Discuss Leviticus 6

  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Lev. Ch. 6:24-30 continue

    ...scoured of all blood and rinsed in water.

    And finally, no sin offering from which the blood is taken into the tabernacle of meeting and holy place is to be eaten by the priests. It is to be burned wholly upon the altar until consumed. This may mean that there is something about Jesus sacrifice and his blood that is between the Father and the Jesus that we are not privy to. Anything burned upon the altar is offered to God wholly, so the broken body and blood of Jesus is presented to the Father as sin offering for us. It is poured out heavenward, to the Father, before it is appropriated to us to cover our sins.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6:24-30

    This Section speaks about the sin offering.

    First it says that the sin offering is to be killed next to the altar where the burnt offering is burning. The burnt offering is a continuous sacrifice, but the sin offering is necessarily so. This reminds me that Jesus offering of Himself is for all time and it is because of His perfection in all things that our sins can be brought before him when we confess our sins and we can be assured that He will cleans us from all unrighteousness.

    Second, the priest who offers the sin offering is to eat the meat of it. It is considered holy, so whoever touches it must be holy also. This must speak to the priest having been consecrated and sanctified before God. No one but a priest could offer the sacrifice. Jesus, a the Last Supper, spoke of the bread being His body, broken for the forgiveness of sins. And then He told His apostles to take and eat it. In this act Jesus is calling us to participate in His death and resurrection every time we observe this ordinance and in doing so, we admit to being united to Him and in communion with Him because He gave Himself up for us.

    We, as believers have been made holy by the Holy Spirit. We are worthy to partake of Christ, just as the priests were holy and could partake of the sin offering.

    Thirdly, the blood of the offerings was to be treated with respect, and if one's garment was sprinkled with this blood, the garment is to washed in the holy place only. This may indicate the baptism spoken of where our hearts are washed by the water of the Spirit and the word. But it seems here that the blood may be representative of sin and it is washed out of the garment. Also, if the blood of the sacrifice was collected in an earthen vessel, it was to be broken apart and not used again. If it was put in a brazen (metal) vessel, the metal vessel was to be ....

    the blood of the sin offering is not to be consumed. If it is sprinkled upon the priests clothing, the clothig
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 6:19-22

    This section of the chapter explains how the meat (grain) offering should be made when one is consecrated to be high priest. The high priest will take 7 days to be set apart (consecrated to God) for this lifelong service. Beginning on the 8th day he will begin t offer this grain offering morning and night for as long as he serves as the high priest. He will make a sort of pancake out of one tenth of an ephah of fine flour and oil. He will bake it and place it on the altar where the morning and evening sacrifice is burning. The pancake is to be burnt up completely with no portion kept for the priest to eat.

    This may be showing us that Jesus, as our eternal high priest offered Himself (the bread of life from heaven) completely to the Father. He held back nothing, but His offering of himself was totally given over to the Father in order to give life to believers. At the Last Supper, Jesus referred to the bread of Passover as His body, given to take away the sins of all mankind, except He Himself was sinless. As our High Priest, the efficacy of His offering of Himself is eternal, never failing to be sufficient for the remission of sins for all who believe.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:13 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6; verses 14-18 continued..

    This meat (meal) offering is to be a forever statute. So, with Communion, it is for us to be partaken of regularly as believers, as often as we eat and drink of it we bring to remembrance and proclaim the death and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ.

    It says that everyone who touches those who partake of this meal are to be holy. This speaks to being consecrated. Those who partake of the communion are to be believers, thus being made holy by the Holy Spirit's regeneration and sanctification, by the death and resurrection of Jesus, and by the acceptance of the Father, having justified us through the blood of His One and Only Son, Jesus. The work of the Trinity in our salvation is important to recognize. We are reconciled to God by all of the actions of the Persons of the Trinity. Through the grace and favor of the Godhead, we are redeemed and set apart for God as holy priests who serve Him, the Only True God. He alone is God, there is no other, none before Him and none after Him. There will never be any other gods formed because a created being cannot become a god and be given the True God's divine essence. This essence only God possesses, however, being made holy through salvation, we are brought into communion with God and experience His Glory and Love both now and in the life to come. I don't think we can ever overestimate the worth of this experience when, because of our sins, we deserve to never experience this privilege. It is precious and only the angels and saved humans will be given such a marvelously rich gift in being in right relationship with our Great God and Savior, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:13 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6:14-18

