Discuss Judges 1

  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes JRR, the word 'flesh' can be taken to apply to only mankind; but the Bible does speak of 'other' flesh. As the Apostle Paul referred to this in 1 Corinthians 15:38,39: "But God giveth it (i.e. the seed by God that contains the necessary constituents to form a particular organism), (gives it) a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." So, I believe that Genesis 6:18-20, speaks of the various categories of 'flesh' & not to the many tribes & families that exist as human beings.

    And back to the Kenite origins. I have seen opinions that indicate that the Kenites descended from Cain, hence not all flesh were destroyed by the flood. And yet, we get an example in Judges 1:16 indicating that Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, was a Kenite. And then in Numbers 10:29, Jethro is referred to as Raguel (also called 'Reuel' in Exodus 2:18), as a Midianite. What would you make of this? We know that it is the same man, Jethro, that is referred to, but can we assume a connection between the two families (Kenites & Midianites)? If there is and we go back to the immediate descendants of Noah's sons, we can follow the descendency from Shem through to Terah to Abram to Midian (through Keturah): Genesis 10:21-31; Genesis 11:10-32; Genesis 25:1-4 (here, we see Midian born to Abraham through Keturah, of whom (Midian), Jethro is connected to. If Jethro is also recorded as being a Kenite, there must be another family line coming through Midian (maybe through a daughter, not mentioned (only sons) in Genesis 25:4).

    So, it appears that we must be open to the possibility that the Kenites were not from Cain (as much as a similarity exists in those names), but could have come through the descendants of Shem & the Abraham.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Part 4 Cross references and applications.

    The application of scripture is also in regard to say various ordinances in the O.T. case specific for the nation of Israel at that time; and that in regard to the ceremonial cleanness and rules and regulations for animal sacrifices which were only a temporary fix for the sin issue which ultimately pointed to the cross at Calvary. The 10 commandments on the other hand have universal applications with the exception of the day of worship which I feel Matthew 12:8 covers. The concept of marriage; for instance is fairly universal and hence as we see with the case of John the Baptist confronting Herod ( Luke 3:19) or God causing plagues on the ruler of Egypt ( Genesis 12:17) we see that even pagans were held to a certain standard of the law. We may see this also in the case of Judges 1:7 where even a pagan realized that what was done to others now was being done to him. This takes some wisdom as well; as we are supposed to if at all possible to remain peaceable upon all men and to respect authority. (see Romans 12:18).

    We should certainly take things literally that are repeated in scripture such as verses in Deuteronomy on the giants; since other scriptures elaborate on the subject (such as 1 Samuel 17). Same concept for the demons mentioned in Revelation; for example. This has an eschatological ramification as well; for scripture makes it clear that there is nothing new under the sun. ( Ecclesiastes 1:9). We can make all sorts of inferences when we see the descriptions in scripture of those who are said to be affected by demons (i.e. psychological analysis) but we shouldn't do violence to clear meanings because of a myopic viewpoint (as I stated before).

    Another possible error is if a more recent archaeological site makes a previous interpretation archaic as to the time frame when or where a certain event or place with the same or similar name occurred.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Revelation 7 - 2 years ago
    Going back to Genesis 49, note Genesis 49:17, also Genesis 48, note Genesis 48:5,6

    Deuteronomy 29:18-21, Judges 1:34, Judges 5:17, Judges 18, 1Kings 12:30, 2Kings 10:29, Amos 8:14,

    Revelation 7:9-17,

    Hope this helps explain for understanding
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Reply on Leviticus 9:23, Leviticus 8:23,

    Leviticus 9:6, Leviticus 9:16, Leviticus 9:23-24, Leviticus 14:14,17,25,28,

    Exodus 29:20, possibly symbolic ear = Exodus 15:26, Psalms 10:17, Proverbs 28:9, Luke 12:3

    Interestingly it was the high Priest's servant's right ear: Luke 22:50,51, John 18:10,11,12,

