Discuss Leviticus 2

  • GiGi on Leviticus 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 2


    The Holy Spirit worked within the Israelites to help them complete the tabernacle. I believe it is most likely that He also enlightened them in understanding the significance and efficacy of these sacrifices and offerings. We just do not know for sure what these people experienced at that particular time. But God is good and works things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. He had a purpose for this chosen nation. Salt, the preservative, the Holy Spirit, the Preserver, must have been working in this nation because if He was not, on their own humanness, their faith, zeal, and service to God would have diminished and eventually died out. But these were preserved in this nation until Christ came. And then these ordinances were no longer needed, since the Holy Spirit indwells all believers and brings about all that these ordinances brought to the believers. The Jewish nation rejected Jesus, their Messiah, so the Holy Spirit withdrew from them and their worship. And, then, in 66, 70 and 145 A.D. Jerusalem was completed taken over, ransacked, and razed by the Romans. Million + Jews were killed. Many fled the area. The Temple was burned and almost totally demolished (the wailing wall is all that is left).

    The temple services were stopped. The ordinances ceased since there was not longer a Tabernacle for them to be performed in.

    God's Presence was no longer among the Jews. Most of the Jews other tribes had been long scattered across the globe, preventing a centralized culture, religious life, and national identity of these people for almost 2 millennia. Even with the re-establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948, God has not necessarily renewed His favor nor Presence among these people.

    Though His Covenant will be fulfilled before the end of days, He has not worked among these people like He did in the days of Moses in the time between leaving Egypt and arriving at Canaan. Will He do so once again?
  • GiGi on Leviticus 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 2

    Salt also was an expensive element. Therefore, it would bring even more value to the offering because of its inherent worth and usefulness. The Holy Spirit does empower our service, preserve our faith, purify our hearts from our sin when we bring it to God (as in the meat offering) through Jesus. The Holy Spirit must be present in our lives if we are to come before the Father and find favor instead of wrath. So, unbelievers' efforts to bring an offering or sacrifice are futile and rejected by God. Salt makes what is bland and ordinary something satisfying and rich in flavor. So, the work of the Holy Spirit takes simple humans who are so small in comparison to the grandeur of God and raises us up to be more Christ-like by His sanctifying work.

    This chapter really spoke to me tonight. Much to be gleaned from it, for me. God does not need anything from us. There is nothing we can give Him that He does not already possess in infinite measure and perfection. He is altogether self-existing and self-sufficient. He is the ultimate Giver. But He knew that offering these sacrifices (ch.1) and offerings (ch.2) would greatly benefit His people. We think we are serving Him, but really He is serving us. He is ever benevolent to those He has chosen for Himself. He works all things for good to those who love Him and are called by His purpose.

    While the sacrifices in Chapter 1 were for sin; the offerings of this Chapter are for expressing gratitude and acknowledging God's provision for us in all that we need and then some! Praise and glory to our God who loves us so and teaches us what we cannot learn of ourselves. Here He teaches the Israelites many lessons in these chapters describing these sacrifices and offerings. I wonder how much He opened their minds to understanding beyond their abilities in these things. In the final chapters of Exodus it says that people were filled with the Holy Spirit to have understanding and skill to make the tabernacle.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 2


    Frankincense was a very rare and costly commodity. It was harvested from the boswellia in North Aftrica, India, and Arabia. It comes from a tree related to the turpentine tree. Harvesters shave back a section of bark and over a few months the resin seeps out and forms crystal "tears" along the tree trunk. The harvester comes back and collects the "tears". It releases its aroma best when heated or burned. it has many medicinal and healing properties. Perhaps there were Boswellia trees in the wilderness at that time or maybe in Egypt.

    The sweet aroma of frankincense was released when burned with both meat sacrifices and meal offerings. Its aroma is said to be pleasing to God. God does not have a sense of smell like we do. But He has His own ways of experiencing the aroma of incense. Incense is often equated with the prayers of the saints. So, in these meal offerings, the oil of faith and incense of prayers are to be applied with the offering of the work of our hands to God. These offerings are what man brings to God, not what God does for man. So, I don't really think they represent God's gifts to us. But I do think that these offerings represent Christ and His work for us being presented to the Father. Truly, only what is of Christ is acceptable to the Father. he is our Mediator and Intercessor. We serve God in our capacity, but Jesus righteousness and work on our behalf brings us into the Presence of God.

