I would like everyone to realize this is Leviticus. This is before Jesus died on the cross. I would like to point out also the reason for Jesus 's sacrifice to allow us to repent our sins. That is why nobody burns offerings and that is why you can be forgiven of your sins by allowing Jesus into your heart and accepting him as your savior. On top of that, many people act with surprising hatred towards gay people this is not His word. His teachings are of respect and love towards all fellow people, regardless of gender, skin, sexuality, or even the religion they practice. Jesus love.
OK this is how I see it the bible is very clear on how we should live our life Homosexuality is sin not that I am judging anybody for thats not my job only the father himself can do that It is said that as a christian we as his followers are to preach the word and it speaks directly against it There are many people who manipulate the bible to benefit them for example people who have relations with a lot of women quote the old testament that speaks it is better to put your seed in the belly of a whore than to spend on the ground Well that is why its the old testament it s when the world was being repopulated The same goes for an eye for an eye That s why there is a new testament and as for that it tells us how to be christian like and from what my bible tells me any man who lies with a man or any woman who lies with another women with open their eyes in hell after their last breath I am taking what Jesus said and doing my best to follow it I do not hate anybody who chooses to live their on way neither does the lord even homosexuals but if you live in sin you will go to hell and it is a sin God Bless America and God Bless All Of You
I think that scripture is for us to live by in this 21 century and through out eternity I feel that it is forgotten and people are living as they desire Many christians are not living according to the Holy bible
Ignoring the comedy in this chapter for the moment I must point out that these are clearly social conventions stated by a man for men except for verse 23 It is clear also that the Jews had been up to all sorts of naughty things and it was about time somebody stopped them carrying on like that
We are not to judge, but if my brother or sister do one of this, I have a right to correct him/her, refering to the Word of God that: "Thus said the Lord God do not do this, do this". Also him/her has a right to correct me too. By correcting each other, will help us to repent on what we didn't that we where doing wrong. Note that we've got different weakness, therefore correcting me from my weakness might help me to be saved. If someone is correcting me, that particular person shows that he/she love and care about me as he/she love and care about him/herself. But leaving me continuing sinning, doesn't show love at all.
Verse 22 is that which has alot to do with the current sociaty and christians have to be bold and help the totality living of all in accordance to the word of God.
I really think you people who claim to believe should go do some good in the world. Go raise someone from the grave, go heal the million of people with cancer, go do any thing but sit around and judge other people. If you really believe the bible do some thing beside making up reasons why you can't do what the bible clearly states a believer can do.
James 5:14-15 "Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the Church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And if they have committed sins, these will be forgiven."
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
It is unfortunate that our society has deteriolate like this. The Bible said Romans 1;28 For those that refuse to retain God in thier knowledge, He gave them over to a roprobate mind to do those things which are not convinent. verse 29- 32 As a list of all the abomination that have defied our land . ( 2 thess 2 ; 10 .11 For the decieveableness of their heart ...... He will send them STRONG delusion.....)Men. SIN is inheret in us. it is not easy and you cant do it on your own YOU NEED JESUS CHRIST Repentance is of the Lord Pual wrote to the philipians (I can do all thins through CHRIST which strenghtened ME 4 ;13) Jesus said (I am the vine and you are the branches) The branches cant succeed without the vine so are we Christain. The world is coming to an END. REPENT Isaiah 1;18 .19 No matter what!!!!!
God also talks about sacrificing animals on an alter as repentence for sin, I don't se alters with burning flesh in every yard and since we are all imperfect and all sinners there should be a lot burning going on.