    Additional scripture about toes & GOD's justice, Judges 1:6,7,

    Hopefully these are helpful in your study
  • Nokutenda on Judges 1 - 2 years ago
    i just love reading the bible. its soooo intresting and i also like the bible trivias
  • GiGi - In Reply on Judges 1 - 2 years ago
    Yes, apparently some Canaanites remained (in the valley of Meggido, I believe). The Israelites made a pact with them. This was not God's will and these same Canaanites led the Israelites into idolatry and also rebelled against Israel. (see Joshua 9)
  • Judy Grainger on Judges 1 - 2 years ago
    It seems the israelitish tribe did cleanse the land of cananitish people. That was the reason for trouble later on
  • Richard D. Fairhurst - 2 years ago
    I agree that Genesis 15:13-14 was fulfilled when Israel left Eygpt in Exodus 12:36, but I believe that verse 16 was not fulfilled until Judges 1:20 when Hebron was taken. In order for the 4th generation to "come back here" they had to reach Hebron where Abraham heard these words ( Genesis 14:13). Because the Amorites had just fought as Abraham's allies God would not judge them until the 4th generation after the Exodus was ready to fight them. If any 1st generation freed Israelite man that perished in the wilderness begat a son that turned 20 and begat his grandson shortly after the army census in Numbers 1:20 in turn begat his great grandson prior to the 30th year in the wilderness than a great grandson of the 1st Exodus generation fighters would have reached fighting age when Hebron was taken. Abraham was being comforted that he would die in peace and not have to witness the judgment of his allies. God delay judgment of their sins by Abraham's descendants to recognize their part in the victory Abraham had just won for his nephew Lot.

    This interpretation also shows that the wilderness wandering was actually a mercy to Abraham that allowed God time to raise an army that was far more worthy of victory over Abraham's allies descendants only after God allowed the full measure of their sins to show that their descendants judgement was just. That 1st generation unbelieving army of Exodus slaves that tested God 10 times and shrank back from fighting was unworthy in God's sight of judging the sins of Abraham's Amorite allies descendants and would have been unworthy of victory over them in Abraham's sight as well.
  • BSP on Judges 1 - 3 years ago
    Verse 21-Their failure to completely drive out the Jebusites proved to be a snare to them later and it definitely affected their worship to God.
  • Chris - In Reply on 1 Chronicles 2 - 3 years ago
    The Kenites were believed to be related to the Midianites & were closely associated with the Israelites. Moses' father-in-law, Jethro, was a Kenite ( Exodus 3:1; Judges 1:16), as was Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite ( Judges 5:24). Some of the Kenites settled with the Israelites & became absorbed into the tribe of Judah.
  • Chris - In Reply on Judges 1 - 4 years ago
    When ministering to the little ones, to say that God lives in our hearts can be a little more understandable than to relate it theologically: that it is His Spirit that comes to reside in the Christian. God's Throne is in Heaven with His resurrected Son at His right Hand: that is seen Scripture. But God's Spirit (that indivisible part of the Godhead), is sent out into the world for a variety of purposes: John 16:7,8; John 14:16-18 & others.

    Both Paul ( Romans 8:9) & Peter ( 1 Peter 1:11), speak of Christ's Spirit. Again, the Deity is fully seen as the selfsame Spirit that is in the World & in believers, and He is the Spirit of God & His Christ. So the Deity cannot reside in anything evil, rather God's Spirit is present to bring God's Light & Truth to those whose hearts are prepared to hunger for it & receive it.
  • Having done all TO STAND - In Reply on Judges 1 - 4 years ago
    I spend a lot of time in the Book of Job. There's a lot of wisdom in there. There isn't anything that God is not aware of. He is present everywhere: past, present and future.

    We live within the confines of Time, which is the first thing God created in Genesis 1:1. Let us be at peace with that. We are known by Him.

    Satan is a defeated foe. Ephesians 6, gives us the Armor and the authority of Jesus Christ to stop his activity, and that of his agents of evil. So read the Gospels, Acts, and Paul's writings to see examples of disarming personal attacks.

    A good teacher of the authority Jesus gives his born again believers can be viewed on YouTube. Search Charles Capps.

    Jesus paid for it with His shed blood, and we must understand what we have been given.

    Start there. I'm here if you have other questions.

  • Annelie Carreon on Judges 1 - 4 years ago
    Where is God? I tell the tots I minister God is in our hearts. In my Catechist learning, God is in heaven, on earth and in all things he made. But then I thought how can He be in evil things or persons.
  • Current events and 2nd Peter 310 - In Reply on Judges 1 - 4 years ago
    We aren't to debate politics in here....but Lol

    We need to call up our Congressional Representatives and demand that Nancy Pelosi step down: the sooner the better.

