Study the 6th trumpet, day of the Lord. Study the prophets in context, and their words like you are playing a game of concentration, and match them up. The prophets saw it, possibly even were transported through time to witness it 1st hand. They were "bowed down" and "dismayed at the seeing of it" (Is 21:3). The prophets saw the whole house of Israel destroyed, and power given to the spoiler at noonday, anti-christ ( Jer 15:8) to do his will 42 months.
Three incantations describe the greatest one sided battle ever:
1) Obadiah: Esau (Russia+) obliterates Jacob (US/Israel) to reclaim his stolen birthright.
2) The king of the north (Russia+) easily defeats the king of the south (US/Israel) ( Dan 11:40).
3) The beast (Russia+) desolates Babylon (US/Israel), takes its allies. When the UK sees the smoke of America burning from afar, they will clothe themselves in trembling as everyone goes dark ( Ezekiel 26:18).
The Beast = Russia:
-"More stout than his fellows". Russia has 11 time zones ( Dan 7:20).
-He is the 8th and is of the 7. Russia was the 8th G8 member and is of the G7 ( Rev 17:20)
-In 1991 the USSR suffered a "deadly wound", which has been healed into the Russian Federation that the people will marvel at ( Rev 13:3).
-Even though God has always held back Esau (Russia), he will now bring Esau forth with his northern army to destroy Jacob (US/NATO/Israel) (Ez 38:4).
-Obadiah states Esau (Russia) annihilated Jacob (US/Israel) then engaged in destruction beyond Babylon with an "evil thought" (Ez 38:10), by taking 3 allies from his own camp.
-Esau pounds Jacob so badly that the earth is knocked off its axis and wobbles back and forth like a drunkard (Is 24:20).
-The last time Esau and Jacob met up was on the trail, Gen 33. Jacob was afraid Esau would kill him for stealing his birthright, but instead they exchanged gifts and parted ways.
-Esau will make Jacob lean this time around (Is 24:1-16).
Feeling to reply to your post. I'm not sure what you mean in the first paragraph.
I am replying to your second paragraph. Now, believing "everyone gets everlasting life" is a nice thought and I myself do not want anyone to go to eternal damnation. Just as God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked and wants all to repent from the sins of this world and turn to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. I pray every night for everyone. Even the wicked people in this world just as the good. This does not mean "everyone gets everlasting life" or "no one gets cast into the lake of fire". God is Love but God is also just, pure, holy, righteous and hates sin. Full of everlasting mercy and lovingkindness for you and me. There is only One Judge and we will all be repaid, and held accountable, for our deeds here in this life. What will exactly happen after death I can not tell you. Though I will do my best to live a holy life, separate myself from the sins of this world, produce good fruit of the Spirit, and live for the Will of God to make Him happy. There is a difference of what is good and what is bad. Doing my best to follow in the footsteps of Christ so that I can be sure my name will be in the Book of Life. And not just guess. This is not just me saying this it is over and over in Scripture.
Here are a couple Scriptures that states the lake of fire is for more than just "3 spirits" as you assumed. Also that not everyone shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. If you have problems with these Scriptures I pray the Lord shall Bless you with understanding and truth.
Matthew 7:21-23
Matthew 25:31-46
Revelation 20:11-15
Maybe read the book of Jude. Read through all the Holy Scriptures for wisdom. That your soul shall be saved.
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 "But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:3 "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:" If you have a problem with these scriptures, It is with God for He wrote it, not me.
Born again signifies you are like Jesus, a brother, void of sin. You can tell me you are born again, but you are still a sinner. That is self-evident. Does a leopard change its spots?
Besides, only 3 spirits are set in the lake of fire, not people. Spirits. I'm more inclined to believe that everyone gets everlasting life. Even bogey men like Stalin, Hitler, Judas etc, who did God's will by fulfilling prophesy, get in. Who standing at the great white throne, while trembling, will defy God? God is love, and God heals by changing our hearts and minds.
Mystery Babylon America and the whole Babylonian system comes down at the day of the Lord ( Isaiah 47). America and her partner in crime Israel will both be taken at the abomination of desolation: America is taken at 3 pm EST (spoiler at noonday), and Israel is simultaneously invaded at 11 pm local time.