You don't have to understand, why your brother is gay, beleive me, it is not a choice. Most people would not intentionally chose a path that makes their lives harder or hurt his/her family (when they are close like you mentioned). I do beleive the bible says God is supposed to do the judging, not us. My son came out when he was 15, I knew he was as young as 8 yrs old and I told his Dad to prepare himself for the day he came to us about it. He is not trying to hurt you or your family, he probably feels terrible because he feels like he has let you all down somehow. Being gay doesn't make him any less of a person, he needs to know that no matter what, you love and care for him. You don't have to like that he is gay but make sure he knows you still love him especially if he is young he may be very vulnerable and feel very alone. He revealed thEis to you all in hopes you would not reject him. Remember if God brings you to it he will bring you through it, ever think this is a test for you and your parents to see if you follow the golden rule?
I would just like to understand why we christians are so worked up about this ONE Leviticus verse. As a christian I am told this verse is very important, but I am not told that Leviticus 12, 13, or 15 (those whole chapters) are important. Why don't I have to follow those anymore but I have to follow this one? Why is this word of God more important than those other ones? Just to be clear... I understand the other verses in this chapter (no "nakedness" with family). But that does bring up a good point, why the wording change. Am I to believe it is ok to have "nakedness" with men as I would with women? I just don't understand.
When i first came across this verse in my Bible, i was scared beyond words, never knew such could also be in the Bible. I pray the Lord will not wipe off this generation like He did for Sodom and Gomorrah, amen
I firmly believe in God's word. It plainly states in scripture Leviticus 18:22 that homo***uality is wrong and every version of the Bible aside from KJV states exactly the same thing. Yes, God loves those that practice this but in HIS eyes sin is sin and they will be punished which could be eternal punishment. Even worse, is that those practicing homo***ual are stomping their feet to get our Constitution changed to fit their desires and our government is pretty close to doing exactly that and they are wrong as well. That is why so many Christians are against any amendments to our constitution. Our Nation was founded on Christian principals and our motto is "One Nation Under God" and we are to live by the biblical principles. That is why Christians are standing up and fighting against homo***ual lives because they stand for God!! Christians are not attacking people, only the sin of the people. God loves us all equally, and his Laws apply to ALL of us and we all will be treated equally when it comes to God's word.
22Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be (CUT OFF) from among (THEIR PEOPLE.)
I think this verse is very pertinent for today because the mass media and the entertainment industry is bombarding us with occult immagery from the Egyptian area.
The bottom line is this. We (the called out one's “The Ecclesia”; God people) should not hate one who "chooses" to lead a homosexual lifestyle. For that is "not" for us to do. God makes it very clear, that it's an "abomination" to Him. As for how to deal with a person in ones family on this matter. There are several other scripture the one can use to aid in “fruitful” conversation on the matter; Matthew 18:15, Romans 1:24-32, etc.
God and the Word of God change not.
Homosexuality is an abdomination, a sin.
Many false preachers will go to the lake of fire for supporting gay marriages.
Verse 22. Says it all. Man can do whatever he wants for political or other expediencies but in the sight of Yahweh it is wrong, Choose you this day who you will serve! Man or El? Amen!!!
Same sex marriages? Is it the Lord’s way or man’s way? Let us look at Sound Doctrine Leviticus 16:22 “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” God has put his standard and regulation when it comes to marriage, he simply talks about husband/wife relationship and has been clear when it comes to it. Many say God loves everyone and Many people try to justify that to lie with a man as a woman is really no problem, and they will try to get behind them heaven and earth to be able to legally get married. And yes it’s so true that God loves everyone; that is the whole reason he sent his Son Jesus Christ into this world John 3:16. But he also expects us first and most importantly to Know him and his Son, so we can get eternal life, not just chance his standard and end-up in hell. John 17:3.
Not hard to understand, just hard to swallow for some people. Leviticus 18:22 explains. Women changing their natural desires for men, and against nature they choose to lie with one another. And verse 27, explains verse 26. Likewise men leaving their natural use for women to lie with each other, men with men.
I'm not perfect nor do I claim to be but I ask how could a person who claims to be a follower of God, condone same sex marriages? God does not hate the sinner, but yes He does hate the sin. As Jesus hung on the cross, He asked his Father "Why have You forsaken me?" It was and still is because God wants nothing to do with sin and does not associate with sin. So tell me: how can a so called messenger of God perform same sex marriages, when the Bible states it's an abomination?