    This portion of the chapter speaks to the Meat (meal) offering that the priests are to offer with the daily morning and evening burnt offering and peace offering. The priest is to take a handful of the fine flour and combine it with the oil and the frankincense to burn it with the sacrificial animal, with its fat. This will be a sweet and pleasing aroma to the LORD. It is said to be a memorial to the LORD. A memorial is something to be remembered. Perhaps the LORD wanted to the people to remember how He had delivered them from the bondage of slavery and also to realize that He has delivered them from the bondage of sin also through the forgiveness He gives through these offerings (which are a shadow of the sacrifice of Jesus). Perhaps the LORD wants His people to not be forgetful about being truly thankful to Him from their hearts for all He has done for them. We too, should be ever grateful to God for Jesus. We are to offer up holy hands with thanksgiving to God when we pray ( Philippians 4:6) We are told to not forget His benefits to us. This is the effect of having a sort of memorial. Partaking of Communion is such a memorial where we remember His body and blood that was shed for us for the forgiveness of sins. This memorial harkens back to this grain offering in this chapter of Leviticus.

    Aaron and his sons are to use the remainder of the grain to make unleavened bread or wafers or cakes for their consumption. It is only to be consumed in the holy place, in the court of the tabernacle of meeting. Even this bread that the priests eat together is considered holy, not common. So the communal eating of it is an act of worship. Our taking of communion is to be eaten with other believers in a holy place as an act of worship. We should beware of partaking of communion in a flippant or insincere way. We are to discern the body and blood of Jesus, we should examine ourselves beforehand, confessing our sins, and honoring God as we partake.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 6:7-13

    So, this continual burnt offering on the altar speaks so many things to those of us in Christ. In Revelation 5:6 speaks of the slain Lamb before God's throne. This speaks back to this burnt offering in Leviticus being continually offered. Scripture tells us that Jesus was slain for sinful mankind before creation and is depicted as the slain sacrificial lamb in Revelation, speaks to the eternality of the work of God for salvation.

    God is always true to Himself. He will never change His mind about sin, nor about His will to redeem mankind, nor about the way He brings about the salvation of humankind. He never had a "Plan B" when Adam sinned. What He ordained was already done when He willed it in eternity because all of what God wills has been accomplished in Him. We on the other hand, see His will be done in time and space. We are bound by that, but God is not.

    The other aspect of this continual sacrifice, and notably, that new wood is put on the fire every morning, is that we are to offer ourselves to God continually as living sacrifices. We are to daily lay our life down for His will, not ours. Each new day we can renew our dedication to Him. All day long we can be in communion with Him because of the perpetual efficacy of Jesus' sacrifice. Even when we are asleep or not consciously aware, the blood of Jesus avails for us. It is not depended on our effort to recall or meditate on it. All of our redemption depends on God alone. He alone can redeem us perfectly forever.

    So much to praise Him for!
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:13 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 6:7-13


    This does not mean that Jesus is forever being crucified. It means that, though His crucifixion was an event that happened in time and space (which would require Him to be human), His sacrifice was accomplished outside of time from eternity to eternity *which requires Him to be God). The Scriptures clearly say that He was slain before the foundation of the world (before creation). Outside of time and space where only God exists, everything is eternally "now" and also "complete". So, all that God has done or ever will do in time and space is absolutely finished. God's will is completely consumated. There is nothing more for God to do within Himself outside of time and space. To be perfect, there can be no progression of actions or process to an end. This would indicate, again, a change within Himself. This is somewhat baffling, but I think it is important to this discussion on Leviitcus 6.