The 5th trumpet marked by 9-11-01 is almost past. Waiting on Rev 6:14, Rev 6:12 and Malachi 4:5 to show. Our visitation is practically at the door. Jesus thief with his iron and clay northern army will simultaneously turn both lands into a desolate wilderness. No, not even the mighty US will have the strength to save Israel from their fate ( Luke 21:20-24). Anti-christ will be sitting in the temple, claiming he's God. The only enemy in sight will be his own fractured beast army. The 6th trumpet is going to be the greatest show on earth.
Born again is an act of the Holy Spirit. Jesus said you can feel the wind blow but you can't tell where it's from and where it goes. This means we have no part in receiving the Holy Spirit in order to be born again. It's all the act of God for those He choose before the world was created. God bless!
No, the Bible states that God saw what He created was good. If God had declared it good, then His own declaration would make it so and evil will have no place here. Isaiah 55:11 gives us this understanding. God bless you.
Using all of the links in This Website on Judges 7 - 3 years ago
Christian Testimonies
These testimonies are here to encourage, uplift, and inspire you.
There are LINKS out on the red page when you enter the website. This is where you can record your testimony of when you believed Jesus and became a follower of Him.
There's other links: another is, Become A Christian. It's helpful to know what being a Christian is all about.
These are under the heading of 'Community.'
There are many more links to explore. If you get lost, use the back arrow or, exit the site and re-enter again.
Born again is to be filled with the Holy Spirit a act of God and God alone. Those who God choose from before the foundation of the world will receive it at different times in their lives. Some from in the whom like John the Baptist, some at birth, some in their teens, 20s, 30s and so on and some at the last day on this here earth like the thief on the cross. Jesus being God in the flesh do not need to be born again. God bless you.
Adam was created in the image of God and Seth was born in the image of Adam which is the same image of God. So we are all of the image of God and not the image of only Adam. This present creation was not God's ultimate plan of paradise otherwise He would not have created Evil and Death. This creation was to give mankind the balanced knowledge of good and evil which ends in the knowledge of death. Death is the final knowledge for everyone even those that shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye. God bless you.
Actually God said "you S H A L L surely die" referring to the entire creation that's why we see animals, trees and everything lives then die. You see, the whole concept of death is God's plan from the start. It's not because of Adam and Eve's sin that death came to the creation; Adam and Eve activated the death process by obedience to the spirit of evil which the serpent was possessed with. God created EVIL ( Isaiah 45:7) and did so for a purpose. God is the creator of all things seen and unseen. God also said in ( Isaiah 55:11) the words of His mouth will not go forth void, so when the words EVIL and DEATH left God's mouth they now become apart of His creation. When and where did God created EVIL? This happened in the garden of Eden where God said "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." This word evil left His mouth and will do it's purposed which is sin then sin will do it's purpose which is death.
I pray you understand God's purpose of balance. By this I mean, everything has it's equal and it's opposite like left with right, back with front, top with bottom, hot and cold etc.
God saw what He created was good but He never declared it so, therefore all things created was for a temporary purpose of knowledge and the next phase of God's creation will be the permanent and the everlasting perfection. The word evil will never be mentioned again, by then it's purpose would have been complete and will never ever be in existence. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS.
Vincent, when Jesus died and was resurrected, he was officially the 1st "born again" Christian, proving to us the way of salvation. Jesus Christ himself was the example of being born again. This is what it truly means to be "born again" (after death), to completely put sin away as a member of God's family. Jesus' definition of "born again" implies everlasting life after your appointed death ( Hebrews 9:7), and completely void of sin. So called born again Christians are common place when they have nowhere else to turn.
Adam & Eve were immortal and designed to live forever in paradise, until they disobeyed. Then a radical change happened which was they became mortal. And all his offspring were no longer in the image of God. Genesis 5:3 "And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:" Seth was made in Adam's image, not God's image. "For as the body without the spirit is dead,..." James 2:26. "For if through the offence of one many be dead,... Romans 5:15. So before we are saved we are dead and Jesus said, John 3:36 "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." Meaning you are dead. We know that a man has a body that is not dead, and our soul is not dead for when we get saved our soul is cut loose from our body. So that leaves the spirit to be the one that died when Adam sinned. And that is why Jesus said in John 3:5 "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." Notice that when he said, "Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit"; the capitol "S" Spirit. An notice the "born again" in verse 7. If you have to be born again, that would mean that you at some time in the past, were born of the spirit. Meaning Adam died spiritually when sinned. No guessing, it's all bible.
