Discuss Leviticus 18 Page 4

  • Stanjett - In Reply on Leviticus 18 - 5 years ago
    If you look upon a woman to lust after them, alive woman or in videos, you have commited adultery which is a sin.
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    God forbids it it's a sin. Leviticus 18:22, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
  • Melki - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 5 years ago
    Read Leviticus 18:22 All those who practice LGBT are an ABOMINATION in the sight of Yahuwah and they shall not inherit the kingdom of Yahuwah unless they repent and start keeping the laws, statutes, and commandments.
  • Annoyomus - In Reply on Leviticus 18 - 5 years ago
    GOD is not mocked whatever a Man sows he will also reap. You cannot just like GOD destroyed Sodom and Gommorah he will judge those people there punishment will be Hell unless they turn from sin and agree with GOD learn to love people to life not death if you tell that person they are living right and god says there living wrong they will Perish learn the truth and it will make you free.
  • Rucker on Leviticus 18 - 5 years ago
    Leviticus 18:22 Lets you know that it is and abomination according to God if a man lies with another man like he does a woman.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Leviticus 18 - 5 years ago
    Noah and his wife, his sons and their wifes. 8 persons in all.
  • Stanjett - In Reply on Leviticus 18 - 5 years ago
    2 by 2 of unclean beast and 7 by 7 of clean beast. Sheep lambs were clean beast.
  • Brenda J Passerotti - In Reply on Leviticus 18 - 5 years ago
    Noah was on the boat with his wife. And his sons were on it with their wife's that they married and they had children and children I would think that they Had children andexcanged wife's and had more children than down the blood line of cousins . people question how they ate a lamb. For dinner if there were 2 that went on broad 2 by 2 each . they had babies on there.
  • Daughter on Leviticus 18 - 6 years ago
    When the Earth was flooded and only the little family was there (the Ark), how did more people come about after the flood ended? I am curious because there were no other survivors except for the (blood) family.
  • A disciple on Leviticus 18 - 6 years ago
    "After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances. Ye shall do my judgments, and keep mine ordinances, to walk therein: I am the LORD your God." We are salted with fire to rebuke the unclean doings and ordinances of the world's lust for nudity.
  • A disciple on Leviticus 18 - 6 years ago
    Ray; from the beginning when once sin entered, so shame came with it, and so to answer the shame we cover our nakedness. God doesn't want us to be ashamed and He doesn't want us to sin; so He gave us clothing to restrain us from our lechery. Jesus said that Adultery is an evil that comes from within and defiles us; and the act of looking with lustful intent is the same as having already done it.
  • Ray on Leviticus 18 - 6 years ago
    Hi Everyone, Recently this year, I had a question relating to the sins of nakedness and finally found this chapter online. My reading of the scriptures about not uncovering my kin's nakedness was remembered, but not anything pertaining my neighbors.

