I really like your "stuff"!Something that caught my interestis that there are 1250 planets in our hemisphere, some larger than earth, which can sustain life. But god in all his wisdom chose this small one for man! There are 3 billion hemisphres that we can count.
Jeff - Am I Catholic? No! I do not belong to any denomination, nor do I consider myself to be "Christian." I do believe in Christ, but I don't claim the title "Christian" for several reasons. Instead I just consider myself a believer.
1st: The book of Revelation talks about "Mystery Babylon," where the false prophet will come from in the end days. We are told to flee her. She is also called the "Mother of Har lots." I believe, based on the description, that the Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon, and the denominations are her daughters. Flee the "churches."
2nd: To be a "Christian" means to be "Christ-like." I mess up and sin everyday, despite knowing better. Not very "Christ-like." Also, if I'm "Christ-like" and sin everyday, then by default that makes Christ like me. That is just arrogant, blasphemous, and puts all of us in a lot of trouble if you know what I mean.
Lastly: I know a lot of people are about to get really mad over this one, but what this world calls "Christianity" is false. When you think "Christianity" regardless of denomination, most people think: Christmas (birthday), Easter (death), 1st day Sabbath, Christ died on the 6th day and was resurrected on the 1st day, Christ came to bring peace to the planet, Christ had long hair, the "Laws of Moses" are done away with and now we only need love, the "Laws" were a curse, etc. None of these items are true, and the book tells you this. I want no part in this abomination.
If the above offended you, or you doubt any of it, then please look into it. Research the pagan origins of "Christmas." It has nothing to do with Christ. Search: Yule, Roman Saturnalia, Druidic Winter Solstice, the birthday of every pagan SUN god ever know, among others. Jeremiah 10:2-5 talks about a "Christmas" tree, and was told not to do it. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 talks about not adopting pagan religious customs. Christ was born on the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles, not "Christmas."
Christ died on Passover, not pagan Easter. Research it. The 3 symbols of this pagan day are: Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, and peeps (baby ducks). What does this have to do with Christ being crucified? Nothing! But it does have to do with a certain pagan fertility goddess whose signs were: eggs (woman - fertility, you can do the math), rabbits (fertility - rabbits.. breeding...), and baby ducks (new life). If you are celebrating her special day, these symbols make a lot of sense. Even the name is named after her with a very slight twist.
The 1st day Sabbath is a Catholic invention. It's not in the Scriptures. The Scriptures says to keep the 7th day Sabbath. Which is from sunset the night before to sunset the day of on our calendars. This is not the Jews Sabbath, it's His.
The "churches" teach he died on the 6th evening and was resurrected the morning of the 1st day. Christ said he would be in the belly of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights. So mathematically what they teach is impossible. He did die in the evening, in a Biblical day - or around 3 p.m. He was resurrected on the 1st day - the night of (so the night prior on our calendar).
Which means he died on the 4th day of the week just prior to sunset, and was resurrected just after sunset on the 1st day. 3 days and 3 nights ( 5th n/d, 6th n/d, 7th n/d).
I already talked about the "Laws of Moses" in a previous post. Christ didn't come to bring peace on earth. Matthew 10:34-36 says in his own words that he didn't come to do that. The exact opposite in fact. The Antichrist comes claiming to be Christ and does that though... Nor did Christ have long hair. 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 says that if a man has long hair it's a shameful thing. So why would Christ do it? He didn't.
There are so many other false teaching that the "churches" teach, regardless of denomination. I'm not trying to be mean or arrogant, or rude. They are teaching lies. They have taken everything the Scriptures says, and basically turned it upside down. It's wrong, and they are leading untold numbers into the Lake of Fire, and the people have no clue. The Scriptures says that many false prophets will go out among the people and deceive many. Read the book.
Jeff - Yes that includes pork. Leviticus 11 has the dietary laws.
As far as the 2 sinks thing like your friend, no. It sounds like he is following priestly Judaism or, and I hate to use the word since we are told not to, "Rabbinical Judaism." They teach the tradition of the elders, or the Talmud. That is not Scriptural. Nowhere in the Torah or Tanakh (Old Testament) does it say to do so. In the Talmud, which is the priestly tradition, many parts not only contradict the Scriptures, but also itself since many priests had differing views. Yet they teach that it is a commandment to obey all of it, and if it contradicts itself, to do both.
