the foundation is weak & not in prepared soil, the building will crack & collapse.

    Most without the love of God in their hearts, have as their foundation the welfare & happiness of the mother rather than the embryo or unborn child. Why? The embryo is only that, an embryo - even though there may be life there, it is still something less than human, they say. The welfare of the mother is more important as her usefulness is greater to her family & society.

    Those who love the Lord & know His Will, regard every human life in every stage of its development, as special & precious & to destroy that life is murder & so the destroyer stands before the God Who gave life & a life's Plan to that child. In our quest to enjoy life in both intimate & non-intimate environments, we pay little heed to the outcomes of our thoughts & actions. And so the verse seems most applicable: "every man did that which was right in his own eyes" ( Judges 17:6). It was no longer what God required of them & us but what we deem as correct & warranted based on our desires - and as you said, this folly is increasing in greater measure in the world around us.

    To abort a child prior to 20-22 weeks as acceptable, is still murder. Will any government propose that it should be when both sperm & ovum unite is when life is created? Unfortunately, most don't accept that life commences before that point, even though it is clearly seen in the laboratory. Is the embryo then likened to an ant which we could step on & extinguish, giving it little further thought? How will mankind stand before God in that day? What excuse will he give or can he give? God's Righteousness will blow open the inherent wickedness deep within his heart & manifest all that has been covered over for the sake of happiness & expediency.
  • Rotimi U.A. on Judges 17 - 5 years ago
    We must endeavor to search out the truth of God's word and his will concerning every of our deeds so that we do not go about doing when we felt is right. If the children of Israel had sought to know the true God that their forefathers served and that is being talked out, Micah's mother should have known that it is wrong to make any graven image to worship.
  • Anne on Judges 17 - 7 years ago
    God hates idolatry. His commandment - "Thou shall have no other gods before me".

  • Susam gray on Judges 17 - 8 years ago
    Yes see in this chapter mans dependence on self and on works , I am reminded that it is not by works of righteousness that I have done but by my Spirit faith The Lord . A timely word to follow The Lord not self .
  • Stephen Woehr on Judges 17 - 9 years ago
    Everyone did that which is right in their own eyes. This mom honestly believed she was doing a good thing in giving her son money to build an idol in the Name of God.
  • Gerardo hongo on Judges 17 - 12 years ago
    we considerate that word "father"mention on the verse was father in flesh as a spiritual father. a highest post on our healthyvchristian home.
  • Sara Addy on Judges 17 - 13 years ago
    A good picture of christians who put God n a box and turn his word to suit themselves and their own personal situation and call it a blessing from God, when God is not in it at all.
    Reading God's word out of context which many do today because they have forsaken God's holy word for the devil's slander produces a Christian who thinks he knows God but does not know God's will for him.

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