King James Version (KJV)
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The fact is that I righteous by keeping the law, but through believing that Christ died in my place so that I may live. But being forgiven does not mean you continue in sin. The Decalogue shows the character of God which is Love Deut 6:5, Leviticus 19:18. And John 14:15, 15:14 shows this more clearly. Christ called us into obedience as He did the Israelites, He delivered them from bondage and then gave them His Commandments Exodus 20:1,2. If I claimed to be saved and love God, yet I fornicate, kill, tell lies, steal, disobedient to parents etc, would this bring praise and followers for Christ? Read James 2, 1 John 2:1-6, 1 Cor 6:9-10, 2 Peter 3:16, Romans 13:8-10, 6:23 and you will see.
Answer: The movie entitled The Sixth Sense stirred up a renewed interest in the ability to see "dead people," and/or communicate with the spirit world. Television shows titled Medium and Ghost Whisperer continue the trend. Is it truly possible to see the spirits of dead people? Is there such a thing as a "sixth sense" or "third eye"?
A sixth sense can also be described as ESP, or extra-sensory perception. Extra-sensory perception is the means by which we acquire information through any sense other than the five basic senses (sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing) or other well-documented scientific physiological senses. Depending on one's culture and beliefs, a sixth sense can be attributed to anything from the spiritual to the technological.
Parapsychology addresses certain types of ESP-such as those possessed by psychics and mediums-including clairvoyance, telekinesis, and communication with the dead. The Bible makes it clear that these types of experiences should be avoided. We should not exercise any sort of spiritual abilities outside the realm of what the Bible deems acceptable, nor should we consult with anyone who does so.
If such a thing as a sixth sense or third eye truly exists, it is not of God. Those who claim to practice such abilities are either deceivers, self-deceived, and/or under the power of demonic forces. Leviticus 19:31 says, "Do not rely on mediums and psychics, for you will be defiled by them. I, the Lord, am your God." Consulting spiritists is foolish and angers the Lord ( 2 Chronicles 33:6). Acting as a medium or psychic was punishable by Death.
You need to stop doing this. It throws open a big wide door for demons to come I and make things happen.
1. Luke 17:26-30 tells us in the last days before Jesus returns to Earth, things will go on as normal: just as they did in Lot's time. But all of a sudden God's Judgement will be poured out, as did happen to Sodom & Gomorrah, so the instruction to the Jews not to return back for their worldly goods (i.e. to preserve their lives).
2. There are many references to homosexuality in both the Old & New Testaments. Some of these are: Leviticus 20:13 (& see other verses in this chapter about the detestable acts that God abhors; also Lev chap 18); Romans 1:24-28; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:8-10.
In reference to wearing of make-up: even though passages such as 1 Timothy 2:9,10 & 1 Pet 3:3,4 speak about the wearing of respectable, godly apparel & not about putting on of make-up, there are references to it that associate it with harlotry when beauty had to be enhanced to allure the men: 2 Kings 9:30, Jeremiah 4:30. Leviticus 19:28 speaks about printing marks & cutting of flesh which what Israel must not do (as the heathen did).
Here is my understanding of what love your neighbor means. First of all, Luke 10:27 says Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. This comes from Deuteronomy 6:5, thou shalt love the Lord your God, and then Leviticus 19:18, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
The term "Thou shalt love" in the Greek text is not in command form. It is called a Future Active Indicative. What this is telling us is that if we have the Spirit of Christ living in us, WE WILL love the Lord with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind, and WE WILL love our neighbor as ourselves. It is a statement of fact. The word love is the word Agape. This is different from human love (Phileo). Agape love is a fruit of God's Spirit which we are given in Galatians 5:22.
What is interesting is that to the Jews in the Old Testament, their neighbor was their fellow Jew. In the New Testament, the word neighbor for the Christian is a reference to other Christians. In fact, Jesus said it. He said, "All men will know that you are my disciples when you have love for one another." The highest love that I can show my brothers and sisters in Christ is to be obedient to Christ.
So, we are not commanded to get out there and start loving our neighbors. The command is YOU WILL. Its a factual statement. Since God is love (Agape), and He gives us His Spirit, and His Spirit in us produces that love, WE WILL love our neighbor, and WE WILL love the Lord our God. It's impossible not to because His Spirit in us produces that love!
In regard to the 666 thing and making a vaccination, that is interesting. Quote fromTheo - in Reply on Leviticus 19 luciferase is a real enzyme that produces bioluminescence and the Microsoft patent relating to commerce is WO2020060606A1
My understanding is that when you apply for a paten; the number is given by the government; but it seems to me that number is more than a coincidence as it involves the number 666 at this time; and that is not a good thing.
I enjoy your reading your comments and all of the discussions; but i am a little old now with a few headaches and a lack of energy and all i want is peace and quiet and rest and to live a long and peaceful life maube to be the oldest person in th world, a good cook with healthy foods who eats junk bars..
I can find several of my comments and so I may redo them s they were te easy ones to do; and my eye site is improving. I like to read my small bible, new testament. I may message some otf it as it is easy to do.....etc....I have 600 characters left......
Society will forbid people to marry, and commanding to abstain from eating meats.
I highly recommend that you read all of 1 Timothy chapter 4, because it concerns what is happening in the last days, obviously. SOCIETY will try to dictate what people should do or not do.