It is important to keep the 1611 version of the Bible as it was written. People rely on the word of God to tell them what sin is so that God can change them to make them more like him. For me, 1 Corinthians 7:11 was an eye opener. I had to learn the "don't touch me" rule to keep me out of sin in dating a man. I am obeying God now that I am single and that scripture showed me the boundary I had to live by so I wouldn't fall into sin. Thank God for his word!
@Reesse and Casey,
I agree with your (Reesse’s) comment. Casey no person on this earth is without sin. For if so let that person cast the first stone any takers? Because the only person that was sinless is now in heaven. Seated next to the father. So Casey laugh at us for I'm sure you are both; no human has not sinned, we all have but by the grace of God and Jesus blood, we are heal. God does not indeed hate gay people and I wish some Christians will stop saying that, because that tells me you are not Christian like. Repentance is what saves us from sin I have been through the sinful lust. God loves us including the lost because they are just that but to call us out is insane. You know we sin but we make a repentance for it in the coming days, we will be judged. According to how one lived his/her life if you're gay you automatically go to hell. Same as suicidal and no believers along with the normal sinful people. But if you are not gay but just sinned and there was enough good on your page in the book of light, you get to go to heaven. If there's a lot of sin on your page with no good really balancing out hell is your new home. For gay people, suciduals, and non believers it’s automatically a one trip to hell, once being judged. I suggest you read your bible. @Jessica, I will pray for you.
I know that I as a Christian have broken innumerable amounts of the laws stated throughout Leviticus, but that does not mean that I am wrong to agree with God's clear statement on homosexuality.
James 5:14-15 "Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the Church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And if they have committed sins, these will be forgiven."
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
You don't have to understand, why your brother is gay, beleive me, it is not a choice. Most people would not intentionally chose a path that makes their lives harder or hurt his/her family (when they are close like you mentioned). I do beleive the bible says God is supposed to do the judging, not us. My son came out when he was 15, I knew he was as young as 8 yrs old and I told his Dad to prepare himself for the day he came to us about it. He is not trying to hurt you or your family, he probably feels terrible because he feels like he has let you all down somehow. Being gay doesn't make him any less of a person, he needs to know that no matter what, you love and care for him. You don't have to like that he is gay but make sure he knows you still love him especially if he is young he may be very vulnerable and feel very alone. He revealed thEis to you all in hopes you would not reject him. Remember if God brings you to it he will bring you through it, ever think this is a test for you and your parents to see if you follow the golden rule?
29 For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be (CUT OFF) from among (THEIR PEOPLE.)
Homosexuality is an abdomination, a sin.
Many false preachers will go to the lake of fire for supporting gay marriages.
I agree with your (Reesse’s) comment. Casey no person on this earth is without sin. For if so let that person cast the first stone any takers? Because the only person that was sinless is now in heaven. Seated next to the father. So Casey laugh at us for I'm sure you are both; no human has not sinned, we all have but by the grace of God and Jesus blood, we are heal. God does not indeed hate gay people and I wish some Christians will stop saying that, because that tells me you are not Christian like. Repentance is what saves us from sin I have been through the sinful lust. God loves us including the lost because they are just that but to call us out is insane. You know we sin but we make a repentance for it in the coming days, we will be judged. According to how one lived his/her life if you're gay you automatically go to hell. Same as suicidal and no believers along with the normal sinful people. But if you are not gay but just sinned and there was enough good on your page in the book of light, you get to go to heaven. If there's a lot of sin on your page with no good really balancing out hell is your new home. For gay people, suciduals, and non believers it’s automatically a one trip to hell, once being judged. I suggest you read your bible. @Jessica, I will pray for you.
I know that I as a Christian have broken innumerable amounts of the laws stated throughout Leviticus, but that does not mean that I am wrong to agree with God's clear statement on homosexuality.