    In verses 7-13, God ordained that the burnt offering would be continually on the altar being consumed by fire. The fire was never to go out. This permanence of sacrifice speaks to several things:

    -God's hatred for sin never goes away

    -the price for sin is a forever payment

    -the need for a perfect sacrifice is always in force

    -the perpetuity of Jesus' sacrifice forever satisfies God's wrath

    -the eternality of Jesus' sacrifice requires no repeat of His sacrifice

    -the redemption of any person is always dependent upon Jesus' completely efficacious sacrifice in our place for our sins

    -God will never change how sins are atoned for

    -the Father always look to Jesus' perfectly lived life and perfect sacrifice when He looks upon us in relation to our sin

    -the Father has permanently given us the righteousness of Jesus as the means of our justification before Him

    -the Father always expresses HIs love, mercy, and grace to those who believe in His Son

    -Jesus' blood never ceases to give us life instead of death
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:13 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Ch.6: 7-13

    To tag on to last night's posts on this section:

    It is said that God is total actuality. This refers to the fact that since He:

    never changes

    is complete within Himself

    is infinitely perfect in His Being

    cannot add anything to His essential Being

    cannot remove anything from His essential Being

    cannot improve Himself in any way

    can never be limited in His perfections

    has not potential for becoming more perfect

    eternally exercises all of Who He is


    So, in regards to "actuality", it can be said that God has no latency within His essence. This means that He does not put aside any aspect of His Being to be enacted upon only when He chooses to do so. All of Who He is, is always enacted. This is termed actualization-actively being what One can be.

    Also, God is not a compartmentalized Being. He does not have components His Being. He does not have a part of Himself that is love, another that is omnipotence, another that is holy, etc. His essence always all of these "attributes" because His essence is One substance that is totally unified. Therefore, His attributes are expressions of His One unified essence. He is pure Being.

    With these ideas in mind, God expresses all that He is through this One essence. He can never be more or less loving or wrathful. He cannot set His wrath aside in order to be loving. These would involve a change in Himself, which is impossible. God never changes. He never ceases to express Himself totally. This is because He is infinitely and completely perfect.

    In relating this idea of being a totally actualized Being to the Leviticus text here, Jesus has always been the Son of God and God always the Father. Jesus has eternally been the sacrifice that both expiates (pays the debt) and satisfies the wrath of God for our sins. ....continued
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus 6:8-13


    The eternality of the sacrifice of Jesus reminds us of the gravity of sin, lest we think that it is but a small, insignificant matter to us or to God.

    The sight and smell of the burnt offering day and night for the Israelites would ever make them conscious of the need to obey His commands and to make use of God's means for the forgiveness of their sins when they fall into transgressing His law. It is always an appeal to God to be merciful to them. They cannot rest on their own laurels. They must rest in God His way.

    The peace offering (fat, oil, incense, and salt) was to be placed on top of the burnt offering. Peace with God only comes from atonement through a redeeming action of a substitute. The death of the sacrifice replaces the death of the sinner every time he sins. There must be redemption first before peace can be realized between God and His chosen ones. There is no true peace without God's acceptance, favor, mercy, and grace. He provided the way for us to be reconciled and have peace. It was not of our doing. We could never make our own way to God. He came to us. He reached down to us. He made Himself one of us to be the perfect substitute to die in our places. He humbled Himself. He set aside His glory to be vulnerable and able to suffer for us. He provided all that is needed for our salvation. We are just to believe this and receive salvation from Him. Before creation, God had all things worked out for our good despite knowing we would be sinful and corrupted. In all this God displays His glory in exercising His love, grace, mercy, and justice through redemptive creation and history.

    All dominion, power and authority is God's. He alone is above all things. He alone is sovereign over all things. He alone is the sole decider of what is right and good and pure as well as what is evil, wicked, and unholy. He decides the rules for His universe. All creation bows to Him. All creation answers to Him. He alone is God.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6 verses 8-13

    This part of the chapter is God's directions to Moses for the sacrifices the priest will be making to God.

    It starts with the command for the burnt offering being offered in the evening and burning on the altar of sacrifice all night long without the fire ever going out.

    God commands that priests to put on his linen garment and trousers and then take up the ashes from the altar and place them beside the altar.

    Then he will remove his linen garments and put on another set of garments and carry the ashes outside the camp to a clean place.

    The fire on the altar in the tent of meeting is to be kept burning and in the morning wood is put on the altar to renew the fuel for the fire and lay a new burnt offering upon the wood on the altar to burn all day long along with the fat of the peace offering.