    I would like to know, 'Is nudity in videos considered a physical act of uncovering someone'? - God only states a physical act of uncovering others...
  • Unprofitable servant on Genesis 9 - 7 years ago
    I see a lot of confusion on here about what happened with Ham. He is cursed for fornication, it is a sin to see your parents naked according to Leviticus 18:7. He is not cursed for incest, that is heresy. What would covering the mother do to fix the problem? Also, if that were the case, she would be in the midst of sin as well.
  • BSP on Leviticus 18 - 7 years ago
    Verse 3: The Israelites were not to imitate the ways and practices of the nations around them. This proved to be their downfall.
  • A disciple on Leviticus 18 - 7 years ago
    "After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances." To all those who lie to us, and say that No one can keep the commandments; Which one in particular is it just impossible for you to keep? Is it any here, that warn we shall not do these abominations?
  • Anonymous on Leviticus 18 - 7 years ago
    What is truth thy word is truth of u love me u will keep my words what do the words say n Leviticus what did God do to Sodom n gomorah for there actions repent before it's to late GodBless
  • Irene123 on Leviticus 18 - 7 years ago
    V. 21 - "and thou shalt let not any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech ..... "; This is what Solomon ended up doing, after the great start he had. It bothered me for quite that Solomon was listed in Jesus genealogy, but then the led led me to the verses about - in a great house are the good and bad. I had read them before, but hadn't associated them with Jesus.
  • Anonymous on Leviticus 18:22 - 9 years ago
    I like Mike 's comment, he is absolutely right. This was written before Jesus became our ultimate sacrifice and died for our sins, and rose for our justification. Now dealing with the passage,Mathis clearly pints out that homosexuality is a sin. A sin is a sin, whether it is sex between a woman and a man before marriage, homosexual sin, lying, greed, and having false Gods. It 's all considered sin. And love thy neighbor simply means that we all should love each other with the Agape love that Jesus loved us all. Not to sleep with them.
  • Gerri on Leviticus 18 - 9 years ago
    The Bible to me seems to be a lot about, "God 's " Laws, "Jesus ' " sacrifice for us and how we are supposed to live in order to reach that everlasting life he promised if we followed his rules. Everyone has to find him for themselves, he gave us "Free Will " so you can decide for yourselves where you want to be in your after life. Some people don 't care, that 's their business. We are in this world but we don 't have to be of it. It 's about choices, I treat others as I want to be treated. We can only pray for those who we want to be saved, but they have to also pray for themselves. I may not agree with the things that man has conveniently chose to initiate in this world, but that 's what he has to deal with in the end time. Me, I want to live Eternally in one of the places that "God " has prepared for me, and I teach my children the same values and principles that I live by. We were all born into Sin, it 's when you find out the Truth, that you become free. I have to say so far this book has never lied all that it has prophesized has come true. These are the "End Day 's. Revelation is here! People had better read the writing on the proverbial wall. Whatever you believe, "Be "Blessed ".
  • Daisy on Leviticus 18 - 9 years ago
    Parents are not raising their children right. They are forgetting God. Ignoring our Lord Jesus Christ. People are so blind by this life and all the evil influences surrounding them.
  • Juan on Leviticus 18 - 10 years ago
    God wants us to live a good, clean life, now a days we are living in the end of times look at what is going on in the world now, allowing so much sin just like in the previous civilizations, cultures ,empires before us which GOD destroyed because of immorality and sin open your eyes.
  • Abby on Leviticus 18 - 10 years ago
    God also says through Mathew 7 2 to not judge people so although people may live their life to what we define as sinfully it is not our place to judge. Also to them this sin is natural and confining it would be a sin to them selves. Also if intimacy is natural it is not our place to say their form of intimacy is a any more un natural than ours.
  • Allison on Leviticus 18:22 - 10 years ago
    If everyone would follow the blue print bible that has been set forth for us to use as our guide, then everything will be alright. I too agree that God word is true and he is a God that does not lie. Therefore homosexuality is clearly stated in this verse Leviticus 18 22 and I will follow God 's word. Simply stated! God 's Will is done and we need to get in line with His Will.
  • Ar on Leviticus 18 - 10 years ago
    In the book of Leviticus God is giving detailed instructions to the children of Israel, through Moses how he wants them to live from now on. When they were in Egypt they did all the sins mentioned above,which are detestable in His eyes and therefore sins. He wants them to keep all that He has said above and in previous chapters, as He is the Lord their God.
  • Rachel Garcia on Leviticus 18:30 - 10 years ago
    What does verse 30 in chapter 18 mean
  • CT on Leviticus 18 - 10 years ago
    Gen 2 21 25, Lev 18 22, Matt 19 1 5, Romans 1 1 32 1Tim 1 8 10 Titus 1 1 6. This is but a few verses where God shows what his thought is on anything but man and woman relatonships going from the Old Testement to the New Testement. Now for all who says that the Bible does not condem homosexuality, show me verses where it says it 's ok. And Molech was not a fertility god. The sacrifices were to get back into Gods good grace not some fertility ritual. Lev 18 1 30 is what God told them not to do. If you read from Gen to Rev you get the one theme of Man and woman to the point that Jesus said he is the Bride groom and the Church is the bride maid. The two most important points is what is perfect hate and what is perfect love. The perfect hate is loving the person but hating his sins. The perfect love is loving us in spite of our sins
  • Summer on Leviticus 18:22 - 10 years ago
    God will love you through every choice you make, and do will I. I may not approve of it and it may not be what God wanted you to do, but you still will be loved. God doesnt want for you to be with the same sex, but its your choice, you pay for the consequences. Judgements not going to be easy for you or anyone else, but its also no ones fault but your own. Dont let someone get to you, pray and God will handle them. Just believe that God is going to be with you through everything and trust that he will help you. He 's there when no one else is. When you feel as if you don 't belong. God put you there for a reason find out that reason and do what God wants you to do! I love ypu and God bless!
  • Therese on Leviticus 18:22 - 10 years ago
    To the best of my knowledge, God gave us the 10 commandments and the Our Father, Men wrote the Bible. the words, language, and translation, have changed so much in the passed years, and centuries, and guess what, God has not changed, the prayer and 10 commandments have not changed so follow God and his commandments and say his prayer, and you can 't go wrong, and yes keep reading the Bible, but if there is something you don 't understand, pray about it and i promise you 'll get your answer, and also always treat people as you think God would would treat them, don 't judge, and if you feel they have a problem pray for them.
  • Marissa Mabe on Leviticus 18 - 10 years ago
    I have read the part about not marking the body a million times. My boyfriends wants to get a tattoo but how should I explain to him that the bible says not to?
  • Kim on Leviticus 18 - 10 years ago
    Does this mean cousin marriage isn 't incest?

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