The Lord saidâ€among those who approach me I will be proved Holyâ€. sight of the people: be Honoured: Those who serve as Priest before the Lord were required to serve Him Honourably: If they did not, the consequences was death: In the case of Aaron’s sons, they dishonoured the Lord by disobeying His command to not only use fire from the Brazen Altar in the Tabernacle:(Lev16:22: from other source:
Nadab and Abihu were directly put to death by Jehovah God himself for disrespecting and disobeying his commandment. This shows how seriously he viewed their disobedience.
The LORD doesn't just say things for no reason, but truthfully and directly according to what He sees. From verse 9 it seems obvious that Aaron's two older sons were drinking, and not in their clear minds or having a clean heart; for when the fire of God came down and consumed the sacrifice, that they came rushing in to "add to the show." Who knows what they were thinking, but drunken foolishness?
Hello there :), first off I'd like to say thank you guys for responding with your interpritations of these chapters we read, because I do get lost in the ranslation and I have to re read over and over sometimes, so I would like to share with you what I think I understand, when ANY kind of offering is to be pesented before the LORD, everything has to be done PERFECTLY, like the LORD himself.
If a man comes to me church and he is drunk, i will defend him and bring him in and god will change him. Not our place to judge when we all have dirt under the rug.
Nadab, Abihu; They were priests for the OUTER COURT only; NOT for the Holy of Holies. ONLY Aaron was to do that service. It says NOTHING about N. and A. being drunk. They were PRESUMPTIOUS. God does not condone presumptuous sin. They KNEW their place. They may have been drunk, but stating such is also - presumptiuos
By not eating the offering they give us a peak into the mercy of the True and Living, however we see His wrath with the offering of the strange fire; many applications but let us recognize holy from unholy.
The reader should understand that Nadab and Abihu did not simply offend the Lord with some little childlike error in manners and or the offering of strange fire before the Lord. No these too young men came before the Lord drunk and making merry in a way that all men have or have witness at some point the offensive foolishness that can pour out of the mouth of someone in this state of mind. Nadab and Abihu are the answer to question can t God take a Joke? I would say picture the looks on their faces when the fire toured them.
The bible has several referrencies pertaining to wine or intoxication, more especially, the christians that desire to be or become the temple of the Holy Ghost are warned to take neither of the two. Leviticus 10:9-10
Thank you for this Comment. I am a Deacon at my church. I am going to start delivering messages online and I know God wants me to to stop drinking and get closer to Him. Please pray for me that I may grow stronger in the Lord.
We need to fear God no matter HIS relationship with HIM. It is obvious that he frowns at any undue familiarity. The two sons of Aaron were sent to their early grave because of what I will call "see finish". We should watch our ways and our lives constantly as we move with God in this pilgrim journey to the pearly gate, our heavenly abode.
Ministers must be careful to keep this statute to not drink wine or strong drink when you come into the congregation; thou, nor thy sons, less ye die. It was to be kept throughout all your generations forever. It is so important to keep these ordinances before the congregation, to be a good example for the flock. So many today struggle with alcoholism, and it is important that ministers be the role models for the people. When Paul told Timothy to drink a little wine for his infirmities sake, he was not talking about fermented wine. When Jesus turned the water into to wine at the wedding in Galilee, it was not fermented. In Proverbs 23 it talks about not looking at the wine when it is red, and that is when the fermentation starts. May the Lord give ministers the discipline as well as the wisdom, and self control to practice these statutes before the congregation today to help those who are looking for guidance in these matters.
Come on, really? The truth is exactly the opposite. Head of people approaching the Holiness OUGHT to be covered continually: Leviticus 10:6, 21:10 and Ezekiel 24:17. People are seriously warned to pay their best possible attention and to take the best possible care with interpreting the Law and God's will. According to that warning, this so-called apostle Paul is a creature from the deepest Hell: he turned upside down everything he ever could. Matthew 5:19.