Discuss Lamentations 2

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    2 Thessalonians 2:1-14.

    Part 2.

    Continuing with just a few of the Day of the Lord verses.

    Zephaniah 1:15

    Isaiah 13:9

    Lamentations 2:1

    Isaiah 13:13

    Isaiah 51:22

    Jeremiah 25:15

    Revelation 16:19

    Revelation 14:10

    Revelation 16:1

    Isaiah 63:1-6.

    This is what Paul is telling them is not at hand. This is what we all agree on besides a few that the Church will not see.

    However some see the Rapture in Revelation 20:4-6 sadly mistaking it for the Resurrection.

    That would place the Church on the Earth during the wrath of the Lord that comes upon all the Earth.

    When we take 2 Thessalonians 2:3

    "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, AND THAT MAN OF SIN BE REVEALED, the son of perdition;

    Paul gives them the sequence of events in chronological order of what happens "AFTER" that what he reminded them of previously in

    1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.

    That's why he opens up saying "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by "OUR" gathering together unto him," 2 Thessalonians 2:1.

    Paul included them and himself in this gathering! So did they see the son of perdition? No.

    We take 2 Thessalonians 2:3 with the following scriptures to pitch our viewpoint. 2 Thessalonians 2:6-15.

    The son of perdition can't come while the light bearers is in the world. The Church! Who sits in the midst of the Church? Christ/His Holyspirit.

    2 Thessalonians 2:6-8.

    God bless.
  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 80 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 80.

    Lamentations 2:11 and associated passages discuss tears when the Babylonian captivity and it's horrors of stervation and destruction by fire of Jerusalem occur which is much like the theme here.

    In terms of being as a vine (v. 8) we see such depictions of Israel in John 15:8 as well as Ezekiel and apparently Psalm 88 as well. Verses 10 to 12 also describe great branches such as a cedar (v. 10) which is also descriptive of other nations such as Lebanon which is compared to a cedar in no less than 100 verses in scripture. Trees also describe Egypt ( Ezekiel 31:18) as well as Assyria as ( Isaiah 10:24) which was "planted" in Lebanon.

    Once again as in the previous Psalm; we see evidence of a prophetic mention of the city being burned (verse 16) signifying the Babylonian captivity. Verse 17 seems to indicate Christ as a possible man at the "man of thy right hand" made strong. Quickening the people in verse 18 could signify the Resurrection; or restoration at the end of the Tribulation. The idea of God awakening reminds us of Isaiah 54:7-9 where God briefly turns away; again possibly signifying Jacob's trouble.
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Hello Mr. Adam Clark:

    Here's what I found to back up Malachi message about the "day of the Lord" (29X) from OT to NT. After these verses there's more interesting words God made me focus on as well. So begin our study ( if anybody willing to read) with these verses but do not forget to read the entire chapter or even before and after the chapter for any connecting relevance:

    The Lord's vengeance and the year of recompenses for the controversy of the Zion.

    Isaiah 2:12; 13:6; 13:9; 34:8

    Jeremiah 46:10

    Lamentations 2:22

    Ezekiel 13:5; 30:3

    Joel has spoken about the sun darkened and the moon into blood as reiterates in Acts 2:20

    Joel 1:15; 2:1; 2:11; 2:31; 3:14

    We pause and pray. It seems the day of the Lord is a great and very terrible day. I pray that ALL will be saved today's Bible study.

    Amos 5:18; 5:20

    Obadiah 1:15

    Zephaniah has spoken that there are people may be saved who seek the righteousness of God

    Zephaniah 1:7-8; 1:14; 1:18;2:2-3

    Zechariah 14:1

    1 Corinthians 5:5

    2 Corinthians 1:14

    I thank God for Paul that we who are saved will know perfectly when this day would be even if it comes as a thief in the night as mentioned in ( 2 Peter 3:10)

    1 Thessalonians 5:2

    That is why I think we who truly believes God and have done God's will more likely not experience this day. So we pray earnestly that ALL may be saved. Happy reading.
  • Anne on Lamentations 2 - 3 years ago
    My favorite book to read
  • Steven Mark Kolodziejczyk on Lamentations 2 - 3 years ago
    Hello dear Christians!

    We can see from this Chapter that there is a point where God withdraws his protection from a nation.

