Jesus came to teach us God's laws, to shed his blood for all sinners, who call on him and believe in him with all our heart, but he has never said to continue is sin, for if we do we shall not inherit the kingdom nor shall we receive God's grace it's our job to speak truth so others will seek redemption , many will knock few will enter
We are indeed not under the law, but the law of Christ and the Gospel of Grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 make that clear. However, remember Hebrews: Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever. God has not changed how he feels about the sins listed here or elsewhere in the Law. He has only changed the way he deals with the sin. Thank God for GRACE! And the shed blood of Jesus our Lord!
i believe this was the law and it was established for the people, then... now we are sons and daughters of Grace.. and his grace is suffient to us... we are not saved by our works, least any man should boast.. it is a gift from God.. but the wages of sin is still death... so let us live according to his word,, In Christ Jesus.. Our Holy God....
once saved always saved God is not going to give you something and then take it away in romans for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance Jesus said this is the blood of the new testament ,which is shed for you
How many of His little ones have been caused to sin by those who should have been trustworthy examples and protectors! Jesus has pity and is well able to recover His sheep that have been driven out and scattered in the dark mountains! But as for those who caused them to be driven out; "It were better for him if a millstone were tied around his neck and he were thrown into the depths of the sea.."
"Work in progress", I think that the Bible is clear that sins that are accidental will be forgiven but sins that you plan to do and will not repent from deserves death.
30 But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously, whether he be born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
- Numbers 15:30 KJV
If you once were saved and were abused and broke Gods laws is that an automatic death sentance even if you rededicate and go back to him where you belong?
L. Eames - Eccl. 12-13; Deut. 10:12-13; Micah 6:8 ; these are beautiful scriptures, aren't they. Jn. 14:15; 1 Jn. 2:3. They make obeying the Lord Jesus so - easy. That's all one has to do is what they say; and His commandments are all found in the Gospels and the epistles.
I think Michael said it best, if we were to live according to Leviticus, we would all have bushy beards, none of us would eat meat, we would not be able to socialise with disabled/little people, we would not be able to wear clothing of mixed fabrics. But many of us do these things, so will those of us who do these things be surely put to death or ex communicated? Also is it right to own slaves?
The Bible is our road map, the law was a shadow of things to come. Jesus said he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill the the law Matthew 5;17-20. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. Thank God for his grace and his mercy for without it we would still have a death sentence over our head. Let the church shout Hallelujah to Jesus. Ecclesiastes 12;13 Fear God and keep his commandments
Jesus 'bloodline' - Our salvation does not depend on a pure, sinless bloodline; i.e., Rahab of Jericho was in Jesus bloodline and Ruth, who was of the Moabites, and SOLOMON!! He ended up sacrificing his own children to Molech. Yet He is mentioned in the line of Jesus. Jesus didn't come to save the righteous ....................
There's a lot of misunderstanding about the Law and the [so-called] Old Testament, with many Churches. Jesus Himself taught us, that until heaven and earth should pass away, not one yode or tittle could pass away from the Law, till all be fulfilled; and that He came not to abolish the Law, but to completely make full! When we have His grace, it will show His holy character in our life, for Law.
Some of you guys (Michael and others) need to read the New Testament specifically the book of Hebrews, to fully understand why all these ordinances were the Old Testament were given. It explains that much of this was symbolic and was foreshadowing walking with The Holy Spirit and walking with Christ's nature living within you.
I reckon these words were given to those who are called to be priest and who accept by faith. However, majority of men shave their beards today, hang around the disabled and even priests do this. And pastors. So if you wanna follow the bible , do all of it dont pick and choose. Nevertheless I think this was for certain people. One body yes but called for different things. But in all i believe that if you recognize your calling as a priest or pastor. Or leader something like that. This your potion of what the bible say if you still living under the law. Im under grace not to abuse it. But grace is all we all need. He may have a tattoo on his body and you have a drinking problem or worse that causes you to go astray. But God is gracious and he loves us first. While we were ungodly and sinners and transgressors Christ died for us. So why talk about it but rather lets pray for eachother that Gods grace continue to abound. We cant do it all right. Remember Christ no one is perfect not one. Even God knows this. Priest or not .
I think it means that he should only marry someone of his own bloodline. Levites only married Levites. Mary's mother's family were Levites because her aunt Elizabeth and her husband were Levites which made Jesus' human bloodlines of the king and the priest lines. Maybe he made this law to ensure the purity of the bloodlines through which Jesus would come??
Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Why would you want to defile it by any means? I really believe that if God wanted you to have Tattoo He would have given you a birth mark ok?
Nevertheless, there are those individuals who have not come into the knowledge of that truth according to scripture and have already made that mistake, but God is merciful, and will forgive our ignorance. Now once you come into the knowledge of the truth, He expects us to adhere to His word. Amen? If you already have a tattoo or cuts, or piercing on your body before giving your life to Christ; He will forgive this sin, so don't allow the enemy to stop you from coming to God just as you are. In the end you get a new body, Praise God for that. Now that you know the truth walk in it whole heart, mind and body!
For the Jew, if they follow the faith, they must realize God had reasons,those reasons he explains. I must concur with his wisdom.
As for me as a Christian, I live under his dispensation of faith, now law. I shave, nevertheless, not considering that heathenish, I do consider cutting the flesh and making indelible markings thereupon, a heathen practice and I do not subscribe to it. Is is sin? For me it is, and I am surprised that so many claiming to live as a follower of Christ do the tattoo.
As for me . . . Glen
I really enjoyed this chapter. There are a lot of things man wants to get away with these days and say it’s ok. But we need to get back into the word and live by it!
30 But the soul that doeth ought presumptuously, whether he be born in the land, or a stranger, the same reproacheth the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from among his people.
- Numbers 15:30 KJV
Nevertheless, there are those individuals who have not come into the knowledge of that truth according to scripture and have already made that mistake, but God is merciful, and will forgive our ignorance. Now once you come into the knowledge of the truth, He expects us to adhere to His word. Amen? If you already have a tattoo or cuts, or piercing on your body before giving your life to Christ; He will forgive this sin, so don't allow the enemy to stop you from coming to God just as you are. In the end you get a new body, Praise God for that. Now that you know the truth walk in it whole heart, mind and body!
As for me as a Christian, I live under his dispensation of faith, now law. I shave, nevertheless, not considering that heathenish, I do consider cutting the flesh and making indelible markings thereupon, a heathen practice and I do not subscribe to it. Is is sin? For me it is, and I am surprised that so many claiming to live as a follower of Christ do the tattoo.
As for me . . . Glen