You may be right about the "day". But here is something to think about: Jesus said John 3:7 "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again." of the Spirit of God, notice the capital "S". Born again implies that you had been born once in the past. So the "died Spiritually" idea seems logical.
Vincent, your taking the thousand years thing out of context and applying it wherever its convenient, I believe if you re read it (since God don't lie) you will see that God was saying you will surely die, he didn't say you will surely die today!
Hi Richard, thanks for your response. Yes you are correct to say " in the day " but Richard, it's the same thing. Any one day Adam eats, he would surely die. But day here to God means 1000 years. So yes Adam died within a day because he lived 930 years. No man has ever lived pass 1000 years. The only man who lived the longest was Methuselah who lived 969 years.
I second this thought. People often assume to die means immediately, but if you remember that Adam & Eve were immortal and designed to live forever in paradise, until they disobeyed. Then a radical change happened which was they became immortal and when that happens your body slowly dies a little each day as you age until death. God never said if you eat a fruit you'll die within 5 seconds, 5 days, or 500 years.
When talking about Jews, you need to identify the real bloodline Jews from the 740 AD mass conversions of Ashkenazi Jews. 95% of todays Ashkenazi Jews are of Japheth (Gentile), not Shem (Semitic). Gen 10:2-3 shows Ashkenazim to be the grandson of Japheth. For this reason, may Japheth live in the tents of Shem where they currently reside. Jesus also calls out the Rev 2:9 false Jews, their leadership, who are not Jews but of the synagogue of satan.
Around 1100 AD, the bloodline Jews were kicked out of Spain. They traveled east across Europe and were surprised to see a different people calling themselves "Jews". The Jerusalem Post wrote a full length article about it. History, research and science played a big part of uncovering what the Bible bears out.
Since the Ashkenazi Jews worship the Lord in synagogue, they have the right to be called Jews, but not recognized as genetic Jews of Abraham, Issac or Jacob.
I would say the first born again Christians were the 11 Apostles after receiving the Holy Ghost.
Three incantations describe the greatest one sided battle ever:
1) Obadiah: Esau (Russia+) obliterates Jacob (US/Israel) to reclaim his stolen birthright.
2) The king of the north (Russia+) easily defeats the king of the south (US/Israel) ( Dan 11:40).
3) The beast (Russia+) desolates Babylon (US/Israel), takes its allies. When the UK sees the smoke of America burning from afar, they will clothe themselves in trembling as everyone goes dark ( Ezekiel 26:18).
The Beast = Russia:
-"More stout than his fellows". Russia has 11 time zones ( Dan 7:20).
-He is the 8th and is of the 7. Russia was the 8th G8 member and is of the G7 ( Rev 17:20)
-In 1991 the USSR suffered a "deadly wound", which has been healed into the Russian Federation that the people will marvel at ( Rev 13:3).
-Even though God has always held back Esau (Russia), he will now bring Esau forth with his northern army to destroy Jacob (US/NATO/Israel) (Ez 38:4).
-Obadiah states Esau (Russia) annihilated Jacob (US/Israel) then engaged in destruction beyond Babylon with an "evil thought" (Ez 38:10), by taking 3 allies from his own camp.
-Esau pounds Jacob so badly that the earth is knocked off its axis and wobbles back and forth like a drunkard (Is 24:20).
-The last time Esau and Jacob met up was on the trail, Gen 33. Jacob was afraid Esau would kill him for stealing his birthright, but instead they exchanged gifts and parted ways.
-Esau will make Jacob lean this time around (Is 24:1-16).
It's a showdown between the two boys.
Feeling to reply to your post. I'm not sure what you mean in the first paragraph.
I am replying to your second paragraph. Now, believing "everyone gets everlasting life" is a nice thought and I myself do not want anyone to go to eternal damnation. Just as God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked and wants all to repent from the sins of this world and turn to Him through His Son Jesus Christ. I pray every night for everyone. Even the wicked people in this world just as the good. This does not mean "everyone gets everlasting life" or "no one gets cast into the lake of fire". God is Love but God is also just, pure, holy, righteous and hates sin. Full of everlasting mercy and lovingkindness for you and me. There is only One Judge and we will all be repaid, and held accountable, for our deeds here in this life. What will exactly happen after death I can not tell you. Though I will do my best to live a holy life, separate myself from the sins of this world, produce good fruit of the Spirit, and live for the Will of God to make Him happy. There is a difference of what is good and what is bad. Doing my best to follow in the footsteps of Christ so that I can be sure my name will be in the Book of Life. And not just guess. This is not just me saying this it is over and over in Scripture.