    We can rest assured that if we follow the light of the world, Jesus Christ, that we ,through prayer, can utilize Divine protection in a time of need! I recall Psalm 18: 1-2. The Lord is our Rock, and are fortress and are deliverer.

    Pray as much as you can in these last days. God bless you!
  • TheLordIsHere - In Reply on Ezra 9 - 4 years ago
    So who did Esther marry? Boaz? You err not knowing the scriptures, you understand through the lusts of your flesh.

    You want to explain these statutes? Leviticus 22:10-13, Deuteronomy 21:10-14, & Deuteronomy 23:7-8

    I think you have not read yet 2 Ezra which is 2 Esdras in the apocrypha. After reading Ezra, 1 Esdras, and Esther (both books and in order) then you need to read 2 Esdras. God did not answer them, he was not with them, he never responded to Nehemiah's cry for Him to come and dwell with them, yet there was no answer. They were never saved from captivity by going back to the land trying to rebuild a house to the Lord. They rebelled against his captivity and he tells Ezra to tell the people there that they need to go their way (2 Esdras 1:4-9). They thought the burden of the Lord (the reason he didn't come) was because of the stranger wives ( Jeremiah 23:25-40 & Lamentations 2:14). So they put them and their children away. They were wrong. Listen to the prophets he proclaimed came from him (2 Esdras 1:38-39). 2 Esdras 2:1-17, 2 Esdras 2:33-48, 2 Esdras 3:23-4:2, 2 Esdras 5:16-19, 2 Esdras 6:57-59, Psalm 127:1. Either be in captivity still or seek the Lord with all your heart and soul and He will release unto you the wisdom and understanding of His word through your spirit. 2 Chronicles 6:29-33, Ezekiel 47:21-33, Isaiah 56:1-8, etc. etc. there is so much more... Christ comes in the full volume of the book, do not add nor take away. Cherry picking scriptures is of the false teachers who have come to deceive and the Word of God is not in them.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Lamentations 2:19 - 4 years ago
    This could have been the actual state of situations at that time. It is literal instruction to cry to God for help, in these ways. To cry out to God for your children. It is also be prophetic for times past & future. Matthew 24:7 , Mark 13:8 , Luke 21:11 , Revelation 18:8
  • Louis - In Reply on Lamentations 2 - 5 years ago
    Solemn Feasts were the made up, concocted feasts devised to falsely give honor praise to false gods like The Queen of Heaven discussed in Jeremiah. The Holy Sabbath was God's Day for Man to Rest focus on HIM ALONE. Not some wooden, stone or grove site that man decided was his god. What God is saying here in verse 6 is ALL OF THEM HAVE BEEN POLLUTED BY SIN HE HAS TAKEN ALL AWAY.
  • JO - In Reply on Lamentations 2 - 5 years ago
    I think America has become Babylon
  • Sharon on Lamentations 2 - 6 years ago
    How much should God tolerate? How much can we tolerate in sin. If earthly parents can punish their children, why should God not punish us. God changes not from the begiing to end, Men are always changing and no rules of man can overide God word. God gave us His best. Jesus paid the price for our sins, but it seem as if many people desire desire change back for the price Jesus paid for our sins.
  • Edith on Lamentations 2 - 6 years ago
    What is -Solemn Feasts ,and the difference between sabbaths and the Holy Sabbath Day ?
  • Vanessa on Lamentations 2 - 6 years ago
    Follow God's word not the word of man
  • Pah on Lamentations 2 - 7 years ago
    America has been know as the country of freedom, love, and opportunity. What do we see now? Our city's being destroyed by hurricanes, earthquakes, and yet we continue to disobey God's word. God sent Jesus to die for sins so we can have eternal life. We are living in a sinful world. Revelation tells us what will happen when Jesus returns. Repent before it is too late. We are living the Bible
  • A disciple on Lamentations 2 - 7 years ago
    You can tell by which Chapters are filled with comments and discussion and which ones are notably avoided what people gravitate to and what they are uncomfortable with. In nearly every single movie or play that has a Preacher warning of wrath and hell fire, they are portrayed as ugly and cruel, and the whole subject is then made a mockery. But Jesus, the Author of love, very much taught about it!
  • Michael C. on Lamentations 2 - 8 years ago
    It is a great mystery to many, how that the Lord Jesus should be delivered into the hands of sinners; and that we in turn, follow in His steps, as sheep for slaughter. Perhaps it is because, we simply have not the capacity to grasp the magnitude of Israel's sin, in having forfeited the throne of David, and so, their kingdom; and that the world dominion is given to the heathen till Christ returns.