Christ told us to beware the leaven of the Pharisees and to purge the old leaven out. That 2 sink thing is an example of leaven. Another one is their tradition of not eating meat and dairy together or on the same dish. Not in the Scriptures, it's Talmud. The priests teach the Talmud is the "authoritative oral tradition given to Moses on Mount Sinai." Yet Deuteronomy 9:10 states that everything Moses was told was written down. Many priests teach that the Talmud trumps the Tanakh.
There are so many things that their priests teach that is not only unScriptural, but in many cases blatantly contradicts Scriptures. Many of their dietary laws, as previously mentioned among others, the days they celebrate many of the Feast days are wrong, that there are 613 commandments (I went through the list and many are not in there, are repeats, or completely taken out of context- my list based solely on theirs ended with 428).
To make a long story short, if you can't find it in the Scriptures, and you need some church or priest to show you in an outside source, a general rule of thumb is to throw it out the window. Also, the Scriptures does not contradict itself. Hope this helps, despite being long.
Jeff - Eating the blood is still a sin, just like all the other laws in the Scripture. Our Heavenly Father does not change - Malachi 3:6. If it was a sin then, it's still a sin now.
Many people think that the Old Testament laws were "Mose's Law" or "the Jew's Law," but they're not. They are His Laws. If you worship Him, then obey His Laws, not what the "Churches" teach. Christ said in Matthew 5:17-18 that he didn't come to do away with the laws, and until heaven and earth pass the law is still here. Over and over in the Scriptures it states that if you love Him, keep his commandments.
I know some will say that I'm being legalistic or "Judaising" or whatever, yet that is not true. In 2 Thessalonians 2:8 the Antichrist is called the "lawless one." The Hebrew word for "law" is Torah. The Torah is also the first 5 books of the Old Testament - where the "laws of Moses" are found. So the Antichrist doesn't obey these laws - and yet the "churches" also teach this exact same doctrine.
Aleister Crowley is a Satanist who wrote "The Book of the Law"(on how to usher in the Age of the Antichrist), said that the 1 law in Satanism is "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law." Anton Levay, founder of the Church of Satan, also declares this as the 1 universal law, except to "do it under love because more people will buy it."
Doesn't that sound like modern day 'Christianity"?
All the "old laws" are still in effect, as are the Feast Days. The only difference is that Christ is our sacrifice - transfered, not abolished.
1st: The book of Revelation talks about "Mystery Babylon," where the false prophet will come from in the end days. We are told to flee her. She is also called the "Mother of Har lots." I believe, based on the description, that the Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon, and the denominations are her daughters. Flee the "churches."
2nd: To be a "Christian" means to be "Christ-like." I mess up and sin everyday, despite knowing better. Not very "Christ-like." Also, if I'm "Christ-like" and sin everyday, then by default that makes Christ like me. That is just arrogant, blasphemous, and puts all of us in a lot of trouble if you know what I mean.
Lastly: I know a lot of people are about to get really mad over this one, but what this world calls "Christianity" is false. When you think "Christianity" regardless of denomination, most people think: Christmas (birthday), Easter (death), 1st day Sabbath, Christ died on the 6th day and was resurrected on the 1st day, Christ came to bring peace to the planet, Christ had long hair, the "Laws of Moses" are done away with and now we only need love, the "Laws" were a curse, etc. None of these items are true, and the book tells you this. I want no part in this abomination.
If the above offended you, or you doubt any of it, then please look into it. Research the pagan origins of "Christmas." It has nothing to do with Christ. Search: Yule, Roman Saturnalia, Druidic Winter Solstice, the birthday of every pagan SUN god ever know, among others. Jeremiah 10:2-5 talks about a "Christmas" tree, and was told not to do it. Deuteronomy 12:29-31 talks about not adopting pagan religious customs. Christ was born on the 1st day of the Feast of Tabernacles, not "Christmas."
Christ died on Passover, not pagan Easter. Research it. The 3 symbols of this pagan day are: Easter eggs, chocolate bunnies, and peeps (baby ducks). What does this have to do with Christ being crucified? Nothing! But it does have to do with a certain pagan fertility goddess whose signs were: eggs (woman - fertility, you can do the math), rabbits (fertility - rabbits.. breeding...), and baby ducks (new life). If you are celebrating her special day, these symbols make a lot of sense. Even the name is named after her with a very slight twist.