    This constant burning of the fire and the continual presence of an offering upon the fire represents several things:

    The constant worship of God by the Israelites

    The need for continuous efficacy of the perfect life of Jesus that allows the Israelites to be reconciled to God by His perfect sacrifice once and for all.

    The ongoing acceptance and favor of God upon the Israelites chosen by God through grace bestowed to bring remission of sins allowing fellowship to continue between God and the Israelites.

    That the work of Jesus for salvation is for all time. It never ceases to in actuality, save people from their sins. His blood forever is the means of propitiation for the sins of mankind. There is no one turned away from reception of this redemption who comes to Him in faith by grace.

    The constant presence of a sacrificial substitute burning on the altar assures us that there is never a nanosecond of time that forgiveness is not available to us in Jesus. His blood avails for us at every moment of every day forever. Father eternally accepts the sacrifice of His Son as the means by which He accepts us as His own, holy children.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:23 - 2 years ago
    Lev. Ch. 6


    we should believe and trust that our sins are forgiven

    we are to make restitution to those we have sinned against

    we are to seek God's help in changing our ways in this area of our life.

    It is in obeying God that we love Him ( 1 John 4:21, 5: 2-3) and love our brother, as well.

    In doing so we look out for the best interests of others and not just our own.

    In doing so we glorify God and show Him to be worthy of our devotion and the giving of ourselves as a living sacrifice to Him.

    In doing so, we establish a just social order that brings blessing to others instead of evil.

    It is in doing so that we show ourselves to be children of God.

    And in doing so we rightly exercise our calling as kings and priests unto God, being wise as serpents and innocent as doves, demonstrating that we are a holy people set apart for God's work and will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6:23 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6


    God has ordained that people have a right to be owners of property, goods, businesses, etc. Any government that takes away this right or one's possessions is at odds with what God has decreed. This is one of the evils of government systems, that confiscates an individuals possessions, paycheck, etc. for ownership by the state. This is why it is wrong for any government to take from the "rich" or "privileged" and distribute these to the "poor" or "disenfranchised". We are not to demand anyone to give us of their possessions no matter our need. We do not have a claim on anything that belongs to someone else. To do so is to covet and also is avaricious and greedy.

    We are also to stand up against oppressive practices in government or business. We are to voluntarily give to those in needs as the Spirit leads us to do so. We are to voluntarily look out for the best interests of others and not just for our own interests. But being forced to do so by others is wrong.

    The priests are representatives of Jesus, Who is High Priest for all men. He not only is the sacrifice, but also the offerer-the priest who presents the sacrifice to the Father. He never had need to be the one seeking forgiveness because he was completely sinless, but as the sacrifice, He took our sins upon Himself and removed them from us so that we can be reconciled back to God and to the community of Christ.

    So, these verses speak lying, fraud, deceit, robbery, violence or social wrong involving conscious trespass of the rights of our neighbor. It is knowing what is wrong and choosing to do it. It is willful sinning, not inadvertent or of ignorance. God has spelled out what these trespasses entail. We have no excuse.

    We should;

    heed the lead of the Holy Spirit when He convicts us of sin

    repent from this sin and confess it to God and to the one we have sinned against

    bring the required sacrifice ordained by God to obtain the remission of sins
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Levitcus Chapter 6

    ...continued again.

    Jesus' sacrifice is for all time. His sacrifice makes the animal sacrifice an appropriate substitute for the sinner because the animal sacrifice reaches forward in time to appropriate the sacrifice of Jesus to the Israelites who lived before Jesus came. God has ordained this and it is true.

    I was reading commentary on these verses from: Homilies by W. Clarkston, who made the following points to consider:



    ...dishonest thought goes beyond fraud to falsehood and when necessary, from falsehood to perjury (swearing falsely). This is true of life. Sin is not only the consequence of the evil that came before it, but it is cause of the more sin that is to follow-it is not only the child but also the parent of wrong. Learn that-

    I. NO MAN WHO SINS CAN TELL HOW FAR SIN WILL TAKE THEM (think David looking upon Bathsheba bathing on the rooftop).


    III. IT IS A PART OF THE PENALTY OF SIN THAT IT SHOULD DO SO. (We sometimes think that sin carries no penalty....(yet) it results in certain, immediate, spiritual injury).