Here are a couple Scriptures that states the lake of fire is for more than just "3 spirits" as you assumed. Also that not everyone shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. If you have problems with these Scriptures I pray the Lord shall Bless you with understanding and truth.
Matthew 7:21-23
Matthew 25:31-46
Revelation 20:11-15
Maybe read the book of Jude. Read through all the Holy Scriptures for wisdom. That your soul shall be saved.
God Bless.
2 Corinthians 4:3 "But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:" If you have a problem with these scriptures, It is with God for He wrote it, not me.
Jesus didn't have to be baptized either, but he did to fulfill scripture.
Besides, only 3 spirits are set in the lake of fire, not people. Spirits. I'm more inclined to believe that everyone gets everlasting life. Even bogey men like Stalin, Hitler, Judas etc, who did God's will by fulfilling prophesy, get in. Who standing at the great white throne, while trembling, will defy God? God is love, and God heals by changing our hearts and minds.
The 5th trumpet marked by 9-11-01 is almost past. Waiting on Rev 6:14, Rev 6:12 and Malachi 4:5 to show. Our visitation is practically at the door. Jesus thief with his iron and clay northern army will simultaneously turn both lands into a desolate wilderness. No, not even the mighty US will have the strength to save Israel from their fate ( Luke 21:20-24). Anti-christ will be sitting in the temple, claiming he's God. The only enemy in sight will be his own fractured beast army. The 6th trumpet is going to be the greatest show on earth.
These testimonies are here to encourage, uplift, and inspire you.
There are LINKS out on the red page when you enter the website. This is where you can record your testimony of when you believed Jesus and became a follower of Him.
There's other links: another is, Become A Christian. It's helpful to know what being a Christian is all about.
These are under the heading of 'Community.'
There are many more links to explore. If you get lost, use the back arrow or, exit the site and re-enter again.
Born again is to be filled with the Holy Spirit a act of God and God alone. Those who God choose from before the foundation of the world will receive it at different times in their lives. Some from in the whom like John the Baptist, some at birth, some in their teens, 20s, 30s and so on and some at the last day on this here earth like the thief on the cross. Jesus being God in the flesh do not need to be born again. God bless you.
Judgement day of the world. No one country will be judged by itself.
Actually God said "you S H A L L surely die" referring to the entire creation that's why we see animals, trees and everything lives then die. You see, the whole concept of death is God's plan from the start. It's not because of Adam and Eve's sin that death came to the creation; Adam and Eve activated the death process by obedience to the spirit of evil which the serpent was possessed with. God created EVIL ( Isaiah 45:7) and did so for a purpose. God is the creator of all things seen and unseen. God also said in ( Isaiah 55:11) the words of His mouth will not go forth void, so when the words EVIL and DEATH left God's mouth they now become apart of His creation. When and where did God created EVIL? This happened in the garden of Eden where God said "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." This word evil left His mouth and will do it's purposed which is sin then sin will do it's purpose which is death.
I pray you understand God's purpose of balance. By this I mean, everything has it's equal and it's opposite like left with right, back with front, top with bottom, hot and cold etc.
God saw what He created was good but He never declared it so, therefore all things created was for a temporary purpose of knowledge and the next phase of God's creation will be the permanent and the everlasting perfection. The word evil will never be mentioned again, by then it's purpose would have been complete and will never ever be in existence. PRAISE THE LORD JESUS.
I liked your comment, and appreciate your self-reflectiveness.
Around 1100 AD, the bloodline Jews were kicked out of Spain. They traveled east across Europe and were surprised to see a different people calling themselves "Jews". The Jerusalem Post wrote a full length article about it. History, research and science played a big part of uncovering what the Bible bears out.
Since the Ashkenazi Jews worship the Lord in synagogue, they have the right to be called Jews, but not recognized as genetic Jews of Abraham, Issac or Jacob.