    The offering of fruits and vegetables were not burned. Perhaps lain on the altar and blessed with thanksgiving and then the Levites had them for their meals.

    The last thing that is emphasized is the adding of salt to all of the sacrifices. Salt is a cleanser, disinfectant, and preservative as well as a flavor enhancer.

    So, salt was a element that purifies, that causes something to endure, and as an enhancer to ordinary things.

    So, perhaps the salt represents the Holy Spirit, who does all of these things.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 2

    In this chapter, Moses is given directions concerning non-flesh offerings. They are:

    fine flour, oil, and frankincense

    unleavened bread or wafers , oil, and frankincense

    fruits and vegetables, oil, and frankincense

    These are to be brought to the high priest. He takes some of the offering and offers it as a sacrifice. The rest is for Him and his sons to have for food.

    They are not to use leaven or honey in their bread. Most likely, the leaven stands for sin and the honey, worldly pleasure. God does not want any of these mixed in with our offerings to Him. We are told to examine ourselves before partaking of the Lord's Supper. We should ask God to show us sin that we are to confess and repent of. The Holy Spirit will help us when we ask this. We are to bring our offering with clean hands and hearts. We are to worship God without sensuality or with elements of the world. Reminds me of how much we pass off as worship in our church services and especially concerts have adopted the actions, atmosphere, and special effects of the secular music industry.

    We are also to purposely set aside some of what we have from our agriculture and from our kitchen for and offering to God. He does not need to eat. So, what is the purpose of offering food to Him? Perhaps it is that we are to be willing to part with some of what sustains us physically and trust that He will give us our "daily bread" both physically and spiritually.

    We are to bring enough to that the priests will have a goodly share for their sustenance. So, we should be willing to pay our pastors a worthy salary for their work for us.

    The oil, perhaps representing the faith (the ten virgins had oil in their lamps (faith) that the bridegroom would soon come). The offerings of the work of our hands is to be done in faith (that God is a rewarder of those who seek him in faith). Also, oil was used for anointing common things for holy use (set apart for God) So, the oil may represent this.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Leviticus 2:12 - 2 years ago
    Thank you David for that Lovely Aaronic blessing.

    And these trying times do remind us to consider seriously "how then shall we live?" You have expressed well what should be on our minds as we consider how we will live for our Lord.
  • David T on Leviticus 2:12 - 2 years ago
    My walk in the LORD GOD should always be "salted" in the joy I have because of CHRIST JESUS in me. As I adhere unto the things of GOD, I can be assured that the LORD will hear and answer my prayers and supplication. 1 John 5: 14, 15

    At this junction, our country is facing grave and dangerous outcomes with our current leaders and the direction we are heading with their current economic, social, and religious ideologies. I must go before the LORD as depicted in

    2 Chronicles 7:14, 15.

    The disciples asked the LORD JESUS why they couldn't heal the demon possessed boy, and the HE replied "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." Matthew 17: 21 If I desire healing for our land and country, I must become "salt" and turn from the leaven and honey; and praise the LORD in HIS great commission. If I am of CHRIST, then I must set my "...affections on things above and not on this earth..."

    I must be willing to present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto my GOD. "...And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

    Romans 12: 1, 2

    I write this post to remind myself of what I need to do and where my devotion unto my LORD stands at this point in my walk with HIM.

    I praise the LORD for all the saints on this forum and their love for the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The sharing, declaring, and proclaiming the precious things the LORD has done for you is certainly encouraging for me to read and glorify HIM.

    Numbers 6

    24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

    25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

    26 The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

    The LORD to lift all who love HIM and await HIS soon and imminent coming. Titus 2: 11-15

    September 26, 2022
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 26:7-75, note Matthew 26:12,

    Leviticus 2:6,15, Ezekiel 46:15, John 6:50-51,

    If these are the same account then much is written about her & her siblings, here are some: John 11, Luke 7:36-50, Luke 8:2,