    So, in Chapter 6:1-6 we have: lying, fraud, deceit, violence, or social wrong involving conscious trespass of the rights of our neighbor. God has determined that individuals are to have possessions that they own-things they can call "mine". So, in the spirit of the law we should uphold all civil governance that protects rightful ownership of possessions, property, earnings. We should oppose governance that steals these things from an individual.....
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6


    As an employer, we pay one's workers fairly and promptly. As an employee, we do not steal from our employer, either in goods or in wasting time "on the clock" or not completing tasks asked of us or required of us in our job agreement. If we have a business partner, we are to be honest and fair in the distribution of the share of the profits and expenses of the business. If we do business with other businesses we are not to be deceptive, or deal falsely, or not fulfill the agreement in full with other businesses. We are not to be greedy and lust after riches or success in business at the expense of others.

    This explanation refers back to the commandments written on the tablets of stone: though shall not steal, bear false witness, covet concerning what belongs to one's neighbor. Verses 1-6 identifies all of these things as sinful and the one who does these things is determined by God to be guilty. God expects that the one who is guilty to return or repay the one he sinned against the total value of the item plus adding on 20% on top of its value for having offended against another. The one guilty of these trespasses are to offer a trespass offering with the help of the priest, offering a pure, unblemished, wholesome ram for the burnt offering. He is not to offer the sacrifice first and then repay whom he sinned against or delay repayment.

    The text says that when a guilty person does as God has commanded, atonement would have been made and forgiveness is given to the sinner by God.

    This process speaks to:

    1. the sinner is convicted of his sin

    2. the sinner is repentant for his sin

    3. the sinner confesses his sin

    4. the sacrifice makes satisfaction for his sin

    5. the sinner is absolved of his sin.

    and, it is in this order that one comes to have his sins removed before God.

    In reference to Jesus, He is the sinless, spotless, wholesome, acceptable sacrifice that brings the remission of anyone's sin, from Adam up to the last person.
  • GiGi on Leviticus 6 - 2 years ago
    Leviticus Chapter 6

    Verses 1-6 are a continuation of explaining the trespass offering from Chapter 5. From 7 on is a knew subject.

    In this post I will address verses 1-6. The trespass referred to here is the stealing or defrauding another person of his/her belongings/fruits of his labors, starting out with lying to his neighbor about what he had possession of still or not. Perhaps one says that the belonging of his neighbor was never delivered to him (but it was) or perhaps one says that he returned it to the owner (but he never did). He was expected to safe keep the belonging for his neighbor, perhaps in the neighbor's absence or as a surety for a business arrangement, or maybe borrowed from the neighbor. If we say that we will keep another person's possession safe and sound, we are to do so. We are not to lie about having it already having been returned to the neighbor when we in reality kept it or sold it. We are not to be careless with the possession and lose it or damage it. We are to return what we borrow or repay what is lent to us. We are not to deceitfully appropriate to ourselves what belongs to another.

    If we promise to keep something safe to be returned to the owner and then do not keep this promise, we not only sin against our neighbor, but we sin against God by swearing before Him fraudulently. If we rob our neighbor of something he owns by force or violence or stealth, we have not only stolen from him, but also have harmed him physically. We are not to extort anything from our neighbor through threats, blackmail, or abuse of power or position.

    If we find something that does not belong to us, we are to make every effort to return it to the owner. We are not to lie or swear falsely about how this belonging came into one's possession. We are to deal honestly with our neighbor concerning what he owns and what we have acquired. We are to be trustworthy with others. We are to employ fair business practices, whether an employer or employee.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Carol,

    The Passover lamb, the Lamb of God, there stood a lamb as it had been slain, one perfect sacrifice worthy to open the book. The one who redeemed us to God, one sacrifice for sins forever, Hebrews 10:5-12. As the people in this site, redeemed out of every kindred, every tongue, every people, and every nation.