  • Stephen F. Zielski on Lamentations 2 - 8 years ago
  • Abby on Lamentations 2 - 9 years ago
    According to my KJV study bible vs. 20, they were starving in the streets and even subjected to cannibalism. It was a horrible time in the history and now we as a nation are doing the same that they did. It shows what happens when we as a nation turn from God.
  • Bob K on Lamentations 2:15 - 9 years ago
    That description is also . "a prophecy of what will happen in the world tomorrow: God 's people will once again be " The perfection of beauty, The joy of the whole earth. " What a beautiful prophecy.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 14 - 10 years ago
    Part 1 of 2: Hello I. Prince: Watches of night: The Jews, like the Greeks and Romans, divided the night into military watches instead of hours, each watch representing the period for which sentinels or pickets remained on duty. The proper Jewish reckoning recognized only three such watches, entitled the first or "beginning of the watches, " Lamentations 2: 19 the middle watch, Judges 7: 9 and the morning watch. Exodus 14: 24 1 Samuel 11: 11 These would last respectively from sunset to 10 P.M. from 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. and from 2 A.M. to sunrise. After the establishment of the Roman supremacy, the number of watches was increased to four, which were described either according to their numerical order, as in the case of the "fourth watch, " Matthew 13: 25 or by the terms "even, " "midnight, " "cock-crowing " and "morning. " Mark 13: 35. These terminated respectively at 9 P.M., midnight, 3 A.M. and 6 A.M. Smith Dictionary .
  • Jesus on Lamentations 2:20 - 10 years ago
    what does of a span long mean
  • Tanya on Lamentations 2 - 11 years ago
    This chapter of lamentations is an example of how God will punish the world, for the sins done in the present and future years. God is loving, but also sure for his saying that one day he will judge the world.
  • Concern Sister on Lamentations 2 - 11 years ago
    Reading this text made me think about our Christians brothers & sisters Foreign countries that suffering severe persecution; sold into slavery, shackle and chained, dismembered because of their belief in Jesus Christ. It also made me think about the scripture in ( Deuteronomy 28). May God have mercy on us in this nation, and forgive our sin as well!! Pray America! Pray!!!
  • Bmanuel on Lamentations 2:15 - 11 years ago
    As the salt that loses its flavoring quality and as fruit trees that bore no fruit in their season, so Jerusalem had become both desolate and abandoned by the living God she should have remained faithful to. She had "forsaken her own mercy" and her Mercy had forsaken her. Her beauty had faded into ugliness.
  • Tawanna on Lamentations 2 - 12 years ago
    You know I really like and enjoy how Jesus and God have held us like the young. They have taken care of us all so well that we all are stronger enough to make sure we can stand against the ennemy!
  • Judy on Lamentations 2 - 12 years ago
    @Donna, I have a Scoffied Study Bible.....and here is an outline of the 5 chapters of Lamentations..hope this will help you get a better understanding..
    1. The Desolation of Jerusalem.. Chapter 1:1-12
    2. The Day of the Lord's anger... Chapter 2:1-22
    3. Jeremiah's Sharing of His Nation's Affliction Chapter 3:1-66
    A. His Distress verses 1-21
    B. Recounting of God's Faithfulness verses 22 thru 39
    C. A Call to Self-Judgment and Confession verses 40 thru 51
    D. Jeremiah's Prison Experience verses 52-66

    4. The Horrors of the Siege of Jerusalem verses 1-22

    5. A Plaintive Prayer to the Lord. verses 1-22

    The Theme of Lamentations: "The Mourning of Jerusalem" The Author: Jeremiah

    The deeper significance of Lamentations lies in the fact the Jeremiah's intense burden of sympathy for Jerusalem discloses the love and the sorrow of the Lord for the very people whom He is chastening, as burden similar to that which the Lord Jesus Christ expressed in His lament over Jerusalem ( Matt 23:37-39)
  • Doris Early on Lamentations 2 - 12 years ago
    God is saying throught Jer. that he is weeping over the situtation that he is seeing the world in , as is the situation today. The children are dying even the young and old are dying spiritually and physically.
  • Donna on Lamentations 2:19 - 13 years ago
    what exactly is God saying in this scripture?

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