Insane stuff, like teach human anatomy and sexuality to 6 yr old small children!!! Teach homosexuality and lesbianism to public school children who have no clue what that is. Age appropriate, people!
iF those children have attained accountability (knowing good versus evil) and they decide to jump on that bandwagon ? WHO is going to tell them that choices can send them to hell.
Have a godly opinion about this and tell SOCIETY, through your American blood purchased right to VOTE .... Not My Child!!!
City powers are not telling us what to do; it's the Antichrist crowd screaming for more blood. On the phone 24/7 logging in complaints. Get involved. Make your own calls.
Selah. (Pause and think on these things)
read the article carefully. then look up mercury poisoning symptoms and then look up autism symptoms.
Would the devil want to poison our children? Is it our job to protect them?
Who is the father of lies?
Snopes also says Saran Silverman never said anything offensive about being glad Jews killed Jesus.
Yet youtube has her on stage saying exactly that. youtube search this: sarah silverman "I would kill Christ again"
snopes is full of something and it is not truth.
However, the technology is there & so such an implant could in fact be 'ushered' in for a completely different reason. Remember, how Christians became suspicious with the introduction of the Credit Card? Many refused then, & some today I suspect, of using a 'satanic inspired medium' for business. Or, even the Bar Code we see on all our products, that all have the 666 digits evenly spaced in the code line? Nothing happened, but I see that these are all steps to more development & worse still, society's acceptance of what is 'normal, acceptable progression in the modern world'. Once accepted by society as a much needed tool for achieving a purpose, then it becomes a small matter for the Anti-Christ to use existing technology to promote his brand of despotism & control over all governments & their citizens. We have a choice now to use credit cards, the internet, & others ways for governments & others to access all the information they want about us, but the day will come, when there won't be a choice: it will be, "receive the mark & live or die as an outcast from society".
The World.
The Holy Spirit said years ago, that the Mark of the Beast will not be by trickery, non-disclosure by medical people, school administrators, etc.
It will be a conscious decision by each individual; older children too.
I was concerned when there were stories in media about people having debit implants put in their bodies. I don't know if they accepted the mark. Maybe it's a way for people to get accustomed to other ways to access their funds?
People are kinda being wooed with methods.
People left on earth with stock piles of food can get along temporarily,
BUT when the One World Money system functions: I believe people will HAVE to take the Mark of Antichrist and worship him as God, to live a little while longer until the Return of Jesus Christ with His armies to defeat Antichrist, False Prophet and Satan.
Unfortunately, people who took the Mark of the Beast, will go with them. No amount of begging will save them.
People who refused the Mark for the testimony of Jesus Christ, will be tortured and executed. Their souls will be taken to heaven.
People who hid out in the hills and managed to survive the Tribulation without taking the Mark, and who became Born Again, will be taken to heaven.
My plea with everyone reading this: Make your decision now while being born again is easier. Be humble and truthful and receive forgiveness for your sins. God already knows about them. Take hold of Jesus with all your strength and find the LOVE you always longed for: a dream that becomes a reality. Never recant. Never look backwards!
however this guy is not a Christian natural news Mike Adams
Enzyme that will make Bill Gates' vaccine microchip implant work known as LUCIFERASE
" Part of the plan for vaccination against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is to inject people with syringes that contain implantable "quantum dot" tattoos, which we reported are a type of microchip that would seem to constitute the Mark of the Beast. And further proof of this comes in the form of the enzyme that Bill Gates has chosen to make it all possible, which has been ominously dubbed "luciferase."
According to reports, luciferase will activate these quantum dot "microneedles," as they are also called, effectively delivering the so-called vaccines into people's bodies. This "near infrared bioluminescence enzyme luciferase" is what will make the Gates vaccines readable through special mobile device apps that will scan the injection site and identify the "digital certificates," or proof of vaccination, that Gates and others have been publicly announcing in recent days."
Implantable Microsoft digital ID microchip bears the patent #060606
funny how they are pushing this
people isreal?
The word faith in James Chapter 2 is talking about Spiritual faith. There are two types of faith, human faith, and Spiritual faith. Spiritual faith is only produced by God's Spirit. We can't produce it. The word faith literally means persuasion. And the word works literally means activity. And if you put faith (persuasion) and activity together, you realize that it is God's Spirit in you that is doing the work.
James 2:8 says if ye fulfil the royal law, and this is the same as the law of liberty. It's called Torah or Kingdom Law. Royal means belonging to the king. But if you fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, and this is found Leviticus 19:18, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, and then he says you do well:
In Matthew 22:37, Jesus said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. I'd like to point out two things. Number one, the term "Thou shalt love" is not in command form. That is a Future Active Indicative in the Greek text. It is it is not a command. It is a factual statement. You will love! Secondly, believers are supposed to love one another. But, neither in the Old Testament, nor in the New Testament, is it in command form.
As a matter of fact, the command in the Old Testament is (YOU WILL) love the Lord your God, and (YOU WILL) love your neighbor as yourself. It's a factual statement, not a command. Jesus is not commanding us to go out and to love. He's stating fact, that if we have His Spirit, WE WILL love. It's His Spirit in us that produces Agape love. We cannot produce Agape. That's why we have to understand that if we have His Spirit in us, WE WILL love. Factual statement!
It comes from Deut. Chapter 6, the chapter that has the SHEMA, the prayer that's prayed every morning and evening by Orthodox Jews. In that prayer, they recite the fact that God says that I will put my Spirit in you, and I will put my laws on your heart, and you will love the Lord your God.