    There is another lamb sacrifice we do not think of that was going on the same time our savior was hanging and suffering on that cross. It is the Tamid a continual offering that the fire never went out, day or night our thoughts to be on God. Exodus 29:38-42, Leviticus 6:1-6 the first and the last.

    The morning and evening sacrifice. Jesus and his apostles after the last supper went into the garden of Gethsemane and there Jesus was taken to Annas and then Caiaphas and then early that morning to Pilate to be judged where no fault was found in Him. At the same time this was going on the priest tied the Tamid lamb to the altar and inspected it to make sure there were no blemishes.

    Jesus was placed on the cross the third hour, 9 AM same time the first Tamid lamb was sacrificed and placed on the alter, the first hour of prayer. All the sacrifices of the people will be placed on top of the first Tamid lamb.

    The 6th hour around noon the second Tamid lamb was brought out and inspected for any blemishes and darkness fell on all the land until the 9th hour around 3 PM. The second hour of prayer the time the second Tamid lamb was sacrificed and placed on top of all the sacrifices, the same time Jesus said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.

    Jesus was sacrificed once for all sin, "we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all". Jesus is the first and the last, the sacrifice that is continual forever. Jesus fulfilled all the sacrifices, not just down to the day, but to the very hour itself. His blood as the lamb's blood in Egypt did, will spare us from the second death.

    God bless,

  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on Baruch 1 - 3 years ago
    Leviticus 1:16

    And he shall pluck away his crop with his feathers, and cast it beside the altar on the east part, by the place of the ashes:

    First of all I wasn't sure what a "crop" was, so I googled it and found this definition on Wikipedia:

    "A crop (sometimes also called a croup or a craw, ingluvies, or sublingual pouch) is a thin-walled expanded portion of the alimentary tract used for the storage of food prior to digestion. This anatomical structure is found in a wide variety of animals. It has been found in birds, and in invertebrate animals including gastropods (snails and slugs), earthworms, leeches, and insects.

    Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers says:

    "His crop with his feathers.-Just as in the case of quadrupeds the skin was flayed off the victim before it was put on the altar fire, so the feathers were removed from the bird before its body was placed on the altar. This is the natural sense which is to be expected from the context, since it can hardly be imagined that the victims would be burnt with the feathers, and thus cause an intolerable smell. The rendering, however, given in the margin, "with the filth thereof," is now adopted by the greater number of expositors. As the two words filth and feathers resemble each other in Hebrew, it is probable that one of them has dropped out of the text. The maw, therefore, with its contents, as well as the feathers, were removed to the eastern side of the altar, where the ashes from the altar were thrown ( Leviticus 6:3)."

    Barnes' Notes on the Bible is typical of those that go with the marginal reading:

    "His crop with his feathers - The weight of authority is in favor of the marginal rendering. It is most probable that the feathers were burned with the body, and that the wings, mentioned in Leviticus 1:17, were not mutilated."

    Unlike larger animals, many commentators say the small size of the offering limited what the priest could do to make these parts acceptable for the alter, so they were cast away
  • Tim legarie - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    God bless you and we pray In Jesus name that others read this post.We have been studying for 15 years the word of God and have written two books.Destiny Dreams and Visions by jcbu undercover and the mysterious castle and deadly sins.The second book on page 100 gives bible verses to fight the deadly sins for people that do not study the word or people that do ,and they have room to write their own verses down.No organized religions have helped with getting these books to the people.Will not name anyone they are forgiven,but not forgotten.ANY errors in the books are mine.The Holy Spirit is the we in the books they have miracles in them for people to see on the cover of The mysterious castle there is a light shinning into a well we took that picture as we were trying to show a light shinning on a ladder,but God had a better idea he shone the light into the well.Inside the well is a map guiding the reader to the word of God.God is so good so amazing so Loving.He sent his only son to die on the cross for us all to recieve his blessings.He guided us to make a youtube channel there is no way that we could have done that without his guidance.Now we must go there is a revival starting in Canada ,and it of the main stream networks but online is alive and well ,and strong.Many boots on the ground as well.We want to support them as much as we can in peace ,and love.God bless brethern.
  • Tim legarie - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    God bless you for your comment skinny in their faith a nice word but I believe they are weak very weak not many shephards out there to guide them.If I may boast in my afflictions 8 root canals 4 crowns see people asking for prayer because they have a toothache.Or there dog has belly ache.God bless them all they are just weak learning soft in prayer ,and need a good shephard.Growing in God good title we are all growing on a journey seperate yet togeather building spiritual connections Mathew Henry 1710 The manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withal.God bless have a wonderful blessed day.
  • Tim legarie - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    God bless you for your comment.We actually write our own songs but thankyou for the recomendation.Also play a mouth harp or many different keys.If you like we can send you some new songs there in our books but new songs come to mind almost every day so constantly writing.Have been writing in little notebooks for years as well bible quotes to help me on my journey.Here is something from today.Mathew Henry 1710 The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.God bless you we will be talking again.Really liked what you said about the God of common sense.
  • Jazzy - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    Your body is the "temple of the Holy Ghost" - treat it with respect