    Matthew 27:55-61, Matthew 28, Mark 15, Mark 16,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • JOHN A JEROME on Leviticus 2 - 7 years ago
  • Marlene on Leviticus 2 - 8 years ago
    Margie, I support your comments which vividly state the laborous rituals which the Israelites had to endure to seek forgiveness of their sins and to be able to commune with their God. Jesus has made it so simple, He is just a prayer away and many of us can't even dedicate one minute to seek His face. Thank you God the father for the gift of Jesus Christ our intercessor
  • Marlene on Leviticus 2 - 8 years ago
    I agree with Matthew that when we give our lives to God at a young age; innocent and pure, we are giving God the first fruits of our lives which He honours. Parents should therefore ensure that they nurture their children in the word of God so that they will offer them as spotless and unblemished sacrifices to the Lord and that they will grow up to love and serve the Lord in spirit and in truth.
  • Sharita jones on Leviticus 2 - 9 years ago
    andre there is fruit given in the offerings the fruit is not to be burnt when offering. I love this chapter the foods represent something different and you have to go beyond the reading to understand it
  • Sharita jones on Leviticus 2 - 9 years ago
    andre there is fruit given in the offerings the fruit is not to be burnt when offering. I love this chapter the foods represent something different and you have to go beyond the reading to understand it
  • Dewey on Leviticus 2 - 9 years ago
    Charlotte, in Matthew Henry comments he believes a meat offerings was the same as a offering of fine flour to represent Christ as that bead of life that comes down from Heaven. I believe he is correct God did accept either that 's his prerogative. As for Cain his farming products was not the only things he had to offer God. He Could have borrowed Sheep or some other animal to sacrifice to God had he cared. It was his arrogance, pride, envy, and hatred for his brother Abel that caused God to reject him and his subsequent downfall. God bless us all and in the understanding of his Word. Glory be to God in the highest through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!
  • Margie Edwards on Leviticus 2 - 9 years ago
    I think the comments have merit but they seem to be written with the view point of law and nothing of grace. I believe the commands God gave not just showed us how live a peaceful life because we can do ll of the "right things " and still miss the point. When i read Leviticus 2 I see definate parallels. The bread of the grain offering was a forthtelling of how Jesus would give His body and the bread we eat in rememberance is the sacrifice that Christ made. Then we have to remember the olive oil was representative of the Holy Spirit. The body amd oil go together like a hand in a glove. Can 't work the same one without the other. I also not those who were to burn the sacrifice. Maybe not the same faces, but don 't forget the high priests was the "prime minister " and the priests did his bidding. Link that to the ones to the crucifixion of Jesus if you will and you will see even in this scripture passage the typology. One more thing i get from this is the honey and the leaven were not to be birned on the altar. The leven represents all that is in us of the world that needs to drop off us. We should let it go instead of sayimg things like, its hard for me. Nothing is too hard for God and in Him ot shouldn 't be for us eother. The honey is the sweet presence of God in our lives when we are doing what he commands, to love the Lord God with all of hearts souls and mind. What we think and bwleive really does affect the way our brains function.
  • Wendy on Leviticus 2 - 10 years ago
    I think it 's interesting how neither leaven nor honey are acceptable in this context. Is that because they were associated with Egypt?
  • Joseph Appiah on Leviticus 2 - 10 years ago
    Perhaps the most striking of all the verses of this chapter is the requirement in verse 13 which explicitly demand the use of SALT in all offerings. This is what Jesus also demanded of us as Christians that we are the salt of the earth and we should not loose our salty savour in Mathew 5 13. As salt is sweet, so must our lives bring the peace and joy of the LORD into the lives of the people we meet everyday. Also, as salt preserves food and meat from decaying, so must our lives radiate the righteousness, purity and holiness of Christ and flush out corruption and moral degradation out of our societies. Does your life perform this task of the believer? God help us all to live to glorify His name in Jesus name, Amen. God richly bless you all.
  • Varaidzo matiza on Leviticus 2 - 11 years ago
    lets render unto the most high his dues
  • Charlotte on Leviticus 2:1 - 11 years ago
  • Charlotte on Leviticus 2:1 - 11 years ago
  • Frances on Leviticus 2 - 11 years ago
    the first is always to GOD,GOD sent His first and only Son, Jesus is without blemish, when we pay our tithes that is the first thing that we should pay when we receive our pay check we pay from our gross and not the net,and after reading the of GOD if we knew or know better we should give our first child back to GOD.
  • AndrĂ© on Leviticus 2 - 12 years ago
    @ Myquiverisfull.mills,
    That is of God, because throughout the Bible, there is no place where God is asking burnt offerings of fruits and vegetables.
    All that is burnt is blood, meat, flour and oil.
    God bless you.
  • Anonymous on Leviticus 2:12 - 12 years ago
    I find it very interesting that the King James Version is specific regarding "shall not be burnt on the altar". My New American Standard states "shall not ascend for a soothing aroma", which IMPLIES it won't be burnt. But now, I'm wondering why the first fruits won't be burnt.

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