The 1st day Sabbath is a Catholic invention. It's not in the Scriptures. The Scriptures says to keep the 7th day Sabbath. Which is from sunset the night before to sunset the day of on our calendars. This is not the Jews Sabbath, it's His.
The "churches" teach he died on the 6th evening and was resurrected the morning of the 1st day. Christ said he would be in the belly of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights. So mathematically what they teach is impossible. He did die in the evening, in a Biblical day - or around 3 p.m. He was resurrected on the 1st day - the night of (so the night prior on our calendar).
Which means he died on the 4th day of the week just prior to sunset, and was resurrected just after sunset on the 1st day. 3 days and 3 nights ( 5th n/d, 6th n/d, 7th n/d).
I already talked about the "Laws of Moses" in a previous post. Christ didn't come to bring peace on earth. Matthew 10:34-36 says in his own words that he didn't come to do that. The exact opposite in fact. The Antichrist comes claiming to be Christ and does that though... Nor did Christ have long hair. 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 says that if a man has long hair it's a shameful thing. So why would Christ do it? He didn't.
There are so many other false teaching that the "churches" teach, regardless of denomination. I'm not trying to be mean or arrogant, or rude. They are teaching lies. They have taken everything the Scriptures says, and basically turned it upside down. It's wrong, and they are leading untold numbers into the Lake of Fire, and the people have no clue. The Scriptures says that many false prophets will go out among the people and deceive many. Read the book.
As far as the 2 sinks thing like your friend, no. It sounds like he is following priestly Judaism or, and I hate to use the word since we are told not to, "Rabbinical Judaism." They teach the tradition of the elders, or the Talmud. That is not Scriptural. Nowhere in the Torah or Tanakh (Old Testament) does it say to do so. In the Talmud, which is the priestly tradition, many parts not only contradict the Scriptures, but also itself since many priests had differing views. Yet they teach that it is a commandment to obey all of it, and if it contradicts itself, to do both.
Christ told us to beware the leaven of the Pharisees and to purge the old leaven out. That 2 sink thing is an example of leaven. Another one is their tradition of not eating meat and dairy together or on the same dish. Not in the Scriptures, it's Talmud. The priests teach the Talmud is the "authoritative oral tradition given to Moses on Mount Sinai." Yet Deuteronomy 9:10 states that everything Moses was told was written down. Many priests teach that the Talmud trumps the Tanakh.
There are so many things that their priests teach that is not only unScriptural, but in many cases blatantly contradicts Scriptures. Many of their dietary laws, as previously mentioned among others, the days they celebrate many of the Feast days are wrong, that there are 613 commandments (I went through the list and many are not in there, are repeats, or completely taken out of context- my list based solely on theirs ended with 428).
To make a long story short, if you can't find it in the Scriptures, and you need some church or priest to show you in an outside source, a general rule of thumb is to throw it out the window. Also, the Scriptures does not contradict itself. Hope this helps, despite being long.
Also does that mean i need two sinks? A Jew friend thatt i have has.
Many people think that the Old Testament laws were "Mose's Law" or "the Jew's Law," but they're not. They are His Laws. If you worship Him, then obey His Laws, not what the "Churches" teach. Christ said in Matthew 5:17-18 that he didn't come to do away with the laws, and until heaven and earth pass the law is still here. Over and over in the Scriptures it states that if you love Him, keep his commandments.
I know some will say that I'm being legalistic or "Judaising" or whatever, yet that is not true. In 2 Thessalonians 2:8 the Antichrist is called the "lawless one." The Hebrew word for "law" is Torah. The Torah is also the first 5 books of the Old Testament - where the "laws of Moses" are found. So the Antichrist doesn't obey these laws - and yet the "churches" also teach this exact same doctrine.
Aleister Crowley is a Satanist who wrote "The Book of the Law"(on how to usher in the Age of the Antichrist), said that the 1 law in Satanism is "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole of The Law." Anton Levay, founder of the Church of Satan, also declares this as the 1 universal law, except to "do it under love because more people will buy it."
Doesn't that sound like modern day 'Christianity"?
All the "old laws" are still in effect, as are the Feast Days. The only difference is that Christ is our sacrifice - transfered, not abolished.