    1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

    also Matthew 15:11 "Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."
  • Growing in God - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    The Word of God is the Bread of LIFE. You may freely eat of it. Too many of the Lords sheep are skinny (in their faith). They wait for someone to bottle feed them. Chew up the meat for you.

    How is your appetite?

    We are to get into the Bible and GORGE ourselves on the Word. John 1:1

    If you don't know a verse, Google it this way:

    Scripture, Bible Commentaries- or

    Scripture, Bible meaning

    Scripture, Bible History

    pick a website that is Christian (not Catholic, not other religions.) I like BIBLEHUB. See what the commentators wrote.

    I have yellow legal pads all over the house. I make lotsa notes. Sometimes I get one out and re-read old stuff I wrote. I can see how I've grown a bit, since then.

    JESUS does not limit us on how much we eat (consume) of His revelation. Who He is. Who He is to us personally. If something is vague, hit the Commentaries and see what others wrote.

    I was a dangerous baby Christian. I said God I want to understand all the mysteries. I didn't know what I was asking. But he will deliver the knowledge if you are ready to receive it. Keep journals. Hunger and thirst will be satisfied; as we are able to receive it.

    If the Holy Spirit tells me, or shows me something: I tear all through the Bible hunting down the revelation of what was said. You can go as far as you choose.

    One of the greatest lessons, is that the Lord is worthy to be praised and worshipped. You learn that from the Psalms. It is a decision you make to learn the value. King David worshipped God no matter what happened in his life. Psalm 51, he was hurting bad because he had betrayed God. Read of when he was hiding in the Cave of Abdullah.

    We can LIVE in Psalm 91, all the time. Faithful is He who Promised. We move from faithlessness into empowerment by the Holy Spirit.

    Learn how to sing as David did_no matter what was happening. On YouTube, listen to Psalm 23 conducted by CARL DAVIS. It will sooth your soul and you will sing.
  • OUR SCHOOLMASTER - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    Book of Galatians 3, teaches us that we are not under the Law. The law is a School master.

    We are however under "common sense".

    Galatians 4:6

    We need to be reading the Whole Bible; book after book. Slowly to grab up all the crumbs of Faith. Start in the Gospels and through to Revelation. Add in Proverbs for excellent teaching on WISDOM. Add Psalms for Emotional Healing and Strength.

    Get a 24 pack of highlighters and make that Bible look like Someone read it wall-to-wall; and dug up all the silver and gold nuggets of Wisdom.

    Get a Student Reference Bible and learn how to pull into your study, all the side scriptures and prophesies. Like in Psalms there is a prophesy about Judas. Jesus knew Judas would betray him.

    Learn how To use the search engine on this website to look up scriptures to search for scriptures you barely remember so you can study them again. There's so many tools you can use in your studies. Then come back in here and tell me: DID YOU KNOW THAT. and hit me with some revelation :D I love love love that!

    Always Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to teach you what you are reading. He is your #1 Teacher. He can open up scripture like you cannot imagine. He will peel back the veil and let you see wonders; reveal JESUS just to you. Then you get to teach that to someone else. That's how the whole thing is supposed to work!

    Google the Ministry of the Holy Spirit; what He does for believers. You are hunting without bullets if you don't know enough to get some.

    We're going to run into opposition eventually, Ephesians 6. You must know how to fight back the way God wants us to fight evil spirits.