    She leads rebellion and her constituents do no real work FOR the American people. Money for Nothing and the drinks are free (paid for with our taxes).

    Do some googling and verify the truth. She's re-writing Constitutional Law without anyone's consent. She's a law unto herself.

    We don't need that. She's spent 4 years wasting zillions of tax dollars trying to impeach a sitting president. I don't care about her pedigree! I care about Performance of ones Elected Job description and results. She is a liability we can't afford anymore.

    The original Dream Team is being reassembled: Biden, Obama, Hilary, Kerry, Romney. Some of their kids were in Ukraine being paid millions...for what? It's buried in Google but you can find it. Hint: follow the Money.

    I apologize if I offended you. The whole nation is upset with this tainted election.

    Biden's friendship with China. Having to pay gazillions to save the earth...and it's all going to be burned up in the END. It's not that far off. 2 Peter 3:10

    If we'd just vote the Bible....? Too bad we can't scrap this election and do it over in January.

    I'll cya later. I need to listen to some praise music. Love you all in Jesus. Let us put our hope in God and speak kindly to each other while in this predicament. Mishael
  • JOSEPH W WALLER on Judges 1 - 4 years ago
    If a Man travel by the Grace of God ONLY. What then shall be his destiny in Life? and

    for howie Long?

    Some SIGNS seem to indicate that if ANY Man or Woman dare harm even a Hair on

    That Man s Head, It STANDS to REASON, that they may Live to see the Wrath of A

    Duly Elected President of The United States of America. This I would NOT Wish upon

    even My worst Enemy, If I had ONE. We The PEOPLE Stand With Donald J. Trump,

    and the CARDS which have been Pre-Destined.

    What say you?
  • Kenneth E Brewer Jr on Judges 1 - 4 years ago
    Judges 1:19 And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron. Could also read: And the LORD was with Judah; and Judah drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron. It was Judah who could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley because they lacked faith.
  • JenningsLinda on Judges 1:2 - 4 years ago
    I work hard, I insist, I will succeed
  • Olivia Henderson on Judges 1:2 - 4 years ago
    Very nice verses
  • WILL - In Reply on Judges 1 - 5 years ago
    You are so absolutely correct
  • Naszire an Hebrew Israelite - In Reply on Judges 1 - 5 years ago
    No, we looked up to Yahshua Homoshiak and the Most high Elohim not Jehovah
  • BSP on Judges 1 - 6 years ago
    Verse 1~The Israelites looked to Jehovah God for guidance and he provided them with someone to take the lead. God does the same thing for his people today.
  • Abayomi on Judges 1 - 7 years ago
    Partial obedience is Disobedience. God's demand from His children is total absolute obedience and confidence in Him. We can always ask Him for help and am sure He will provide. That's why He gave us His Holy Spirit.
  • April on Judges 1 - 7 years ago
    Besides being stiffneck people,I'm thinking because they don't drive out people,that this is part of why they falter,they were to dr ive out people,well..I think because it would be easier to Love and Honor father by not allowing other beliefs to be within ANY of the citities that were given onto the children of the LORD,I get shewing Mercy but there are reasons good and evil cannot coexist Amen..
  • Samuel oyugi on Judges 1 - 8 years ago
    God has power over everything
  • Mario on Judges 1 - 8 years ago
    good verse
  • Jonnie on Judges 1 - 8 years ago
    I feel so much happier now I untrsedand all this. Thanks!
  • The only way to please God is total obedience in all that he ask you to do,the p on Judges 1 - 8 years ago
    Trust and obey the word of God always it will help in all you do to serve God
  • Latrice on Judges 1 - 8 years ago
    All praise to the Most High
    My thoughts are we must protect our covenant with The lord, and not allow our enemies to enter into our surroundings. That why so many are lost today. Simeon and Judah were not to live together but Judah called on simeon. Then Judah proceeded to take advantage, so the Lord will punish according to the sin. All praises to the most high. We must obey our Father in heaven
  • SOHEILA TOOTOONCHILAR on Judges 1 - 9 years ago
  • Mpho on Judges 1 - 9 years ago
    Very motivating

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