    Read Romans 1. The GODHEAD. The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person of the Godhead. He co-created this earth. He is most beloved of Jesus. He is the spirit of Christ Jesus. The law of Christ makes us FREE.

    God keep you close and may the Lord bless and keep you.
  • Lee R. Rayner on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    After reading Your scripture reading Leviticus 6. I really though about Our Savior on the cross & what He did for us & what it all represents. I love him . He not only saved us, he has saved us a lot of hassel & yoke like stuff . Its know wonder he said my yoke is easy and burden is light. This does not half to be confidential. But thanks anyway. God bless.
  • Tim legarie on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    So does this mean today as believers we can eat the unleavened bread and frankensense and meat offerings?
  • David - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    Chris Forget the comment made by me I'm a different David commenting on something else sorry!
  • David - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    Hi Chris Thanks for the info but what I addressed had nothing to do with that also like you said your not saying the talmud is truth so I will stick with what I know Is. I'm thankful for the [figure of speech] Fire of the spiritual gift of Holy spirit that helps to cleans me of error or sin after I was born again. An interesting custom in the east is that in the houses they kept a candle burning 24/7 to represent the presences of God it is to this day part of their culture.
  • Chris - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    Hello David. The Bible does not specify what happened to the fire on the Altar whilst Israel was on their march. Just as we don't know how the Shewbread on the table ( Exodus 25:30) was replaced. I understand most scholars agree that the Fire was extinguished for the duration of the march, but re-lit whilst in situ near the Tabernacle. Likewise, the Shewbread was replaced by a synchronized sliding in of the new Bread as the old one was removed.

    It's interesting that the Jerusalem Talmud has this to say about it (for your interest only & not as declared Truth):

    "Rabbi Yohanan said, "Even during transport the fire was not allowed to go out". What did they do? During transport they covered the fire with a copper hood. Rabbi Shimon said, "During transport they tended the fire in a separate vessel, not on the altar itself".

    Whether Jews today still accept the belief of those Rabbis, I'm unclear.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    Brother David, the ALTER FIRE is: The Fire of the Lord, the same fire that burned up Gideon's offering, the same fire in the bush before Moses, same fire that Elijah called down, same fire that destroyed Sodom, same fire you are baptised with, the same fire on the mountain when Moses received the commandments, same fire before the children of Israel in the wilderness, same fire in Malachi 3 that purifies us, same fire in 1 Corinthians 3:15 that saves us, same fire IN REVELATION.

    Aaron's son were killed because they used strange fire (probably physical) instead of the FIRE OF THE LORD.

    Yes, they carried the alter fire with them, it's WITHIN US today.
  • Stones of Remembrance and Altars - In Reply on Leviticus 6 - 3 years ago
    Wisdom's seven pillars in the Bible: according to scripture, are: fear of the Lord, instruction, knowledge, understanding, discretion, counsel, and reproof.

    1 Samuel 7:7-12 depicts the Israelites under imminent attack from the Philistines. God leads them to victory, so Samuel erects a large stone and names it Ebenezer, meaning 'the stone of help'.

    Genesis 28-32+

    The first Biblical reference to memorial stones comes in Genesis 28: 10-22, when Jacob set a pillar in Bethel to commemorate a powerful vision of God that he experienced while sleeping there. The experience was so striking that Jacob felt that it must be commemorated, so he erected the stone upon which he slept. [comment: Jacob built pillars all along his path. Stones of remembrance.]

    Altar Fires Leviticus 6

    12 And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order upon it; and he shall burn thereon the fat of the peace offerings.

    13 The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.

    [priests oversaw the altar duties]

    Comment: Pillars of stones were used to mark or commemorate something. For some of us it would be well to build a pillar of stones to remember that a major life event (like forgiveness to an individual) took place and the pile is testimony to that. For some of us, each stone is a person who wronged us, and we forgave them. Or, Maybe a fallen friend on a battlefield you want to remember forever.

    No comments please. People remember others their own way. Veterans Day is set aside to remember fallen soldiers. I have a basket of rocks taken from each grave, of a soldier I honor. They are not forgotten.

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